private static IndexPath StartPath(IndexPath path, int length) { var subPath = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { subPath.Add(path.GetAt(i)); } return(new IndexPath(subPath)); }
public static void TraverseIndexPath( SelectionNode root, IndexPath path, bool realizeChildren, Action <SelectionNode, IndexPath, int, int> nodeAction) { var node = root; for (int depth = 0; depth < path.GetSize(); depth++) { int childIndex = path.GetAt(depth); nodeAction(node, path, depth, childIndex); if (depth < path.GetSize() - 1) { node = node.GetAt(childIndex, realizeChildren, path) !; } } }
private static bool IsSubSet(IndexPath path, IndexPath subset) { var subsetSize = subset.GetSize(); if (path.GetSize() < subsetSize) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < subsetSize; i++) { if (path.GetAt(i) != subset.GetAt(i)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void TraverseRangeRealizeChildren( SelectionNode root, IndexPath start, IndexPath end, Action <TreeWalkNodeInfo> nodeAction) { var pendingNodes = new List <TreeWalkNodeInfo>(); var current = start; // Build up the stack to account for the depth first walk up to the // start index path. TraverseIndexPath( root, start, true, (node, path, depth, childIndex) => { var currentPath = StartPath(path, depth); bool isStartPath = IsSubSet(start, currentPath); bool isEndPath = IsSubSet(end, currentPath); int startIndex = depth < start.GetSize() && isStartPath ? start.GetAt(depth) : 0; int endIndex = depth < end.GetSize() && isEndPath ? end.GetAt(depth) : node.DataCount - 1; for (int i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i--) { var child = node.GetAt(i, true, end); if (child != null) { var childPath = currentPath.CloneWithChildIndex(i); pendingNodes.Add(new TreeWalkNodeInfo(child, childPath, node)); } } }); // From the start index path, do a depth first walk as long as the // current path is less than the end path. while (pendingNodes.Count > 0) { var info = pendingNodes.Last(); pendingNodes.RemoveAt(pendingNodes.Count - 1); int depth = info.Path.GetSize(); bool isStartPath = IsSubSet(start, info.Path); bool isEndPath = IsSubSet(end, info.Path); int startIndex = depth < start.GetSize() && isStartPath?start.GetAt(depth) : 0; int endIndex = depth < end.GetSize() && isEndPath?end.GetAt(depth) : info.Node.DataCount - 1; for (int i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i--) { var child = info.Node.GetAt(i, true, end); if (child != null) { var childPath = info.Path.CloneWithChildIndex(i); pendingNodes.Add(new TreeWalkNodeInfo(child, childPath, info.Node)); } } nodeAction(info); if (info.Path.CompareTo(end) == 0) { // We reached the end index path. stop iterating. break; } } }