public IList <T> GetAll() { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)).List <T>(); return(runs); }
private void importToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "//ComediaNotes.json"; string input_string = File.ReadAllText(path); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction()) { while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { var jsonString = sr.ReadLine(); var resnote = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Note>(jsonString); if (resnote.Term != null) { Term term = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", resnote.Term.Name)[0]; term.AddNote(resnote); DBUtil <Term> dBUtilTerm = new DBUtil <Term>();; } session.Merge(resnote); } transaction.Commit(); } } }
public static void build_characters_aenaes() { var aeneid = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Poem>("Name", "Aeneid")[0]; var ch_silvius = new Character { Name = "Silvius" }; var ch_aeneas = new Character { Name = "Aeneas" }; var ch_anchises = new Character { Name = "Anchises" }; var ch_aphrodite = new Character { Name = "Aphrodite" }; ch_anchises.AddChild(ch_aeneas); ch_aphrodite.AddMotherChild(ch_aeneas); var ch_latinus = new Character { Name = "Latinus" }; var ch_lavinia = new Character { Name = "Lavinia" }; ch_latinus.AddChild(ch_lavinia); ch_lavinia.AddMotherChild(ch_silvius); ch_aeneas.AddChild(ch_silvius); ch_aeneas.AddSpouse(ch_lavinia); aeneid.AddCharacter(ch_aeneas); aeneid.AddCharacter(ch_latinus); aeneid.AddCharacter(ch_lavinia); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(aeneid); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_aeneas); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_lavinia); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_silvius); transaction.Commit(); } }
private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "//ComediaNotes.json"; ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); { using (session.BeginTransaction()) { var resnotes = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Note)) .List <Note>(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) { foreach (var note in resnotes) { string x = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(note, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver() }); sw.WriteLine(x); } } } } }
public static void Import_Book(string name, int number, string text0) { Book book = new Book { Number = number, Name = name, }; Canto canto = new Canto { }; using (var reader = new StringReader(text0)) { string txtline = string.Empty; var cantoNumber = 1; int lineNumber = 1; do { txtline = reader.ReadLine(); if (txtline == null) { break; } txtline = txtline.Replace("\t", "").Trim(' '); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtline)) { if (txtline.StartsWith("##")) { cantoNumber = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(txtline, "## (.*)", "$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); lineNumber = 1; canto = new Canto { Number = cantoNumber }; book.AddCanto(canto); } else { var line = new Line { Number = lineNumber, Text = txtline }; canto.AddLine(line); lineNumber++; } } }while (txtline != null); } ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.Save(book); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static IList <T> GetAllWithCriteriaInsentiveLike <T>(string criteria, string name, object value) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); return(session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .CreateCriteria(criteria) .Add(Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name, value)) .List <T>()); }
public void merge(T t) { ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.Merge(t); transaction.Commit(); } }
private void importToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Import term first { var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "//ComediaTerms.json"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { var jsonString = sr.ReadLine(); var resnote = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Term>(jsonString); using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction()) { resnote.Id = 0; session.SaveOrUpdate(resnote); transaction.Commit(); } } } } { var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "//ComediaNotes.json"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { var jsonString = sr.ReadLine(); var resnote = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Note>(jsonString); resnote.Id = 0; ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction()) { if (resnote.Term != null) { Term term = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", resnote.Term.Name)[0]; term.AddNote(resnote); session.SaveOrUpdate(term); } session.SaveOrUpdate(resnote); transaction.Commit(); } } } } }
public static void save <T>(T t) { ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(t); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static IList <T> GetAll <T>() { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)).List <T>(); if (runs.Count > 0) { return(runs); } return(null); }
public IList <T> GetAllWithRestrictionsLoc(string bookName, string cantoName, string beginName, string endName, string book, int canto, int begin, int end) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .Add(Restrictions.And(Restrictions.Eq(cantoName, canto), Restrictions.Eq(bookName, book))) .Add(Restrictions.And(Restrictions.Le(endName, end), Restrictions.Ge(beginName, begin))) .List <T>(); return(runs); }
public static IList <T> GetAllWithRestrictionsLike <T>(string name, string value) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .Add(Restrictions.Like(name, value, MatchMode.Anywhere)) .List <T>(); if (runs.Count > 0) { return(runs); } return(null); }
public static IList <T> GetAllWithRestrictionsInsentiveLike <T>(string name, object value) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .Add(Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name, value)) .List <T>(); if (runs.Count > 0) { return(runs); } return(null); }
public static void build_characters_minos() { var ch_Minos = new Character { Name = "Minos" }; var ch_pasiphae = new Character { Name = "Pasiphaë" }; ch_Minos.AddSpouse(ch_pasiphae); var ch_Minotaur = new Character { Name = "Minotaur" }; ch_pasiphae.AddMotherChild(ch_Minotaur); var ch_Theseus = new Character { Name = "Theseus", Story = "Kills Minotaur" }; var ch_Ariadne = new Character { Name = "Ariadne", Story = "Madly loves Theseus" }; ch_Minos.AddChild(ch_Ariadne); ch_pasiphae.AddMotherChild(ch_Ariadne); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Minos); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_pasiphae); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Minotaur); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Theseus); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Ariadne); transaction.Commit(); } }
private void exportToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool res = true; // Export Notes ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (session.BeginTransaction()) { var resnotes = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Note)) .List <Note>(); var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "//ComediaNotes.json"; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) { foreach (var note in resnotes) { string x = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(note, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver() }); sw.WriteLine(x); } } } // Export Terms session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (session.BeginTransaction()) { var resterms = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Term)) .List <Term>(); var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "//ComediaTerms.json"; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) { foreach (var term in resterms) { string x = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(term, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver() }); sw.WriteLine(x); } } } SetResult("export: " + ((res == true) ? "ok" : "fail")); }
public static IList <T> GetAllWithOrRestrictionsStringInsentiveLike <T>(string name, object value, string name2) { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .Add(Restrictions.Or( Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name, (string)value, MatchMode.Anywhere), Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name2, (string)value, MatchMode.Anywhere))) .List <T>(); if (runs.Count > 0) { return(runs); } return(null); }
public static void build_terms() { string poets_str = "dante, virgil, homer, horice, ovid, lucan"; string character_str = "beatrice"; string[] arr_metaphors = poets_str.Split(','); string[] arr_characters = character_str.Split(','); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { for (int i = 0; i < arr_metaphors.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_metaphors[i])) { continue; } var term = new Term { Name = arr_metaphors[i].Trim(new char[] { ',', ' ' }), }; term.SetMetaphorItem("category", "poet"); session1.SaveOrUpdate(term); } for (int i = 0; i < arr_characters.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_characters[i])) { continue; } var term = new Term { Name = arr_characters[i].Trim(new char[] { ',', ' ' }), }; term.SetMetaphorItem("category", "character"); session1.SaveOrUpdate(term); } transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_characters_comedy() { var comedy = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Poem>("Name", "Divine Comedy")[0]; var ch_dante = new Character { Name = "Dante-Pilgrim" }; var ch_dante2 = new Character { Name = "Dante-Narrator" }; var ch_virgil = new Character { Name = "Virgil" }; var ch_beatrice = new Character { Name = "Beatrice" }; var ch_Erichtho = new Character { Name = "Erichtho", Story = "A Witch. Summon Virgil to the lowest hell. (Virgil's dark past)" }; comedy.AddCharacter(ch_dante); comedy.AddCharacter(ch_dante2); comedy.AddCharacter(ch_beatrice); comedy.AddCharacter(ch_virgil); comedy.AddCharacter(ch_Erichtho); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Erichtho); session1.SaveOrUpdate(comedy); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void Import_line(int number, string text) { Line run = new Line { }; run.Number = number; run.Text = text; ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.Save(run); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_characters_erinyes() { var ch_Tisiphone = new Character { Name = "Tisiphone", Story = "Punisher of murderers" }; var ch_Alecto = new Character { Name = "Alecto", Story = "Punisher of moral crimes (angre, etc)" }; var ch_Megaera = new Character { Name = "Megaera", Story = "Punisher of infidelity, oath breakers, and theft" }; var ch_Medusa = new Character { Name = "Medusa", Story = "The ability to turn anyone to stone with her gaze" }; var ch_Perseus = new Character { Name = "Perseus", Story = "Kill Medusa" }; ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Tisiphone); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Alecto); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Megaera); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Medusa); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Perseus); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void Import_Poet(string name, string poem_name) { Poet poet = new Poet { Name = name }; Poem poem = new Poem { Name = poem_name, Author = poet }; poet.Poems.Add(poem); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(poet); transaction.Commit(); } }
public IList <T> GetAllWithOrRestrictionsStringInsentiveLike(string name, object value, string name2 = "") { ISession session = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name2)) { var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .Add(Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name, (string)value, MatchMode.Anywhere)) .List <T>(); return(runs); } else { var runs = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)) .Add(Restrictions.Or( Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name, (string)value, MatchMode.Anywhere), Restrictions.InsensitiveLike(name2, (string)value, MatchMode.Anywhere))) .List <T>(); return(runs); } }
public static void build_politician() { var florence = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Place>("Name", "Florence")[0]; var guido = new Poet { Name = "Guido", FullName = "Guido Cavalcanti" }; florence.AddPerson(guido); florence.AddPersonDead(guido); var cavalcanti10 = new Politician { Name = "Cavalcante", FullName = "Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti" }; cavalcanti10.AddChild(guido); var guido27 = new Politician { Name = "Guido", FullName = "Guido Da Montefeltro" }; ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(guido); session1.SaveOrUpdate(cavalcanti10); session1.SaveOrUpdate(guido27); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_notes() { var midway = new Note { Name = "midway", Commentary = "Dante was 35 years old, 1300 C.E.", Loc = new Loc { Book = "Inferno", Canto = 1, Start = 1, End = 1, } }; var forest = new Note { Name = "wood", Loc = new Loc { Book = "Inferno", Canto = 1, Start = 2, End = 2, } }; Term wood = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "wood")[0]; if (wood != null) { wood.AddNote(forest); } var leopardNote = new Note { Loc = new Loc { Book = "Inferno", Canto = 1, Start = 33, End = 33, } }; Term leopard = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "leopard")[0]; leopard.AddNote(leopardNote); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(midway); session1.SaveOrUpdate(forest); session1.SaveOrUpdate(leopard); if (wood != null) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(wood); } session1.SaveOrUpdate(leopardNote); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_metaphors_inferno() { string metaphor_str = "wood, leopard, lion, she-wolf, dove "; string[] arr_metaphors = metaphor_str.Split(','); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { for (int i = 0; i < arr_metaphors.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_metaphors[i])) { continue; } var term = new Term { Name = arr_metaphors[i].Trim(new char[] { ',', ' ' }), }; session1.SaveOrUpdate(term); } transaction.Commit(); } Term wood = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "wood")[0]; wood.Alias = "forest"; Term leopard = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "leopard")[0]; Term lion = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "lion")[0]; Term shewolf = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "she-wolf")[0]; Term dove = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Term>("Name", "dove")[0]; leopard.SetMetaphorItem("sin", "lust"); leopard.SetMetaphorItem("trinity", "leopard, lion, she-wolf"); lion.SetMetaphorItem("sin", "pride"); lion.SetMetaphorItem("trinity", "leopard, lion, she-wolf"); shewolf.Alias = "shewolf"; shewolf.SetMetaphorItem("sin", "avarice"); shewolf.SetMetaphorItem("trinity", "leopard, lion, she-wolf"); dove.SetMetaphorItem("aphrodite", "love"); dove.SetMetaphorItem("christian", "holy spirit"); session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(wood); session1.SaveOrUpdate(leopard); session1.SaveOrUpdate(lion); session1.SaveOrUpdate(shewolf); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_poets_elite_six() { string poet_str = "Dante, Virgil, Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan"; string born_str = "Florence, Mantua, Venusia, Sumona, , "; string dead_str = "Ravenna, , Rome, , Rome, "; string write_str = "Divine Comedy, Aeneid, Iliad, , The Metamorphoses, Pharsalia"; string[] arr_poets = poet_str.Split(','); string[] arr_born = born_str.Split(','); string[] arr_dead = dead_str.Split(','); string[] arr_writing = write_str.Split(','); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr_poets.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_poets[i])) { continue; } var str_born = arr_born[i].Trim(new char[] { ' ' }); var str_dead = arr_dead[i].Trim(new char[] { ' ' }); Place pl_born; Place pl_dead; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_born)) { pl_born = null; } else { var places = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Place>("Name", str_born); if (places != null) { pl_born = places[0]; } else { pl_born = new Place { Name = str_born }; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_dead)) { pl_dead = null; } else { var places = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Place>("Name", str_dead); if (places != null) { pl_dead = places[0]; } else { pl_dead = new Place { Name = str_dead }; } } var objPoet = new Poet { Name = arr_poets[i].Trim(new char[] { ',', ' ' }), }; if (pl_born != null) { pl_born.AddPerson(objPoet); } if (pl_dead != null) { pl_dead.AddPersonDead(objPoet); } var poem_name = arr_writing[i].Trim(new char[] { ',', ' ' }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poem_name)) { var poem = new Poem { Name = poem_name }; objPoet.AddPoem(poem); session1.SaveOrUpdate(poem); } session1.SaveOrUpdate(objPoet); if (pl_born != null) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(pl_born); } if (pl_dead != null) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(pl_dead); } } transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_characters_electra() { var poem_Iliad = DBHelper.GetAllWithRestrictionsEq <Poem>("Name", "Iliad")[0]; var ch_electra = new Character { Name = "Electra" }; var ch_Agamemnon = new Character { Name = "Agamemnon" }; var ch_Clytemnestra = new Character { Name = "Clytemnestra" }; var ch_Orestes = new Character { Name = "Orestes" }; var ch_Iphigenia = new Character { Name = "Iphigenia" }; var ch_Chrysothemis = new Character { Name = "Chrysothemis" }; ch_Agamemnon.AddSpouse(ch_Clytemnestra); ch_Agamemnon.AddChild(ch_Iphigenia); ch_Agamemnon.AddChild(ch_electra); ch_Agamemnon.AddChild(ch_Chrysothemis); ch_Agamemnon.AddChild(ch_Orestes); ch_Clytemnestra.AddMotherChild(ch_Iphigenia); ch_Clytemnestra.AddMotherChild(ch_electra); ch_Clytemnestra.AddMotherChild(ch_Chrysothemis); ch_Clytemnestra.AddMotherChild(ch_Orestes); poem_Iliad.AddCharacter(ch_Agamemnon); poem_Iliad.AddCharacter(ch_Iphigenia); poem_Iliad.AddCharacter(ch_electra); poem_Iliad.AddCharacter(ch_Chrysothemis); poem_Iliad.AddCharacter(ch_Orestes); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Iphigenia); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_electra); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Chrysothemis); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Orestes); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Agamemnon); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Clytemnestra); session1.SaveOrUpdate(poem_Iliad); transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void build_characters_bible() { var poem = new Poem { Name = "Bible" }; var ch_adam = new Character { Name = "Adam", Story = "Our first father" }; var ch_eve = new Character { Name = "Eve", }; var ch_Cain = new Character { Name = "Cain", Story = "The first murder of human history." }; var ch_Abel = new Character { Name = "Abel", Story = "Killed by his brother. The first murder of human history." }; var ch_Seth = new Character { Name = "Seth", }; var ch_Noah = new Character { Name = "Noah", }; ch_adam.AddSpouse(ch_eve); ch_adam.AddChild(ch_Cain); ch_adam.AddChild(ch_Abel); ch_adam.AddChild(ch_Seth); ch_eve.AddMotherChild(ch_Cain); ch_eve.AddMotherChild(ch_Abel); ch_eve.AddMotherChild(ch_Seth); poem.AddCharacter(ch_adam); poem.AddCharacter(ch_eve); poem.AddCharacter(ch_Cain); poem.AddCharacter(ch_Abel); poem.AddCharacter(ch_Seth); poem.AddCharacter(ch_Noah); ISession session1 = SQLiteSessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); using (ITransaction transaction = session1.BeginTransaction()) { session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_adam); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_eve); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Cain); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Abel); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Seth); session1.SaveOrUpdate(ch_Noah); session1.SaveOrUpdate(poem); transaction.Commit(); } }