public TransactionGenerator(UIHelper uiHelper, CancellationToken cancelToken, BankQueue bankQueue, CustomerList customerList, int maxTransAmount, int timeOutThrottle, /*List<Teller> tellers,*/ BlockingCollection <Teller> tellers, Bank bank) { this.cancelToken = cancelToken; this.customerList = customerList; this.maxTransAmount = maxTransAmount; this.uiHelper = uiHelper; this.timeOutThrottle = timeOutThrottle; this.bankQueue = bankQueue; = bank; currentTranAmount = 0; rand = new Random(); this.tellers = tellers; availTellerQueue = new BlockingCollection <Teller>(); unAvailTellerQueue = new BlockingCollection <Teller>(); foreach (Teller tel in tellers) { availTellerQueue.Add(tel); } task = new Task(Generate); task.Start(); }
public TransactionGenerator(UIHelper uiHelper, CancellationToken ct, BankQueue bq, CustomerList cl, decimal maxTransactionAmount, int timeoutThrottle) { try { this.uiHelper = uiHelper; this.cancelToken = ct; this.maxTransAmount = maxTransactionAmount; if (cl == null) { uiHelper.GeneralMessage("DEBUG: The 'cl' (CustomerList) IS NULL!!!!"); } this.customerList = cl; if (timeoutThrottle < 1) timeoutThrottle = 1; this.timeoutThrottle = timeoutThrottle; this.bankQueue = bq; this.task = Task.Factory.StartNew(TransactionGeneratorProc, cancelToken); } catch(Exception ex) { uiHelper.GeneralMessage("Exception in the Transaction Generator(). Message=" + ex.Message); } }
public Bank(UIHelper uiHelper, CancellationToken ct, int numTellers, int numCustomers, decimal custInitialAmount, decimal initialBankVaultBalance) { BankQueue = new BankQueue(ct); Customers = new CustomerList(numCustomers, custInitialAmount, uiHelper); Vault = new BankVault(initialBankVaultBalance); tellerList = new List<Teller>(); for (int i = 0; i < numTellers; i++) { tellerList.Add(new Teller(uiHelper, ct, this)); } }
public Bank(UIHelper uiHelper, CancellationToken ct, int numberTellers, int numberCustomers, decimal bankVaultAmount, decimal maxTransactionAmount, decimal customersGoal, decimal customersInitAmount) { this.uiHelper = uiHelper; this.cancelToken = ct; this.custList = new CustomerList(); this.numberCustomers = numberCustomers; this.numberTellers = numberTellers; this.bankVaultAmount = bankVaultAmount; this.maxTransactionAmount = maxTransactionAmount; this.customerGoal = customersGoal; this.customersInitAmount = customersInitAmount; tellers = new BlockingCollection <Teller>(); // List<Teller>(); bankQueue = new BankQueue(cancelToken); InitBank(); }