public static async Task ChunksToVideos(string tempFolder, string chunksFolder, string baseOutPath) { if (IOUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(chunksFolder, true, $"*{FFmpegUtils.GetExt(I.current.outMode)}") < 1) { I.Cancel("No video chunks found - An error must have occured during chunk encoding!", AiProcess.hasShownError); return; } await Task.Delay(10); Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Merging video chunks..."); try { DirectoryInfo chunksDir = new DirectoryInfo(chunksFolder); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in chunksDir.GetDirectories()) { string suffix = dir.Name.Replace("chunks", ""); string tempConcatFile = Path.Combine(tempFolder, $"chunks-concat{suffix}.ini"); string concatFileContent = ""; foreach (string vid in IOUtils.GetFilesSorted(dir.FullName)) { concatFileContent += $"file '{Paths.chunksDir}/{dir.Name}/{Path.GetFileName(vid)}'\n"; } File.WriteAllText(tempConcatFile, concatFileContent); Logger.Log($"CreateVideo: Running MergeChunks() for vfrFile '{Path.GetFileName(tempConcatFile)}'", true); await MergeChunks(tempConcatFile, baseOutPath.FilenameSuffix(suffix)); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("ChunksToVideo Error: " + e.Message, false); MessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to merge the video chunks.\nCheck the log for details."); } }
static string currentOutFile; // Keeps track of the out file, in case it gets renamed (FPS limiting, looping, etc) before finishing export public static async Task Export(string path, string outFolder, I.OutMode mode, bool stepByStep) { if (!mode.ToString().ToLower().Contains("vid")) // Copy interp frames out of temp folder and skip video export for image seq export { try { string folder = Path.Combine(outFolder, IOUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(false, false)); await CopyOutputFrames(path, folder, stepByStep); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Failed to move interp frames folder: " + e.Message); } return; } if (IOUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(path, false, $"*.{InterpolateUtils.GetOutExt()}") <= 1) { I.Cancel("Output folder does not contain frames - An error must have occured during interpolation!", AiProcess.hasShownError); return; } await Task.Delay(10); Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Creating output video from frames..."); try { float maxFps = Config.GetFloat("maxFps"); bool fpsLimit = maxFps != 0 && I.current.outFps > maxFps; bool dontEncodeFullFpsVid = fpsLimit && Config.GetInt("maxFpsMode") == 0; if (!dontEncodeFullFpsVid) { await Encode(mode, path, Path.Combine(outFolder, IOUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(false, true)), I.current.outFps); } if (fpsLimit) { await Encode(mode, path, Path.Combine(outFolder, IOUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(true, true)), I.current.outFps, maxFps); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("FramesToVideo Error: " + e.Message, false); MessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to convert the interpolated frames to a video.\nCheck the log for details."); } }
static async Task Encode(I.OutMode mode, string framesPath, string outPath, float fps, float resampleFps = -1) { currentOutFile = outPath; string vfrFile = Path.Combine(framesPath.GetParentDir(), Paths.GetFrameOrderFilename(I.current.interpFactor)); if (!File.Exists(vfrFile)) { bool sbs = Config.GetInt("processingMode") == 1; I.Cancel($"Frame order file for this interpolation factor not found!{(sbs ? "\n\nDid you run the interpolation step with the current factor?" : "")}"); return; } if (mode == I.OutMode.VidGif) { await FfmpegEncode.FramesToGifConcat(vfrFile, outPath, fps, true, Config.GetInt("gifColors"), resampleFps); } else { await FfmpegEncode.FramesToVideoConcat(vfrFile, outPath, mode, fps, resampleFps); await MuxOutputVideo(I.current.inPath, outPath); await Loop(currentOutFile, GetLoopTimes()); } }
private void cancelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetTab("interpolation"); Interpolate.Cancel(); }
static void LogOutput(string line, string logFilename, bool err = false) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || line.Length < 6) { return; } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Restart(); if (line.Contains("iVBOR")) { try { string[] split = line.Split(':'); //MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(split[1])); //Image img = Image.FromStream(stream); Logger.Log($"Received image {split[0]} in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", true); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log($"Failed to decode b64 string - {e}:"); Logger.Log(line); } return; } Logger.LogToFile(line, false, logFilename); if (line.Contains("ff:nocuda-cpu")) { Logger.Log("WARNING: CUDA-capable GPU device is not available, running on CPU instead!"); } if (!hasShownError && err && line.ToLower().Contains("out of memory")) { hasShownError = true; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"Your GPU ran out of VRAM! Please try a video with a lower resolution or use the Max Video Size option in the settings.\n\n{line}", "Error"); } if (!hasShownError && err && line.ToLower().Contains("modulenotfounderror")) { hasShownError = true; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A python module is missing.\nCheck {logFilename} for details.\n\n{line}", "Error"); if (!Python.HasEmbeddedPyFolder()) { Process.Start(""); } } if (!hasShownError && line.ToLower().Contains("no longer supports this gpu")) { hasShownError = true; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"Your GPU seems to be outdated and is not supported!\n\n{line}", "Error"); } if (!hasShownError && err && (line.Contains("RuntimeError") || line.Contains("ImportError") || line.Contains("OSError"))) { hasShownError = true; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A python error occured during interpolation!\nCheck {logFilename} for details.\n\n{line}", "Error"); } if (!hasShownError && err && line.Contains("vk") && line.Contains(" failed")) { hasShownError = true; string dain = ( == Networks.dainNcnn.aiName) ? "\n\nTry reducing the tile size in the AI settings." : ""; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A Vulkan error occured during interpolation!\n\n{line}{dain}", "Error"); } if (!hasShownError && err && line.Contains("vkAllocateMemory failed")) { hasShownError = true; bool usingDain = ( == Networks.dainNcnn.aiName); string msg = usingDain ? "\n\nTry reducing the tile size in the AI settings." : "Try a lower resolution (Settings -> Max Video Size)."; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"Vulkan ran out of memory!\n\n{line}{msg}", "Error"); } if (!hasShownError && err && line.Contains("invalid gpu device")) { hasShownError = true; InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A Vulkan error occured during interpolation!\n\n{line}\n\nAre your GPU IDs set correctly?", "Error"); } if (hasShownError) { Interpolate.Cancel(); } InterpolateUtils.UpdateLastFrameFromInterpOutput(line); }