private String ReadLineAsync() { String line = null; AsyncThread thread = AsyncThread.Borrow(() => { line = program.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); outputDone.Set(); }); WakeUp(); timer.Start(); while (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds <= Settings.TimeLimit) { bool success = outputDone.WaitOne((int)(Settings.TimeLimit + Settings.ReadTimeMargin - timer.ElapsedMilliseconds)); if (success) { break; // success may also be true when the program crashes, see Start() } } timer.Stop(); Sleep(); outputDone.Reset(); AsyncThread.Return(thread, line != null); bool potentialCrash = line == null ? true : line.Length == 0; if (potentialCrash && program.HasExited) { throw new Crash(); } if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > Settings.TimeLimit) { throw new Timeout(); } return(line); }
public void Quit() { try { Debug.WriteLine(match.Prefix + "Player " + + " used " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms."); if (!program.HasExited) { SendLine("Quit"); WakeUp(); if (Settings.KillPrograms) { Thread.Sleep(Settings.MillisecondsBeforeKill); Terminate(); } program.WaitForExit(); } } finally { AsyncThread.Return(errorThread, program.HasExited); } }