public User(Scene scene) { _scene = scene; _mouseControlsCamera = true; _windowCenterX = (GlutManager.GetWidth(0) / 2); _windowCenterY = (GlutManager.GetHeight(0) / 2); }
int _transitionTime; //how much elapsed time between each snapshot #endregion Fields #region Constructors public SlotViewer(Trajectory trajectory, Scene scene) { ATOM_STACKS = (Options.GetInstance().AtomStacks); ATOM_SLICES = (Options.GetInstance().AtomSlices); _scene = scene; _trajectory = trajectory; _snapshotIndexA = 0; _snapshotIndexB = 1; Console.WriteLine(); if (_trajectory.CountSnapshots() == 0) throw new Exception("No snapshots to work with!"); else Console.WriteLine("Creating viewer for trajectory with {0} snapshots...", _trajectory.CountSnapshots()); var RENDER_MODE = Options.GetInstance().RenderMode; if (RENDER_MODE == RenderMode.BALL_N_STICK) { AddAllAtoms(); Console.WriteLine(); } AddAllBonds(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("... done creating SlotViewer."); }
public Viewer() { _scene = new Scene(CreateCamera()); User = new User(_scene); _timeSpentRendering = 0; _frameCount = 0; _needsRerendering = true; GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.CullFace(CullFaceMode.Back); AddModels(); User.GrabPointer(0, 0); ReportFPS(); }