public static bool CanEdit <T>(IAssetInfo asset, ForageFantasyConfig config)
            if (config.TapperDaysNeededChangesEnabled && asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/ObjectInformation"))

            if (config.CommonFiddleheadFern)
                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/Locations"))
                else if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CraftingRecipes"))

            if (config.ForageSurvivalBurger)
                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CookingRecipes"))
                else if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CraftingRecipes"))

        public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
            Config = Helper.ReadConfig <ForageFantasyConfig>();

            ForageFantasyConfig.VerifyConfigValues(Config, this);

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += delegate { ForageFantasyConfig.SetUpModConfigMenu(Config, this); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += delegate { DeluxeGrabberCompatibility.Setup(this); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += delegate

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayEnding += delegate { GrapeLogic.ResetGrapes(this); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += delegate { FernAndBurgerLogic.ChangeBundle(this); };

            helper.Events.Input.ButtonsChanged += OnButtonsChanged;

        public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
            Config = Helper.ReadConfig <ForageFantasyConfig>();

            ForageFantasyConfig.VerifyConfigValues(Config, this);

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += delegate { ForageFantasyConfig.SetUpModConfigMenu(Config, this); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += delegate { DeluxeGrabberCompatibility.Setup(this); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += delegate { TapperAndMushroomQualityLogic.IncreaseTreeAges(this); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += delegate { FernAndBurgerLogic.ChangeBundle(this); };

        public static void VerifyConfigValues(ForageFantasyConfig config, ForageFantasy mod)
            bool invalidConfig = false;

            if (config.TapperQualityOptions < 0 || config.TapperQualityOptions > 4)
                invalidConfig = true;
                config.TapperQualityOptions = 0;

            if (config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP < 0)
                invalidConfig = true;
                config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = 0;

            if (config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP > 100)
                invalidConfig = true;
                config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = 100;

            if (config.BerryBushXPAmount < 0)
                invalidConfig            = true;
                config.BerryBushXPAmount = 0;

            if (config.TapperXPAmount < 0)
                invalidConfig         = true;
                config.TapperXPAmount = 0;

            if (config.MushroomXPAmount < 0)
                invalidConfig           = true;
                config.MushroomXPAmount = 0;

            if (invalidConfig)
                mod.DebugLog("At least one config value was out of range and was reset.");
        public static void SetUpModConfigMenu(ForageFantasyConfig config, ForageFantasy mod)
            GenericModConfigMenuAPI api = mod.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <GenericModConfigMenuAPI>("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu");

            if (api == null)

            var manifest = mod.ModManifest;

            api.RegisterModConfig(manifest, () => config = new ForageFantasyConfig(), delegate { mod.Helper.WriteConfig(config); VerifyConfigValues(config, mod); });

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Quality Tweaks", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Berry Bush Quality", "Salmonberries and blackberries have quality based\non forage level even without botanist perk.", () => config.BerryBushQuality, (bool val) => config.BerryBushQuality = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Box Quality", "Mushrooms have quality based on forage level and botanist perk.", () => config.MushroomBoxQuality, (bool val) => config.MushroomBoxQuality = val);
            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Tapper Quality Options", null, () => GetElementFromConfig(TQChoices, config.TapperQualityOptions), (string val) => config.TapperQualityOptions = GetIndexFromArrayElement(TQChoices, val), TQChoices);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Tapper Perk Is Required", null, () => config.TapperQualityRequiresTapperPerk, (bool val) => config.TapperQualityRequiresTapperPerk             = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "XP Rewards", null);

            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Berry Bush Chance To Get XP", "Chance to get foraging experience when harvesting bushes.\nSet to 0 to disable feature.", () => config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP, (int val) => config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = val, 0, 100);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Berry Bush XP Amount", "Amount of XP gained per bush. For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.BerryBushXPAmount, (int val) => config.BerryBushXPAmount = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Box XP Amount", "For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.MushroomXPAmount, (int val) => config.MushroomXPAmount = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Tapper XP Amount", "For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.TapperXPAmount, (int val) => config.TapperXPAmount           = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Automation Harvests Grant XP", "Whether automatic harvests with the Automate, Deluxe\nGrabber Redux or One Click Shed Reloader should grant XP.\nKeep in mind that some of those only affect the host.", () => config.AutomationHarvestsGrantXP, (bool val) => config.AutomationHarvestsGrantXP = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Other Features", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Common Fiddlehead Fern¹", "Fiddlehead fern is available outside of the secret forest\nand added to the wild seeds pack and summer foraging bundle.", () => config.CommonFiddleheadFern, (bool val) => config.CommonFiddleheadFern = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Forage Survival Burger¹", "Forage based early game crafting recipes\nand even more efficient cooking recipes.", () => config.ForageSurvivalBurger, (bool val) => config.ForageSurvivalBurger = val);

            // this is a spacer
            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, string.Empty, null);
            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "1: Restart Needed For Changes To Take Effect", null);
        public static void SetUpModConfigMenu(ForageFantasyConfig config, ForageFantasy mod)
            IGenericModConfigMenuApi api = mod.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <IGenericModConfigMenuApi>("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu");

            if (api == null)

            var manifest = mod.ModManifest;

                // if the world is ready, then we are not in the main menu, so reset should only reset the keybindings and calendar
                if (Context.IsWorldReady)
                    config.TreeMenuKey            = TreeMenuKeyDefault;
                    config.MushroomTapperCalendar = false;
                    config = new ForageFantasyConfig();
                VerifyConfigValues(config, mod);

            api.SetTitleScreenOnlyForNextOptions(manifest, true);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Quality Tweaks", null);

            if (mod.Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded("thelion.AwesomeProfessions"))
                api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Berry Bush Quality Disabled (Walk Of Life)", null);
                api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Mushroom Box Quality Disabled (Walk Of Life)", null);
                api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Berry Bush Quality", "Salmonberries and blackberries have quality based\non forage level even without botanist perk.", () => config.BerryBushQuality, (bool val) => config.BerryBushQuality = val);
                api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Box Quality", "Mushrooms have quality based on forage level and botanist perk.", () => config.MushroomBoxQuality, (bool val) => config.MushroomBoxQuality = val);

            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Tapper Quality Options", null, () => GetElementFromConfig(TQChoices, config.TapperQualityOptions), (string val) => config.TapperQualityOptions = GetIndexFromArrayElement(TQChoices, val), TQChoices);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Tapper Perk Is Required", null, () => config.TapperQualityRequiresTapperPerk, (bool val) => config.TapperQualityRequiresTapperPerk             = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "XP Rewards", null);

            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Berry Bush Chance To Get XP", "Chance to get foraging experience when harvesting bushes.\nSet to 0 to disable feature.", () => config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP, (int val) => config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = val, 0, 100);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Berry Bush XP Amount", "Amount of XP gained per bush. For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.BerryBushXPAmount, (int val) => config.BerryBushXPAmount = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Box XP Amount", "For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.MushroomXPAmount, (int val) => config.MushroomXPAmount = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Tapper XP Amount", "For reference:\nChopping down a tree is 12XP, a foraging good is 7XP\nNegative values will be reset to 0.", () => config.TapperXPAmount, (int val) => config.TapperXPAmount           = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Automation Harvests Grant XP", "Whether automatic harvests with the Automate, Deluxe\nGrabber Redux or One Click Shed Reloader should grant XP.\nKeep in mind that some of those only affect the host.", () => config.AutomationHarvestsGrantXP, (bool val) => config.AutomationHarvestsGrantXP = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Tapper Days Needed Changes", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Days Needed Changes Enabled", "If this is disabled, then all features\nin this category don't do anything", () => config.TapperDaysNeededChangesEnabled, (bool val) => config.TapperDaysNeededChangesEnabled = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Maple Tree Days Needed", "default: 9 days, recommended: 7 days", () => config.MapleDaysNeeded, (int val) => config.MapleDaysNeeded = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Oak Tree Days Needed", "default: 7 days, recommended: 7 days", () => config.OakDaysNeeded, (int val) => config.OakDaysNeeded       = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Pine Tree Days Needed", "default: 5 days, recommended: 7 days", () => config.PineDaysNeeded, (int val) => config.PineDaysNeeded    = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Tree Heavy Tapper Fix", null, () => config.MushroomTreeHeavyTappersFix, (bool val) => config.MushroomTreeHeavyTappersFix  = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Tree Tapper\nConsistency Change", null, () => config.MushroomTreeTappersConsistencyChange, (bool val) => config.MushroomTreeTappersConsistencyChange = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Other Features", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Tree Seeds Drop", null, () => config.MushroomTreeSeedsDrop, (bool val) => config.MushroomTreeSeedsDrop = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Common Fiddlehead Fern", "Fiddlehead fern is available outside of the secret forest\nand added to the wild seeds pack and summer foraging bundle.", () => config.CommonFiddleheadFern, (bool val) => config.CommonFiddleheadFern = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Forage Survival Burger", "Forage based early game crafting recipes\nand even more efficient cooking recipes.", () => config.ForageSurvivalBurger, (bool val) => config.ForageSurvivalBurger = val);

            api.SetTitleScreenOnlyForNextOptions(manifest, false);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Tapper Calendar", null, () => config.MushroomTapperCalendar, (bool val) => config.MushroomTapperCalendar = val);

            api.AddKeybindList(manifest, () => config.TreeMenuKey, (KeybindList keybindList) => config.TreeMenuKey = keybindList, () => "Tree Menu Key");

            api.SetTitleScreenOnlyForNextOptions(manifest, true);

            if (GrapeLogic.AreGrapeJsonModsInstalled(mod))
                api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Fine Grapes Feature Installed And Enabled", "Remove the Json Assets mod pack to disable this option");
        public static void VerifyConfigValues(ForageFantasyConfig config, ForageFantasy mod)
            bool invalidConfig = false;

            if (config.MapleDaysNeeded <= 0)
                invalidConfig          = true;
                config.MapleDaysNeeded = 1;

            if (config.PineDaysNeeded <= 0)
                invalidConfig         = true;
                config.PineDaysNeeded = 1;

            if (config.OakDaysNeeded <= 0)
                invalidConfig        = true;
                config.OakDaysNeeded = 1;

            if (config.TapperQualityOptions < 0 || config.TapperQualityOptions > 4)
                invalidConfig = true;
                config.TapperQualityOptions = 0;

            if (config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP < 0)
                invalidConfig = true;
                config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = 0;

            if (config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP > 100)
                invalidConfig = true;
                config.BerryBushChanceToGetXP = 100;

            if (config.BerryBushXPAmount < 0)
                invalidConfig            = true;
                config.BerryBushXPAmount = 0;

            if (config.TapperXPAmount < 0)
                invalidConfig         = true;
                config.TapperXPAmount = 0;

            if (config.MushroomXPAmount < 0)
                invalidConfig           = true;
                config.MushroomXPAmount = 0;

            if (mod.Helper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded("thelion.AwesomeProfessions"))
                if (config.MushroomBoxQuality || config.BerryBushQuality)
                    invalidConfig = true;

                    config.MushroomBoxQuality = false;
                    config.BerryBushQuality   = false;

                    mod.DebugLog("Enabled Walk of Life compatibility.");

                // CommonFiddleheadFern and ForageSurvivalBurger

                // CommonFiddleheadFern

                // ForageSurvivalBurger

                // Tapper days needed changes
            catch (Exception e)
                mod.DebugLog($"Exception when trying to invalidate cache on config change {e}");

            if (invalidConfig)
                mod.DebugLog("At least one config value was out of range and was reset.");
        public static void Edit <T>(IAssetData asset, ForageFantasyConfig config)
            if (config.TapperDaysNeededChangesEnabled && asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/ObjectInformation"))
                /*  here is the reasoning for the math
                 *  normal tapper:
                 *  maple syrup 9 days 200g
                 *  oak resin 7 days 150g
                 *  pine tar 5 days 100g
                 *  so 22,2g per day, 21,4g per day, 20g per day
                 *  heavy tapper:
                 *  maple syrup 4 days 200g
                 *  oak resin 3 days 150g
                 *  pine tar 2 days 100g
                 *  so 50g per day for all of them
                 *  ----
                 *  wanted values:
                 *  maple syrup 7 days 150g
                 *  oak resin 7 days 150g
                 *  pine tar 7 days 150g
                 *  so the calculation is:
                 *  newSellPrice = (int)Math.Round(daysNeeded * (150f / 7f), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                IDictionary <int, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <int, string>().Data;

                var priceChanges = new Dictionary <int, int>()
                    { 724, config.MapleDaysNeeded }, { 725, config.OakDaysNeeded }, { 726, config.PineDaysNeeded }

                foreach (var item in priceChanges)
                    var entry    = data[item.Key];
                    var fields   = entry.Split('/');
                    var newPrice = TapperAndMushroomQualityLogic.GetTapperProductValueForDaysNeeded(item.Value);
                    fields[1]      = newPrice.ToString();
                    data[item.Key] = string.Join("/", fields);

            if (config.CommonFiddleheadFern)
                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CraftingRecipes"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    data["Wild Seeds (Su)"] = "396 1 398 1 402 1 259 1/Field/496 10/false/Foraging 4";

                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/Locations"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    var keys = data.Keys.ToList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
                        string   location = keys[i];
                        string[] fields   = data[location].Split('/');

                        switch (location)
                        case "BusStop":
                            fields[1] = "396 .6 398 .6 402 .6";

                        case "Forest":
                            fields[1] = "396 .8 398 .8 259 .8";

                        case "Mountain":
                            fields[1] = "396 .7 398 .7 259 .8";

                        case "Backwoods":
                            fields[1] = "396 .7 398 .7 259 .8";

                        case "Railroad":
                            fields[1] = "396 .6 398 .6 402 .6";

                        case "Woods":
                            fields[1] = "259 .7 420 .7";

                        data[location] = string.Join("/", fields);

            if (config.ForageSurvivalBurger)
                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CookingRecipes"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    data.Remove("Survival Burger");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Sp)", "216 1 16 1 20 1 22 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Sp)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Su)", "216 1 398 1 396 1 259 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Su)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Fa)", "216 1 404 1 406 1 408 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Fa)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Wi)", "216 1 412 1 414 1 416 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Wi)");

                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CraftingRecipes"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Sp)", "216 1 16 1 20 1 22 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Sp)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Su)", "216 1 398 1 396 1 259 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Su)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Fa)", "216 1 404 1 406 1 408 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Fa)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Wi)", "216 1 412 1 414 1 416 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Wi)");
        public static void Edit <T>(IAssetData asset, ForageFantasyConfig config)
            if (config.CommonFiddleheadFern)
                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CraftingRecipes"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    data["Wild Seeds (Su)"] = "396 1 398 1 402 1 259 1/Field/496 10/false/Foraging 4";

                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/Locations"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    var keys = data.Keys.ToList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
                        string   location = keys[i];
                        string[] fields   = data[location].Split('/');

                        switch (location)
                        case "BusStop":
                            fields[1] = "396 .6 398 .6 402 .6";

                        case "Forest":
                            fields[1] = "396 .8 398 .8 259 .8";

                        case "Mountain":
                            fields[1] = "396 .7 398 .7 259 .8";

                        case "Backwoods":
                            fields[1] = "396 .7 398 .7 259 .8";

                        case "Railroad":
                            fields[1] = "396 .6 398 .6 402 .6";

                        case "Woods":
                            fields[1] = "259 .7 420 .7";

                        data[location] = string.Join("/", fields);

            if (config.ForageSurvivalBurger)
                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CookingRecipes"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    data.Remove("Survival Burger");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Sp)", "216 1 16 1 20 1 22 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Sp)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Su)", "216 1 398 1 396 1 259 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Su)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Fa)", "216 1 404 1 406 1 408 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Fa)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Wi)", "216 1 412 1 414 1 416 1/70 1/241 2/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Wi)");

                if (asset.AssetNameEquals("Data/CraftingRecipes"))
                    IDictionary <string, string> data = asset.AsDictionary <string, string>().Data;

                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Sp)", "216 1 16 1 20 1 22 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Sp)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Su)", "216 1 398 1 396 1 259 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Su)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Fa)", "216 1 404 1 406 1 408 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Fa)");
                    data.Add("Survival Burger (Wi)", "216 1 412 1 414 1 416 1/Field/241/false/s Foraging 2/Survival Burger (Wi)");