         * -----------------
         * | 0 | 4 | blockNum
         * | 4 | 4 | 0
         * ---------------
         * | 8 + N*8 + 0 | 4 | uncompressedSize
         * | 8 + N*8 + 4 | 4 | compressedSize
         * ---------------
         * blockData
         * ---------------
        public static int Encode(int blockSize, byte [] src, int srcOffset, int srcLength, byte [] dest, int destOffset, int destLength)
            int blockNum   = (src.Length + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
            int headerSize = 8 + blockNum * 8;

            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(blockNum, dest, destOffset + 0);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(0, dest, destOffset + 4);

            int sizeSum           = headerSize;
            int currentDestOffset = destOffset + headerSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < blockNum; ++i)
                // write to data
                int originSize = blockSize;
                if (blockSize + (i * blockSize) > srcLength)
                    originSize = srcLength - (i * blockSize);
                int compressedSize = LZ4Codec.Encode(src, srcOffset + (i * blockSize), originSize, dest,
                                                     currentDestOffset, destLength - currentDestOffset + destOffset);
                // write to header block
                FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(originSize, dest, destOffset + 8 + (i * 8) + 0);
                FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(compressedSize, dest, destOffset + 8 + (i * 8) + 4);

                currentDestOffset += compressedSize;
                sizeSum           += compressedSize;
        private void WriteTextureToStream(Stream stream, Texture2D texture, bool isCompress, int blockSize)
            byte[] rawData       = texture.GetRawTextureData();
            byte[] writeData     = null;
            int    writeDataSize = 0;

            if (isCompress)
                writeData     = this.lz4Buffer;
                writeDataSize = Lz4Util.Encode(blockSize, rawData, 0, rawData.Length, writeData, 0, writeData.Length);
                Debug.Log("Write " + rawData.Length + "->" + writeDataSize);
                writeData     = rawData;
                writeDataSize = rawData.Length;
            byte[] fileData = new byte[writeDataSize + 32];

            int flag = TextureLoaderUtil.GetFlagInt(isCompress, (texture.mipmapCount > 1), (texture.filterMode != FilterMode.Point));

            // write header
            System.Array.Copy(FastLoaderUtil.FastTextureHeader, 0, fileData, 0, FastLoaderUtil.FastTextureHeader.Length);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(texture.width, fileData, 8);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(texture.height, fileData, 12);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt((int)texture.format, fileData, 16);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(flag, fileData, 20);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(writeDataSize, fileData, 24);
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(rawData.Length, fileData, 28);

            System.Array.Copy(writeData, 0, fileData, 32, writeDataSize);
            stream.Write(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);
            // calc crc32
            byte[] crc32 = new byte[4];
            FastLoaderUtil.GetByteArrayFromInt(Crc32.GetValue(fileData, 0, fileData.Length), crc32, 0);
            stream.Write(crc32, 0, crc32.Length);

            Debug.Log("format " + texture.format + "::" + (int)texture.format);