private void taskListTimerCallback(object state) { try { FollwitBackgroundProcess bgProc = new FollwitBackgroundProcess(); bgProc.Action = FitActions.ProcessTaskList; MovingPicturesCore.ProcessManager.StartProcess(bgProc); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } }
private bool UploadMovieInfo(List<DBMovieInfo> movies, ProgressDelegate progress) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return false; } if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not upload movie info to because service is offline"); return false; } try { List<FitMovie> fitMovies = new List<FitMovie>(); int count = 0; foreach (var movie in movies) { count++; FitMovie fitMovie = FollwitConnector.MovieToFitMovie(movie); if (fitMovie.Resources.Length > 1) { logger.Debug("Adding '{0}' to list of movies to be synced.", movie.Title); fitMovies.Add(fitMovie); } else { logger.Debug("Skipping '{0}' because it doesn't have source information.", movie.Title); } if (progress != null) progress("Syncing All Movies to", (int)(count * 100 / movies.Count)); if (fitMovies.Count >= MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitBatchSize || count == movies.Count) { logger.Debug("Sending batch of {0} movies", fitMovies.Count); MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.FollwitApi.AddMoviesToCollection(ref fitMovies); // update fitId on the DBMovieInfo object foreach (FitMovie fitMovieDTO in fitMovies) { DBMovieInfo m = DBMovieInfo.Get(fitMovieDTO.InternalId); if (m != null) { m.FitId = fitMovieDTO.MovieId; if (fitMovieDTO.UserRating > 0) m.ActiveUserSettings.UserRating = fitMovieDTO.UserRating; if (fitMovieDTO.Watched && m.ActiveUserSettings.WatchedCount == 0) m.ActiveUserSettings.WatchedCount = 1; m.Commit(); } } fitMovies.Clear(); } } } catch (WebException ex) { logger.Error("There was a problem connecting to the Server! " + ex.Message); MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.CONNECTION_ERROR; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error uploading movie information to!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; return false; } return true; }
private void movieDeletedListener(DatabaseTable obj) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return; } try { // if this is not a movie object, break if (obj.GetType() != typeof(DBMovieInfo)) return; if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not remove movie from collection because service is offline"); return; } DBMovieInfo movie = (DBMovieInfo)obj; List<DBMovieInfo> allMovies = DBMovieInfo.GetAll(); int fitIdMovieCount = (from m in allMovies where m.FitId == movie.FitId select m).Count(); if (fitIdMovieCount == 0) { FollwitBackgroundProcess bgProc = new FollwitBackgroundProcess(); bgProc.Action = FitActions.RemoveMovieFromCollection; bgProc.Movies.Add(movie); MovingPicturesCore.ProcessManager.StartProcess(bgProc); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error removing an object from your collection!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; } }
private bool RemoveFilteredMovies(List<DBMovieInfo> movies, ProgressDelegate progress) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return false; } if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not remove movies from collection because service is offline"); return false; } try { int count = 0; foreach (var movie in movies) { count++; if (movie.FitId != null && movie.FitId != 0) { logger.Debug("Removing '{0}' from because it has been excluded by a filter.", movie.Title); FollwitApi.RemoveMovieFromCollection((int)movie.FitId); movie.FitId = null; } if (progress != null) progress("Removing excluded movies from", (int)(count * 100 / movies.Count)); } } catch (WebException ex) { logger.Error("There was a problem connecting to the Server! " + ex.Message); MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.CONNECTION_ERROR; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error removing movies from your collection!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; return false; } return true; }
private void DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdated(DatabaseTable obj, TableUpdateInfo updateInfo) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return; } try { // we're looking for user rating changes if (obj.GetType() != typeof(DBUserMovieSettings)) return; DBUserMovieSettings settings = (DBUserMovieSettings)obj; if (updateInfo.RatingChanged()) { if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not send rating info to because service is offline"); return; } DBMovieInfo movie = settings.AttachedMovies[0]; if (currentlySyncingMovies.Contains(movie)) return; FollwitBackgroundProcess bgProc = new FollwitBackgroundProcess(); bgProc.Action = FitActions.UpdateUserRating; bgProc.Movies.Add(movie); MovingPicturesCore.ProcessManager.StartProcess(bgProc); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error sending rating information to!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; } }
private void Init() { _follwitAPI = null; lastConnectAttempt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); if (MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { if (!receivingEvents) { MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectDeleted += new DatabaseManager.ObjectAffectedDelegate(movieDeletedListener); MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectUpdatedEx += new DatabaseManager.ObjectUpdatedDelegate(DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdated); MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectInserted += new DatabaseManager.ObjectAffectedDelegate(DatabaseManager_ObjectInserted); receivingEvents = true; } if (MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitTaskListTimer > 0) { taskListTimer = new Timer(taskListTimerCallback, null, 0, MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitTaskListTimer * 60000); } } else { if (taskListTimer != null) taskListTimer.Dispose(); MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectDeleted -= new DatabaseManager.ObjectAffectedDelegate(movieDeletedListener); MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectUpdatedEx -= new DatabaseManager.ObjectUpdatedDelegate(DatabaseManager_ObjectUpdated); MovingPicturesCore.DatabaseManager.ObjectInserted -= new DatabaseManager.ObjectAffectedDelegate(DatabaseManager_ObjectInserted); receivingEvents = false; } }
private void DatabaseManager_ObjectInserted(DatabaseTable obj) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return; } try { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(DBWatchedHistory)) { DBWatchedHistory wh = (DBWatchedHistory)obj; DBMovieInfo movie = wh.Movie; WatchMovie(movie, true); } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(DBMovieInfo)) { DBMovieInfo movie = (DBMovieInfo)obj; FollwitBackgroundProcess bgProc = new FollwitBackgroundProcess(); bgProc.Action = FitActions.AddMoviesToCollection; bgProc.Movies.Add(movie); MovingPicturesCore.ProcessManager.StartProcess(bgProc); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error connecting to!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; } }
public bool WatchMovie(DBMovieInfo movie, bool includeInStream) { if (currentlySyncingMovies.Contains(movie)) return true; if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return false; } if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not send movie watched count to because service is offline"); return false; } try { FollwitBackgroundProcess bgProc = new FollwitBackgroundProcess(); bgProc.Action = includeInStream ? FitActions.WatchMovie : FitActions.WatchMovieIgnoreStream; bgProc.Movies.Add(movie); MovingPicturesCore.ProcessManager.StartProcess(bgProc); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error sending 'movie watched' information to!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; return false; } return true; }
public void Synchronize(ProgressDelegate progress) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return; } if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not synchonize to because service is offline"); return; } try { logger.Info("Synchronizing with"); List<DBMovieInfo> moviesToSynch; List<DBMovieInfo> moviesToExclude; if (MovingPicturesCore.Settings.RestrictSynchronizedMovies) { moviesToSynch = new List<DBMovieInfo>(); moviesToExclude = new List<DBMovieInfo>(); moviesToSynch.AddRange(MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitSyncFilter.Filter(DBMovieInfo.GetAll())); moviesToExclude.AddRange(DBMovieInfo.GetAll().Except(moviesToSynch)); logger.Debug("Using synchronization filter. Syncing {0} movies. Excluding {1} movies.", moviesToSynch.Count, moviesToExclude.Count); } else { moviesToSynch = DBMovieInfo.GetAll(); moviesToExclude = new List<DBMovieInfo>(); logger.Debug("Syncing {0} movies.", moviesToSynch.Count); } moviesToSynch = moviesToSynch.OrderBy(m => m.DateAdded).ToList(); UploadMovieInfo(moviesToSynch, progress); RemoveFilteredMovies(moviesToExclude, progress); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error synchronizing with!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; Status = StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } return; }
public bool CurrentlyWatching(DBMovieInfo movie, bool isWatching) { if (!MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitEnabled) { logger.Warn("Attempt to call made when service is disabled."); return false; } if (!IsOnline) { logger.Warn("Can not send movie watched count to because service is offline"); return false; } try { if (MovingPicturesCore.Settings.RestrictSynchronizedMovies) { var filtered = MovingPicturesCore.Settings.FollwitSyncFilter.Filter(new List<DBMovieInfo>() {movie}); if (filtered.Count == 0) return false; } FollwitBackgroundProcess bgProc = new FollwitBackgroundProcess(); bgProc.Action = isWatching ? FitActions.BeginWatching : FitActions.EndWatching; bgProc.Movies.Add(movie); MovingPicturesCore.ProcessManager.StartProcess(bgProc); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.ErrorException("Unexpected error sending 'now watching' information to!", ex); _follwitAPI = null; MovingPicturesCore.Follwit.Status = FollwitConnector.StatusEnum.INTERNAL_ERROR; return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to login with the given username and password. /// </summary> /// <returns>A FollwitAPI object if login is successful.</returns> public static FollwitApi Login(string username, string hashedPassword, string apiUrl) { if (apiUrl == null) apiUrl = DefaultUrl; IFollwitProxy proxy = CreateProxy(username, hashedPassword, apiUrl); try { object result = proxy.CheckAuthentication(); } catch (XmlRpcServerException ex) { if (ex.Message == "Unauthorized") return null; else throw; } FollwitApi api = new FollwitApi(username, hashedPassword, apiUrl, proxy); api.GetUserData(); proxy.RequestEvent += new XmlRpcRequestEventHandler(api.proxy_RequestEvent); proxy.ResponseEvent += new XmlRpcResponseEventHandler(api.proxy_ResponseEvent); return api; }