private void rdo_UsingPhotoId_ScrapeCommentmessage_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { UserControlScrapeCommentMessagebyPhotoId obj_UserControlScrapeCommentMessagebyPhotoId = new UserControlScrapeCommentMessagebyPhotoId(); var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj_UserControlScrapeCommentMessagebyPhotoId }; window.MinHeight = 300; window.MinWidth = 700; // window.Topmost = true; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "Save" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (sa, pa) => { SaveAllData(ref obj_UserControlScrapeCommentMessagebyPhotoId); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); string s1 = string.Empty; } catch(Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error:" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdoBtn_HashTagsComment_SingleUser_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { ClGlobul.HashComment.Clear(); ClGlobul.HashCommentMessage.Clear(); } catch { } try { btn_HashTags_Comment_BrowseUsers.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btn_HashTags_Comment_messagebrwer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txt_HashTags_Comment_Message.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txt_HashTags_Comment_UserName.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Username_Copy.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Message.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { }; try { txt_HashTags_Comment_Message.IsReadOnly = false; txt_HashTags_Comment_UserName.IsReadOnly = false; } catch { }; try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Hash Key Here "; // obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllDataHashkey(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdoBtn_LikeBy_Username_SingleUser_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { ClGlobul.PhotoList.Clear(); } catch { } try { btn_LikePhoto_Username_BrowseUsers.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txt_LikePhoto_Username_LoadUsersPath.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Likeby_Username.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { }; try { txt_LikePhoto_Username_LoadUsersPath.IsReadOnly = false; } catch { }; try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Username Here : "; // obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData2(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdoBtn_commentMessage_SingleId_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { ClGlobul.lst_ScrapeCommentMessagePhotoId.Clear(); txt_PhotoId_Commentmessage.Text = string.Empty; } catch { } try { btn_PhotoId_Commentmessage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txt_PhotoId_Commentmessage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Photo_ID.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { }; try { txt_PhotoId_Commentmessage.IsReadOnly = false; } catch { }; try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Photo ID here to Scrape there Comment Message : "; // obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "Save" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (sa, pa) => { SaveAllData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void chk_GroupStatusUpdate_GetGroups_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //try //{ // if (LDGlobals.listAccounts.Count > 0) // { // var window = new ModernDialog // { // Content = new UserControlGEtGroupsForStatusUpdate() // }; // window.MinWidth = 550; // window.MinHeight = 350; // window.Title = "Upload Follow Details"; // window.ShowDialog(); // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show("Please upload accounts."); // return; // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // // GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); //} try { UserControlGEtGroupsForStatusUpdate obj = new UserControlGEtGroupsForStatusUpdate(); var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "Save" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : 55" + ex.Message); } }
public static string ShowMessage(string text, string title, Window owner, params ButtonDef[] buttons) { string result = null; var dialog = new ModernDialog { Title = title, Content = new BBCodeBlock {BBCode = text, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 8)}, MinHeight = 0, MinWidth = 0, MaxHeight = 480, MaxWidth = 640, Owner = owner }; dialog.Buttons = buttons.Select(def => CreateButton(def, () => { result = def.Name; dialog.Close(); })); dialog.ShowDialog(); return result; }
private void AddUserAgent_UploadAcc(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate { var modernDialog = new ModernDialog { Content = new AddNewUserAgen_UploadAccount() }; modernDialog.MinWidth = 500; modernDialog.MinHeight = 300; //modernDialog.Topmost = true; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SUBMIT" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); modernDialog.Close(); }; modernDialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; modernDialog.ShowDialog(); }); AccounLoad(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void Rdo_Using_HashTag_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { txtblock_Activity_photoDownload.Text = "Using Hashkey Report :"; Username_Hashkey_Uploaded.Content = "No. Of Hashkey Uploaded :"; UserControlPhotoDownload_Hashtag obj_UserControlPhotoDownload_Hashtag = new UserControlPhotoDownload_Hashtag(); var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj_UserControlPhotoDownload_Hashtag }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinHeight = 300; window.MinWidth = 700; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData1(ref obj_UserControlPhotoDownload_Hashtag); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); string s1 = string.Empty; }
private void chkBox_ScrapeUsers_DailyScheduleTask_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsDailySchedule = true; var dialog = new ModernDialog { Content = new UserControlScheduleMentionUsers() }; dialog.MinHeight = 300; dialog.MinWidth = 750; var customButton = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton.Click += (ee, vv) => { dialog.Close(); }; dialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; dialog.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void chkBox_Like_DivideData_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { LikeManagers.chkBox_Like_DivideData = true; UserControl_Like_DivideData objUserControl_Like_DivideData = new UserControl_Like_DivideData(); var modernDialog = new ModernDialog { Content = objUserControl_Like_DivideData }; modernDialog.MinWidth = 600; modernDialog.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); modernDialog.Close(); }; modernDialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; modernDialog.ShowDialog(); string s1 = string.Empty; try { if (LikeManagers.rdbDivideEqually == true || LikeManagers.rdbDivideByUser == true) { if (LikeManagers.rdbDivideByUser == true) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objUserControl_Like_DivideData.txtGiveByUser_Like.Text)) { LikeManagers.CountGivenByUser = Convert.ToInt32(objUserControl_Like_DivideData.txtGiveByUser_Like.Text); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Please Give Count Given By User"); ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Please Give Count Given By User", "Count Given By User", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } } ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Notice", "Data Successfully Save", MessageBoxButton.OK); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("=> [ Your Data Successfully Save ]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("=> [ Please Select Divide Equally Or Divide Given By User First ]"); ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Please Select Divide Equally Or Divide Given By User First", "Select First", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdo_SingleUser_Unfollower(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { txt_UnfollowerUser.Clear(); ClGlobul.lstUnfollowerList.Clear(); try { ClGlobul.lstUnfollowerList.Clear(); } catch { } try { Unfollower_browser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txt_UnfollowerUser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lbe_Userunfollow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { }; try { txt_UnfollowerUser.IsReadOnly = false; } catch { }; try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Unsername To Unfollow Here "; //obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdo_DownloadSingle_ByHashtag_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { btu_Downloadphoto_loadByuserhash.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txt_downloadphoto_Hashtag.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lbe_hashtag_user.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { }; try { txt_downloadphoto_Hashtag.IsReadOnly = false; } catch { }; try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Hashtag User Here "; //obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdo_CommentInput_SingleUser_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Clear(); ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG.Clear(); txtMessage_Comment_LoadMessages.Clear(); txtMessage_Comment_PhotoID.Clear(); } catch { } try { btnMessage_Comment_LoadMessages.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btnMessage_Comment_LoadPhotoID.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtMessage_Comment_PhotoID.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtMessage_Comment_LoadMessages.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lbe_PhotoId.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lbe_message.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch { }; try { txtMessage_Comment_LoadMessages.IsReadOnly = false; txtMessage_Comment_PhotoID.IsReadOnly = false; } catch { }; try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Image ID/Url Here "; // obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllPhotoIdData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdo_UnlikeBy_Id_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { txt_block_Selected_likeoption.Text = "Photo Unlike By ID Report"; Number_of_ID_Username_loaded.Content = "No. Of Photo ID Loaded :"; UserControlUnlikePhotoByPhotoId obj_UserControlUnlikePhotoByPhotoId = new UserControlUnlikePhotoByPhotoId(); var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj_UserControlUnlikePhotoByPhotoId }; window.MinHeight = 300; window.MinWidth = 700; // window.Topmost = true; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData(ref obj_UserControlUnlikePhotoByPhotoId); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); string s1 = string.Empty; }
private void rdo_SingleUser_Follow_like(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Txt_Photo_ID.Text = string.Empty; ClGlobul.lstphotoId_Followwithlike.Clear(); try { Btu_Follow_With_like_browser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Txt_Photo_ID.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lblLoadPhotoId.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Photo Id/Url Here "; //obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void ExecuteGetMyBookmarkCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { ModernDialog d = new ModernDialog(); d.Content = "Loading data..."; var closeHandler = new EventHandler((s, ex) => { ViewData.Status = "Still loading..."; }); d.Closed += closeHandler; var ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current; System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( (x) => { if (ViewData.BookmarkType == BookmarkType.Member) { ViewData.GetMyMemberBookmark(ctx); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action<BookmarkPage>((y) => { this.DataContext = ViewData; d.Closed -= closeHandler; d.Close(); if (ViewData.Members != null) ViewData.Status = String.Format("Loaded: {0} members.", ViewData.Members.Count); ; }), new object[] { this } ); } else { ViewData.GetMyImagesBookmark(ctx); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action<BookmarkPage>((y) => { this.DataContext = ViewData; d.Closed -= closeHandler; d.Close(); if (ViewData.Images != null) ViewData.Status = String.Format("Loaded: {0} images.", ViewData.Images.Count); ; }), new object[] { this } ); } }, null ); d.ShowDialog(); }
private void ChkFollowCertainAmtofValue_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (ChkFollowCertainAmtofValue.IsChecked == true) { objFollowByKeywordManager.ChkboxFollowCertainAmtofValue = true; } UserControl_FollowByKeyword obj = new UserControl_FollowByKeyword(); var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 500; window.MinHeight = 500; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "CLOSE" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; //customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void ExecuteGetImageCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { ViewData = new NijieImageViewModel() { ImageId = ViewData.ImageId }; ModernDialog d = new ModernDialog(); d.Content = "Loading data..."; //d.Closed += new EventHandler((s, ex) => { ViewData.Message = "Still loading..."; }); System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( (x) => { ViewData.GetImage(); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action<ImagePage>((y) => { this.DataContext = ViewData; d.Close(); //ViewData.Message = "Image(s) Loaded"; }), new object[] { this } ); }, null ); d.ShowDialog(); }
public void SingleUserRepin() { try { lblRepinNo.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtRepinNo_Repin.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btnRepinUrlUplaod.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lblMessage_Repin.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtRepinMessage_Repin.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Brow_Repin_Messge.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Clear(); ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.Clear(); if (rbo_RepinUserRepin.IsChecked == true) { try { MessageRepin(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (rdo_UsePinNo.IsChecked == true) { try { UserControl_SingleUser obj = new UserControl_SingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Pin Here "; //obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::Keyword 1 ,Keyword 2"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; window.ShowDialog(); MessageBoxButton btnC = MessageBoxButton.YesNo; var result = ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Are you sure want to save ?", "Message Box", btnC); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { TextRange textRange = new TextRange(obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.Document.ContentStart, obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.Document.ContentEnd); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textRange.Text)) { string enterText = textRange.Text; string[] arr = Regex.Split(enterText, "\r\n"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_item) || !arr_item.Contains("")) { ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.Add(arr_item); } } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Pin Loaded : " + ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.Count + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pin : " + ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.Count); } MessageRepin(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void SingleUserAddPinWithNewBoard() { try { btnUploadPinFile_AddPinWithnewBoard.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtaddPinwithNewBoard.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lblPinFile_AddPinWithnewBoard.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lblHint_AddPinWithnewBoard.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lstBoardDesc.Clear(); UserControl_SingleUser obj = new UserControl_SingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter User Here "; obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- BoardName,Description,ImageUrl,Niche"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; window.ShowDialog(); MessageBoxButton btnC = MessageBoxButton.YesNo; var result = ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Are you sure want to save ?", "Message Box", btnC); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { TextRange textRange = new TextRange(obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.Document.ContentStart, obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.Document.ContentEnd); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textRange.Text)) { string enterText = textRange.Text; string[] arr = Regex.Split(enterText, "\r\n"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_item) || !arr_item.Contains("")) { lstBoardDesc.Add(arr_item); } } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ User Loaded : " + lstBoardDesc.Count + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("User : "******" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void rdo_UnlikeBy_Username_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { txt_block_Selected_likeoption.Text = "Photo Unlike By Username Report"; Number_of_ID_Username_loaded.Content = "No. of Username Loaded :"; ObjPhotoManager_new.Isulike_username = true; UserControlUnlikePhotoByUsername obj_UserControlUnlikePhotoByUsername = new UserControlUnlikePhotoByUsername(); var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj_UserControlUnlikePhotoByUsername }; window.MinHeight = 300; window.MinWidth = 700; // window.Topmost = true; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData1(ref obj_UserControlUnlikePhotoByUsername); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); string s1 = string.Empty; } catch(Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error:" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void chkBox_ScrapeUser_Loasuser_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsRandomNoUserMention = false; GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsNoOfUserToMention = false; GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsLoadUser = true; chkBox_ScrapeUser_LoadMessage.IsEnabled = false; lblNoUserToBeMention.IsEnabled = false; lblRangeToRandomMention.IsEnabled = false; txt_ScrapeUser_NoOfUserToBeMention.IsEnabled = true; txt_ScrapeUser_RangeToRandomMention.IsEnabled = false; try { var dialog = new ModernDialog { Content = new UserControlLoadUserMentionuser() }; dialog.MinHeight = 200; dialog.MinWidth = 750; var customButton = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton.Click += (ee, vv) => { dialog.Close(); }; dialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; dialog.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch(Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void LoadComment_message() { try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Message Here "; //obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllMessageData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void chkUploadUnFollowList_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { UnFollowManager.chkUploadUnFollowList = true; UserControl_UnFollow_UploadUnFollowList objUserControl_UnFollow_UploadUnFollowList = new UserControl_UnFollow_UploadUnFollowList(); var modernDialog = new ModernDialog() { Content = objUserControl_UnFollow_UploadUnFollowList }; modernDialog.MinWidth = 600; modernDialog.MinHeight = 200; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); modernDialog.Close(); }; modernDialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; modernDialog.ShowDialog(); string s1 = string.Empty; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objUserControl_UnFollow_UploadUnFollowList.txtUnFollowList_UnFollow.Text)) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Please Upload UnFollow list"); ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Please Upload UnFollow list", "Upload UnFollow list", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objUserControl_UnFollow_UploadUnFollowList.txtUnFollowList_UnFollow.Text)) { ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Notice", "Data Successfully Save", MessageBoxButton.OK); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("=> [ Your Data Successfully Save ]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch(Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void ExecuteGetMemberCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { //ViewData = new NijieMemberViewModel() { MemberId = ViewData.MemberId }; ModernDialog d = new ModernDialog(); d.Content = "Loading data..."; d.Closed += new EventHandler((s, ex) => { if(!ViewData.HasError) ViewData.Status = "Still loading..."; }); var ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current; System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( (x) => { ViewData.GetMember(ctx); this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action<MemberPage>((y) => { this.DataContext = ViewData; d.Close(); if (ViewData.Images != null) { ViewData.Status = String.Format("Loaded: {0} images.", ViewData.Images.Count); ViewData.HasError = false; } else if (!ViewData.HasError) { // unknown error ViewData.Status = "Failed to parse images."; ViewData.HasError = true; } }), new object[] { this } ); }, null ); d.ShowDialog(); }
private void rdoBtn_MentionUsers_UseScrapedToMention_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { rdoBtn_MentionUsers_InsertUrlToMention.IsChecked = false; rdoBtn_MentionUsers_UseScrapedToMention.IsChecked = true; rdoBtn_MentionUsers_UploadUrlsToMention.IsChecked = false; GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsInsertUrlToMention = false; GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsUseScrapedurlToMention = true; GlobalDeclration.objMentionUser.IsUploadUrlToMention = false; var dialog = new ModernDialog { Content = new UserControlMentionUsersUseScrapedUrl() }; dialog.MinHeight = 200; dialog.MinWidth = 650; var customButton = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton.Click += (ee, vv) => { dialog.Close(); }; dialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; dialog.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error ==> " + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void chkBox_Scraper_ScrapeUserFollowing_SingleUsername_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GlobalDeclration.objScrapeUser.listOfFollowing.Clear(); try { btn_ScrapeUserFollowing_Browse.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lblLoadUsername.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Txt_ScrapeFollowing.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } catch(Exception ex) { } try { UsercontrolSingleUser obj = new UsercontrolSingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Username Here "; // obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; Button customButton1 = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton1.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { SaveAllData(ref obj); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton, customButton1 }; window.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void ShowDilogUploadUrls() { var dialog = new ModernDialog { Content = new UserControlMentionUsersUploadUrls() }; dialog.MinHeight = 200; dialog.MinWidth = 650; var customButton = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton.Click += (ee, vv) => { dialog.Close(); }; dialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; dialog.ShowDialog(); }
public void rdbSingleUserComment() { try { objCommentManagers.rdbSingleUserComment = true; objCommentManagers.rdbMultipleUserComment = false; btnMessage_Comment_Browse.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtCommentMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; lbMsg_Comment.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ClGlobul.CommentMessagesList.Clear(); try { UserControl_SingleUser obj = new UserControl_SingleUser(); obj.UserControlHeader.Text = "Enter Message Here "; // obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.ToolTip = "Format :- Niche::BoardName::BoardUrl"; var window = new ModernDialog { Content = obj }; window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.MinWidth = 100; window.MinHeight = 300; Button customButton = new Button() { Content = "SAVE" }; customButton.Click += (ss, ee) => { closeEvent(); window.Close(); }; window.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; window.ShowDialog(); MessageBoxButton btnC = MessageBoxButton.YesNo; var result = ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Are you sure want to save ?", "Message Box", btnC); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { TextRange textRange = new TextRange(obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.Document.ContentStart, obj.txtEnterSingleMessages.Document.ContentEnd); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textRange.Text)) { string enterText = textRange.Text; string[] arr = Regex.Split(enterText, "\r\n"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr_item) || !arr_item.Contains("")) { ClGlobul.CommentMessagesList.Add(arr_item); } } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Message Loaded : " + ClGlobul.CommentMessagesList.Count + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Message : " + ClGlobul.CommentMessagesList.Count); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void chkBox_ScrapeUser_LoadMessage_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var dialog = new ModernDialog { Content = new UserControlMentionUserLoadMessage() }; dialog.MinHeight = 200; dialog.MinWidth = 750; var customButton = new Button() { Content = "Close" }; customButton.Click += (ee, vv) => { dialog.Close(); }; dialog.Buttons = new Button[] { customButton }; dialog.ShowDialog(); } catch(Exception ex) { } }