        public void RemoveReferencedFile(ReferencedFileSave referencedFileToRemove, List<string> additionalFilesToRemove, bool regenerateCode)
            // There are some things that need to happen:
            // 1.  Remove the ReferencedFileSave from the Glue project (GLUX)
            // 2.  Remove the GUI item
            // 3.  Remove the item from the Visual Studio project.

            #region Remove the file from the current Screen or Entity if there is a current Screen or Entity

            IElement container = referencedFileToRemove.GetContainer();

            if (container != null)
                // The referenced file better be a globally referenced file

                if (!container.ReferencedFiles.Contains(referencedFileToRemove))
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                // Ask about any NamedObjects that reference this file.                
                for (int i = container.NamedObjects.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    var nos = container.NamedObjects[i];
                    if (nos.SourceType == SourceType.File && nos.SourceFile == referencedFileToRemove.Name)
                        MainGlueWindow.Self.Invoke(() =>
                                // Ask the user what to do here - remove it?  Keep it and not compile?
                                MultiButtonMessageBox mbmb = new MultiButtonMessageBox();
                                mbmb.MessageText = "The object\n" + nos.ToString() + "\nreferences the file\n" + referencedFileToRemove.Name +
                                    "\nWhat would you like to do?";
                                mbmb.AddButton("Remove this object", DialogResult.Yes);
                                mbmb.AddButton("Keep it (object will not be valid until changed)", DialogResult.No);

                                var result = mbmb.ShowDialog();

                                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)

                MainGlueWindow.Self.Invoke(() =>
                        if (EditorLogic.CurrentScreenTreeNode != null)
                        else if (EditorLogic.CurrentEntityTreeNode != null)
                        if (regenerateCode)

            #region else, the file is likely part of the GlobalContentFile

                ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave.GlobalContentHasChanged = true;

                // Much faster to just remove the tree node.  This was done
                // to reuse code and make things reactive, but this has gotten
                // slow on bigger projects.
                //ElementViewWindow.UpdateGlobalContentTreeNodes(false); // don't save here because projects will get saved below 

                Action refreshUiAction = () =>
                    TreeNode treeNode = GlueState.Self.Find.ReferencedFileSaveTreeNode(referencedFileToRemove);

                    if (treeNode.Tag != referencedFileToRemove)
                        throw new Exception("Error removing the tree node - the selected tree node doesn't reference the file being removed");




                List<IElement> elements = ObjectFinder.Self.GetAllElementsReferencingFile(referencedFileToRemove.Name);

                foreach (IElement element in elements)
                    if (regenerateCode)


            // November 10, 2015
            // I feel like this may
            // have been old code before
            // we had full dependency tracking
            // in Glue. This file should only be
            // removed from the project if nothing
            // else references it, including no entities.
            // This code does just entities/screens/global
            // content, but doesn't check the full dependency
            // tree. I think we can just remove it and depend on
            // the code below.
            // Actually, removing this seems to cause problems - files
            // that should be removed aren't. So instead we'll chnage the
            // call to use the dependency tree:
            // replace:

            List<string> referencedFiles =

            string absoluteToLower = GlueCommands.Self.GetAbsoluteFileName(referencedFileToRemove).ToLowerInvariant();
            string relativeToProject = FileManager.MakeRelative(absoluteToLower, GlueState.Self.ContentDirectory);

            bool isReferencedByOtherContent = referencedFiles.Contains(relativeToProject);

            if (isReferencedByOtherContent == false)

                string itemName = referencedFileToRemove.GetRelativePath();
                string absoluteName = ProjectManager.MakeAbsolute(referencedFileToRemove.Name, true);

                // I don't know why we were removing the file from the ProjectBase - it should
                // be from the Content project
                //ProjectManager.RemoveItemFromProject(ProjectManager.ProjectBase, itemName);
                ProjectManager.RemoveItemFromProject(ProjectManager.ProjectBase.ContentProject, itemName, performSave: false);

                foreach (ProjectBase syncedProject in ProjectManager.SyncedProjects)
                    ProjectManager.RemoveItemFromProject(syncedProject.ContentProject, absoluteName);

            if (ProjectManager.IsContent(referencedFileToRemove.GetRelativePath()))

                foreach (var file in UnreferencedFilesManager.LastAddedUnreferencedFiles)

            ReactToRemovalIfCsv(referencedFileToRemove, additionalFilesToRemove);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the presence of the RFS in the main project.  If the RFS has project specific files, then those
        /// files are updated in the appropriate synced project.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not update synced projects if the synced projects use the same file.  The reason is because
        /// this is taken care of when the projects are saved later on.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="referencedFileSave">The RFS representing the file to update membership on.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether anything was added to any projects.</returns>
        public static bool UpdateFileMembershipInProject(ReferencedFileSave referencedFileSave)
            var assetTypeInfo = referencedFileSave.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            bool shouldSkip = assetTypeInfo != null && assetTypeInfo.ExcludeFromContentProject;

            bool wasAnythingAdded = false;

            if (!shouldSkip)

                bool useContentPipeline = referencedFileSave.UseContentPipeline || (assetTypeInfo != null && assetTypeInfo.MustBeAddedToContentPipeline);

                wasAnythingAdded = UpdateFileMembershipInProject(ProjectBase, referencedFileSave.GetRelativePath(), useContentPipeline, false);

                foreach (ProjectSpecificFile projectSpecificFile in referencedFileSave.ProjectSpecificFiles)
                    wasAnythingAdded |= UpdateFileMembershipInProject(GetProjectByTypeId(projectSpecificFile.ProjectId), projectSpecificFile.FilePath, useContentPipeline, true);
                if (wasAnythingAdded)
                    int m = 3;
            return wasAnythingAdded;