        private void OnUpdate()
            if (_queue.Count == 0 || (_task != null && _task.Enabled))

            // TODO: add delay when processing the requests to reduce perf impact (eg. 0.2s before actual rendering)

            // Setup pipeline
            if (_atlases == null)
                _atlases = new List <Atlas>(4);
            if (_output == null)
                _output = GPUDevice.Instance.CreateTexture("CameraCutMedia.Output");
                var desc = GPUTextureDescription.New2D(Width, Height, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);
                _output.Init(ref desc);
            if (_task == null)
                _task        = Object.New <SceneRenderTask>();
                _task.Output = _output;
                _task.Begin += OnBegin;
                _task.End   += OnEnd;

            // Kick off the rendering
            _task.Enabled = true;
        private void DoAdd()
            // Restore script
            var parentActor = Object.Find <Actor>(ref _parentId);

            if (parentActor == null)
                // Error
                Editor.LogWarning("Missing parent actor.");
            _script = (Script)Object.New(_scriptType);
            if (_script == null)
                // Error
                Editor.LogWarning("Cannot create script of type " + _scriptType);
            Object.Internal_ChangeID(_script.unmanagedPtr, ref _scriptId);
            if (_scriptData != null)
                FlaxEngine.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(_script, _scriptData);
            _script.Enabled = _enabled;
            if (_orderInParent != -1)
                _script.OrderInParent = _orderInParent;
            if (_prefabObjectId != Guid.Empty)
                Script.Internal_LinkPrefab(_script.unmanagedPtr, ref _prefabId, ref _prefabObjectId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes Flax API. Called before everything else from native code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">The packed flags with small meta for the API.</param>
        /// <param name="platform">The runtime platform.</param>
        internal static void Init(int flags, PlatformType platform)
            Debug.Logger.LogHandler.LogWrite(LogType.Info, "Using FlaxAPI in Debug");
            Debug.Logger.LogHandler.LogWrite(LogType.Info, "Using FlaxAPI in Release");

            Platform._is64Bit      = (flags & 0x01) != 0;
            Platform._isEditor     = (flags & 0x02) != 0;
            Platform._mainThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            Platform._platform     = platform;

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException;
            TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException      += OnUnobservedTaskException;


            if (!Platform.IsEditor)

            MainRenderTask.Instance = Object.New <MainRenderTask>();
        private void OnUpdate()
            if (_queue.Count == 0 || (_task != null && _task.Enabled))

            // TODO: add delay when processing the requests to reduce perf impact (eg. 0.2s before actual rendering)

            // Setup pipeline
            if (_atlases == null)
                _atlases = new List <Atlas>(4);
            if (_output == null)
                _output = RenderTarget.New();
                _output.Init(PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, Width, Height);
            if (_task == null)
                _task        = Object.New <SceneRenderTask>();
                _task.Output = _output;
                _task.Begin += OnBegin;
                _task.End   += OnEnd;

            // Kick off the rendering
            _task.Enabled = true;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void OnInit()
            // Create cache folder
            if (!Directory.Exists(_cacheFolder))

            // Find atlases in a Editor cache directory
            var files   = Directory.GetFiles(_cacheFolder, "cache_*.flax", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            int atlases = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                // Load asset
                var asset = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync(files[i]);
                if (asset == null)

                // Validate type
                if (asset is PreviewsCache atlas)
                    // Cache atlas
                    // Skip asset
                    Editor.LogWarning(string.Format("Asset \'{0}\' is inside Editor\'s private directory for Assets Thumbnails Cache. Please move it.", asset.Path));
            Editor.Log(string.Format("Previews cache count: {0} (capacity for {1} icons)", atlases, atlases * PreviewsCache.AssetIconsPerAtlas));

            // Prepare at least one atlas
            if (_cache.Count == 0)

            // Create render task but disabled for now
            _output = GPUDevice.Instance.CreateTexture("ThumbnailsOutput");
            var desc = GPUTextureDescription.New2D(PreviewsCache.AssetIconSize, PreviewsCache.AssetIconSize, PreviewsCache.AssetIconsAtlasFormat);

            _output.Init(ref desc);
            _task         = Object.New <RenderTask>();
            _task.Order   = 50; // Render this task later
            _task.Enabled = false;
            _task.Render += OnRender;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public object CreateInstance()
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override DragDropEffect OnDragDropHeader(DragData data)
            var result = DragDropEffect.None;

            Actor myActor = Actor;
            Actor newParent;
            int   newOrder = -1;

            // Check if has no actor (only for Root Actor)
            if (myActor == null)
                // Append to the last scene
                var scenes = Level.Scenes;
                if (scenes == null || scenes.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No scene loaded.");
                newParent = scenes[scenes.Length - 1];
                newParent = myActor;

                // Use drag positioning to change target parent and index
                if (DragOverMode == DragItemPositioning.Above)
                    if (myActor.HasParent)
                        newParent = myActor.Parent;
                        newOrder  = myActor.OrderInParent;
                else if (DragOverMode == DragItemPositioning.Below)
                    if (myActor.HasParent)
                        newParent = myActor.Parent;
                        newOrder  = myActor.OrderInParent + 1;
            if (newParent == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing parent actor.");

            // Drag actors
            if (_dragActors != null && _dragActors.HasValidDrag)
                bool worldPositionLock = Root.GetKey(KeyboardKeys.Control) == false;
                var  singleObject      = _dragActors.Objects.Count == 1;
                if (singleObject)
                    var targetActor  = _dragActors.Objects[0].Actor;
                    var customAction = targetActor.HasPrefabLink ? new ReparentAction(targetActor) : null;
                    using (new UndoBlock(ActorNode.Root.Undo, targetActor, "Change actor parent", customAction))
                        targetActor.SetParent(newParent, worldPositionLock);
                        targetActor.OrderInParent = newOrder;
                    var targetActors = _dragActors.Objects.ConvertAll(x => x.Actor);
                    var customAction = targetActors.Any(x => x.HasPrefabLink) ? new ReparentAction(targetActors) : null;
                    using (new UndoMultiBlock(ActorNode.Root.Undo, targetActors, "Change actors parent", customAction))
                        for (int i = 0; i < targetActors.Count; i++)
                            var targetActor = targetActors[i];
                            targetActor.SetParent(newParent, worldPositionLock);
                            targetActor.OrderInParent = newOrder;

                result = DragDropEffect.Move;
            // Drag assets
            else if (_dragAssets != null && _dragAssets.HasValidDrag)
                for (int i = 0; i < _dragAssets.Objects.Count; i++)
                    var assetItem = _dragAssets.Objects[i];

                    if (assetItem.IsOfType <SkinnedModel>())
                        // Create actor
                        var model = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <SkinnedModel>(assetItem.ID);
                        var actor = AnimatedModel.New();
                        actor.StaticFlags  = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name         = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.SkinnedModel = model;
                        actor.Transform    = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);
                    else if (assetItem.IsOfType <Model>())
                        // Create actor
                        var model = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <Model>(assetItem.ID);
                        var actor = StaticModel.New();
                        actor.StaticFlags = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name        = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.Model       = model;
                        actor.Transform   = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);
                    else if (assetItem.IsOfType <CollisionData>())
                        // Create actor
                        var actor = MeshCollider.New();
                        actor.StaticFlags   = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name          = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.CollisionData = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <CollisionData>(assetItem.ID);
                        actor.Transform     = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);
                    else if (assetItem.IsOfType <ParticleSystem>())
                        // Create actor
                        var actor = ParticleEffect.New();
                        actor.StaticFlags    = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name           = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.ParticleSystem = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <ParticleSystem>(assetItem.ID);
                        actor.Transform      = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);
                    else if (assetItem.IsOfType <SceneAnimation>())
                        // Create actor
                        var actor = SceneAnimationPlayer.New();
                        actor.StaticFlags = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name        = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.Animation   = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <SceneAnimation>(assetItem.ID);
                        actor.Transform   = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);
                    else if (assetItem.IsOfType <AudioClip>())
                        // Create actor
                        var actor = AudioSource.New();
                        actor.StaticFlags = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name        = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.Clip        = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <AudioClip>(assetItem.ID);
                        actor.Transform   = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);

                    else if (assetItem.IsOfType <Prefab>())
                        // Create prefab instance
                        var prefab = FlaxEngine.Content.LoadAsync <Prefab>(assetItem.ID);
                        var actor  = PrefabManager.SpawnPrefab(prefab, null);
                        actor.StaticFlags = Actor.StaticFlags;
                        actor.Name        = assetItem.ShortName;
                        actor.Transform   = Actor.Transform;

                        // Spawn
                        ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);

                result = DragDropEffect.Move;
            // Drag actor type
            else if (_dragActorType != null && _dragActorType.HasValidDrag)
                for (int i = 0; i < _dragActorType.Objects.Count; i++)
                    var item = _dragActorType.Objects[i];

                    // Create actor
                    var actor = Object.New(item) as Actor;
                    if (actor == null)
                        Editor.LogWarning("Failed to spawn actor of type " + item.FullName);
                    actor.StaticFlags = Actor.StaticFlags;
                    actor.Name        = item.Name;
                    actor.Transform   = Actor.Transform;

                    // Spawn
                    ActorNode.Root.Spawn(actor, Actor);

                result = DragDropEffect.Move;

            // Clear cache

            // Check if scene has been modified
            if (result != DragDropEffect.None)
                var node = SceneGraphFactory.FindNode(newParent.ID) as ActorNode;
