public IEnumerator Load(IAssetRequest <Texture2D> assetRequest) { if (!GameDatabase.Instance.IsReady()) { FARLogger.Warning("Trying to load textures before GameDatabase has been loaded"); assetRequest.State = Progress.Error; assetRequest.OnError(); yield break; } assetRequest.State = Progress.InProgress; try { FARLogger.DebugFormat("Getting texture {0} from GameDatabase", assetRequest.Url); Texture2D texture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(assetRequest.Url, false); assetRequest.State = Progress.Completed; assetRequest.OnLoad(texture); } catch (Exception e) { FARLogger.Exception(e, $"While loading texture {assetRequest.Url} from game database:"); assetRequest.State = Progress.Error; assetRequest.OnError(); } }
private static void LoadConfigs() { // clear config cache so it can be rebuilt lastConfigs.Clear(); var load = new LoadVisitor(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ReflectedConfig> pair in ConfigReflection.Instance.Configs) { ConfigNode[] nodes = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes(pair.Key); if (pair.Value.Reflection.AllowMultiple) { var root = new ConfigNode(); foreach (ConfigNode configNode in nodes) { root.AddNode(configNode); } load.Node = root; object instance = pair.Value.Instance; int errors = pair.Value.Reflection.Load(load, ref instance); if (errors > 0) { FARLogger.ErrorFormat("{0} errors while loading {1}", errors.ToString(), pair.Key); } } else { if (nodes.Length == 0) { FARLogger.Warning($"Could not find config nodes {pair.Key}"); continue; } if (nodes.Length > 1) { FARLogger.Warning($"Found {nodes.Length.ToString()} {pair.Key} nodes"); } foreach (ConfigNode node in nodes) { load.Node = node; object instance = pair.Value.Instance; int errors = pair.Value.Reflection.Load(load, ref instance); if (errors > 0) { FARLogger.ErrorFormat("{0} errors while loading {1}", errors.ToString(),; } } } } using LoadGuard guard = Guard(Operation.Saving); SaveConfigs("Custom", true, ".cfg.far", FARConfig.Debug.DumpOnLoad); }
protected override void OnLoad() { LineRenderer = new ShaderMaterialPair(Shader.Find("Hidden/Internal-Colored")); if (TryGetValue("FerramAerospaceResearch/Debug Voxel Mesh", out Shader voxelShader)) { DebugVoxels = new ShaderMaterialPair(voxelShader); DebugVoxels.Material.SetFloat(ShaderPropertyIds.Cutoff, 0.45f); } else { FARLogger.Warning("Could not find voxel mesh shader. Using Sprites/Default for rendering, you WILL see depth artifacts"); DebugVoxels = new ShaderMaterialPair(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default")); } }
public static bool IsAbsolute(string path, bool retry = true) { try { return(Path.IsPathRooted(path)); } catch (ArgumentException e) { if (retry) { FARLogger.Warning($"Invalid path: {path}, retrying"); return(IsAbsolute(path.Replace("\\", "/"), false)); } FARLogger.Exception(e, $"Exception in path: {path}"); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// C# implementation of /// /// with optional <see cref="minLimit" /> and <see cref="maxLimit" /> constraints for physical problems. The solver /// terminates when it either reaches the maximum number of iterations <see cref="maxIter" />, current and previous /// <see cref="function" /> values are equal, current and previous solutions are close enough, are both NaN or both /// fall outside limits. /// </summary> /// <param name="function">Function to find root of</param> /// <param name="x0">Initial guess</param> /// <param name="x1">Optional second guess</param> /// <param name="tol">Absolute convergence tolerance</param> /// <param name="rTol">Relative convergence tolerance</param> /// <param name="maxIter">Maximum number of iterations</param> /// <param name="maxLimit">Maximum value of the solution</param> /// <param name="minLimit">Minimum value of the solution</param> /// <returns><see cref="OptimizationResult" /> solution</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">When initial and second guesses are equal</exception> public static OptimizationResult Secant( Func <double, double> function, double x0, double?x1 = null, double tol = 0.001, double rTol = 0.001, int maxIter = 50, double maxLimit = double.PositiveInfinity, double minLimit = double.NegativeInfinity ) { // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator int funcCalls = 0; double p0 = x0; double p1; if (x1 is null) { const double eps = 1e-4; p1 = x0 * (1 + eps); p1 += p1 >= 0 ? eps : -eps; } else { if (x1 == x0) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(x1)} and {nameof(x0)} must be different"); } p1 = (double)x1; } double q0 = function(p0); double q1 = function(p1); funcCalls += 2; double p = 0; if (Math.Abs(q1) < Math.Abs(q0)) { Swap(ref p0, ref p1); Swap(ref q0, ref q1); } for (int itr = 0; itr < maxIter; itr++) { if (q1 == q0) { if (p1 != p0) { FARLogger.Warning($"Tolerance of {(p1 - p0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} reached"); } FARLogger.Debug($"Secant method converged in {funcCalls.ToString()} function calls"); return(new OptimizationResult((p1 + p0) / 2, funcCalls, true)); } if (Math.Abs(q1) > Math.Abs(q0)) { p = (-q0 / q1 * p1 + p0) / (1 - q0 / q1); } else { p = (-q1 / q0 * p0 + p1) / (1 - q1 / q0); } if (IsClose(p, p1, tol, rTol)) { FARLogger.Debug($"Secant method converged in {funcCalls.ToString()} function calls with tolerance of {(p1 - p).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"); return(new OptimizationResult(p, funcCalls, true)); } p0 = p1; q0 = q1; p1 = p; if (double.IsNaN(p0) && double.IsNaN(p1)) { FARLogger.Warning($"Both {nameof(p0)} and {nameof(p1)} are NaN, used {funcCalls.ToString()} function calls"); return(new OptimizationResult(p, funcCalls)); } if (p1 < minLimit && p0 < minLimit || p1 > maxLimit && p0 > maxLimit) { FARLogger.Warning($"{nameof(p1)} and {nameof(p0)} are outside the limits, used {funcCalls.ToString()} function calls"); return(new OptimizationResult(p, funcCalls)); } q1 = function(p1); funcCalls++; } FARLogger.Warning($"Secant method failed to converge in {funcCalls.ToString()} function calls"); return(new OptimizationResult(p, funcCalls)); // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator }