/// <summary>
        /// Paints panel pnlInfo
        /// </summary>
        void PnlInfo_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
            // |                          Way points description                    |
            // |--------------------------------------------------------------------+
            // | Number | Description | Price | Direction | Lots | Position | Order |
            // |--------------------------------------------------------------------+
            //xp0      xp1           xp2     xp3         xp4    xp5        xp6     xp7

            Graphics g = e.Graphics;


            if (!Data.IsData || !Data.IsResult)

            Panel  pnl   = (Panel)sender;
            Brush  brush = Brushes.White;
            string FF    = Data.FF;   // Format modifier to print the floats

            Size size = new Size(aiX[columns] - aiX[0], infoRowHeight);

            StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            // Caption background
            PointF     pntStart     = new PointF(0, 0);
            SizeF      szfCaption   = new Size(pnl.ClientSize.Width, 2 * infoRowHeight);
            RectangleF rectfCaption = new RectangleF(pntStart, szfCaption);

            Data.GradientPaint(g, rectfCaption, LayoutColors.ColorCaptionBack, LayoutColors.DepthCaption);

            // Caption Text
            StringFormat stringFormatCaption = new StringFormat();

            stringFormatCaption.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormatCaption.Trimming      = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
            stringFormatCaption.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
            stringFormatCaption.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            string stringCaptionText = Language.T("Way Points Description");
            float  fCaptionWidth     = (float)Math.Min(pnlInfo.ClientSize.Width, aiX[columns] - aiX[0]);
            float  fCaptionTextWidth = g.MeasureString(stringCaptionText, fontInfo).Width;
            float  fCaptionTextX     = (float)Math.Max((fCaptionWidth - fCaptionTextWidth) / 2f, 0);
            PointF pfCaptionText     = new PointF(fCaptionTextX, 0);
            SizeF  sfCaptionText     = new SizeF(fCaptionWidth - fCaptionTextX, infoRowHeight);

            rectfCaption = new RectangleF(pfCaptionText, sfCaptionText);

            // First caption raw
            g.DrawString(stringCaptionText, fontInfo, brushCaptionText, rectfCaption, stringFormatCaption);

            // Second caption raw
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                g.DrawString(asTitles[i], fontInfo, brushCaptionText, (aiX[i] + aiX[i + 1]) / 2, infoRowHeight, sf);

            brush = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorControlText);

            for (int pnt = 0; pnt < Backtester.WayPoints(bar); pnt++)
                int   y     = (pnt + 2) * infoRowHeight;
                Point point = new Point(aiX[0], y);

                // Even row
                if (pnt % 2f != 0)
                    g.FillRectangle(brushEvenRow, new Rectangle(point, size));

                int          positionNumber = Backtester.WayPoint(bar, pnt).PosNumb;
                WayPointType wpType         = Backtester.WayPoint(bar, pnt).WPType;
                PosDirection posDirection   = Backtester.PosFromNumb(positionNumber).PosDir;
                double       posLots        = Backtester.PosFromNumb(positionNumber).PosLots;
                int          ordNumber      = Backtester.WayPoint(bar, pnt).OrdNumb;

                g.DrawString((pnt + 1).ToString(), fontInfo, brush, (aiX[0] + aiX[1]) / 2, y, sf);
                g.DrawString(Language.T(Way_Point.WPTypeToString(wpType)), fontInfo, brush, aiX[1] + 2, y);
                g.DrawString(Backtester.WayPoint(bar, pnt).Price.ToString(FF), fontInfo, brush, (aiX[3] + aiX[2]) / 2, y, sf);

                if (positionNumber > -1)
                    g.DrawString(Language.T(posDirection.ToString()), fontInfo, brush, (aiX[4] + aiX[3]) / 2, y, sf);
                    g.DrawString(posLots.ToString(), fontInfo, brush, (aiX[5] + aiX[4]) / 2, y, sf);
                    g.DrawString((positionNumber + 1).ToString(), fontInfo, brush, (aiX[6] + aiX[5]) / 2, y, sf);

                if (ordNumber > -1)
                    g.DrawString((ordNumber + 1).ToString(), fontInfo, brush, (aiX[7] + aiX[6]) / 2, y, sf);

            // Vertical lines
            Pen penLine = new Pen(LayoutColors.ColorJournalLines);

            for (int i = 1; i < columns; i++)
                g.DrawLine(penLine, aiX[i], 2 * infoRowHeight, aiX[i], ClientSize.Height - border);

            // Border
            Pen penBorder = new Pen(Data.GetGradientColor(LayoutColors.ColorCaptionBack, -LayoutColors.DepthCaption), border);

            g.DrawLine(penBorder, 1, 2 * infoRowHeight, 1, pnl.ClientSize.Height);
            g.DrawLine(penBorder, pnl.ClientSize.Width - border + 1, 2 * infoRowHeight, pnl.ClientSize.Width - border + 1, pnl.ClientSize.Height);
            g.DrawLine(penBorder, 0, pnl.ClientSize.Height - border + 1, pnl.ClientSize.Width, pnl.ClientSize.Height - border + 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the journal columns with.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetJournalPoints()
            columns   = 7;
            aiColumnX = new int[8];
            aiX       = new int[8];

            Graphics g = CreateGraphics();

            asTitles = new string[7]

            string longestDescription = "";

            foreach (WayPointType wpType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WayPointType)))
                if (g.MeasureString(Language.T(Way_Point.WPTypeToString(wpType)), fontInfo).Width >
                    g.MeasureString(longestDescription, fontInfo).Width)
                    longestDescription = Language.T(Way_Point.WPTypeToString(wpType));

            string longestDirection = "";

            foreach (PosDirection posDir in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PosDirection)))
                if (g.MeasureString(Language.T(posDir.ToString()), fontInfo).Width >
                    g.MeasureString(longestDirection, fontInfo).Width)
                    longestDirection = Language.T(posDir.ToString());

            asContent = new string[7]

            aiColumnX[0] = border;
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                aiColumnX[i + 1] = aiColumnX[i] + (int)Math.Max(g.MeasureString(asContent[i], fontInfo).Width, g.MeasureString(asTitles[i], fontInfo).Width) + 4;

            szPrice = g.MeasureString("9.9999", fontInfo).ToSize();

