private void materialButtonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxCodename.Text != string.Empty || textBoxChannel.Text != string.Empty) { try { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae = textBoxCodename.Text.ToLower().Trim(); oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmware = textBoxChannel.Text.ToUpper().Trim(); cAppend("Added new device codename: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae); cAppend("Added new device channel: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmware); oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); cAppend("Added new device codename: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae + "{OK}"); cAppend("Added new device channel: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmware + "{OK}"); } catch (Exception er) { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR adding new device", er.ToString()); cAppend("Added new device codename: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae + "{ERROR} " + er); cAppend("Added new device channel: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmware + "{ERROR} " + er); } } else { cAppend("Add New Device: The boxes can't be empty!"); Dialogs.WarningDialog("Add New Device", "The boxes can't be empty!"); } }
private void MaterialButtonClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); if (oConfigMng.Config.Autosavelogs == "true") { cAppend("EXIT: Saving FlashTool logs..."); cAppendDebloat("EXIT: Saving FlashTool logs..."); try { string filePath = @"C:\adb\.settings\Logs\FlashToolMoveFilesToTWRP.txt"; string filePath2 = @"C:\adb\.settings\Logs\FlashToolDebloat.txt"; cAppend("EXIT: Saving FlashTool logs... {OK}"); cAppendDebloat("EXIT: Saving FlashTool logs... {OK}"); consoleMFTT.SaveFile(filePath, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); consoleDebloat.SaveFile(filePath2, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); cAppend("EXIT: Saving FlashTool logs... {ERROR}"); cAppendDebloat("EXIT: Saving FlashTool logs... {ERROR}"); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("An error has occured while attempting to save the output...", ex.ToString()); } } this.Dispose(); }
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; try { for (int i = 1; (i <= 10); i++) { if ((worker.CancellationPending == true)) { e.Cancel = true; break; } else { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300); worker.ReportProgress((i * 10)); } } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("MotoTool Error", er.Message); } }
public void closeform() { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); if (this.webClient != null) { if (oConfigMng.Config.Autosavelogs == "true") { cAppend("EXIT: Saving Download logs..."); try { string filePath = @"C:\adb\.settings\Logs\DownloadLogs.txt"; cAppend("EXIT: Saving Download logs... {OK}"); console.SaveFile(filePath, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); cAppend("EXIT: Saving Download logs... {ERROR}"); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("An error has occured while attempting to save the output...", ex.ToString()); } } KillAsync(); } return; }
private void MaterialButtonClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (oConfigMng.Config.Autosavelogs == "true") { cAppend("EXIT: Saving Firmware logs..."); try { string filePath = @"C:\adb\.settings\Logs\FirmwareLogs.txt"; cAppend("EXIT: Saving Firmware logs... {OK}"); console.SaveFile(filePath, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); cAppend("EXIT: Saving Firmware logs... {ERROR}"); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("An error has occured while attempting to save the output...", ex.ToString()); } } var download = new DownloadUI(); if (download.webClient != null) { download.webClient.CancelAsync(); download.Dispose(); this.Dispose(); } else { download.Dispose(); this.Dispose(); } }
private void Uninstall_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Dispose(Disposing); try { Process myprocess = new Process(); string arg = @"/c taskkill /f"; try { foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("MotoTool")) { arg += " /pid " + p.Id; } ProcessStartInfo process = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd"); process.UseShellExecute = false; process.CreateNoWindow = true; process.Verb = "runas"; process.Arguments = arg; Process.Start(process); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Killing Process", "Killing process failed: {0} " + er.Message); } Application.ExitThread(); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Exit Process", "Exit failed: {ToolUI} " + er.Message); } }
public void DownloadFile(string urlAddress, string location) { if (InternetCheck.ConnectToInternet() == true) { using (webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(Completed); webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(ProgressChanged); Uri URL = urlAddress.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? new Uri(urlAddress) : new Uri("https://" + urlAddress); sw.Start(); try { webClient.DownloadFileAsync(URL, location); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Download error", ex.Message); } } } else { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Download failed", "Please check your internet connection!"); } }
public static void OpenFirmwareFolder(string firmchannel) { try { Folders.OpenFolder(@"adb\Firmware\" + firmchannel); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Open Folder", "Error: " + er); } }
public void UnzipUI_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { extractFile.CancelAsync(); extractFile.Dispose(); this.Dispose(Disposing); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Exit Process", "Exit failed: {UnzipUI} " + er.Message); } }
private void contact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InternetCheck.ConnectToInternet() == true) { if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") & File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") == true) { BrowserCheck.StartBrowser("MicrosoftEdge.exe", ""); } else { BrowserCheck.StartBrowser("Chrome.exe", ""); } } else { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Network Lost", "Please check your internet connection!"); } }
private void howtouseit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InternetCheck.ConnectToInternet() == true) { if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") & File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") == true) { BrowserCheck.StartBrowser("MicrosoftEdge.exe", ""); } else { BrowserCheck.StartBrowser("Chrome.exe", ""); } } else { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: " + LangEngine.internetchecktitle, LangEngine.internetcheck); } }
private void contact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InternetCheck.ConnectToInternet() == true) { if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") & File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") == true) { BrowserCheck.StartBrowser("MicrosoftEdge.exe", ""); } else { BrowserCheck.StartBrowser("Chrome.exe", ""); } } else { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: " + LangEngine.internetchecktitle, LangEngine.internetcheck); } }
private void ProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) { labelspeed.Text = string.Format("{0} kb/s", (e.BytesReceived / 1024d / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds).ToString("0.00")); labelPerc.Text = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString() + "%"; labelfilesize.Text = string.Format("{0} MB's / {1} MB's", (e.BytesReceived / 1024d / 1024d).ToString("0.00"), (e.TotalBytesToReceive / 1024d / 1024d).ToString("0.00")); ProgressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; try { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmwareInfo) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeFirmware = e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString(""); oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DeviceTWPRInfo) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeTWRP = e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString(""); oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeTWRPPermanent) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeTWRPPermanent = e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString(""); oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DeviceBlankFlash) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeBlankFlash = e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString(""); oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Saving file sizes", "Error: " + er); } }
public static void MotoDrivers() { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Motrola Drivers", "Error on loading Motorola drivers... Now Tool will install it!"); Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Program Files\MotoTool\MotorolaDeviceManager_2.5.4.exe"); process.StartInfo = processStartInfo; Dialogs.WarningDialog("Motrola Drivers: Warning", "Please install the following drivers! MotoTool will be closed!"); if (!process.Start()) { try { Process myprocess = new Process(); string arg = @"/c taskkill /f"; try { foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("adb.exe")) { arg += " /pid " + p.Id; } ProcessStartInfo process2 = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd"); process2.UseShellExecute = false; process2.CreateNoWindow = true; process2.Verb = "runas"; process2.Arguments = arg; Process.Start(process2); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Killing Process {0}", "Killing process failed: {ADB} " + er.Message); } process.WaitForExit(); Application.Restart(); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Exit Process", "Exit failed: {MotoToolUI} " + er.Message); } } }
private void exit(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); if (oConfigMng.Config.Autosavelogs == "true") { cAppend("EXIT: Saving New Device logs..."); try { string filePath = @"C:\adb\.settings\Logs\NewDeviceLogs.txt"; cAppend("EXIT: Saving New Device logs... {OK}"); console.SaveFile(filePath, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); cAppend("EXIT: Saving New Device logs... {ERROR}"); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("An error has occured while attempting to save the output...", ex.ToString()); } } }
public void ExtractFile_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { string fileName = textBox_FilePath.Text; string extractPath = textBox_ExtractionFolder.Text; //get the size of the zip file FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); fileSize = fileInfo.Length; using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zipFile = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(fileName)) { //reset the bytes total extracted to 0 extractedSizeTotal = 0; int fileAmount = zipFile.Count; int fileIndex = 0; zipFile.ExtractProgress += Zip_ExtractProgress; foreach (Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry ZipEntry in zipFile) { if (fileInfo.Exists) { ZipEntry.Extract(extractPath, Ionic.Zip.ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); } fileIndex++; compressedFileName = "(" + fileIndex.ToString() + "/" + fileAmount + "): " + ZipEntry.FileName; //get the size of a single compressed file compressedSize = ZipEntry.CompressedSize; ZipEntry.Extract(extractPath, Ionic.Zip.ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); //calculate the bytes total extracted extractedSizeTotal += compressedSize; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: UNZIP", ex.ToString()); } }
private void YES_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (bw.IsBusy != true) { bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } Dialogs.WarningDialog("CHECK: Please select yes on uninstaller box!", "Uninstall Warning: Please select yes on uninstaller box!"); Process unins = Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files\MotoTool\unins000.exe"); int id = unins.Id; Process tempProc = Process.GetProcessById(id); this.Visible = false; tempProc.WaitForExit(); Application.Exit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Error: Uninstall", "Uninstall failed: {0} " + ex.Message); } }
public static void CreateFolders(string Foldername) { var paths = new[] { Foldername }; foreach (var path in paths) { try { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(@"C:\adb"); continue; } var di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Creating Folders", "Error: " + er); } } }
public static void TOOLDOWNLOAD(string serverpath, string serverpath2, string fchannelname) { if (InternetCheck.ConnectToInternet() == true) { try { reader = new XmlTextReader(xmlUrl + serverpath + serverpath2); reader.MoveToContent(); string elementName = ""; if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == fchannelname)) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { elementName = reader.Name; } else { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) && (reader.HasValue)) { switch (elementName) { case "url": downloadUrl = reader.Value; DOWNLOADPath = downloadUrl; break; case "name": filename = reader.Value; break; case "filepath": filepath = reader.Value; SAVEPath = filepath; break; case "filepathname": filepathname = reader.Value; SAVEPathname = filepathname; break; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Download Error", ex.Message); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } } else { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Network Lost", "Network lost... Please check your internet connection!"); } }
public void Completed(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { // Here if its cancelled by the button, this will show a messagge if (e.Cancelled == true) { cAppend("Download has been canceled: " + DownloadsMng.filename); materialButton10.Enabled = false; materialButton23.Enabled = true; Dialogs.InfoDialog(DownloadsMng.filename, "Download has been canceled"); try { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmwareInfo) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeFirmware = ""; oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DeviceTWPRInfo) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeTWRP = ""; oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } if (DownloadsMng.filename == oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeTWRPPermanent) { oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeTWRPPermanent = ""; oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Removing file sizes", "Error: " + er); } return; } sw.Reset(); cAppend("Download completed!"); ProgressBar1.Value = 0; try { if (Path.GetExtension(DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname).Equals(".zip")) { // Check TWRP Installer try { string partialName = "twrp"; DirectoryInfo hdDirectoryInWhichToSearch = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\adb\TWRP\"); FileInfo[] filesInDir = hdDirectoryInWhichToSearch.GetFiles("*" + partialName + "*.*"); foreach (FileInfo foundFile in filesInDir) { string fullName = foundFile.FullName; if (fullName == DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname) { cAppend(DownloadsMng.filename + " Info" + "\nDownload complete, " + DownloadsMng.filename + "is located at: " + Environment.NewLine + "'" + DownloadsMng.SAVEPath + "'."); Dialogs.InfoDialog(DownloadsMng.filename + " Info", "Download complete, " + DownloadsMng.filename + "is located at: " + Environment.NewLine + "'" + DownloadsMng.SAVEPath + "'."); closeform(); this.Dispose(); return; } } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Verify TWRP INSTALLER", "Error: " + er); } // If its zip file, show this general messagge cAppend(DownloadsMng.filename + " Info" + "\nDownload complete, " + DownloadsMng.filename + "is located at: " + Environment.NewLine + "'" + DownloadsMng.SAVEPath + "'."); Dialogs.InfoDialog(DownloadsMng.filename + " Info", "Download complete, " + DownloadsMng.filename + "is located at: " + Environment.NewLine + "'" + DownloadsMng.SAVEPath + "'."); this.Hide(); // here if xml reader firmware exctrated equals to 0, this will extract the downloaded zip! try { if (oConfigMng.Config.FirmwareExtracted == "0") { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(DownloadsMng.filename); var unzip = new UnzipUI(); unzip.textBox_FilePath.Text = DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname; unzip.textBox_ExtractionFolder.Text = DownloadsMng.filepath + DownloadsMng.filename; unzip.Text = "Unzip: " + DownloadsMng.filename; if (unzip.textBox_FilePath.Text != string.Empty && unzip.textBox_ExtractionFolder.Text != string.Empty) { unzip.extractFile.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Strings.MsgBoxUnzippyAlert(); } unzip.Show(); if (File.Exists(DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname)) { File.Delete(DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname); } closeform(); this.Dispose(); return; } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Unzip File", "Error: " + er); } closeform(); this.Dispose(); return; } else { closeform(); return; } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Verify ZIP files", "Error: " + er); } }
public static void ReadFirmwareFlashAB(string devicecodename) { try { reader = new XmlTextReader(FlashReadPath + devicecodename + ".xml"); reader.MoveToContent(); string elementName = ""; if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "flash" + devicecodename)) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { elementName = reader.Name; } else { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) && (reader.HasValue)) { switch (elementName) { case "devices": devices = reader.Value; break; case "set_a": set_a = reader.Value; break; case "getvar": getvar = reader.Value; break; case "oem": oem = reader.Value; break; case "gpt": gpt = reader.Value; break; case "bootloader": bootloader = reader.Value; break; case "vbmeta_a": vbmeta_a = reader.Value; break; case "vbmeta_b": vbmeta_b = reader.Value; break; case "modem_a": modem_a = reader.Value; break; case "modem_b": modem_b = reader.Value; break; case "fsg_a": fsg_a = reader.Value; break; case "fsg_b": fsg_b = reader.Value; break; case "modemst1": modemst1 = reader.Value; break; case "modemst2": modemst2 = reader.Value; break; case "bluetooth_a": bluetooth_a = reader.Value; break; case "bluetooth_b": bluetooth_b = reader.Value; break; case "dsp_a": dsp_a = reader.Value; break; case "dsp_b": dsp_b = reader.Value; break; case "logo_a": logo_a = reader.Value; break; case "logo_b": logo_b = reader.Value; break; case "boot_a": boot_a = reader.Value; break; case "boot_b": boot_b = reader.Value; break; case "dtbo_a": dtbo_a = reader.Value; break; case "dtbo_b": dtbo_b = reader.Value; break; case "system_a_0": system_a_0 = reader.Value; break; case "system_a_1": system_a_1 = reader.Value; break; case "system_a_2": system_a_2 = reader.Value; break; case "system_a_3": system_a_3 = reader.Value; break; case "system_a_4": system_a_4 = reader.Value; break; case "system_a_5": system_a_5 = reader.Value; break; case "system_b_0": system_b_0 = reader.Value; break; case "system_b_1": system_b_1 = reader.Value; break; case "system_b_2": system_b_2 = reader.Value; break; case "oem_a": oem_a = reader.Value; break; case "oem_b": oem_b = reader.Value; break; case "vendor_a": vendor_a = reader.Value; break; case "vendor_a_0": vendor_a_0 = reader.Value; break; case "vendor_a_1": vendor_a_1 = reader.Value; break; case "vendor_b": vendor_b = reader.Value; break; case "vendor_b_0": vendor_b_0 = reader.Value; break; case "vendor_b_1": vendor_b_1 = reader.Value; break; case "erasecarrier": erasecarrier = reader.Value; break; case "eraseuserdata": eraseuserdata = reader.Value; break; case "eraseddr": eraseddr = reader.Value; break; case "oemclear": oemclear = reader.Value; break; case "reboot": reboot = reader.Value; break; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("Firmware Read: ERROR", ex.Message); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }
public static void CheckDevice(string device, string readdevice) { if (InternetCheck.ConnectToInternet() == true) { if (InternetCheck.CheckServerRed(FirmwareServerPath + device) == false) { try { reader = new XmlTextReader(FirmwareServerPath + device); reader.MoveToContent(); string elementName = ""; if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == readdevice)) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { elementName = reader.Name; } else { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) && (reader.HasValue)) { switch (elementName) { case "amserver": amserver = reader.Value; break; case "retserver": retserver = reader.Value; break; case "othersserver": othersserver = reader.Value; break; case "tefserver": tefserver = reader.Value; break; case "fserverMaintenance": fserverMaintenance = reader.Value; break; case "devicecodename": devicecodename = reader.Value; break; case "twrpname": twrpname = reader.Value; break; case "twrpinstallername": twrpinstallername = reader.Value; break; case "blankflashname": unbrickname = reader.Value; break; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); Dialogs.ErrorDialog(Strings.DeviceServerErrorTitle, ex.Message); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } } else { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("SERVER IS DOWN", "Please MotoTool will be back when server returns back!"); } } else { Strings.MSGBOXServerNetworkLost(); } }
public static void ExtractAll() { try { if (!File.Exists("C:\\adb\\adb.exe")) { Stream adb1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Franco28Tool.Engine.Resources.adb.adb.exe"); FileStream adb = new FileStream("C:\\adb\\adb.exe", FileMode.CreateNew); for (int i = 0; i < adb1.Length; i++) { adb.WriteByte((byte)adb1.ReadByte()); } adb.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("C:\\adb\\fastboot.exe")) { Stream fastboot1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Franco28Tool.Engine.Resources.adb.fastboot.exe"); FileStream fastboot = new FileStream("C:\\adb\\fastboot.exe", FileMode.CreateNew); for (int i = 0; i < fastboot1.Length; i++) { fastboot.WriteByte((byte)fastboot1.ReadByte()); } fastboot.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("C:\\adb\\AdbWinUsbApi.dll")) { Stream AdbWinUsbApi1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Franco28Tool.Engine.Resources.adb.AdbWinUsbApi.dll"); FileStream AdbWinUsbApi = new FileStream("C:\\adb\\AdbWinUsbApi.dll", FileMode.CreateNew); for (int i = 0; i < AdbWinUsbApi1.Length; i++) { AdbWinUsbApi.WriteByte((byte)AdbWinUsbApi1.ReadByte()); } AdbWinUsbApi.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("C:\\adb\\AdbWinApi.dll")) { Stream AdbWinApi1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Franco28Tool.Engine.Resources.adb.AdbWinApi.dll"); FileStream AdbWinApi = new FileStream("C:\\adb\\AdbWinApi.dll", FileMode.CreateNew); for (int i = 0; i < AdbWinApi1.Length; i++) { AdbWinApi.WriteByte((byte)AdbWinApi1.ReadByte()); } AdbWinApi.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("C:\\adb\\libwinpthread-1.dll")) { Stream libwinpthread1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Franco28Tool.Engine.Resources.adb.libwinpthread-1.dll"); FileStream libwinpthread = new FileStream("C:\\adb\\libwinpthread-1.dll", FileMode.CreateNew); for (int i = 0; i < libwinpthread1.Length; i++) { libwinpthread.WriteByte((byte)libwinpthread1.ReadByte()); } libwinpthread.Close(); } if (!File.Exists("C:\\adb\\")) { Stream source1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(""); FileStream source = new FileStream("C:\\adb\\", FileMode.CreateNew); for (int i = 0; i < source1.Length; i++) { source.WriteByte((byte)source1.ReadByte()); } source.Close(); } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog(@"FATAL ERROR EXTRACTING ADB-FASTBOOT:", "Error: " + er); } }
private async void flash_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (materialSwitchFlashAll.Checked == false && materialSwitchFlashAllExceptModem.Checked == false) { cAppend("MOTO FLASH: Please select an option!"); Dialogs.WarningDialog("Moto Flash", "Please select an option!"); return; } string firmwarepath = @"C:\\adb\\Firmware\\" + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmware + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmwareInfo; Thread.Sleep(3000); if (state == IDDeviceState.FASTBOOT || state == IDDeviceState.BOOTLOADER) { try { cAppend("MOTO FLASH: Settings firmware path: " + firmwarepath); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(firmwarepath); cAppend("MOTO FLASH: Waiting for device..."); await Task.Run(() => ADB.WaitForDevice()); cAppend("MOTO FLASH: Rebooting into bootloader mode."); await Task.Run(() => ADB.Instance().Reboot(IDBoot.BOOTLOADER)); if (materialSwitchFlashAll.Checked == true) { cAppend("Device Info: Waiting for device..."); await Task.Run(() => ADB.WaitForDevice()); if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "sofiar" && oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "doha" && oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "ocean" && oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "evert") { FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.set_a); } FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.getvar); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.gpt); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bootloader); if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "sanders") { FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_3); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_4); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_5); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_6); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_7); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_8); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_9); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_10); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_a); } if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "potter") { FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_3); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_4); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_5); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_6); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_7); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_8); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_a); } if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "ocean") { FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modem_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modem_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dtbo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dtbo_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_3); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_4); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_5); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_6); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_7); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_8); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_9); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_b_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_b_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_b_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_b_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_b_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_b); } if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "sofiar") { FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vbmeta_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vbmeta_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.radio_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.radio_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dtbo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dtbo_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.recovery_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.recovery_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_3); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_4); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_5); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_6); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_7); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_8); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_9); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_10); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_11); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_12); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_13); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_14); } if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "doha") { FirmwareFlashRead.ReadFirmwareFlashAB(oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vbmeta_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vbmeta_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modem_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modem_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dtbo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dtbo_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_3); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_4); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_5); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_b_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_b_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_b); } if (oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae == "beckham") { FirmwareFlashRead.ReadFirmwareFlashAB(oConfigMng.Config.DeviceCodenmae); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modem_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.fsg_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.modemst2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.bluetooth_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.dsp_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.logo_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.boot_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_1); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_2); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_3); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_4); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_a_5); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.system_b_0); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oem_b); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_a); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.vendor_b); } FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.erasecarrier); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.eraseuserdata); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.eraseddr); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.oemclear); FFlash(FirmwareFlashRead.reboot); Dialogs.InfoDialog("FIRMWARE Installed!", "FIRMWARE: " + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmwareInfo + " installed!"); } // no modem if (materialSwitchFlashAllExceptModem.Checked == true) { cAppend("Moto Flash: Flash No Modem: This option is not ready yet..."); Dialogs.WarningDialog("Moto Flash: Flash No Modem", "This option is not ready yet..."); materialSwitchFlashAllExceptModem.Checked = false; return; } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.WarningDialog("Moto Flash: ERROR", er.Message); } } else { Dialogs.WarningDialog("Moto Flash", "Please plug your device! Remember to plug your phone on Fastboot Mode!"); } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Moto Flash", "Error: " + er); return; } }
public void downloadstart() { oConfigMng.LoadConfig(); string firmwarepath = @"C:\\adb\\Firmware\\" + oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmware + @"\\" + DownloadsMng.filename; string firmwarezip = DownloadsMng.filepathname; var dld = new DownloadUI(); try { cAppend("FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD: Checking firmware files..."); if (File.Exists(firmwarezip) && oConfigMng.Config.FirmwareExtracted == "0") { long length = new FileInfo(firmwarezip).Length; string vIn = oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeFirmware; long vOut = Convert.ToInt64(vIn); if (length == vOut) { cAppend("FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD: Firmware already exist, now it will be exctracted"); DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(DownloadsMng.filename); var unzip = new UnzipUI(); unzip.textBox_FilePath.Text = DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname; unzip.textBox_ExtractionFolder.Text = firmwarepath; unzip.Text = "Unzip: " + DownloadsMng.filename; cAppend("FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD EXTRACTING: Firmware " + DownloadsMng.filename); if (unzip.textBox_FilePath.Text != string.Empty && unzip.textBox_ExtractionFolder.Text != string.Empty) { unzip.extractFile.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Strings.MsgBoxUnzippyAlert(); } unzip.Show(); return; } else { Strings.MSGBOXFileCorrupted(); oConfigMng.Config.DownloadFileSizeFirmware = ""; cAppend(@"FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD: File is corrupted \: " + DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname); File.Delete(DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname); oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmwareInfo = DownloadsMng.filename; oConfigMng.Config.FirmwareExtracted = "0"; oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); openChildForm(dld); return; } } else if (oConfigMng.Config.FirmwareExtracted == "1") { cAppend("FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD: Firmware already " + DownloadsMng.SAVEPathname); return; } } catch (Exception er) { Logs.DebugErrorLogs(er); Dialogs.ErrorDialog("ERROR: Unzip File", "Error: " + er); return; } if (Directory.Exists(firmwarepath)) { DirectoryInfo files = new DirectoryInfo(firmwarepath + @"\"); if (!File.Exists(files + "*.img") || !File.Exists("*.bin")) { cAppend("Can't find firmware images on folder! firmware will be downloaded again! \nFirmware: " + DownloadsMng.filename); Dialogs.ErrorDialog(DownloadsMng.filename, "Can't find firmware images on folder! firmware will be downloaded again! \nFirmware: " + DownloadsMng.filename); openChildForm(dld); return; } cAppend("Firmware already downloaded! \nFirmware: " + DownloadsMng.filename); Dialogs.InfoDialog(DownloadsMng.filename, "Firmware already downloaded! \nFirmware: " + DownloadsMng.filename); return; } else { CreateFirmwareFolder(); oConfigMng.Config.DeviceFirmwareInfo = DownloadsMng.filename; oConfigMng.Config.FirmwareExtracted = "0"; oConfigMng.SaveConfig(); openChildForm(dld); } }
public static void ReadLang(string langxml, string lang) { try { reader = new XmlTextReader(LangFilePath + langxml); reader.MoveToContent(); string elementName = ""; if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == lang)) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { elementName = reader.Name; } else { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) && (reader.HasValue)) { switch (elementName) { case "btnfolder": btnfolder = reader.Value; break; case "btnadbfolder": btnadbfolder = reader.Value; break; case "btnclearfolder": btnclearfolder = reader.Value; break; case "btndownloads": btndownloads = reader.Value; break; case "btnfolderpath": btnfolderpath = reader.Value; break; case "btnmovefilestotwrp": btnmovefilestotwrp = reader.Value; break; case "btnunins": btnunins = reader.Value; break; case "btncheck4updates": btncheck4updates = reader.Value; break; case "btnrefreshtool": btnrefreshtool = reader.Value; break; case "btnhelp": btnhelp = reader.Value; break; case "btnexit": btnexit = reader.Value; break; case "btnunlock": btnunlock = reader.Value; break; case "btnlock": btnlock = reader.Value; break; case "otherslabel": otherslabel = reader.Value; break; case "btndownloadtwrppermanent": btndownloadtwrppermanent = reader.Value; break; case "rebotlabel": rebotlabel = reader.Value; break; case "langselect": langselect = reader.Value; break; case "dstatus": dstatus = reader.Value; break; case "toolwaitdownload": toolwaitdownload = reader.Value; break; case "freeram": freeram = reader.Value; break; case "foldersize": foldersize = reader.Value; break; case "username": username = reader.Value; break; case "rtabyeapf": rtabyeapf = reader.Value; break; case "internetchecktitle": internetchecktitle = reader.Value; break; case "internetcheck": internetcheck = reader.Value; break; case "internetcheckfiles": internetcheckfiles = reader.Value; break; case "dchannel": dchannel = reader.Value; break; case "dnotcompatibletitle": dnotcompatibletitle = reader.Value; break; case "dnotcompatiblebody": dnotcompatiblebody = reader.Value; break; case "deviceconnectedlistbox": deviceconnectedlistbox = reader.Value; break; case "devicecodenamelistbox": devicecodenamelistbox = reader.Value; break; case "connectmodelistbox": connectmodelistbox = reader.Value; break; case "deviceseriallistbox": deviceseriallistbox = reader.Value; break; case "batterylistbox": batterylistbox = reader.Value; break; case "batterytemplistbox": batterytemplistbox = reader.Value; break; case "batteryhealthlistbox": batteryhealthlistbox = reader.Value; break; case "devicerememberlistbox": devicerememberlistbox = reader.Value; break; case "deviceconnectedlistboxoff": deviceconnectedlistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "devicecodenamelistboxoff": devicecodenamelistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "connectmodelistboxoff": connectmodelistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "deviceseriallistboxoff": deviceseriallistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "batterylistboxoff": batterylistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "batterytemplistboxoff": batterytemplistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "batteryhealthlistboxoff": batteryhealthlistboxoff = reader.Value; break; case "newtoolupdate": newtoolupdate = reader.Value; break; case "newtoolupdate2": newtoolupdate2 = reader.Value; break; case "noupdatetitle": noupdatetitle = reader.Value; break; case "noupdatebody": noupdatebody = reader.Value; break; case "updateerrortitle": updateerrortitle = reader.Value; break; case "themeenginetitle": themeenginetitle = reader.Value; break; case "themeenginedarkbody": themeenginedarkbody = reader.Value; break; case "themeenginelightbody": themeenginelightbody = reader.Value; break; case "errorstartingadb": errorstartingadb = reader.Value; break; case "errorreadingout": errorreadingout = reader.Value; break; case "bootloaderreadmetitle": bootloaderreadmetitle = reader.Value; break; case "bootloaderreadme": bootloaderreadme = reader.Value; break; case "lockbootloadertitle": lockbootloadertitle = reader.Value; break; case "lockbootloaderbody1": lockbootloaderbody1 = reader.Value; break; case "lockbootloaderbody2": lockbootloaderbody2 = reader.Value; break; case "lockbootloaderbody3": lockbootloaderbody3 = reader.Value; break; case "lockingbl": lockingbl = reader.Value; break; case "lockingblok": lockingblok = reader.Value; break; case "lockblcancel": lockblcancel = reader.Value; break; case "checkingdeviceconnection": checkingdeviceconnection = reader.Value; break; case "checkingdeviceconnectionok": checkingdeviceconnectionok = reader.Value; break; case "devicerebooting": devicerebooting = reader.Value; break; case "connectdevice": connectdevice = reader.Value; break; case "connectdevicemototool": connectdevicemototool = reader.Value; break; case "connecttotwrp": connecttotwrp = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashplug": motoflashplug = reader.Value; break; case "interneconnectionoff": interneconnectionoff = reader.Value; break; case "interneconnectionok": interneconnectionok = reader.Value; break; case "readfirmware": readfirmware = reader.Value; break; case "debloatothersbox": debloatothersbox = reader.Value; break; case "debloatothershelp": debloatothershelp = reader.Value; break; case "debloatothers": debloatothers = reader.Value; break; case "flashtwrppermanent": flashtwrppermanent = reader.Value; break; case "flashtwrpab": flashtwrpab = reader.Value; break; case "twrpnotsupport": twrpnotsupport = reader.Value; break; case "twrpbooting": twrpbooting = reader.Value; break; case "blankflashnotsupport": blankflashnotsupport = reader.Value; break; case "blankflashcheck": blankflashcheck = reader.Value; break; case "cantfindlogo": cantfindlogo = reader.Value; break; case "logomissing": logomissing = reader.Value; break; case "motodrivers": motodrivers = reader.Value; break; case "motodriversinstall": motodriversinstall = reader.Value; break; case "clearfolderstitle": clearfolderstitle = reader.Value; break; case "clearfoldersbody": clearfoldersbody = reader.Value; break; case "openfoldererror": openfoldererror = reader.Value; break; case "createfoldererror": createfoldererror = reader.Value; break; case "clearfolderswarns2": clearfolderswarns2 = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXServerNetworkLosttitle": MSGBOXServerNetworkLosttitle = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXServerNetworkLost": MSGBOXServerNetworkLost = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXFileCorruptedtitle": MSGBOXFileCorruptedtitle = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXFileCorruptedbody": MSGBOXFileCorruptedbody = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXBootloaderWarning": MSGBOXBootloaderWarning = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXFirmwareMissingtitle": MSGBOXFirmwareMissingtitle = reader.Value; break; case "MSGBOXFirmwareMissingbody": MSGBOXFirmwareMissingbody = reader.Value; break; case "MsgBoxResultFirmwareInfo": MsgBoxResultFirmwareInfo = reader.Value; break; case "downloadUIdownloading": downloadUIdownloading = reader.Value; break; case "downloadUIdownloadcancel": downloadUIdownloadcancel = reader.Value; break; case "downloadUIdownloadcomplete": downloadUIdownloadcomplete = reader.Value; break; case "downloadUIfilelocate": downloadUIfilelocate = reader.Value; break; case "firmwareselected": firmwareselected = reader.Value; break; case "firmwarechannel": firmwarechannel = reader.Value; break; case "firmwarealreadydownloaded": firmwarealreadydownloaded = reader.Value; break; case "firmwareerror": firmwareerror = reader.Value; break; case "movetotwrpdrag": movetotwrpdrag = reader.Value; break; case "movetotwrpfilestitle": movetotwrpfilestitle = reader.Value; break; case "movetotwrpcopy": movetotwrpcopy = reader.Value; break; case "movetotwrpcopy1": movetotwrpcopy1 = reader.Value; break; case "movetotwrpfilescopy": movetotwrpfilescopy = reader.Value; break; case "movetotwrpfilescopy1": movetotwrpfilescopy1 = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashdevicenotcompatibletitle": motoflashdevicenotcompatibletitle = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashdevicenotcompatible": motoflashdevicenotcompatible = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashdownload": motoflashdownload = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashselectoption": motoflashselectoption = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashdetect": motoflashdetect = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashinstalled": motoflashinstalled = reader.Value; break; case "motoflashdowngrade": motoflashdowngrade = reader.Value; break; case "clearfolderswarn": clearfolderswarn = reader.Value; break; case "clearfolderscont": clearfolderscont = reader.Value; break; case "clearyesbtn": clearyesbtn = reader.Value; break; case "help": help = reader.Value; break; case "helpsource": helpsource = reader.Value; break; case "helphowto": helphowto = reader.Value; break; case "helpcontact": helpcontact = reader.Value; break; case "helpsourceinf": helpsourceinf = reader.Value; break; case "helpcoy": helpcoy = reader.Value; break; case "helptoolcompiled": helptoolcompiled = reader.Value; break; case "helptoolversion": helptoolversion = reader.Value; break; case "uninstallwarn": uninstallwarn = reader.Value; break; case "uninscont": uninscont = reader.Value; break; case "seleclanguilabel": seleclanguilabel = reader.Value; break; case "seleclanguitoolrestart": seleclanguitoolrestart = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuifilepath": unzipuifilepath = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuifildest": unzipuifildest = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuifileextract": unzipuifileextract = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuiprogressindi": unzipuiprogressindi = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuiprogresstotal": unzipuiprogresstotal = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuifilesize": unzipuifilesize = reader.Value; break; case "unzipuiprogress": unzipuiprogress = reader.Value; break; case "unzipexctractok": unzipexctractok = reader.Value; break; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Dialogs.ErrorDialog("MotoTool Lang Engine", ex.Message); Logs.DebugErrorLogs(ex); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }