//And this actually creates the voxel and then begins the aero properties determination
        private void CreateVoxel()
            lock (this)     //lock this object to prevent race with main thread
                    //Actually voxelize it
                    _voxel = new VehicleVoxel(_vehiclePartList, _currentGeoModules, _voxelCount);
                    if (_vehicleCrossSection.Length < _voxel.MaxArrayLength)
                        _vehicleCrossSection = _voxel.EmptyCrossSectionArray;

                    _voxelLowerRightCorner = _voxel.LocalLowerRightCorner;
                    _voxelElementSize = _voxel.ElementSize;

                    _calculationCompleted = true;

                    //                    voxelizing = false;

                catch (Exception e)
                    //Always, when we finish up, if we're in flight, cleanup the voxel
                    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && _voxel != null)
                        _voxel = null;
                    //And unset the flag so that the main thread can queue it again
                    voxelizing = false;
        public void ForceCleanup()
            if (_voxel != null)
                _voxel = null;
            _vehicleCrossSection = null;
            _ductedAreaAdjustment = null;

            _currentAeroModules = null;
            _newAeroModules = null;

            _currentUnusedAeroModules = null;
            _newUnusedAeroModules = null;

            _currentAeroSections = null;
            _newAeroSections = null;

            _legacyWingModels = null;

            _vehiclePartList = null;

            activeAdjusters = null;