public SaveResult Update(Account account, int userId, string userName) { Account oldAccount = BoDB.AccountDb.GetById(account.Id); oldAccount.RoleId = account.RoleId; oldAccount.Cellphone = account.Cellphone; oldAccount.Email = account.Email; oldAccount.ModifyBy = account.ModifyBy; oldAccount.ModifyTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AccountBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Account " + account.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(BoDB.AccountDb.Update(oldAccount))); }
public SaveResult Deduct(Guid accountId, decimal amount, int userId, string userName) { GatewayAccount account = FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.AccountsDb.GetById(accountId); account.Balance -= amount; BalanceStatement bs = new BalanceStatement(); bs.AccountId = accountId; bs.Action = "Deduct"; bs.Amount = amount; bs.Balance = account.Balance; bs.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; bs.Remark = "BackOffice Deduct"; // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Deduct"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Deduct GatewayAccount " + accountId; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.AccountsDb.Update(account); FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.BalanceStatementDb.Insert(bs); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult SaveCreate(AccountRole role, int userId, string userName) { var hasSameCode = BoDB.AccountRoleDb.IsAny(t => t.Name == role.Name); if (hasSameCode) { return new SaveResult() { Result = false, Message = string.Format("Rolename {0} is exist", role.Name) } } ; role.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; BoDB.AccountRoleDb.Insert(role); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(BORoleBLL).FullName + ".SaveCreate"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create BORole " + role.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult SaveEdit(Salesperson sales, int userId, string userName) { var oldSales = BoDB.SalespersonDb.GetById(sales.Id); oldSales.ModifyBy = sales.ModifyBy; oldSales.ModifyTime = DateTime.UtcNow; oldSales.SaleName = sales.SaleName; oldSales.Position = sales.Position; oldSales.Gender = sales.Gender; oldSales.Mobile = sales.Mobile; BoDB.SalespersonDb.Update(oldSales); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(SalespersonBLL).FullName + ".SaveEdit"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = string.Format("Update Salesperson,ID:{0},SaleName:{1} ", sales.Id, sales.SaleName); ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult SaveDelete(int id, int userId, string userName) { bool hasAccount = BoDB.AccountDb.IsAny(t => t.RoleId == id); if (hasAccount) { return new SaveResult() { Result = false, Message = "There are one or more accounts which is belong to this role" } } ; var result = BoDB.DB.Ado.UseTran(() => { BoDB.RoleAuthorityDb.Delete(t => t.RoleId == id); BoDB.AccountRoleDb.DeleteById(id); }); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(BORoleBLL).FullName + ".SaveDelete"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Delete BORole " + id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(result)); }
public SaveResult SavePermission(int adminId, List <RoleAuthority> roleAuthList, int userId, string userName) { int roleId = roleAuthList[0].RoleId; foreach (var item in roleAuthList) { item.CreateBy = adminId; item.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } var result = BoDB.DB.Ado.UseTran(() => { BoDB.RoleAuthorityDb.Delete(t => t.RoleId == roleId); if (roleAuthList != null) { BoDB.RoleAuthorityDb.InsertRange(roleAuthList.ToArray()); } }); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(BORoleBLL).FullName + ".SavePermission"; actionLog.Username = userName; var permissionCodes = roleAuthList == null ? "" : (roleAuthList.Select(t => t.PermissionId).ToArray().ToString()); actionLog.LogContent = string.Format("Save RoleAuthority,roleid:{0},permissioncodes:{1}", roleId, permissionCodes); ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(result)); }
public SaveResult SaveAddPermission(ModulePermission permission, int userId, string userName) { var module = BoDB.ModuleDb.GetById(permission.ModuleId); if (!module.ParentId.HasValue) { return(new SaveResult(false, "Can't add permission for root module")); } var hasSameCode = BoDB.ModulePermissionDb.IsAny(t => t.Code == permission.Code); if (hasSameCode) { return(new SaveResult(false, string.Format("The code {0} is exist", permission.Code))); } permission.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; permission.IsDefault = false; BoDB.ModulePermissionDb.Insert(permission); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(ModuleBLL).FullName + ".SaveAddPermission"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = string.Format("Create ModulePermission,ID:{0},Code:{1} ", permission.Id, permission.Code); ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult()); }
public SaveResult UpdatePassword(UserAccounts account, int userId, string userName, string Type) { UserAccounts oldAccount = FiiiPayDB.UserAccountDb.GetById(account.Id); if (Type.Equals("Password")) { oldAccount.Password = account.Password; var securityVerify = new SecurityVerification(SystemPlatform.FiiiPay); securityVerify.DeleteErrorCount(SecurityMethod.Password, account.Id.ToString()); } else if (Type.Equals("PIN")) { oldAccount.Pin = account.Pin; var securityVerify = new SecurityVerification(SystemPlatform.FiiiPay); securityVerify.DeleteErrorCount(SecurityMethod.Pin, account.Id.ToString()); } // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(UserManageBLL).FullName + ".UpdatePassword"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update User Password " + account.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FiiiPayDB.UserAccountDb.Update(oldAccount))); }
public SaveResult <int> Create(Cryptocurrencies cur, int userId, string userName) { Cryptocurrencies tmp = FoundationDB.DB.Queryable <Cryptocurrencies>().Where(t => t.Name.Equals(cur.Name)).First(); if (tmp != null) { return(new SaveResult <int>(false, "The name already exists.", tmp.Id)); } cur.Withdrawal_Tier = cur.Withdrawal_Tier / 100; int newId = FoundationDB.CryptocurrencyDb.InsertReturnIdentity(cur); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create Cryptocurrencies " + cur.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult <int>(true, newId)); }
public SaveResult Update(AppVersion model, int userId, string userName) { var oldModel = FoundationDB.AppVersionDb.GetById(model.Id); oldModel.Description = model.Description; oldModel.ForceToUpdate = model.ForceToUpdate; oldModel.Url = model.Url; oldModel.Version = model.Version; var updateResult = FoundationDB.AppVersionDb.Update(oldModel); if (updateResult) { int keyDb = 4; string key = $"Foundation:Version:{model.App}:{model.Platform}"; Framework.Cache.RedisHelper.KeyDelete(keyDb, key); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AppVersionBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update AppVersion " + model.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); } return(new SaveResult(updateResult)); }
public SaveResult <int> Create(Currency cur, List <PriceInfos> list, int userId, string userName) { Currency tmp = FoundationDB.DB.Queryable <Currency>().Where(t => t.Name.Equals(cur.Name)).First(); if (tmp != null) { return(new SaveResult <int>(false, "The name already exists.", tmp.ID)); } if (cur.IsFixedPrice) { FoundationDB.PriceInfoDb.InsertRange(list.ToArray()); } // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create Currency " + cur.ID; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult <int>(true, FoundationDB.CurrencyDb.InsertReturnIdentity(cur))); }
public SaveResult Create(InvestorAccounts investor, int userId, string userName) { if (CheckNameExt(investor.Username)) { return(new SaveResult(false, "This username already exists!")); } int id = FiiiPayDB.InvestorAccountDb.InsertReturnIdentity(investor); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AccountBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create Investor " + id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult SaveEdit(Agent agent, int userId, string userName) { var oldAgent = BoDB.AgentDb.GetById(agent.Id); oldAgent.ModifyBy = agent.ModifyBy; oldAgent.ModifyTime = DateTime.UtcNow; oldAgent.CompanyName = agent.CompanyName; oldAgent.ContactName = agent.ContactName; oldAgent.ContactWay = agent.ContactWay; oldAgent.SaleId = agent.SaleId; oldAgent.CountryId = agent.CountryId; oldAgent.StateId = agent.StateId; oldAgent.CityId = agent.CityId; BoDB.AgentDb.Update(oldAgent); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AgentBLL).FullName + ".SaveEdit"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Agent " + agent.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult Update(Advertisings adv, int userId, string userName) { Advertisings oldAdv = FiiiPayDB.AdvertisingDb.GetById(adv.Id); if (adv.PictureEn != Guid.Empty) { oldAdv.PictureEn = adv.PictureEn; } if (adv.PictureZh != Guid.Empty) { oldAdv.PictureZh = adv.PictureZh; } oldAdv.LinkType = adv.LinkType; oldAdv.Link = adv.Link; oldAdv.Title = adv.Title; oldAdv.Status = adv.Status; oldAdv.StartDate = adv.StartDate; oldAdv.EndDate = adv.EndDate; oldAdv.Version = oldAdv.Version + 1; // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Advertisings " + adv.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FiiiPayDB.AdvertisingDb.Update(oldAdv))); }
public SaveResult SaveEdit(Module module, int userId, string userName) { var oldModule = BoDB.ModuleDb.GetById(module.Id); bool codeChanged = oldModule.Code != module.Code; if (codeChanged) { var sameCodeEnity = BoDB.ModuleDb.IsAny(t => t.Code == module.Code); if (sameCodeEnity) { return new SaveResult() { Result = false, Message = string.Format("Code {0} is exist", module.Code) } } ; } oldModule.ModifyBy = module.ModifyBy; oldModule.ModifyTime = DateTime.UtcNow; oldModule.Code = module.Code; oldModule.Icon = module.Icon; oldModule.Name = module.Name; oldModule.PathAddress = module.PathAddress; oldModule.ParentId = module.ParentId; oldModule.Sort = module.Sort; BoDB.ModuleDb.Update(oldModule); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(ModuleBLL).FullName + ".SaveEdit"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Module " + module.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); //以下推荐方法报错 //BoDB.DB.Updateable<Module>().UpdateColumns(t => new //{ // ModifyBy = module.ModifyBy, // ModifyTime = DateTime.UtcNow, // Code = module.Code, // Icon = module.Icon, // Name = module.Name, // PathAddress = module.PathAddress, // ParentId = module.ParentId, // Sort = module.Sort //}).Where(t => t.Id == module.Id).ExecuteCommand(); return(new SaveResult(true, "Save Success")); }
public SaveResult Update(Currency cur, List <PriceInfos> priceList, int userId, string userName) { Currency tmp = FoundationDB.DB.Queryable <Currency>().Where(t => t.Name.Equals(cur.Name)).First(); if (tmp != null && cur.ID != tmp.ID) { return(new SaveResult(false, "The name already exists.")); } Currency oldCur = FoundationDB.CurrencyDb.GetById(cur.ID); oldCur.Name = cur.Name; oldCur.IsFixedPrice = cur.IsFixedPrice; oldCur.Code = cur.Code; oldCur.Name_CN = cur.Name_CN; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (cur.IsFixedPrice) { int count = 0; priceList.ForEach(data => { sb.Append(" Update dbo.PriceInfo " + "SET " + "[Price]=@Price" + count.ToString() + " WHERE [CryptoID]=@CryptoId" + count.ToString() + " and [CurrencyID] = @CurrencyID" + count.ToString() + "; "); count++; }); count = 0; SugarParameter[] Paras = new SugarParameter[(priceList.Count * 3)]; int paraCount = 0; priceList.ForEach(data => { Paras[count] = new SugarParameter("@Price" + paraCount.ToString(), priceList[paraCount].Price); count++; Paras[count] = new SugarParameter("@CryptoID" + paraCount.ToString(), priceList[paraCount].CryptoID); count++; Paras[count] = new SugarParameter("@CurrencyID" + paraCount.ToString(), priceList[paraCount].CurrencyID); count++; paraCount++; }); FoundationDB.DB.Ado.ExecuteCommand(sb.ToString(), Paras); } // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Currency " + cur.ID; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FoundationDB.CurrencyDb.Update(oldCur))); }
public SaveResult Create(GatewayAccountViewModel model, int userId, string userName) { GatewayAccount account = new GatewayAccount(); account.Id = model.Id; account.Username = model.Username; account.Password = PasswordHasher.HashPassword(model.Password); account.PhoneCode = ""; account.Cellphone = ""; account.MerchantName = ""; account.Balance = 0; account.Status = GayewayAccountStatus.Active; account.CallbackUrl = ""; account.IsVerifiedEmail = false; account.CountryId = 0; account.Currency = ""; account.RegistrationDate = DateTime.UtcNow; account.SecretKey = ""; account.IsAllowPayment = true; GatewayProfile profile = new GatewayProfile(); profile.AccountId = model.Id; profile.CompanyName = model.CompanyName; profile.Cellphone = ""; profile.LicenseNo = model.LicenseNo; profile.LastName = model.LastName; profile.FirstName = model.FirstName; profile.IdentityDocNo = model.IdentityDocNo; profile.IdentityDocType = model.IdentityDocType; profile.IdentityExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow; profile.Address1 = ""; profile.City = ""; profile.State = ""; profile.Postcode = ""; profile.Country = 0; profile.FrontIdentityImage = model.FrontIdentityImage; profile.BackIdentityImage = model.BackIdentityImage; profile.HandHoldWithCard = model.HandHoldWithCard; profile.BusinessLicenseImage = model.BusinessLicenseImage; // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create GatewayAccount " + model.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.AccountsDb.Insert(account); FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.ProfilesDb.Insert(profile); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult Update(GatewayAccountViewModel model, int userId, string userName) { GatewayAccount account = FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.AccountsDb.GetById(model.Id); account.Id = model.Id; account.Username = model.Username; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Password)) { account.Password = PasswordHasher.HashPassword(model.Password); } GatewayProfile profile = FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.ProfilesDb.GetById(model.Id); profile.AccountId = model.Id; profile.CompanyName = model.CompanyName; profile.LicenseNo = model.LicenseNo; profile.LastName = model.LastName; profile.FirstName = model.FirstName; profile.IdentityDocNo = model.IdentityDocNo; profile.IdentityDocType = model.IdentityDocType; if (model.FrontIdentityImage != Guid.Empty) { profile.FrontIdentityImage = model.FrontIdentityImage; } if (model.BackIdentityImage != Guid.Empty) { profile.BackIdentityImage = model.BackIdentityImage; } if (model.HandHoldWithCard != Guid.Empty) { profile.HandHoldWithCard = model.HandHoldWithCard; } if (model.BusinessLicenseImage != Guid.Empty) { profile.BusinessLicenseImage = model.BusinessLicenseImage; } // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update GatewayAccount " + model.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.AccountsDb.Update(account); FiiiPayEnterpriseDB.ProfilesDb.Update(profile); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult Update(CountryViewModel country, int userId, string userName) { CountryAgent agent = new CountryAgent(); if (!agent.CheckProfileRouters(country.ProfileServerAddress, country.ProfileClientKey, country.ProfileSecretKey)) { return(new SaveResult(false, "ProfilesRouters connection failed")); } var oldCountry = FoundationDB.CountryDb.GetById(country.Id); var result = BoDB.DB.Ado.UseTran(() => { ProfileRouters pr = new ProfileRouters() { Country = country.Id, ServerAddress = country.ProfileServerAddress, ClientKey = country.ProfileClientKey, SecretKey = country.ProfileSecretKey }; FoundationDB.ProfileRouterDb.Update(pr); oldCountry.Name = country.Name; oldCountry.Name_CN = country.Name_CN; oldCountry.Status = country.Status; oldCountry.PhoneCode = country.PhoneCode; oldCountry.PinYin = country.PinYin; //oldCountry.IsHot = country.IsHot; //oldCountry.CustomerService = country.CustomerService; oldCountry.FiatCurrency = country.FiatCurrency; oldCountry.Code = country.Code; oldCountry.IsSupportStore = country.IsSupportStore; //oldCountry.FiatCurrencySymbol = country.FiatCurrencySymbol; oldCountry.NationalFlagURL = country.NationalFlagURL; FoundationDB.CountryDb.Update(oldCountry); }); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(BORoleBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Country " + country.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult <int> Create(CountryViewModel country, int userId, string userName) { CountryAgent agent = new CountryAgent(); if (!agent.CheckProfileRouters(country.ProfileServerAddress, country.ProfileClientKey, country.ProfileSecretKey)) { return(new SaveResult <int>(false, "ProfilesRouters connection failed")); } var model = new Countries(); model.Name = country.Name; model.Name_CN = country.Name_CN; model.PhoneCode = country.PhoneCode; model.PinYin = country.PinYin; model.Status = country.Status; //model.IsHot = country.IsHot; model.IsSupportStore = country.IsSupportStore; //model.CustomerService = country.CustomerService; model.FiatCurrency = country.FiatCurrency; model.Code = country.Code; //model.FiatCurrencySymbol = country.FiatCurrencySymbol; model.NationalFlagURL = country.NationalFlagURL; int countryId = FoundationDB.CountryDb.InsertReturnIdentity(model); var tran = BoDB.DB.Ado.UseTran(() => { ProfileRouters pr = new ProfileRouters() { Country = countryId, ServerAddress = country.ProfileServerAddress, ClientKey = country.ProfileClientKey, SecretKey = country.ProfileSecretKey }; FoundationDB.ProfileRouterDb.Insert(pr); }); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(BORoleBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create Country " + country.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); var result = new SaveResult <int>(); result.Data = countryId; return(result); }
public SaveResult UpdateBatch(Dictionary <string, List <string> > list, int userId, string userName) { if (list == null || list.Count <= 0) { return(new SaveResult(true)); } int count = 0, groupCount = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder logSb = new StringBuilder(); List <SugarParameter> paramList = new List <SugarParameter>(); foreach (var item in list) { if (item.Value == null) { continue; } item.Value.ForEach(data => { var nv = data.Split(','); sb.Append($"Update dbo.MasterSettings SET [Value]=@Value{count} WHERE [Name]=@Name{count} and [Group] = @Group{groupCount}; "); logSb.AppendFormat($"{0}={1},", nv[0], nv[1]); paramList.Add(new SugarParameter("@Name" + count, nv[0])); paramList.Add(new SugarParameter("@Value" + count, nv[1])); count++; }); paramList.Add(new SugarParameter("@Group" + groupCount, item.Key)); groupCount++; } var sr = FoundationDB.DB.Ado.UseTran(() => { FoundationDB.DB.Ado.ExecuteCommand(sb.ToString(), paramList.ToArray()); }); if (sr.IsSuccess) { // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(MasterSettingBLL).FullName + ".UpdateBatch"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = string.Format("Update MasterSetting, Values:{0}", logSb.ToString().TrimEnd(',')); ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); } return(new SaveResult(sr.IsSuccess, sr.ErrorMessage)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改 /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="userName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SaveResult UpdatePassword(AdvanceOrders account, int userId, string userName) { // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AccountBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update AdvanceOrders " + account.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(BoDB.AdvanceOrderDb.Update(account))); }
public SaveResult Update(List <string> KeyPairValues, int userId, string userName, string group) { int count = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string logContent = ""; KeyPairValues.ForEach(data => { sb.Append(" Update dbo.MasterSettings " + "SET " + "[Value]=@Value" + count.ToString() + " WHERE [Name]=@Name" + count.ToString() + " and [Group] = @Group; "); count++; }); count = 0; int paraCount = 0; // Connect to database. SugarParameter[] Paras = new SugarParameter[(KeyPairValues.Count * 2) + 1]; // Set parameter values. KeyPairValues.ForEach(data => { Paras[count] = new SugarParameter("@Value" + paraCount.ToString(), KeyPairValues[paraCount].Split(',')[1]); count++; Paras[count] = new SugarParameter("@Name" + paraCount.ToString(), KeyPairValues[paraCount].Split(',')[0]); logContent += KeyPairValues[paraCount].Split(',')[1] + ","; count++; paraCount++; }); Paras[KeyPairValues.Count * 2] = new SugarParameter("@Group", group); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(MasterSettingBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = string.Format("Update MasterSetting, Values:{0}", logContent.TrimEnd(',')); ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FoundationDB.DB.Ado.ExecuteCommand(sb.ToString(), Paras) > 0)); }
public SaveResult Update(Feedbacks fb, int userId, string userName) { // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(FeedbacksBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Update Feedbacks " + fb.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FiiiPayDB.FeedbacksDb.Update(fb))); }
public SaveResult DeleteById(int id, int userId, string userName) { // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(POSBLL).FullName + ".DeleteById"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Delete POS " + id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FiiiPayDB.POSDb.DeleteById(id))); }
public SaveResult Delete(int Id, int userId, string userName) { // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AccountBLL).FullName + ".Update"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Delete PriceInfos " + Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FoundationDB.PriceInfoDb.DeleteById(Id))); }
public SaveResult BatchDelete(string ids, int userId, string userName) { // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AccountBLL).FullName + ".BatchDelete"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "BatchDelete Account " + ids; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(BoDB.AccountDb.DeleteByIds(ids.Split(',')))); }
public SaveResult Create(PriceInfos model, int userId, string userName) { model.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AccountBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create PriceInfos " + model.ID; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(FoundationDB.PriceInfoDb.Insert(model))); }
public SaveResult Delete(int agentId, int userId, string userName) { BoDB.AgentDb.DeleteById(agentId); // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(AgentBLL).FullName + ".Delete"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Delete Agent " + agentId; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult(true)); }
public SaveResult <int> Create(Advertisings adv, int userId, string userName) { adv.Version = 1; adv.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; // Create ActionLog ActionLog actionLog = new ActionLog(); actionLog.IPAddress = GetClientIPAddress(); actionLog.AccountId = userId; actionLog.CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; actionLog.ModuleCode = typeof(CryptocurrenciesBLL).FullName + ".Create"; actionLog.Username = userName; actionLog.LogContent = "Create Advertisings " + adv.Id; ActionLogBLL ab = new ActionLogBLL(); ab.Create(actionLog); return(new SaveResult <int>(true, FiiiPayDB.AdvertisingDb.InsertReturnIdentity(adv))); }