        private void drawBar(Canvas canvas, float xMin, float yMin, float xMax, float yMax, int scale, int seriesIndex, Paint paint, FJABarChartDayModel day)
            // select amounts for all periods of the day for which we are going to draw a bar
            var amounts = day.Amounts.OrderByDescending(a => (int)a.Key).Select(a => a);
            // select how contribution of each period from total gain amount of the day
            var portions = amounts.Select(x => (x.Value * 100) / day.TotalAmount).ToList();

            if (portions.Any(a => !float.IsNaN(a)))
                int   dcnt     = day.Amounts.Count;
                Color refcolor = Context.Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.baralternate_color);
                var   colors   = new Color[dcnt];
                for (float i = 0; i < dcnt; i++)
                    colors[(int)i] = new Color(MakeColor(refcolor.R, i / dcnt), MakeColor(refcolor.G, i / dcnt), MakeColor(refcolor.B, i / dcnt));
                colors = colors.Reverse().ToArray();

                //set max value of y-axis
                MRenderer.YAxisMax = day.TotalAmount.ToSingle() < 500 ? 500 : day.TotalAmount.ToSingle();
                Renderer.YAxisMax  = day.TotalAmount.ToSingle() < 500 ? 500 : day.TotalAmount.ToSingle();

                if (Math.Abs(yMin - yMax) < 1.0f)
                    yMax = yMin < yMax ? yMin + 1.0f : yMin - 1.0f;

                var startPoint = yMin;
                var avg        = yMax - yMin;
                int c          = 0;
                foreach (var item in portions)
                    paint.Color = colors[c];
                    var currentTartgetPoint = ((avg * item) / 100) + startPoint;

                                    (float)Math.Round(startPoint), (float)Math.Round(xMax),
                                    (float)Math.Round(currentTartgetPoint), paint);
                    startPoint = currentTartgetPoint;
        protected void DrawCustomBar(Canvas canvas, float xMin, float yMin, float xMax, float yMax, float halfDiffX, int seriesNr, int seriesIndex, Paint paint, FJABarChartDayModel day)
            int scale = this.MDataset.GetSeriesAt(seriesIndex).ScaleNumber;

            float startX = xMin - (float)seriesNr * halfDiffX + (float)(seriesIndex * 2) * halfDiffX;

            this.drawBar(canvas, startX, yMax, startX + 2.0f * halfDiffX, yMin, scale, seriesIndex, paint, day);