        public ConfigureAppViewModel(NewProjectViewModel screen = null) : base("newprj_app", screen)
            Title                = "New Project";
            Description          = "Follow these steps to generate the Xamarin solution: specify your app name, organization and supported platforms.\nFurther settings in the \"Next\" section.";
            IsDescriptionVisible = true;

            BackVisible = false;

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.AppName, t => t.OrganizationId, t => t.TargetAndroid, t => t.TargetIos,
                              (app, org, target1, target2) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(app) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(org) && (target1 || target2))
            .BindTo(this, t => t.NextEnabled);

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.AppName, t => t.OrganizationId, BuildAndroidAppId)
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.AndroidAppId, out _androidAppId, initialValue: BuildAndroidAppId(AppName, OrganizationId));

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.AppName, t => t.OrganizationId, BuildIosAppId)
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.IosAppId, out _iosAppId, initialValue: BuildIosAppId(AppName, OrganizationId));

            // Command to check if app can target Android / iOS
            ReactiveCommand <Unit, Unit> checkPlatformRequirementsCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(() => Task.Run(() =>
                // Check iOS support
                if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
                    CanTargetIos = false;
                    SetPlatformMessage(Platform.iOS, PlatformMessageType.Normal, "Flutter iOS projects are supported on macOS only.");

                // Check Android SDK installation
                bool canTargetAndroid = AndroidSdkLocator.TryLocate(out _);

                CanTargetAndroid = canTargetAndroid;
                if (!canTargetAndroid)
                    SetPlatformMessage(Platform.Android, PlatformMessageType.Normal, "Android SDK not detected.");

                TargetIos     = CanTargetIos;
                TargetAndroid = CanTargetAndroid;

        public CreateProjectProgressViewModel(FlutnetAppSettings appSettings, FlutnetProjectSettings projectSettings, NewProjectViewModel screen = null) : base("newprj_progress", screen)
            _appSettings     = appSettings;
            _projectSettings = projectSettings;

            Title                = "New Project";
            Description          = "The project will take some time to generate.\nWait until the procedure finish.\n";
            IsDescriptionVisible = false;

            NextText     = "Finish";
            BackVisible  = false;
            IsFinishPage = true;

            OutputLines = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            // Observe any changes in the observable collection.
            // Note that the property has no public setters, so we
            // assume the collection is mutated by using the Add(),
            // Delete(), Clear() and other similar methods.
            // Convert the collection to a stream of chunks,
            // so we have IObservable<IChangeSet<TKey, TValue>>
            // type also known as the DynamicData monad.
            // Each time the collection changes, we get
            // all updated items at once.
            // Aggregate all the elements in the collection
            // into a multi-line string.
            .Select(lines => string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines))
            // Then, we convert the multi-line string to the
            // property a multi-line TextBox can bind.
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.Output, out _output, scheduler: RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            // Create the command that calls Flutnet CLI
            CreateProject = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async ct =>
                NewProjectInArg arguments = BuildCommandLineArg();

                CommandLineCallResult callResult = await CommandLineTools.Call <NewProjectOutArg>(arguments, ct, line =>

                // This is not the proper way to change property values and raise property change notifications:
                // we should return a public object and subscribe to the command observable
                // so that we can use ReactiveUI framework methods such as ToProperty, BindTo etc.
                if (callResult.Canceled)
                    IsCanceled = true;
                else if (callResult.Failed)
                    IsFailed = true;
                    OutArg result = callResult.CommandResult;
                    if (!result.Success)
                        IsFailed = true;
                        IsCompletedSuccessfully = true;

            CreateProject.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsInProgress, out _isInProgress);
            CreateProject.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, x => x.IsBusy);

            BrowseProject = ReactiveCommand.Create(
                execute: () => Launcher.OpenFolder(Path.Combine(projectSettings.Location, projectSettings.SolutionName)),
                canExecute: this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.IsCompletedSuccessfully));

            // Execute the command when the View is activated
            Activator = new ViewModelActivator();
            this.WhenActivated(disposables =>

            this.WhenAnyValue(t => t.IsInProgress, t => !t).BindTo(this, t => t.NextEnabled);
        public MainPageViewModel(IScreen hostScreen) : base("main", hostScreen)
            // Initialize all the page view models
            NewProjectViewModel newProjectPage = new NewProjectViewModel(this);
            AboutViewModel      aboutPage      = new AboutViewModel(this);

            // Initialize the commands for navigating to these pages
            OpenNewProjectPage = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() => Router.Navigate.Execute(newProjectPage));
            OpenAboutPage      = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() => Router.Navigate.Execute(aboutPage));

            // Create the command for displaying the setup wizard at startup
            ReactiveCommand <Unit, Unit> cmdOpenSetupWizard = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable <Unit, Unit>(sender =>

            // Check license status and optionally check for updates when the view is activated
            this.WhenActivated(disposables =>
                if (AppSettings.Default.Preferences.CheckForUpdatesAtStartup)

                // Set the default (initial) page to the new project page

            newProjectPage.WhenActivated(disposables =>
                if (_firstActivation && AppSettings.Default.Preferences.ShowSetupWizardAtStartup)
                    _firstActivation = false;

            //// Sample of a command executed periodically
            //TimeSpan interval = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
            //Observable.Timer(interval, interval)
            //    .Select(time => Unit.Default)
            //    .InvokeCommand(aboutPage, p => p.CheckForUpdates);

            aboutPage.WhenAnyValue(p => p.IsNewVersionAvailable).BindTo(this, t => t.IsUpdateAvailable);

            .Where(vm => vm is IPageViewModel)
            .Select(vm => (IPageViewModel)vm)
            .Subscribe(page =>
                page.WhenAnyValue(p => p.Title).BindTo(this, t => t.Title);
                page.WhenAnyValue(p => p.IsBusy).BindTo(this, t => t.IsBusy);

            .Select(vm => vm is NewProjectViewModel)
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.IsNewProjectPageVisible, out _isNewProjectPageVisible);

            .Select(vm => vm is AboutViewModel)
            .ToProperty(this, t => t.IsAboutPageVisible, out _isAboutPageVisible);