public static void SaveAssetBitmapFile(Asset asset, string assetBitmapReference, BinaryFile file)
            if (asset.IsNew || asset.IsNull)

            if (file.IsEmpty)

            if (StringUtils.IsBlank(assetBitmapReference))

            var abg = new AssetBitmapInfo(asset, assetBitmapReference);

            if (abg.FileExists)

            if (!Directory.Exists(abg.FolderPath))
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Created folder: {0}", abg.FolderPath);

            string path = Path.Combine(abg.FolderPath, abg.Reference + "_" + abg.Asset.AssetId + "." + file.FileExtension);

        public static void SaveHomepageImage(Homepage homepage, int number, BinaryFile file, Size maxDimensions)
            if (homepage.IsNew)
                throw new SystemException("Homepage must be saved before image can be saved");

            if (!file.IsEmpty)
                // The ID of the homepage being saved
                int homepageId = homepage.HomepageId.GetValueOrDefault();

                // Delete the old files
                foreach (string f in GetHomepageImageFiles(homepageId, number))

                // Construct path to the new homepage image
                string prefix   = GetHomepageImagePrefix(homepageId, number);
                string filename = string.Format("{0}.{1}", prefix, file.FileExtension);
                string path     = Path.Combine(HomepageImagesFolder, filename);

                // Save the file

                // Resize the file if required
                if (!maxDimensions.IsEmpty)
                    ImageUtils.ResizeImageDown(path, maxDimensions.Height, maxDimensions.Width);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the posted file to disk and adds its mimetype
        /// to the mimetype manager if it does not exist already
        /// </summary>
        private static void SavePostedFile(BinaryFile file, string path)
            m_Logger.DebugFormat("File '{0}' saved to '{1}'", file.FileName, path);

            MimeTypeManager.AddMimeType(file.FileExtension, file.ContentType);
        public static void SaveAssetFile(Asset asset, BinaryFile file, bool notify, bool checkHash, bool doNotProcessForPreview)
            // Quit if empty asset
            if (asset == null || asset.IsNull || asset.IsNew)

            // Quit if no file was uploaded
            if (file == null || file.IsEmpty)

            if (checkHash)
                // Check the hash.  Don't allow a processed asset to be re-uploaded
                AssetFinder finder = new AssetFinder {
                    FileHash = file.FileHash, IsProcessed = true
                Asset assetFromHash = Asset.FindOne(finder);

                if (!assetFromHash.IsNull)
                    throw new InvalidAssetFileException(string.Format("{0} is already uploaded and has the Asset ID: {1}", file.FileName, assetFromHash.AssetId));

            m_Logger.DebugFormat("SaveAssetFile - AssetId: {0}", asset.AssetId);

            // Ensure asset has path
            if (asset.AssetFilePath.IsNull)
                asset.AssetFilePathId = AssetFilePathManager.GetDefault().AssetFilePathId.GetValueOrDefault();

            // Delete old files
            foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles(asset.AssetFilePath.Path, asset.FileReference + ".*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))

            // Delete any cached files
            string cacheFolder = Path.Combine(Settings.CachedAssetFilesFolder, asset.AssetId.ToString());

            if (Directory.Exists(cacheFolder))
                Directory.Delete(cacheFolder, true);
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Deleted cache folder: {0}", cacheFolder);

            // Update the asset file path
            asset.AssetFilePathId = AssetFilePathManager.GetDefault().AssetFilePathId.GetValueOrDefault();

            // Update asset file information
            asset.Filename = file.FileName;
            asset.FileSize = file.FileSize;
            asset.FileHash = file.FileHash;

            // The file extension comes from the view but set this for now
            // in case we need it elsewhere in the code before the Asset entity
            // is refreshed from the database.
            asset.FileExtension = file.FileExtension;

            // If not processing for Preview the asset.IsProcessed flag should be set
            // depending on the file extension.
            if (!doNotProcessForPreview)
                asset.IsProcessed = (!APSGateway.Instance.CanProcess(file.FileExtension));

            // Save asset to database

            // Construct location to save asset file
            string assetFolder   = GetFolder(asset.AssetFilePath, AssetFileType.AssetFile);
            string assetFilePath = Path.Combine(assetFolder, asset.FileReference + "." + file.FileExtension);

            // Save the file.  Don't bother doing a mimetype check here, as the
            // files will be forced to open the download box by using 'application/octet-stream'
            // as the content type, so the server doesn't need to set this value.
            m_Logger.DebugFormat("Saved file: {0}", assetFilePath);

            // Send this to the gateway for processing unless the do not process flag is set.
            // When the preview and thumbnail are ready, the APS will callback to the web app to save them.
            if (!doNotProcessForPreview && !asset.IsProcessed)
                APSGateway.Instance.ProcessFile(asset, notify, FileOutputs.All);

            // Regenerate bitmaps.  This submits the assets to the APS and returns.
            // When the files are ready, the APS will callback to the web app to save them.

            // Check if file indexing is enabled, and if so, read the file contents into a byte
            // array and then store this in the database so that we can search it using full-text
            // indexing.  As we're using an indexed view, this is done using a subquery.
            // See AssetFinder.cs for full details of how this is implemented.
            if (AssetFinder.FileIndexingEnabled && m_IndexableExtensions.Contains(file.FileExtension))
                ByteArray byteArray = ByteArray.New(file.InputStream);
                Asset.AddUpdateFileContents(asset.AssetId.GetValueOrDefault(), file.FileName, AssetFileType.AssetFile, byteArray, false);

            // Now create the zip file if required
            if (ZipAssetFiles)
        public void Upload()

            m_Logger.DebugFormat("Uploading file: {0}", BinaryFile.FileName);

            if (BinaryFile.FileExtension == "zip" && !PreserveZipFile)
                m_Logger.Debug("File is zip file");

                // If we're using a zip file, we need to go through the files inside
                // the zip and check them.  Files that are not valid are not unzipped,
                // we just skip over them as there's no point in unzipping files we don't need.

                using (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(BinaryFile.InputStream))
                    int fileCount = 0;

                    foreach (ZipEntry zipEntry in zipFile)
                        // Ignore non-files completely
                        if (!zipEntry.IsFile)
                            m_Logger.DebugFormat(" - {0} skipped, not a file", zipEntry.Name);

                        string filename = (Path.GetFileName(zipEntry.Name) ?? string.Empty).ToLower();

                        // Ignore blank filenames completely
                        if (StringUtils.IsBlank(filename))
                            m_Logger.Debug(" - skipped empty filename");

                        m_Logger.DebugFormat(" - {0} being processed", zipEntry.Name);


                        // Initialise the uploaded asset result
                        UploadedAssetResult uar = new UploadedAssetResult {
                            Filename = filename, ZipFileIndex = zipEntry.ZipFileIndex

                        Asset asset;

                        if (IsDuplicateFile(zipFile, zipEntry, out asset))
                            uar.FileStatus = FileStatus.DuplicateHash;
                            uar.Asset      = asset;

                            if (UploadedBy.UserRole == UserRole.SuperAdministrator)
                                uar.SaveFile = true;
                                m_Logger.Debug("  -- File is duplicate hash, but uploader is superadmin so save anyway");
                                uar.SaveFile = false;
                                m_Logger.Debug("  -- File is ignored, duplicate hash");
                        else if (IgnorePath(zipEntry.Name))
                            uar.SaveFile   = false;
                            uar.FileStatus = FileStatus.IgnoredPath;
                            m_Logger.Debug("  -- Path is ignored");
                        else if (IgnoreFile(filename))
                            uar.SaveFile   = false;
                            uar.FileStatus = FileStatus.IgnoredFile;
                            m_Logger.Debug("  -- File is ignored");
                            uar.SaveFile   = true;
                            uar.FileStatus = FileStatus.Processed;
                            m_Logger.Debug("  -- File is valid");


                    // Ensure that the zip file has at least one file
                    // No point in continuing otherwise.
                    if (fileCount == 0)
                        m_Logger.Debug("- Zip file does not contain any assets and cannot be processed");
                        throw new AssetUploadException("Zip file does not contain any assets");

                    foreach (ZipEntry zipEntry in zipFile)
                        // Ignore non-files completely
                        if (!zipEntry.IsFile)

                        // Get the filename
                        string filename = (Path.GetFileName(zipEntry.Name) ?? string.Empty);

                        // Ignore blank filenames completely
                        if (StringUtils.IsBlank(filename))

                        // Parsed filename
                        string parsedFilename = (Path.GetFileName(zipEntry.Name) ?? string.Empty).ToLower();

                        // Only process the file if SaveFile is true (ie. it meets the save requirements)
                        bool process = (UploadedAssetResultList.FindAll(o => o.Filename.ToLower() == parsedFilename && o.SaveFile).Count > 0);

                        if (process)
                            OnProgress("Unzipping file: " + parsedFilename);

                            // Construct the filepath where the file will be unzipped to
                            string filePath = GetUniqueFilepath(Path.Combine(TempFolder, filename));

                            // Unzip the file
                            using (Stream inputStream = zipFile.GetInputStream(zipEntry))
                                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
                                    CopyStream(inputStream, fileStream);

                            if (CreateCategorySubFolders)
                                // Store the temporary filename along with the original path
                                m_TempFiles.Add(filePath, new OriginalLocation {
                                    OriginalPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipEntry.Name), ZipFileIndex = zipEntry.ZipFileIndex
                                m_TempFiles.Add(filePath, new OriginalLocation {
                                    OriginalPath = String.Empty, ZipFileIndex = zipEntry.ZipFileIndex

                            OnProgress("Unzipped file: " + parsedFilename);
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Processing single file upload: {0}", BinaryFile.FileName);

                // Single file uploads.  These are managed a bit differently from zip uploads.
                // They are validated and if anything fails, we throw an AssetUpload exception.

                // Ensure that the file isn't one that should be ignored
                if (IgnoreFile(BinaryFile.FileName))
                    m_Logger.DebugFormat("File {0} is not a valid asset file", BinaryFile.FileName);
                    throw new AssetUploadException(string.Format("The file '{0}' is not a valid asset file", BinaryFile.FileName));

                // Search for assets with the same file hash
                AssetFinder finder = new AssetFinder {
                    FileHash = BinaryFile.FileHash, IsProcessed = true
                finder.SortExpressions.Add(new DescendingSort("AssetId"));
                Asset duplicateAsset = Asset.FindOne(finder);

                // If a duplicate asset was found and the uploading user is not a superadmin, halt the upload and don't save the file to disk
                // Include the duplicate asset ID in the error message for information purposes.
                // We allow duplicate uploads from super-admins as we assume they know wha they are doing.
                if (!duplicateAsset.IsNull)
                    // Log this duplicate
                    m_Logger.DebugFormat("The file {0} has already been uploaded to the system and has the Asset ID: {1}", BinaryFile.FileName, duplicateAsset.AssetId);

                    // Halt the upload if the user doing the upload is not a super-admin
                    if (UploadedBy.UserRole != UserRole.SuperAdministrator)
                        string message = string.Format("This file has already been uploaded to the system and has the ID: {0}", duplicateAsset.AssetId);
                        throw new DuplicateHashException(message, BinaryFile, duplicateAsset);

                // Get the filename where this file should be saved to on disk
                string filename = Path.Combine(TempFolder, BinaryFile.FileName);

                // Save the file
                OnProgress("Saving asset file to disk");
                m_TempFiles.Add(filename, new OriginalLocation {
                    OriginalPath = SourcePath, ZipFileIndex = -1
                OnProgress("Saved asset file to disk");

                // Set the filestatus based on whether the asset is a duplicate
                FileStatus fileStatus = (!duplicateAsset.IsNull) ? FileStatus.DuplicateHash : FileStatus.Processed;

                // Add it to the resut list
                UploadedAssetResult uar = new UploadedAssetResult {
                    Filename = BinaryFile.FileName, FileStatus = fileStatus, SaveFile = true, ZipFileIndex = -1

            // Get all of the uploaded files and upload these to the system
            // foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles(TempFolder))
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OriginalLocation> kvp in m_TempFiles)
                // Save the asset file to the system
                OnProgress("Saving asset");
                OriginalLocation origLocation = (OriginalLocation)kvp.Value;
                // Asset asset = SaveUploadedAsset(new BinaryFile(path, BinaryFile.SaveMode.Move));
                Asset asset = SaveUploadedAsset(new BinaryFile(kvp.Key, BinaryFile.SaveMode.Move), origLocation.OriginalPath);
                OnProgress("Saved asset with ID: " + asset.AssetId);

                // Update audit logs
                LogUploadedAsset(asset, string.Format("Uploaded from: {0}", BinaryFile.FileName));

                // Update the uploaded asset result list item with the asset record that was created
                UploadedAssetResult uar;
                if (origLocation.ZipFileIndex != -1)
                    // Original was from a zip file so use the zip file index
                    uar = UploadedAssetResultList.Find(o => o.ZipFileIndex == origLocation.ZipFileIndex && o.SaveFile);
                    // Coming from a folder heirarchy so use filename.
                    uar = UploadedAssetResultList.Find(o => o.Filename.ToLower() == asset.Filename.ToLower() && o.SaveFile);

                uar.Asset = asset;

                OnProgress("Deleting temp folder");
                Directory.Delete(TempFolder, true);
                OnProgress("Deleted temp folder");

                m_Logger.DebugFormat("- Deleted directory: {0}", TempFolder);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_Logger.Warn("Error deleting: " + TempFolder, e);