private void InitializeDetailControls() { DropDown.Add("ModInstallAs", new DropDown( this.comboBoxModInstallAs, new String[] { "Bundled *.ba2 archive", "Separate *.ba2 archive", "Loose files" } )); DropDown.Add("ModArchivePreset", new DropDown( this.comboBoxModArchivePreset, new String[] { "-- Please select --", "Auto-detect", "General / Interface / Materials / Animations", /* Materials: *.bgsm; Interface: *.swf; */ "Textures (*.dds files)", "Sound FX / Music / Voice", /* Voice: *.fuz; Lip-Sync: *.lip; Sound FX: *.xwm; */ } )); this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.MouseEnter += new EventHandler((mouseSender, mouseEventArgs) => { this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.BackColor = Color.LightGray; this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; }); this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.MouseLeave += new EventHandler((mouseSender, mouseEventArgs) => { this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.BackColor = Color.Silver; this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; }); CollapseAndHideSidePanel(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up elements, adds event handlers, etc. /// </summary> private void InitializeDetailControls() { DropDown.Add("ModInstallAs", new DropDown( this.comboBoxModInstallAs, new string[] { "Bundled *.ba2 archive", "Separate *.ba2 archive", "Loose files" } )); DropDown.Add("ModArchivePreset", new DropDown( this.comboBoxModArchivePreset, new string[] { "-- Please select --", "Auto-detect", "General / Interface / Materials / Animations", /* Materials: *.bgsm; Interface: *.swf; */ "Textures (*.dds files)", "Sound FX / Music / Voice", /* Voice: *.fuz; Lip-Sync: *.lip; Sound FX: *.xwm; */ } )); this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.MouseEnter += new EventHandler((mouseSender, mouseEventArgs) => { this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.BackColor = Color.LightGray; this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; }); this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.MouseLeave += new EventHandler((mouseSender, mouseEventArgs) => { this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.BackColor = Color.Silver; this.pictureBoxCollapseDetails.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; }); this.Resize += this.FormModsDetails_Resize; // Disable scroll wheel on UI elements to prevent the user from accidentally changing values: Utils.PreventChangeOnMouseWheelForAllElements(this.panelModDetailsInner); /* * Drag&Drop */ this.panelModDetailsReplaceDragAndDrop.AllowDrop = true; this.panelModDetailsReplaceDragAndDrop.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(panelModDetailsReplaceDragAndDrop_DragEnter); this.panelModDetailsReplaceDragAndDrop.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(panelModDetailsReplaceDragAndDrop_DragDrop); CloseSidePanel(); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); // Determine whether this is the very first start of the tool on the system: FirstStart = !File.Exists(IniFiles.ConfigPath) && !File.Exists(ProfileManager.XMLPath); // Handle changes: ProfileManager.ProfileChanged += OnProfileChanged; // Create FormMods: formMods = new FormMods(); FormMods.NWModeUpdated += OnNWModeUpdated; UpdateNWModeUI(false); /* * Translations */ // Make this form translatable: LocalizedForm form = new LocalizedForm(this, this.toolTip); form.SpecialControls.Add(this.contextMenuStripGallery); Localization.LocalizedForms.Add(form); // Handle translations: Translation.LanguageChanged += OnLanguageChanged; // Add control elements to blacklist: Translation.BlackList.AddRange(new string[] { "labelConfigVersion", "labelAuthorName", "labelTranslationAuthor", "groupBoxWIP", "labelNewVersion", "labelGameEdition", "toolStripStatusLabelGameText", "toolStripStatusLabelEditionText", "toolStripStatusLabel1", "labelPipboyResolutionSpacer" }); /* * Dropdowns */ #region Dropdowns // Let's add options to the drop-down menus: // Display resolution usage statistics (and lists): // // // // // // DropDown.Add("Resolution", new DropDown( this.comboBoxResolution, new string[] { "Custom", "", "┌───────────────────────────────┐", "│ 4:3 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [4:3] 640 x 480 (VGA) │", "│ [4:3] 800 x 600 (SVGA) │", "│ [4:3] 960 x 720 │", "│ [4:3] 1024 x 768 (XGA) │", "│ [4:3] 1152 x 864 │", "│ [4:3] 1280 x 960 │", "│ [4:3] 1400 x 1050 │", "│ [4:3] 1440 x 1080 │", "│ [4:3] 1600 x 1200 │", "│ [4:3] 1920 x 1440 │", "│ [4:3] 2048 x 1536 │", "│ [4:3] 2880 x 2160 │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 5:3 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [5:3] 800 x 480 │", "│ [5:3] 1280 x 768 (WXGA) │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 5:4 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [5:4] 1152 x 960 │", "│ [5:4] 1280 x 1024 │", "│ [5:4] 2560 x 2048 │", "│ [5:4] 5120 x 4096 │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 8:5 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [8:5] 1280 x 800 │", "│ [8:5] 1440 x 900 │", "│ [8:5] 1680 x 1050 │", "│ [8:5] 1920 x 1200 │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 16:9 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [16:9] 1024 x 576 │", "│ [16:9] 1152 x 648 │", "│ [16:9] 1280 x 720 (HD) │", "│ [16:9] 1360 x 768 │", "│ [16:9] 1365 x 768 │", "│ [16:9] 1366 x 768 │", "│ [16:9] 1536 x 864 │", "│ [16:9] 1600 x 900 │", "│ [16:9] 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) │", "│ [16:9] 2560 x 1440 (WQHD) │", "│ [16:9] 3200 x 1800 │", "│ [16:9] 3840 x 2160 (4K UHD1) │", "│ [16:9] 5120 x 2880 (5K) │", "│ [16:9] 7680 x 4320 (8K UHD2) │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 16:10 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [16:10] 640 x 400 │", "│ [16:10] 1280 x 800 │", "│ [16:10] 1440 x 900 │", "│ [16:10] 1680 x 1050 │", "│ [16:10] 1920 x 1200 │", "│ [16:10] 2560 x 1600 │", "│ [16:10] 3840 x 2400 │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 17:9 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [17:9] 2048 x 1080 │", "│ │", "│ │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ 21:9 │", "├───────────────────────────────┤", "│ [21:9] 1920 x 800 │", "│ [21:9] 2560 x 1080 │", "│ [21:9] 3440 x 1440 │", "│ [21:9] 3840 x 1600 │", "│ [21:9] 5120 x 2160 │", "│ │", "│ │", "└───────────────────────────────┘", "" } )); DropDown.Add("DisplayMode", new DropDown( this.comboBoxDisplayMode, new string[] { "Fullscreen", "Windowed", "Borderless windowed", "Borderless windowed (Fullscreen)" } )); DropDown.Add("AntiAliasing", new DropDown( this.comboBoxAntiAliasing, new string[] { "TAA (default)", "FXAA", "Disabled" } )); DropDown.Add("AnisotropicFiltering", new DropDown( this.comboBoxAnisotropicFiltering, new string[] { "None", "2x", "4x", "8x (default)", "16x" } )); DropDown.Add("ShadowTextureResolution", new DropDown( this.comboBoxShadowTextureResolution, new string[] { "512 = Potato", "1024 = Low", "2048 = High (default)", "4096 = Ultra" } )); DropDown.Add("ShadowBlurriness", new DropDown( this.comboBoxShadowBlurriness, new string[] { "1x", "2x", "3x = Default, recommended" } )); DropDown.Add("VoiceChatMode", new DropDown( this.comboBoxVoiceChatMode, new string[] { "Auto", "Area", "Team", "None" } )); DropDown.Add("ShowActiveEffectsOnHUD", new DropDown( this.comboBoxShowActiveEffectsOnHUD, new string[] { "Disabled", "Detrimental", "All" } )); DropDown.Add("iDirShadowSplits", new DropDown( this.comboBoxiDirShadowSplits, new string[] { "1 - Low", "2 - High / Medium", "3 - Ultra" } )); #endregion /* * Event handlers: */ // Disable scroll wheel on UI elements to prevent the user from accidentally changing values: Utils.PreventChangeOnMouseWheelForAllElements(this); // Event handler: this.FormClosing += this.Form1_FormClosing; this.Shown += this.Form1_Shown; this.KeyDown += this.Form1_KeyDown; this.backgroundWorkerGetLatestVersion.RunWorkerCompleted += backgroundWorkerGetLatestVersion_RunWorkerCompleted; InitAccountProfileRadiobuttons(); // Pipboy screen preview: InitPipboyScreen(); this.colorPreviewPipboy.BackColorChanged += colorPreviewPipboy_BackColorChanged; // Danger Zone: this.tabControl1.TabPages.Remove(this.tabPageDangerZone); FormSettings.SettingsClosing += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { if (FormSettings.DangerZoneEnabled && !this.tabControl1.TabPages.Contains(this.tabPageDangerZone)) { this.tabControl1.TabPages.Add(this.tabPageDangerZone); LinkDangerZoneControls(); } }; }