        protected Component(BootstrapHelper helper)
            _config   = helper.GetConfig();
            _parent   = helper.GetParent();
            _implicit = GetOutputStack().Count > 0;

            // Get any component override(s)
            ComponentOverride componentOverride = null;
            Type thisType = GetType();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, Func <BootstrapConfig, Component, ComponentOverride> > match
                     in Config.ComponentOverrides.Where(x => x.Key.IsAssignableFrom(thisType)))
                ComponentOverride lastComponentOverride = componentOverride;
                componentOverride = match.Value(Config, this);
                componentOverride.BaseStartAction  = OnStart;
                componentOverride.BaseFinishAction = OnFinish;
                if (lastComponentOverride != null)
                    // If this is an override higher up the hierarchy, redirect the lower override to call this one
                    lastComponentOverride.BaseStartAction  = componentOverride.OnStart;
                    lastComponentOverride.BaseFinishAction = componentOverride.OnFinish;
 internal static void SetColumnClass(this Tag tag, BootstrapConfig config, string prefix, int?value)
     tag.CssClasses.RemoveWhere(x => x.StartsWith(prefix));
     if (value != null)
         if (value < 0)
             value = 1;
         if (value > config.GridColumns)
             value = config.GridColumns;
         tag.CssClasses.Add(prefix + value.Value);