public static Dictionary <MovieBean, MovieBean> getImportedMovies(List <MovieBean> oldMovies) { BatchMovieImporter importer = new BatchMovieImporter(); foreach (MovieBean bean in oldMovies) { importer.dictionary.Add(bean, bean); } importer.ShowDialog(); return(importer.dictionary); }
private void moviesToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //thinking a form with a progress bar //send through a copieed list of movies //retirn a dictioanary<old movie, newMovie> //then here, go through the dictionary and files.insert(old, new) //yeah, let's try that. Dictionary <MovieBean, MovieBean> d = BatchMovieImporter.getImportedMovies(files.movies); foreach (KeyValuePair <MovieBean, MovieBean> entry in d) { frmMain.files.insertMovie(entry.Key, entry.Value); } refreshMovies(null); }