public InstantConditionSimVars(InstantConditionSim parent, CelestialBody body, double altitude, double machNumber, double neededCl, double beta, double phi, int flap, bool spoilers)
            this.parent   = parent;
            this.neededCl = neededCl;
            this.CoM      = parent.GetCoM();
            FlightEnv fltenv = FlightEnv.NewSim(body, altitude, machNumber);

            iterationInput  = new InstantConditionSimInput(0, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, fltenv, 0, flap, spoilers);
            iterationOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();
        public void GetClCdCmSteady(InstantConditionSimInput input, out InstantConditionSimOutput output, bool clear, bool reset_stall = false)
            output = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            double area = 0;
            double MAC  = 0;
            double b_2  = 0;

            Vector3d forward = Vector3.forward;
            Vector3d up      = Vector3.up;
            Vector3d right   = Vector3.right;

            Vector3d    CoM       =;
            double      mass      = 0;
            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
            CoM /= mass;

            if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.VAB)
                forward = Vector3.up;
                up      = -Vector3.forward;

            double sinAlpha = Math.Sin(input.alpha * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosAlpha = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha, 0));

            double sinBeta = Math.Sin(input.beta * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosBeta = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinBeta * sinBeta, 0));

            double sinPhi = Math.Sin(input.phi * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosPhi = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinPhi * sinPhi, 0));

            double alphaDot = input.alphaDot * Math.PI / 180;
            double betaDot  = input.betaDot * Math.PI / 180;
            double phiDot   = input.phiDot * Math.PI / 180;

            Vector3d AngVel = (phiDot - sinAlpha * betaDot) * forward;

            AngVel += (cosPhi * alphaDot + cosAlpha * sinPhi * betaDot) * right;
            AngVel += (sinPhi * alphaDot - cosAlpha * cosPhi * betaDot) * up;

            Vector3d velocity = forward * cosAlpha * cosBeta;

            velocity += right * (sinPhi * cosAlpha * cosBeta + cosPhi * sinBeta);
            velocity += -up * cosPhi * (sinAlpha * cosBeta + sinBeta);


            //this is negative wrt the ground
            Vector3d liftVector = -forward * sinAlpha + right * sinPhi * cosAlpha - up * cosPhi * cosAlpha;

            Vector3d sideways = Vector3.Cross(velocity, liftVector).normalized;

            for (int i = 0; i < _wingAerodynamicModel.Count; i++)
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = _wingAerodynamicModel[i];
                if (!(w && w.part))

                w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity.normalized, input.machNumber, 2);

                if (clear)

                Vector3d relPos = w.GetAerodynamicCenter() - CoM;

                Vector3d vel = velocity + Vector3d.Cross(AngVel, relPos);

                if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                    (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, vel, (float)input.pitchValue, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
                else if (w.isShielded)

                //w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity, input.machNumber);     //do this just to get the AC right

                Vector3d force = w.ComputeForceEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber, 2) * 1000;

                output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(force, liftVector);
                output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(force, sideways);
                output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(force, velocity);

                Vector3d moment = -Vector3d.Cross(relPos, force);

                output.Cm     += Vector3d.Dot(moment, sideways);
                output.Cn     += Vector3d.Dot(moment, liftVector);
                output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(moment, velocity);

                //w.ComputeClCdEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber);

                /*double tmpCl = w.GetCl() * w.S;
                 * output.Cl += tmpCl * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector);
                 * output.Cy += tmpCl * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), sideways);
                 * double tmpCd = w.GetCd() * w.S;
                 * output.Cd += tmpCd;
                 * output.Cm += tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), velocity) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector) + tmpCd * -Vector3d.Dot((relPos), liftVector);
                 * output.Cn += tmpCd * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), sideways) + tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), velocity) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), sideways);
                 * output.C_roll += tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), sideways) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector);*/
                area += w.S;
                MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                b_2  += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
            FARCenterQuery center = new FARCenterQuery();

            for (int i = 0; i < _currentAeroSections.Count; i++)
                _currentAeroSections[i].PredictionCalculateAeroForces(2, (float)input.machNumber, 10000, 0, 0.005f, velocity.normalized, center);

            Vector3d centerForce = center.force * 1000;

            output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, liftVector);
            output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, sideways);
            output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, velocity);

            Vector3d centerMoment = -center.TorqueAt(CoM) * 1000;

            output.Cm     += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, sideways);
            output.Cn     += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, liftVector);
            output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, velocity);

            /*for (int i = 0; i < FARAeroUtil.CurEditorParts.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  Part p = FARAeroUtil.CurEditorParts[i];
             *  if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
             *      continue;
             *  Vector3 part_pos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
             *  double partMass = p.mass;
             *  if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
             *      partMass += p.GetResourceMass();
             *  double stock_drag = partMass * p.maximum_drag * FlightGlobals.DragMultiplier * 1000;
             *  output.Cd += stock_drag;
             *  output.Cm += stock_drag * -Vector3d.Dot(part_pos, liftVector);
             *  output.Cn += stock_drag * Vector3d.Dot(part_pos, sideways);
             * }*/

            if (area == 0)
                area = _maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                b_2  = 1;
                MAC  = _bodyLength;

            double recipArea = 1 / area;

            MAC           *= recipArea;
            b_2           *= recipArea;
            output.Cl     *= recipArea;
            output.Cd     *= recipArea;
            output.Cm     *= recipArea / MAC;
            output.Cy     *= recipArea;
            output.Cn     *= recipArea / b_2;
            output.C_roll *= recipArea / b_2;
        public StabilityDerivOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(double u0, double q, double machNumber, double alpha, double beta, double phi, int flapSetting, bool spoilers, CelestialBody body, double alt)
            StabilityDerivOutput stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput();

            stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity = u0;
            stabDerivOutput.altitude        = alt;
            stabDerivOutput.body            = body;

            Vector3d CoM  =;
            double   mass = 0;

            double MAC  = 0;
            double b    = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix  = 0;
            double Iy  = 0;
            double Iz  = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            InstantConditionSimInput  input = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput;
            InstantConditionSimOutput pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out nominalOutput, true);

            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent <FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w != null)
                    if (w.isShielded)

                    area += w.S;
                    MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                    b    += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                    if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                        (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, p.transform.up, 0, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            if (area == 0)
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC  = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b    = 1;
            MAC  /= area;
            b    /= area;
            CoM  /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b    = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC  = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double  x2, y2, z2, x, y, z;
                x2 = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                y2 = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                z2 = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                x  = relPos.z;
                y  = relPos.x;
                z  = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3    principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot     = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                Vector3 Row1 = new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;
            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            double effectiveG = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt); //This is the effect of gravity

            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);                                        //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);

            alpha         = FARMathUtil.BrentsMethod(_instantCondition.FunctionIterateForAlpha, -30d, 30d, 0.001, 500);
            input.alpha   = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;
            //alpha_str = (alpha * Mathf.PI / 180).ToString();

            input.alpha = (alpha + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl       = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd       = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA      = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = ((nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl) ? "<" : ">");

            Debug.Log("Cl needed: " + neededCl + ", AoA: " + alpha + ", Cl: " + nominalOutput.Cl + ", Cd: " + nominalOutput.Cd);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);                   //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mw

            input.alpha      = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;                   //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;                   //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass);
            pertOutput.Cd *= q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9]  = pertOutput.Cl; //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot   = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;                   //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cd *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta       = (beta + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);               //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;               //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false); pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;                   //yaw rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr

        public StabilityDerivExportOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(CelestialBody body, double alt, double machNumber, int flapSetting, bool spoilers, double alpha, double beta, double phi)
            double pressure    = body.GetPressure(alt);
            double temperature = body.GetTemperature(alt);
            double density     = body.GetDensity(pressure, temperature);
            double sspeed      = body.GetSpeedOfSound(pressure, density);
            double u0          = sspeed * machNumber;
            double q           = u0 * u0 * density * 0.5f;

            StabilityDerivOutput          stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput();
            StabilityDerivExportVariables stabDerivExport = new StabilityDerivExportVariables();

            stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity = u0;
            stabDerivOutput.altitude        = alt;
            stabDerivOutput.body            = body;

            Vector3d CoM  =;
            double   mass = 0;

            double MAC  = 0;
            double b    = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix  = 0;
            double Iy  = 0;
            double Iz  = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            InstantConditionSimInput  input = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput;
            InstantConditionSimOutput pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out nominalOutput, true);

            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent <FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w != null)
                    if (w.isShielded)

                    area += w.S;
                    MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                    b    += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                    if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                        (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, p.transform.up, 0, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            if (area.NearlyEqual(0))
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC  = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b    = 1;
            MAC  /= area;
            b    /= area;
            CoM  /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b    = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC  = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double  x2, y2, z2, x, y, z;
                x2 = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                y2 = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                z2 = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                x  = relPos.z;
                y  = relPos.x;
                z  = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3    principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot     = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                Vector3 Row1 = new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                                           2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                                           -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;
            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            double effectiveG = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt); //This is the effect of gravity

            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);                                        //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);

            alpha         = FARMathUtil.SelectedSearchMethod(machNumber, _instantCondition.FunctionIterateForAlpha);
            input.alpha   = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;
            //alpha_str = (alpha * Mathf.PI / 180).ToString();

            input.alpha = (alpha + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl       = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd       = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA      = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = ((nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl) ? "<" : ">");

            FARLogger.Info("Cl needed: " + neededCl + ", AoA: " + alpha + ", Cl: " + nominalOutput.Cl + ", Cd: " + nominalOutput.Cd);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);                   //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mw

            // Rodhern: The motivation for the revised stability derivatives sign interpretations of Zq, Xq, Ze and Xe
            //  is to align the sign conventions used for Zu, Zq, Ze, Xu, Xq and Xe. Further explanation can be found
            //  here:

            input.alpha      = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;                   //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;                   //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); //  for Zq and Xq match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9]  = pertOutput.Cl; //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot   = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;                   //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / mass; // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / mass; //  for Ze and Xe match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta       = (beta + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);               //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;               //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false); pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;                   //yaw rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr

            // Assign values to export variables
            stabDerivExport.craftmass      = mass;
            stabDerivExport.envpressure    = pressure;
            stabDerivExport.envtemperature = temperature;
            stabDerivExport.envdensity     = density;
            stabDerivExport.envsoundspeed  = sspeed;
            stabDerivExport.envg           = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt);
            stabDerivExport.sitmach        = machNumber;
            stabDerivExport.sitdynpres     = q;
            stabDerivExport.siteffg        = effectiveG;

            return(new StabilityDerivExportOutput(stabDerivOutput, stabDerivExport));
        public void GetClCdCmSteady(InstantConditionSimInput input, out InstantConditionSimOutput output, bool clear, bool reset_stall = false)
            output = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            double area = 0;
            double MAC = 0;
            double b_2 = 0;

            Vector3d forward = Vector3.forward;
            Vector3d up = Vector3.up;
            Vector3d right = Vector3.right;

            Vector3d CoM =;
            double mass = 0;
            List<Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;
            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
            CoM /= mass;

            if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.VAB)
                forward = Vector3.up;
                up = -Vector3.forward;

            double sinAlpha = Math.Sin(input.alpha * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosAlpha = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha, 0));

            double sinBeta = Math.Sin(input.beta * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosBeta = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinBeta * sinBeta, 0));

            double sinPhi = Math.Sin(input.phi * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosPhi = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinPhi * sinPhi, 0));

            double alphaDot = input.alphaDot * Math.PI / 180;
            double betaDot = input.betaDot * Math.PI / 180;
            double phiDot = input.phiDot * Math.PI / 180;

            Vector3d AngVel = (phiDot - sinAlpha * betaDot) * forward;
            AngVel += (cosPhi * alphaDot + cosAlpha * sinPhi * betaDot) * right;
            AngVel += (sinPhi * alphaDot - cosAlpha * cosPhi * betaDot) * up;

            Vector3d velocity = forward * cosAlpha * cosBeta;
            velocity += right * (sinPhi * cosAlpha * cosBeta + cosPhi * sinBeta);
            velocity += -up * cosPhi * (sinAlpha * cosBeta + sinBeta);


            //this is negative wrt the ground
            Vector3d liftVector = -forward * sinAlpha + right * sinPhi * cosAlpha - up * cosPhi * cosAlpha;

            Vector3d sideways = Vector3.Cross(velocity, liftVector).normalized;

            for (int i = 0; i < _wingAerodynamicModel.Count; i++)
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = _wingAerodynamicModel[i];
                if (!(w && w.part))

                w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity.normalized, input.machNumber, 2);

                if (clear)

                Vector3d relPos = w.GetAerodynamicCenter() - CoM;

                Vector3d vel = velocity + Vector3d.Cross(AngVel, relPos);

                if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                    (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, vel, (float)input.pitchValue, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
                else if (w.isShielded)

                //w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity, input.machNumber);     //do this just to get the AC right

                Vector3d force = w.ComputeForceEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber, 2) * 1000;

                output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(force, liftVector);
                output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(force, sideways);
                output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(force, velocity);

                Vector3d moment = -Vector3d.Cross(relPos, force);

                output.Cm += Vector3d.Dot(moment, sideways);
                output.Cn += Vector3d.Dot(moment, liftVector);
                output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(moment, velocity);

                //w.ComputeClCdEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber);

                /*double tmpCl = w.GetCl() * w.S;
                output.Cl += tmpCl * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector);
                output.Cy += tmpCl * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), sideways);
                double tmpCd = w.GetCd() * w.S;
                output.Cd += tmpCd;
                output.Cm += tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), velocity) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector) + tmpCd * -Vector3d.Dot((relPos), liftVector);
                output.Cn += tmpCd * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), sideways) + tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), velocity) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), sideways);
                output.C_roll += tmpCl * Vector3d.Dot((relPos), sideways) * -Vector3d.Dot(w.GetLiftDirection(), liftVector);*/
                area += w.S;
                MAC += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                b_2 += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
            FARCenterQuery center = new FARCenterQuery();
            for (int i = 0; i < _currentAeroSections.Count; i++)
                _currentAeroSections[i].PredictionCalculateAeroForces(2, (float)input.machNumber, 10000, 0.005f, velocity.normalized, center);

            Vector3d centerForce = center.force * 1000;

            output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, liftVector);
            output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, sideways);
            output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, velocity);

            Vector3d centerMoment = -center.TorqueAt(CoM) * 1000;

            output.Cm += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, sideways);
            output.Cn += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, liftVector);
            output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, velocity);

            /*for (int i = 0; i < FARAeroUtil.CurEditorParts.Count; i++)
                Part p = FARAeroUtil.CurEditorParts[i];
                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))

                Vector3 part_pos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                double stock_drag = partMass * p.maximum_drag * FlightGlobals.DragMultiplier * 1000;
                output.Cd += stock_drag;
                output.Cm += stock_drag * -Vector3d.Dot(part_pos, liftVector);
                output.Cn += stock_drag * Vector3d.Dot(part_pos, sideways);

            if (area == 0)
                area = _maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                b_2 = 1;
                MAC = _bodyLength;

            double recipArea = 1 / area;

            MAC *= recipArea;
            b_2 *= recipArea;
            output.Cl *= recipArea;
            output.Cd *= recipArea;
            output.Cm *= recipArea / MAC;
            output.Cy *= recipArea;
            output.Cn *= recipArea / b_2;
            output.C_roll *= recipArea / b_2;
        public void GetClCdCmSteady(
            InstantConditionSimInput input,
            out InstantConditionSimOutput output,
            bool clear,
            bool reset_stall = false
            output = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            double area = 0;
            double MAC  = 0;
            double b_2  = 0;

            Vector3d forward = Vector3.forward;
            Vector3d up      = Vector3.up;
            Vector3d right   = Vector3.right;

            Vector3d CoM =;

            if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.VAB)
                forward = Vector3.up;
                up      = -Vector3.forward;

            double      mass      = 0;
            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            foreach (Part p in partsList)
                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;

            CoM /= mass;

            // Rodhern: The original reference directions (velocity, liftVector, sideways) did not form an orthonormal
            //  basis. That in turn produced some counterintuitive calculation results, such as coupled yaw and pitch
            //  derivatives. A more thorough discussion of the topic can be found on the KSP forums:
            //  The reference directions have been replaced by new ones that are orthonormal by construction.
            //  In dkavolis branch Vector3.Cross() and Vector3d.Normalize() are used explicitly. There is no apparent
            //  benefit to this other than possibly improved readability.

            double sinAlpha = Math.Sin(input.alpha * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosAlpha = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha, 0));

            double sinBeta = Math.Sin(input.beta * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosBeta = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinBeta * sinBeta, 0));

            double sinPhi = Math.Sin(input.phi * Math.PI / 180);
            double cosPhi = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1 - sinPhi * sinPhi, 0));

            double alphaDot = input.alphaDot * Math.PI / 180;
            double betaDot  = input.betaDot * Math.PI / 180;
            double phiDot   = input.phiDot * Math.PI / 180;

            Vector3d velocity = forward * cosAlpha * cosBeta;

            velocity += right * (sinPhi * sinAlpha * cosBeta + cosPhi * sinBeta);
            velocity += -up * (cosPhi * sinAlpha * cosBeta - sinPhi * sinBeta);

            Vector3d liftDown = -forward * sinAlpha;

            liftDown += right * sinPhi * cosAlpha;
            liftDown += -up * cosPhi * cosAlpha;

            Vector3d sideways = Vector3.Cross(velocity, liftDown);


            Vector3d angVel = forward * (phiDot - sinAlpha * betaDot);

            angVel += right * (cosPhi * alphaDot + cosAlpha * sinPhi * betaDot);
            angVel += up * (sinPhi * alphaDot - cosAlpha * cosPhi * betaDot);

            foreach (FARWingAerodynamicModel w in _wingAerodynamicModel)
                if (!(w && w.part))

                w.ComputeForceEditor(velocity, input.machNumber, 2);

                if (clear)

                Vector3d relPos = w.GetAerodynamicCenter() - CoM;

                Vector3d vel = velocity + Vector3d.Cross(angVel, relPos);

                if (w is FARControllableSurface controllableSurface)
                else if (w.isShielded)

                Vector3d force = w.ComputeForceEditor(vel.normalized, input.machNumber, 2) * 1000;

                output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(force, liftDown);
                output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(force, sideways);
                output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(force, velocity);

                Vector3d moment = -Vector3d.Cross(relPos, force);

                output.Cm     += Vector3d.Dot(moment, sideways);
                output.Cn     += Vector3d.Dot(moment, liftDown);
                output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(moment, velocity);

                area += w.S;
                MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                b_2  += w.Getb_2() * w.S;

            var center = new FARCenterQuery();

            foreach (FARAeroSection aeroSection in _currentAeroSections)

            Vector3d centerForce = center.force * 1000;

            output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, liftDown);
            output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, sideways);
            output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, velocity);

            Vector3d centerMoment = -center.TorqueAt(CoM) * 1000;

            output.Cm     += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, sideways);
            output.Cn     += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, liftDown);
            output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, velocity);

            if (area.NearlyEqual(0))
                area = _maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                b_2  = 1;
                MAC  = _bodyLength;

            double recipArea = 1 / area;

            MAC           *= recipArea;
            b_2           *= recipArea;
            output.Cl     *= recipArea;
            output.Cd     *= recipArea;
            output.Cm     *= recipArea / MAC;
            output.Cy     *= recipArea;
            output.Cn     *= recipArea / b_2;
            output.C_roll *= recipArea / b_2;
        public StabilityDerivOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(double u0, double q, double machNumber, double alpha, double beta, double phi, int flapSetting, bool spoilers, CelestialBody body, double alt)
            StabilityDerivOutput stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput();
            stabDerivOutput.nominalVelocity = u0;
            stabDerivOutput.altitude = alt;
            stabDerivOutput.body = body;

            Vector3d CoM =;
            double mass = 0;

            double MAC = 0;
            double b = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix = 0;
            double Iy = 0;
            double Iz = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            InstantConditionSimInput input = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput;
            InstantConditionSimOutput pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out nominalOutput, true);

            List<Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;
            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent<FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w != null)
                    if (w.isShielded)

                    area += w.S;
                    MAC += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                    b += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                    if (w is FARControllableSurface)
                        (w as FARControllableSurface).SetControlStateEditor(CoM, p.transform.up, 0, 0, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            if (area == 0)
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b = 1;
            MAC /= area;
            b /= area;
            CoM /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            for (int i = 0; i < partsList.Count; i++)
                Part p = partsList[i];

                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double x2, y2, z2, x, y, z;
                x2 = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                y2 = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                z2 = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                x = relPos.z;
                y = relPos.x;
                z = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                //partMass += p.GetModuleMass(p.mass);
                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3 principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                Vector3 Row1 = new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                    2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                    2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                    -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                    2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                Vector3 Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                    2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                    -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x + principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y + principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;
            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            double effectiveG = _instantCondition.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt);     //This is the effect of gravity
            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);                          //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);

            alpha = FARMathUtil.BrentsMethod(_instantCondition.FunctionIterateForAlpha, -30d, 30d, 0.001, 500);
            input.alpha = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;
            //alpha_str = (alpha * Mathf.PI / 180).ToString();

            input.alpha = (alpha + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = ((nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl) ? "<" : ">");

            Debug.Log("Cl needed: " + neededCl + ", AoA: " + alpha + ", Cl: " + nominalOutput.Cl + ", Cd: " + nominalOutput.Cd);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);                   //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mw

            input.alpha = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);

            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;                   //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd;  //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm;  //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;                   //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass);
            pertOutput.Cd *= q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9] = pertOutput.Cl;  //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;                   //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cd *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta = (beta + 2);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);                   //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cn = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false);
            pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;                   //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, false); pertOutput.Cy = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;                   //yaw rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cn = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr

            return stabDerivOutput;
        public StabilityDerivOutput CalculateStabilityDerivs(
            CelestialBody body,
            double alt,
            double machNumber,
            int flapSetting,
            bool spoilers,
            double alpha,
            double beta,
            double phi
            GasProperties properties = FARAtmosphere.GetGasProperties(body,
                                                                      new Vector3d(0, 0, alt),

            double pressure    = properties.Pressure;
            double temperature = properties.Temperature;
            double density     = properties.Density;
            double sspeed      = properties.SpeedOfSound;
            double u0          = sspeed * machNumber;
            double q           = u0 * u0 * density * 0.5f;

            var stabDerivOutput = new StabilityDerivOutput
                nominalVelocity = u0,
                altitude        = alt,
                body            = body

            Vector3d CoM  =;
            double   mass = 0;

            double MAC  = 0;
            double b    = 0;
            double area = 0;

            double Ix  = 0;
            double Iy  = 0;
            double Iz  = 0;
            double Ixy = 0;
            double Iyz = 0;
            double Ixz = 0;

            var input      = new InstantConditionSimInput(alpha, beta, phi, 0, 0, 0, machNumber, 0, flapSetting, spoilers);
            var pertOutput = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out InstantConditionSimOutput nominalOutput, true);

            List <Part> partsList = EditorLogic.SortedShipList;

            foreach (Part p in partsList)
                if (FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass
                CoM  += partMass * (Vector3d)p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset);
                mass += partMass;
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = p.GetComponent <FARWingAerodynamicModel>();
                if (w == null)
                if (w.isShielded)

                area += w.S;
                MAC  += w.GetMAC() * w.S;
                b    += w.Getb_2() * w.S;
                if (w is FARControllableSurface controllableSurface)

            if (area.NearlyEqual(0))
                area = _instantCondition._maxCrossSectionFromBody;
                MAC  = _instantCondition._bodyLength;
                b    = 1;

            MAC  /= area;
            b    /= area;
            CoM  /= mass;
            mass *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.b    = b;
            stabDerivOutput.MAC  = MAC;
            stabDerivOutput.area = area;

            foreach (Part p in partsList)
                if (p == null || FARAeroUtil.IsNonphysical(p))
                //This section handles the parallel axis theorem
                Vector3 relPos = p.transform.TransformPoint(p.CoMOffset) - CoM;
                double  x2     = relPos.z * relPos.z;
                double  y2     = relPos.x * relPos.x;
                double  z2     = relPos.y * relPos.y;
                double  x      = relPos.z;
                double  y      = relPos.x;
                double  z      = relPos.y;

                double partMass = p.mass;
                if (p.Resources.Count > 0)
                    partMass += p.GetResourceMass();

                // If you want to use GetModuleMass, you need to start from p.partInfo.mass, not p.mass

                Ix += (y2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iy += (x2 + z2) * partMass;
                Iz += (x2 + y2) * partMass;

                Ixy += -x * y * partMass;
                Iyz += -z * y * partMass;
                Ixz += -x * z * partMass;

                //And this handles the part's own moment of inertia
                Vector3    principalInertia = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion prncInertRot     = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;

                //The rows of the direction cosine matrix for a quaternion
                var Row1 =
                    new Vector3(prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x -
                                prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y -
                                prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z +
                                prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y + prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w));

                var Row2 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.y - prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.w),
                                       -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x +
                                       prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y -
                                       prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z +
                                       prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w,
                                       2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w));

                var Row3 = new Vector3(2 * (prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.z + prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.w),
                                       2 * (prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.z - prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.w),
                                       -prncInertRot.x * prncInertRot.x -
                                       prncInertRot.y * prncInertRot.y +
                                       prncInertRot.z * prncInertRot.z +
                                       prncInertRot.w * prncInertRot.w);

                //And converting the principal moments of inertia into the coordinate system used by the system
                Ix += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row1.x +
                      principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row1.y +
                      principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row1.z;
                Iy += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row2.x +
                      principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row2.y +
                      principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row2.z;
                Iz += principalInertia.x * Row3.x * Row3.x +
                      principalInertia.y * Row3.y * Row3.y +
                      principalInertia.z * Row3.z * Row3.z;

                Ixy += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row2.x +
                       principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row2.y +
                       principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row2.z;
                Ixz += principalInertia.x * Row1.x * Row3.x +
                       principalInertia.y * Row1.y * Row3.y +
                       principalInertia.z * Row1.z * Row3.z;
                Iyz += principalInertia.x * Row2.x * Row3.x +
                       principalInertia.y * Row2.y * Row3.y +
                       principalInertia.z * Row2.z * Row3.z;

            Ix *= 1000;
            Iy *= 1000;
            Iz *= 1000;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[0] = Ix;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[1] = Iy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[2] = Iz;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[24] = Ixy;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[25] = Iyz;
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[26] = Ixz;

            //This is the effect of gravity
            double effectiveG = InstantConditionSim.CalculateAccelerationDueToGravity(body, alt);

            //This is the effective reduction of gravity due to high velocity
            effectiveG -= u0 * u0 / (alt + body.Radius);
            double neededCl = mass * effectiveG / (q * area);

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);
            //Longitudinal Mess
            _instantCondition.SetState(machNumber, neededCl, CoM, 0, input.flaps, input.spoilers);
            FARMathUtil.OptimizationResult optResult =
                                   minLimit: -90,
                                   maxLimit: 90);
            int calls = optResult.FunctionCalls;

            // if stable AoA doesn't exist, calculate derivatives at 0 incidence
            if (!optResult.Converged)
                FARLogger.Info("Stable angle of attack not found, calculating derivatives at 0 incidence instead");
                alpha = 0;
                calls += 1;
                alpha = optResult.Result;

            input.alpha   = alpha;
            nominalOutput = _instantCondition.iterationOutput;

            input.alpha = alpha + 2;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            stabDerivOutput.stableCl       = neededCl;
            stabDerivOutput.stableCd       = nominalOutput.Cd;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoA      = alpha;
            stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = "";
            if (Math.Abs((nominalOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) > 0.1)
                stabDerivOutput.stableAoAState = nominalOutput.Cl > neededCl ? "<" : ">";

            FARLogger.Info("Cl needed: " +
                           neededCl.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", AoA: " +
                           stabDerivOutput.stableAoA.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", Cl: " +
                           nominalOutput.Cl.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", Cd: " +
                           nominalOutput.Cd.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                           ", function calls: " +

            //vert vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cl += nominalOutput.Cd;
            pertOutput.Cd -= nominalOutput.Cl;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (Iy * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[3] = pertOutput.Cl; //Zw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[4] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xw
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[5] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mw

            // Rodhern: The motivation for the revised stability derivatives sign interpretations of Zq, Xq, Ze and Xe
            //  is to align the sign conventions used for Zu, Zq, Ze, Xu, Xq and Xe. Further explanation can be found
            //  here:

            input.alpha      = alpha;
            input.machNumber = machNumber + 0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //fwd vel derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05 * machNumber;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05 * machNumber;

            pertOutput.Cl += 2 * nominalOutput.Cl;
            pertOutput.Cd += 2 * nominalOutput.Cd;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / (mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / (u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[6] = pertOutput.Cl; //Zu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[7] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xu
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[8] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mu

            input.machNumber = machNumber;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.alphaDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //pitch rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area * MAC / (2 * u0 * mass); //  for Zq and Xq match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC * MAC / (2 * u0 * Iy);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[9]  = pertOutput.Cl; //Zq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[10] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xq
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[11] = pertOutput.Cm; //Mq

            input.alphaDot   = 0;
            input.pitchValue = 0.1;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //elevator derivs
            pertOutput.Cl = (pertOutput.Cl - nominalOutput.Cl) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cd = (pertOutput.Cd - nominalOutput.Cd) / 0.1;
            pertOutput.Cm = (pertOutput.Cm - nominalOutput.Cm) / 0.1;

            pertOutput.Cl *= -q * area / mass; // Rodhern: Replaced 'q' by '-q', so that formulas
            pertOutput.Cd *= -q * area / mass; //  for Ze and Xe match those for Zu and Xu.
            pertOutput.Cm *= q * area * MAC / Iy;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[12] = pertOutput.Cl; //Ze
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[13] = pertOutput.Cd; //Xe
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[14] = pertOutput.Cm; //Me

            //Lateral Mess

            input.pitchValue = 0;
            input.beta       = beta + 2;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);
            //sideslip angle derivs
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / (2 * FARMathUtil.deg2rad);

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area / mass;
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b / Iz;
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b / Ix;

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[15] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[17] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nb
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[16] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lb

            input.beta = beta;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.phiDot = -0.05;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);

            //roll rate derivs
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[18] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yp
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[20] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Np
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[19] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lp

            input.phiDot = 0;

            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true, true);

            input.betaDot = -0.05;

            //yaw rate derivs
            _instantCondition.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out pertOutput, true);
            pertOutput.Cy     = (pertOutput.Cy - nominalOutput.Cy) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.Cn     = (pertOutput.Cn - nominalOutput.Cn) / 0.05f;
            pertOutput.C_roll = (pertOutput.C_roll - nominalOutput.C_roll) / 0.05f;

            pertOutput.Cy     *= q * area * b / (2 * mass * u0);
            pertOutput.Cn     *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Iz * u0);
            pertOutput.C_roll *= q * area * b * b / (2 * Ix * u0);

            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[21] = pertOutput.Cy;     //Yr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[23] = pertOutput.Cn;     //Nr
            stabDerivOutput.stabDerivs[22] = pertOutput.C_roll; //Lr

 public void ResetAndGetClCdCmSteady(InstantConditionSimInput input, out InstantConditionSimOutput output)
     parent.ResetClCdCmSteady(CoM, input);
     parent.GetClCdCmSteady(input, out output, true, false);
        public InstantConditionSimIterationResult IterateForAlphaAndPitch(out InstantConditionSimInput resultinput, out InstantConditionSimOutput resultoutput)
            // reset 'old' calculations before first iteration
            parent.ResetClCdCmSteady(CoM, iterationInput);

            // level flight with yoke at neutral
            double alpha0 = FindAlphaForPitch(0);

            // stable attitude flight (at alpha0)
            double pitch0 = FindPitchForAlpha(alpha0);

            // level flight with deflected control surfaces
            double alpha1 = FindAlphaForPitch(pitch0);

            // updated stable attitude deflection
            double pitch1 = FindPitchForAlpha(alpha1);

            // iteration
            const int    iterlim  = 50;
            const double tolscale = 1 / 8; // scaled tolerance is stricter on the variable (alpha or pitch) to converge first
            int          iterstep = 0;     //  in relation to when to exit two-dimensional iteration; ideally both variables

            while (iterstep < iterlim &&   //  have converged within tol_linear at that point.
                   Math.Abs(pitch1 - pitch0) > pitchtol.tol_linear * tolscale &&
                   Math.Abs(alpha1 - alpha0) > alphatol.tol_linear * tolscale)
                double alpha2;
                double pitch2;
                IterateOnce(alpha0, pitch0, alpha1, pitch1, out alpha2, out pitch2);
                alpha0 = alpha1; pitch0 = pitch1;
                alpha1 = alpha2; pitch1 = pitch2;

            if (Math.Abs(pitch1 - pitch0) < pitchtol.tol_linear &&
                Math.Abs(alpha1 - alpha0) < alphatol.tol_linear)
            { // ok, use alpha1 and pitch1 (i.e. the result of the last iteration)
            else if (Math.Abs(pitch1 - pitch0) < pitchtol.tol_linear)
            { // we think we roughly know the stable attitude yoke position
                Debug.Log("[Rodhern][FAR] pitch determined (solve for alpha).");
                alpha1 = FindAlphaForPitch(pitch1);
            else if (Math.Abs(alpha1 - alpha0) < alphatol.tol_linear)
            { // accept partial optimization
                Debug.Log("[Rodhern][FAR] partial solution (alpha ~= " + alpha1 + ").");
                pitch1 = FindPitchForAlpha(alpha1);
                alpha1 = FindAlphaForPitch(pitch1);
            { // level (but unstable) flight with yoke at neutral
                Debug.Log("[Rodhern][FAR] fix pitch at zero (last alpha was " + alpha1 + ").");
                pitch1 = 0;
                alpha1 = FindAlphaForPitch(pitch1);

            if (Double.IsNaN(alpha1) || Double.IsNaN(pitch1))
                alpha1 = 0;
                pitch1 = 0;

            iterationInput.alpha      = alpha1;
            iterationInput.pitchValue = pitch1;
            ResetAndGetClCdCmSteady(iterationInput, out iterationOutput);

            string AoAState;

            if (Math.Abs((iterationOutput.Cl - neededCl) / neededCl) < 0.01)
                if (Math.Abs(iterationOutput.Cm) < 0.01)
                    AoAState = "";
                    AoAState = (iterationOutput.Cm > 0) ? "\\" : "/";
                AoAState = (iterationOutput.Cl > neededCl) ? "<" : ">";
            Debug.Log("[Rodhern][FAR] Cl needed: " + neededCl + ", AoAState: '" + AoAState + "'," + " AoA: " + alpha1 + ", pitch: " + pitch1
                      + ", Cl: " + iterationOutput.Cl + ", Cd: " + iterationOutput.Cd + ", Cm: " + iterationOutput.Cm + ".");

            resultinput  = iterationInput.Clone(); // clone so that we do not give away our private variable reference
            resultoutput = iterationOutput;        // new iteration output values are made at each calculation, so we can do a simple struct assignment copy
            return(new InstantConditionSimIterationResult(iterationOutput.Cl, iterationOutput.Cd, iterationOutput.Cm, pitch1, alpha1, AoAState));
        public void GetClCdCmSteady(InstantConditionSimInput input, out InstantConditionSimOutput output, bool clear, bool reset_stall)
            Vector3d CoM;
            double   mass, area, MAC, b; // mass not actually used in these calculations

            GetCoMAndSize(out CoM, out mass, out area, out MAC, out b);

            FARCenterQuery center;

            ResetClCdCmSteady(CoM, input, out center, false, clear, reset_stall);

            Vector3d velocity, liftDown, sideways, angVel, velVector;

            GetAxisVectors(CoM, input, out velocity, out liftDown, out sideways, out angVel);
            velVector = input.fltenv.VelocityVector(velocity);

            output = new InstantConditionSimOutput();

            for (int i = 0; i < _wingAerodynamicModel.Count; i++)
                FARWingAerodynamicModel w = _wingAerodynamicModel[i];
                if (!(w && w.part) || w.isShielded)

                Vector3d relPos = w.GetAerodynamicCenter() - CoM;
                Vector3d vel    = velVector + Vector3d.Cross(angVel, relPos);
                Vector3d force  = w.ComputeForceEditor(vel, input.fltenv);

                output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(force, liftDown);
                output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(force, velocity);
                output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(force, sideways);

                Vector3d moment = -Vector3d.Cross(relPos, force);

                output.Cm     += Vector3d.Dot(moment, sideways);
                output.Cn     += Vector3d.Dot(moment, liftDown);
                output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(moment, velocity);

            Vector3d centerForce = center.force;

            output.Cl += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, liftDown);
            output.Cd += -Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, velocity);
            output.Cy += Vector3d.Dot(centerForce, sideways);

            Vector3d centerMoment = -center.TorqueAt(CoM);

            output.Cm     += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, sideways);
            output.Cn     += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, liftDown);
            output.C_roll += Vector3d.Dot(centerMoment, velocity);

            double q     = input.fltenv.DynamicPressure();
            double recip = 1 / (q * area); // reciprocal value to area and dynamic pressure

            output.Cl     *= recip;
            output.Cd     *= recip;
            output.Cy     *= recip;
            output.Cm     *= recip / MAC;
            output.Cn     *= recip / b;
            output.C_roll *= recip / b;