public ActionResult Apparel(AddApparel model) { if (!CheckAdmin()) return (View("~/Views/Shared/Unauthorized.cshtml")); ViewBag.categoryData = UtilityFunctions.getCategoryDropDown(); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); string AppID; bool result = obj.addApparel(model, out AppID); if (result) { ViewBag.Message = "Sucessfully added apparel"; } else ViewBag.Message = "Unable to add apparel"; return View(model); }
public string FetchByDate(string date) { AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); Offer model = obj.fetchOfferByDate(date); JavaScriptSerializer jsonobj = new JavaScriptSerializer(); return (jsonobj.Serialize(model)); }
public string DeleteOffer(string offerDate) { if (!CheckAdmin()) return ("<h1 style='Color:red'>You Are NOT AUTHORIZED to access this Page ..! <h1>"); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); if (obj.DeleteOffer(offerDate)) { return "true"; } return "false"; }
public bool UpdateApparel(string apparelID, string cost, string discount, string quantity, string category, string size ) { if (!CheckAdmin()) return (false); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); bool result = obj.UpdateApparel(apparelID, cost, discount, quantity, category, size); return result; }
public string UpdateOffer(string offerDate, string offerName, string offerDescription, string offerDiscount) { if (!CheckAdmin()) return ("<h1 style='Color:red'>You Are NOT AUTHORIZED to access this Page ..! <h1>"); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); if (obj.UpdateOffer(offerDate, offerName, offerDescription, offerDiscount)) { return "true"; } return "false"; }
public ActionResult SearchByCategory(string val) { AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); List<Apparel> listApparel = obj.fetchProductByCategory(val); //ViewBag.Message = listApparel[0].ApparelName; string msg = "0"; if (listApparel.Count > 0) msg = listApparel[0].ApparelName; return PartialView("_apparelDetailsTable", listApparel); }
public ActionResult Offer(Offer model) { AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); List<SelectListItem> defaultList = new List<SelectListItem>(); defaultList = UtilityFunctions.getCategoryDropDown(); // defaultList[0].Selected= false; // defaultList[Convert.ToInt32(ModelState["temp"])].Selected = true; ViewBag.categoryData = defaultList; if (obj.addOffer(model)) { ViewBag.Message = "Offer Added Successfully"; Session["OfferMessage"] = "false"; } else { if (Convert.ToString(Session["ErrorMessage"]) == "Offer with Same Date exists") { Session["OfferMessage"] = "true"; Session["ErrorMessage"] = "Offer with Same Date Exists. Try Updating the Offer!"; ViewBag.Message = ""; } else { Session["OfferMessage"] = "true"; Session["ErrorMessage"] = "Unable to add Offer"; } } return View(model); ; }
public ActionResult GetBrandNames() { if (!CheckAdmin()) return (View("~/Views/Shared/Unauthorized.cshtml")); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); List<DropDownFormat> result = obj.GetBrandNames(); SelectList resList = new SelectList(result, "value", "name"); return Json(resList); }
public ActionResult GetApparelsByBrandAndName(string name, string brand) { if (!CheckAdmin()) return (View("~/Views/Shared/Unauthorized.cshtml")); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); List<AddApparel> listApparel = obj.GetApparelsByBrandAndName(name, brand); return PartialView("_updateApparel", listApparel); }
public ActionResult GetApparelNameByBrand(string brand) { if (!CheckAdmin()) return (Content("<h1 style='Color:red'>You Are NOT AUTHORIZED to access this Page ..! <h1>")); AdminBLL obj = new AdminBLL(); List<DropDownFormat> result = obj.GetApparelNameByBrand(brand); SelectList resList = new SelectList(result, "value", "name"); return Json(resList); }