public async Task <Response> Login(Model.User user) { try { var authLink = await authProvider.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(user.EmailID, user.Password); firebaseUser = await authProvider.GetUserAsync(authLink.FirebaseToken); client = new FirebaseClient(Config.FirebaseWebApp, new FirebaseOptions { AuthTokenAsyncFactory = () => Task.FromResult <string>(authLink.FirebaseToken) } ); storageClient = new FirebaseStorage(Config.FirebaseStorageApp, new FirebaseStorageOptions { AuthTokenAsyncFactory = () => Task.FromResult <string>(authLink.FirebaseToken) } ); return(new Response { Success = true, Code = (firebaseUser.IsEmailVerified) ? Code.Default : Code.EmailNotVerified }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new Response { Success = false }); } }
private void ClienteAlerta_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { var authProvider = new FirebaseAuthProvider(new FirebaseConfig("AIzaSyCjNHR6PHEqCbUj_Of7Mx2NxePvoXwkvAM")); try { Auth = null; } catch (Exception ex) { User = null; } }
private void SignUserOut() { firebaseUser = null; accountData = null; adminMsgsListBox.Items.Clear(); userMsgsListBox.Items.Clear(); userMsgList = null; exitApplication = false; this.Close(); LoginPanel Login = new LoginPanel(); Login.Show(); }
public async void setInfoAsync(Guid id) { cliente = db.Clientes.Where(x => x.IdCliente == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (cliente.IdUsuario != null) { // Entra cuando tiene un usuario y tiene un numero de cuenta var authProvider = new FirebaseAuthProvider(new FirebaseConfig("AIzaSyCjNHR6PHEqCbUj_Of7Mx2NxePvoXwkvAM")); try { //Autentificacion si el usuario existe en firebase Auth = await Task.Run(() => authProvider.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(cliente.NumeroDeCuenta + "", cliente.NumeroDeCuenta)); User = Auth.User; } catch (Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuthException ex) { JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ex.ResponseData); DialogResult dr = MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "error:" + jObject["error"]["errors"].First.Last.First.ToString(), "Error en la base de datos de google", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); User = null; } if (User == null) { //Entra si el usuario tiene usuario en sql pero no esta autenticado //Si no esta autenticado bloquar o no permitir la entrada a esta ventana formEdit.Text = "Cliente no cuenta con acceso a aplicacion web ni movil"; metroToggle_Android.Checked = false; metroToggle_Web.Checked = true; } else { //Select para traer los datos de firebase try { var res = client.Get(@"Accesos/" + cliente.NumeroDeCuenta.ToString()); AccesosFb acc = res.ResultAs <AccesosFb>(); metroTextBox_Email.Text = acc.Mail; metroToggle_Android.Checked = acc.Movil; metroToggle_Web.Checked = acc.Web; } catch (FirebaseAuthException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } else { metroToggle_Android.Checked = false; metroToggle_Web.Checked = false; } }
public async Task <bool> SignInUser(string email, string password) { try { _authLink = await authProvider.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password); String token = _authLink.FirebaseToken; SaveFirebaseAuth(_authLink); // token = Settings.FirebaseAuthJson; Firebase.Auth.User user = await authProvider.GetUserAsync(token); if (user.IsEmailVerified == false) { ResendEmailVerification(_authLink.FirebaseToken); String massage = String.Format("الحساب غير مفعل سوف نعيد ارسال رابط التفعيل الا الايميل ", email); await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("تأكيد", massage, "موافق"); } return(user.IsEmailVerified); } catch (FirebaseAuthException ee) { switch (ee.Reason) { case AuthErrorReason.WrongPassword: await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("خطأ", " كلمة السر غير صحيحة", "موافق"); break; case AuthErrorReason.UnknownEmailAddress: await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("خطأ", " الايميل غير مستخدم", "موافق"); break; } return(false); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(false); throw e; } }
public async Task <Response> SignUp(string email, string password) { var response = new Response(); try { var user = await firebaseAuthProvider.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password); if (user.User.LocalId != null) { Firebase.Auth.User x = user.User; //string y = x.LocalId; response.Id = user.User.LocalId; return(response); } else { return(null); } } //catch exception if account is not created catch (FirebaseAuthException e) { switch (e.Reason.ToString()) { case "EmailExists": response.ErrorMessage = "Email already exists"; break; case "InvalidEmailAddress": response.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Email"; break; default: response.ErrorMessage = "Error Occured"; break; } return(response); } }
public async void VerifyAsync(string email, string password) { var authProvider = new FirebaseAuthProvider(new Firebase.Auth.FirebaseConfig("AIzaSyCjNHR6PHEqCbUj_Of7Mx2NxePvoXwkvAM")); // try { Auth = await Task.Run(() => authProvider.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password)); User = Auth.User; } catch (Exception ex) { User = null; } if (User == null) { Button_Android.Enabled = false; label_Android_Disponible.Text = "No Disponible"; label_Android_Disponible.BackColor = Color.Red; } else { var select = client.Get(@"Accesos/" + cliente.NumeroDeCuenta.ToString()); AccesosFb acc = select.ResultAs <AccesosFb>(); if (acc.Movil == true) { Button_Android.Enabled = true; label_Android_Disponible.Text = "Disponible"; label_Android_Disponible.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen; } else { Button_Android.Enabled = false; label_Android_Disponible.Text = "Disponible"; label_Android_Disponible.BackColor = Color.Red; } } }
private async void loginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pageState == "signIn") { try { // Sign user in and set firebaseUser as the newly signed in account. string email = emailBox.Text; string password = passwordBox.Text; FirebaseAuthLink userCredential = await authProvider.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password); firebaseUser = userCredential.User; UserSignedInAsync(); } catch (Exception error) { if (error.Message.Contains("INVALID_EMAIL")) { MessageBox.Show("email must be in [email protected] form"); } else if (error.Message.Contains("MISSING_PASSWORD")) { MessageBox.Show("Must enter a password."); } else if (error.Message.Contains("WEAK_PASSWORD")) { MessageBox.Show("Password must contain at least 6 characters."); } else if (error.Message.Contains("WrongPassword")) { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password. Please try again."); } else { MessageBox.Show(error.Message); } } } else if (pageState == "createAccount") { if (verifyPasswordBox.Text == passwordBox.Text && signUpCodeBox.Text != "") { try { // Create account and set firebaseUser as the newly created account. Add account info to database. string email = emailBox.Text; string password = passwordBox.Text; string accountType = null; if (signUpCodeBox.Text == "00USER00") { accountType = "User"; } else if (signUpCodeBox.Text == "00ADMIN00") { accountType = "Admin"; } if (accountType != null) { FirebaseAuthLink userCredential = await authProvider.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password); firebaseUser = userCredential.User; string userId = firebaseUser.LocalId; // Create an accountInfo object with email and account type. Upload to firebase. // #WRITE AccountInfo createdAcctInfo = new AccountInfo(firebaseUser.Email, accountType); await databaseHandler.Child("accounts").Child(userId).Child("accountInfo").PutAsync(createdAcctInfo); UserSignedInAsync(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid account type. All users must be part of the company."); } } catch (Exception error) { if (error.Message.Contains("INVALID_EMAIL")) { MessageBox.Show("email must be in [email protected] form"); } else if (error.Message.Contains("MISSING_PASSWORD")) { MessageBox.Show("Must enter a password."); } else if (error.Message.Contains("EMAIL_EXISTS")) { MessageBox.Show("That email already belongs to an account."); } else if (error.Message.Contains("WEAK_PASSWORD")) { MessageBox.Show("Password must contain at least 6 characters."); } else { MessageBox.Show(error.Message); } } } else { if (verifyPasswordBox.Text != passwordBox.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords must match."); } else if (signUpCodeBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("You must have an account code."); } } } }