private void CalculateMovingAverageConvergenceDivergence() { var data = IndicatorService.GetData(Code, TargetDate, "Kapanis", NumberOfData); calculateMACD(data); calculateTrigger(); }
private void CalculateStochastics() { var data = IndicatorService.GetData(Code, TargetDate, new string[] { "Kapanis", "Dusuk", "Yuksek" }, FastKPeriod + NumberOfData - 1); if (data.Count < FastKPeriod) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } CalculateFastK(data); CalculateFastD(); CalculateSlowD(); }
private void CalculateStochasticsMR() { int dataCount = IndicatorService.DataCount(Code, TargetDate); if (dataCount < FastKPeriod) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } CalculateFastK_MR(dataCount); CalculateFastD(); CalculateSlowD(); }
public static double[] Exponential(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 1) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Period must be positive."); } List <BsonDocument> data = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Kapanis", numberOfData); if (data.Count < period) { period = data.Count; } double[] avg = calculateEMA(period, numberOfData, data); return(avg); }
public static double[] Wsr(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 1) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Period must be positive."); } else if (numberOfData <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Number of data to be processed must be positive."); } var data = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, new string[] { "Kapanis", "Dusuk", "Yuksek" }, period + numberOfData - 1); if (data.Count < period) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } return(calculateWsr(period, numberOfData, data)); }
public static double[] Rsi(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 1) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Periyot pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } else if (numberOfData <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Gösterilecek veri sayısı pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } var data = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Kapanis", period + numberOfData - 1); if (data.Count < period) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } return(calculateRSI(period, numberOfData, data)); }
public static double[] Weighted(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 1) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Periyot pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } else if (numberOfData <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Gösterilecek veri sayısı pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } List <BsonDocument> data = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Kapanis", numberOfData + period - 1); if (data.Count < period) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } double[] avg = calculateWMA(period, numberOfData, data); return(avg); }
public BollingerBands(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 20, int numberOfData = 40, double standardDeviationFactor = 2.0) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Period must be positive."); } if (standardDeviationFactor <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Standard Deviation must be positive."); } Period = period; NumberOfData = numberOfData; StandardDeviationFactor = standardDeviationFactor; List <BsonDocument> data = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Kapanis", NumberOfData + period - 1); if (data.Count < period) { period = data.Count; } CalculateBands(data); }
public static double[] WsrMR(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 1) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Period must be positive."); } else if (numberOfData <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Number of data to be processed must be positive."); } int dataCount = IndicatorService.DataCount(code, targetDate); if (dataCount < period) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } if (dataCount < numberOfData + period - 1) { numberOfData = dataCount - period + 1; } var limit = period + numberOfData - 1; var filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(targetDate)) } }; var sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1); var projection = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 0 }, { "Tarih", 1 } }; BsonJavaScript mapper = new BsonJavaScript(@" function() { if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, limitDate) && this.Tarih < limitDate) return; else if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, lastDate) && this.Tarih > lastDate) return; var dateIndex = binarySearch(dates, this.Tarih); if (dateIndex == -1) return; for (var i = 0; i < period && dateIndex >= 0; i++, dateIndex--) { if (dates[dateIndex] > startingDate || equalityFunction(dates[dateIndex], startingDate)) emit(dates[dateIndex], {close: this.Kapanis, low: this.Dusuk, high: this.Yuksek}); } } "); BsonJavaScript reducer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, values) { var result = {close: values[0].close, low: values[0].low, high: values[0].high}; for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { result.low = values[i].low < result.low ? values[i].low : result.low; result.high = values[i].high > result.high ? values[i].high : result.high; } return result; } "); BsonJavaScript finalizer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, reducedValue) { reducedValue = -100 * (reducedValue.high - reducedValue.close) / (reducedValue.high - reducedValue.low); return reducedValue; } "); var startingDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, numberOfData - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var lastDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProject(filter, sort, projection).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var limitDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, limit - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var dates = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Tarih", limit).Select(p => p.GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime()).ToArray(); var scope = new BsonDocument { { "startingDate", startingDate }, { "lastDate", lastDate }, { "limitDate", limitDate }, { "period", period }, { "numberOfData", numberOfData }, { "binarySearch", MapReduceHelpers.BinarySearch }, { "equalityFunction", MapReduceHelpers.IsDatesEqual }, { "dates", new BsonArray(dates) } }; var options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument>() { Filter = filter, Sort = sort, Scope = scope, OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace("wsrOut", "financialData", false), Finalize = finalizer }; double[] wsr = new double[numberOfData]; var resultSet = MongoDBService.GetService().MapReduceMany(mapper, reducer, options); for (int i = 0, j = resultSet.Count - 1; i < numberOfData; i++, j--) { wsr[i] = resultSet.ElementAt(j).GetElement(1).Value.ToDouble(); } return(wsr); }
public static double[] ExponentialMR(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 30) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Period must be positive."); } int dataCount = IndicatorService.DataCount(code, targetDate); if (dataCount < numberOfData) { numberOfData = dataCount; } double alpha = 2.0 / (1 + period); double beta = 1 - alpha; double minimumCoefficient = 0.001; BsonJavaScript mapper = new BsonJavaScript(@" function() { if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, limitDate) && this.Tarih < limitDate) return; else if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, lastDate) && this.Tarih > lastDate) return; var dateIndex = binarySearch(dates, this.Tarih); if (dateIndex == -1) return; var epoch = Math.log(minimumCoefficient / (alpha * this.Kapanis)) / Math.log(beta); var value; if (dateIndex == numberOfData-1) { value = this.Kapanis; for (var i = dateIndex, j = 0; j < epoch && i >= 0; i--, j++) { emit(dates[i], value); value = value * beta; } } else { value = this.Kapanis * alpha; for (var i = dateIndex, j = 0; j < epoch && i >= 0; i--, j++) { emit(dates[i], value); value = value * beta; } } } "); BsonJavaScript reducer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key,values){ return Array.sum(values); } "); var filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(targetDate)) } }; var sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1); var mongoService = MongoDBService.GetService(); var projection = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 0 }, { "Tarih", 1 } }; var lastDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProject(filter, sort, projection).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var limitDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, numberOfData - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var dates = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Tarih", numberOfData).Select(p => p.GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime()).ToArray(); var scope = new BsonDocument { { "numberOfData", numberOfData }, { "minimumCoefficient", minimumCoefficient }, { "alpha", alpha }, { "beta", beta }, { "lastDate", lastDate }, { "limitDate", limitDate }, { "dates", new BsonArray(dates) }, { "binarySearch", MapReduceHelpers.BinarySearch }, { "equalityFunction", MapReduceHelpers.IsDatesEqual } }; MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> { Filter = filter, Sort = sort, Scope = scope, OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace("emaOut", "financialData", false) }; double[] values = MongoDBService.GetService().MapReduceMany(mapper, reducer, options).Select(p => p.GetElement("value").Value.ToDouble()).ToArray(); Array.Reverse(values); return(values); }
public static double[] WeightedMR(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 30) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Periyot pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } else if (numberOfData <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Gösterilecek veri sayısı pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } int dataCount = IndicatorService.DataCount(code, targetDate); if (dataCount < period) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } if (dataCount < numberOfData + period - 1) { numberOfData = dataCount - period + 1; } int limit = numberOfData + period - 1; double denominator = (period * (period + 1)) >> 1; var filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(targetDate)) } }; var sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1); var projection = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 0 }, { "Tarih", 1 } }; var startingDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, numberOfData - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var lastDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProject(filter, sort, projection).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var limitDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, limit - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var dates = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Tarih", limit).Select(p => p.GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime()).ToArray(); MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> { Filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(targetDate)) } }, Sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1), OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace("wmaOut", "financialData", false), Scope = new BsonDocument { { "startingDate", startingDate }, { "lastDate", lastDate }, { "limitDate", limitDate }, { "period", period }, { "denominator", denominator }, { "numberOfData", numberOfData }, { "binarySearch", MapReduceHelpers.BinarySearch }, { "equalityFunction", MapReduceHelpers.IsDatesEqual }, { "dates", new BsonArray(dates) } } }; double[] avg; BsonJavaScript mapper = new BsonJavaScript(@" function() { if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, limitDate) && this.Tarih < limitDate) return; else if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, lastDate) && this.Tarih > lastDate) return; var dateIndex; dateIndex = binarySearch(dates, this.Tarih); if (dateIndex == -1) return; var factor = period; for (var i = 0; i < period && dateIndex >= 0; i++, dateIndex--) { if (dates[dateIndex] > startingDate || equalityFunction(dates[dateIndex], startingDate)) emit(dates[dateIndex], this.Kapanis * factor); factor--; } } "); BsonJavaScript reducer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); } "); BsonJavaScript finalizer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, reducedValue) { return reducedValue / denominator; } "); options.Finalize = finalizer; List <BsonDocument> resultSet = MongoDBService.GetService().MapReduceMany(mapper, reducer, options); avg = new double[numberOfData]; for (int i = 0, j = numberOfData - 1; i < numberOfData; i++, j--) { avg[i] = resultSet.ElementAt(j).GetElement(1).Value.ToDouble(); } return(avg); }
public static double[] RsiMR(string code, DateTime targetDate, int period = 14, int numberOfData = 1) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Periyot pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } else if (numberOfData <= 0) { throw new IndicatorException("Gösterilecek veri sayısı pozitif sayı olmalıdır."); } int dataCount = IndicatorService.DataCount(code, targetDate); if (dataCount < period) { throw new IndicatorException(IndicatorException.DATA_NOT_ENOUGH_MESSAGE); } if (dataCount < numberOfData + period - 1) { numberOfData = dataCount - period + 1; } int limit = numberOfData + period - 1; var filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(targetDate)) } }; var sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1); var projection = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 0 }, { "Tarih", 1 } }; var startingDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, numberOfData - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var lastDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProject(filter, sort, projection).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var limitDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, limit - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var dates = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, "Tarih", limit).Select(p => p.GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime()).ToArray(); MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> { Filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(targetDate)) } }, Sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1), Scope = new BsonDocument { { "startingDate", startingDate }, { "lastDate", lastDate }, { "limitDate", limitDate }, { "period", period }, { "numberOfData", numberOfData }, { "binarySearch", MapReduceHelpers.BinarySearch }, { "equalityFunction", MapReduceHelpers.IsDatesEqual }, { "dates", new BsonArray(dates) } }, OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace("rsiOut", "financialData", false) }; double[] avg; BsonJavaScript mapper = new BsonJavaScript(@" function() { if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, limitDate) && this.Tarih < limitDate) return; else if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, lastDate) && this.Tarih > lastDate) return; var dateIndex; dateIndex = binarySearch(dates, this.Tarih); if (dateIndex == -1) return; for (var i = 0; i < period && dateIndex >= 0; i++, dateIndex--) { if (dates[dateIndex] > startingDate || equalityFunction(dates[dateIndex], startingDate)) emit(dates[dateIndex], {date: this.Tarih, headClose : this.Kapanis, tailClose : this.Kapanis, gain: 0 , loss: 0}); } } "); BsonJavaScript reducer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, values) { values.sort(function(a, b) { return <; }); sumGain = values[0].gain; sumLoss = values[0].loss; var diff; for(var i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) { sumGain += values[i+1].gain; sumLoss += values[i+1].loss; diff = values[i].tailClose - values[i+1].headClose; if(diff > 0) sumGain += diff; else sumLoss -= diff; } return {date: values[0].date, headClose: values[0].headClose, tailClose: values[values.length-1].tailClose, gain: sumGain, loss: sumLoss}; } "); BsonJavaScript finalizer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, reducedValue) { if (reducedValue.loss == 0) return 100; reducedValue = 100 - 100 / (1 + (reducedValue.gain / reducedValue.loss)); return reducedValue; } "); options.Finalize = finalizer; List <BsonDocument> resultSet = MongoDBService.GetService().MapReduceMany(mapper, reducer, options); avg = new double[numberOfData]; for (int i = 0, j = numberOfData - 1; i < numberOfData; i++, j--) { avg[i] = resultSet.ElementAt(j).GetElement(1).Value.ToDouble(); } return(avg); }
private void CalculateFastK_MR(int dataCount) { if (dataCount < NumberOfData + FastKPeriod - 1) { NumberOfData = dataCount - FastKPeriod + 1; } var limit = FastKPeriod + NumberOfData - 1; var filter = new BsonDocument { { "Kod", Code }, { "Tarih", new BsonDocument("$lte", new BsonDateTime(TargetDate)) } }; var sort = new BsonDocument("Tarih", -1); var projection = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 0 }, { "Tarih", 1 } }; BsonJavaScript mapper = new BsonJavaScript(@" function() { if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, limitDate) && this.Tarih < limitDate) return; else if (!equalityFunction(this.Tarih, lastDate) && this.Tarih > lastDate) return; var dateIndex = binarySearch(dates, this.Tarih); if (dateIndex == -1) return; for (var i = 0; i < period && dateIndex >= 0; i++, dateIndex--) { if (dates[dateIndex] > startingDate || equalityFunction(dates[dateIndex], startingDate)) emit(dates[dateIndex], {close: this.Kapanis, low: this.Dusuk, high: this.Yuksek}); } } "); BsonJavaScript reducer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, values) { var result = {close: values[0].close, low: values[0].low, high: values[0].high}; for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { result.low = values[i].low < result.low ? values[i].low : result.low; result.high = values[i].high > result.high ? values[i].high : result.high; } return result; } "); BsonJavaScript finalizer = new BsonJavaScript(@" function(key, reducedValue) { reducedValue = 100 * (reducedValue.close - reducedValue.low) / (reducedValue.high - reducedValue.low); return reducedValue; } "); var startingDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, NumberOfData - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var lastDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProject(filter, sort, projection).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var limitDate = MongoDBService.GetService().FindOneSortProjectSkip(filter, sort, projection, limit - 1).GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime(); var dates = IndicatorService.GetData(Code, TargetDate, "Tarih", limit).Select(p => p.GetElement(0).Value.ToLocalTime()).ToArray(); var scope = new BsonDocument { { "startingDate", startingDate }, { "lastDate", lastDate }, { "limitDate", limitDate }, { "period", FastKPeriod }, { "numberOfData", NumberOfData }, { "binarySearch", MapReduceHelpers.BinarySearch }, { "equalityFunction", MapReduceHelpers.IsDatesEqual }, { "dates", new BsonArray(dates) } }; var options = new MapReduceOptions <BsonDocument, BsonDocument>() { Filter = filter, Sort = sort, Scope = scope, OutputOptions = MapReduceOutputOptions.Replace("stochasticsOut", "financialData", false), Finalize = finalizer }; FastK = new double[NumberOfData]; var resultSet = MongoDBService.GetService().MapReduceMany(mapper, reducer, options); for (int i = 0, j = resultSet.Count - 1; i < NumberOfData; i++, j--) { FastK[i] = resultSet.ElementAt(j).GetElement(1).Value.ToDouble(); } }