private void OutputDocPdf(ORDERS Order) { using (var memoryF = BL.PDF.PdfGenerator.DocPDF(Order)) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.OutputStream.Write(memoryF.GetBuffer(), 0, memoryF.GetBuffer().Length); Response.OutputStream.Close(); HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } }
public List<ORDERS> Search(ORDERS Order, int PageSize, int PageIndex, out int TotalRecords, string OrderExp, SortDirection SortDirection) { var result = Context.ORDERS.Include("CUSTOMER").Include("D_ORDER_STATUS").AsQueryable(); if (Order != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Order.CustomerName)) { result = result.Where(o => (o.CUSTOMER.Name + " " + o.CUSTOMER.Surname).Contains(Order.CustomerName)); } if (Order.ID != 0) { result = result.Where(o => o.ID == Order.ID); } if (Order.SearchStartDate.HasValue) { result = result.Where(o => o.DateCreated >= Order.SearchStartDate.Value); } if (Order.SearchEndDate.HasValue) { result = result.Where(o => o.DateCreated <= Order.SearchEndDate.Value); } if (Order.Status.HasValue) { result = result.Where(o => o.Status == Order.Status.Value); } } TotalRecords = result.Count(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderExp) && OrderExp.Equals("CustomerName")) { if (SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) result = result.OrderBy(c => c.CUSTOMER.Name).ThenBy(c => c.CUSTOMER.Surname); else result = result.OrderByDescending(c => c.CUSTOMER.Name).ThenBy(c => c.CUSTOMER.Surname); } else { GenericSorterCaller<ORDERS> sorter = new GenericSorterCaller<ORDERS>(); result = sorter.Sort(result, String.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderExp) ? "ID" : OrderExp, SortDirection); } // pagination return result.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList(); }
private void FixupORDERS(ORDERS previousValue) { if (previousValue != null && ReferenceEquals(previousValue.PAYMENT, this)) { previousValue.PAYMENT = null; } if (ORDERS != null) { ORDERS.PAYMENT = this; if (ID != ORDERS.ID) { ID = ORDERS.ID; } } }
private void FixupORDERS(ORDERS previousValue) { if (previousValue != null && previousValue.ORDER_DETAIL.Contains(this)) { previousValue.ORDER_DETAIL.Remove(this); } if (ORDERS != null) { if (!ORDERS.ORDER_DETAIL.Contains(this)) { ORDERS.ORDER_DETAIL.Add(this); } if (OrderID != ORDERS.ID) { OrderID = ORDERS.ID; } } }
private void FixupORDERS(ORDERS previousValue) { if (previousValue != null && previousValue.RETURN.Contains(this)) { previousValue.RETURN.Remove(this); } if (ORDERS != null) { if (!ORDERS.RETURN.Contains(this)) { ORDERS.RETURN.Add(this); } if (OrderID != ORDERS.ID) { OrderID = ORDERS.ID; } } else if (!_settingFK) { OrderID = null; } }
private static void CreateBillingTab(ORDERS order, Document doc, float totalWidth) { var nrFatFontStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.PINK); var datFatFontStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 7, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK); var headStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.WHITE); var itemsStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK); var emptyStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 1, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK); #region Nr & data var tblFatturaAllContent = new PdfPTable(1); var cF1 = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = GrayColor.WHITE, BorderWidthTop = 1f, BorderColorTop = BaseColor.GRAY, BorderWidthRight = 1f, BorderColorRight = BaseColor.GRAY, BorderWidthLeft = 1f, BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.GRAY }; var fatPh = new Phrase { Leading = 20f }; var fatCh = new Chunk(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitFatPDF"] + String.Format(Configuration.OrderNrFormatting, order.ID), nrFatFontStyle); fatPh.Add(fatCh); fatCh = new Chunk(" "); fatPh.Add(fatCh); fatCh = new Chunk("data: " + order.DateCreated.ToString("d"), datFatFontStyle); fatPh.Add(fatCh); cF1.AddElement(fatPh); cF1.AddElement(new Paragraph(10, " ")); tblFatturaAllContent.AddCell(cF1); doc.Add(tblFatturaAllContent); #endregion var tblFattura = new PdfPTable(10) { TotalWidth = totalWidth }; var widths = new float[] { 5f, 25f, 60f, 220f, 70f, 45f, 50f, 40f, 55f, 5f }; //total575 tblFattura.SetWidths(widths); #region Header LEFT //cell spacer Left var cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthLeft = 1f, BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.DARK_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase("Nr.", headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitArtPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.DARK_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitDeskPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitSum-VatPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.DARK_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitVATPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitSum+VatPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.DARK_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitQuantPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, //BorderWidthBottom = 1f, //BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitTotPDF"], headStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); //CELL spacer cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthRight = 1f, BorderColorRight = BaseColor.GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(" ")); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); #endregion #region BODY int count = 1; int num = 1; foreach (var singleDett in order.ORDER_DETAIL) { while (count < 11) { switch (count) { case 1: FirstColumnInvoice(tblFattura); break; case 10: LastColumnInvoice(tblFattura); break; default: WriteBodyDettailOrder(singleDett, tblFattura, count, itemsStyle, ref num); break; } count += 1; } count = 1; } #endregion #region Shippemnt decimal ShppingCost = order.SHIPPING.ShippingCost; FirstColumnInvoice(tblFattura); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, Colspan = 3 }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShippingMsgPDF"], itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(CalcTvsh(ShppingCost) + " €", itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TVSHPDF"] + "%", itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ShppingCost.ToString() + " €", itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(" ")); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ShppingCost.ToString() + "€", itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); LastColumnInvoice(tblFattura); #endregion #region Summ row FirstColumnInvoice(tblFattura); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, Colspan = 5 }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(" ")); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, Colspan = 2 }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; if (order.BonusUsed.HasValue && order.BonusUsed.Value != 0) { string totPlusBonus = string.Format( @"{0} {1} {2} {3}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitTotPDF"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BonusPDF"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitTotPagPDF"], " "); cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(totPlusBonus, itemsStyle)); } else cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TitTotPDF"], itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY }; cellFat.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT; if (order.BonusUsed.HasValue && order.BonusUsed.Value != 0) { string totPlusBonus = string.Format( @"{0} -{1}€ {2}€ {3}", order.TotalAmount, order.BonusUsed.Value, order.AmountPaid, " "); cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(totPlusBonus, itemsStyle)); } else cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(order.TotalAmount + " €", itemsStyle)); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); LastColumnInvoice(tblFattura); #endregion #region footer cellFat = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE, BorderWidthRight = 1f, BorderColorRight = BaseColor.GRAY, BorderWidthBottom = 1f, BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.GRAY, BorderWidthLeft = 1f, BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.GRAY, Colspan = 10 }; cellFat.AddElement(new Phrase(" ")); tblFattura.AddCell(cellFat); #endregion doc.Add(tblFattura); }
protected void saveEasyPayOrder(EasyPayData data, List<SHOPPING_CART> carts, string originalResponse, decimal charge) { if (carts != null && carts.Count > 0) { int addrId, bonId = 0; decimal bonusUsed = 0; if (Session["AddrForEasyPay"] != null) { addrId = (int)Session["AddrForEasyPay"]; } else { BasePage.Log(null, "EasyPay save - null address.", "", "EasyPay.saveOrder"); } CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US"); string cartID = data.OrderId; decimal total = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartTotalAmount(cartID).Value; ORDERS order = new ORDERS(); int addrID = 0; // Bonus has been used decimal rate = ApplicationContext.Current.Payments.GetLastConversionRate().CurrencyRate + Configuration.CurrencyDelta; decimal amount = data.Amount / rate; if (total != amount) { if (Session["BonForEasyPay"] != null && Session["BonIdForEasyPay"] != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Session["BonIdForEasyPay"].ToString())) { bonusUsed = (decimal)Session["BonForEasyPay"]; bonId = (int)Session["BonIdForEasyPay"]; } if (bonusUsed == total - amount) { setBonus(order, bonId, bonusUsed); } else { BasePage.Log(null, "EasyPay order save - bonus MANIPULATION. Original:" + (total - amount) + " new: " + bonusUsed + " - txnID: " + data.TransactionId, "", "EasyPay order save"); return; } } order.TotalAmount = total; order.AmountPaid = amount; order.Verified = false; order.Canceled = false; order.Completed = true; order.Status = 1; try { order.CustomerID = carts.First().CustomerID; order.PAYMENT = new PAYMENT() { Type = 3 }; originalResponse = originalResponse.Replace("&", "\n"); order.PAYMENT.EASYPAY_PAYMENT = new EASYPAY_PAYMENT() { Amount = data.Amount, MerchantUsername = Configuration.EasyPayMerchantUser, TransactionID = data.TransactionId, ResponseCode = data.ErrorCode, Rate = rate, OriginalResponse = originalResponse, TransactionStatus = data.ErrorCodeS, Date = DateTime.Now, Fee = charge }; // TODO for now it is set to carrier without a fee order.ShippingID = 3; order.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; ADDRESS addr = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetAddressById(addrID); // addresses if (addr != null) { ADDRESSINFO shipping = new ADDRESSINFO(addr); order.ADDRESSINFO = shipping; } //inserting and not saving as the saving will be done in the details insertion ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.Insert(order, true, false); // inserting the products of this order ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.InsertDetailsFromCart(order, carts, false); List<ORDER_DETAIL> details = ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.GetDetails(order.ID); CUSTOMER customer = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetById(carts[0].CustomerID); Thread thread = new Thread(() => BasePage.sendOrderMailToAdmins(details, "EasyPay", "EasyPay Order", order.TotalAmount, customer.Name + " " + customer.Surname)); thread.Start(); Thread thread2 = new Thread(() => BasePage.sendOrderMailToCustomer(customer, details, "Porosia ne")); thread2.Start(); lblResult.Text = "<b>" + Resources.Lang.PayPalThankyouLabel + "</b> <br/><br/>" + Resources.Lang.SaveTransactionID + "<b>" + data.TransactionId + "</b>"; } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception e) { //TODO log exception BasePage.Log(e, e.Message, e.StackTrace, "easyPay.Save"); lblResult.Text = Resources.Lang.PaymentProblemLiteral + "</b> <br/><br/>" + Resources.Lang.SaveTransactionID + "<b>" + data.TransactionId + "</b>"; ; } } }
private void setBonus(ORDERS order) { int bonusID = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(ddlBonus.SelectedValue, out bonusID) && bonusID != -1) { BONUS bonus = new BONUS() { ID = bonusID, Version = Version.Where(b => b.Key == bonusID).FirstOrDefault().Value }; ORDER_BONUS ordBonus = new ORDER_BONUS() { OrderID = order.ID, BonusID = bonusID, Value = BonusUsed, ORDERS = order, BONUS = bonus }; order.BonusUsed = BonusUsed; order.ORDER_BONUS.Add(ordBonus); } }
public void Insert(ORDERS Order) { Insert(Order, true); }
public void Update(ORDERS Order, bool Attach = true) { if (Attach) { Context.ORDERS.Attach(Order); } var entry = Context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(Order); // excluding datecreated from the updatable fields entry.SetModifiedProperty("DateShipped"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Verified"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Completed"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Canceled"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Comments"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("ShippingID"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("ShippingAddress"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("BillingAddress"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Status"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("ShippingDetails"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("TrackingNumber"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("DateDelivered"); }
public List<ORDER_BONUS> GetOrderBonuses(ORDERS Order) { return Context.ORDER_BONUS.Where(b => b.OrderID == Order.ID).ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the info order. /// </summary> /// <param name="order">The order.</param> /// <param name="phOrd">The ph ord.</param> /// <param name="miniTitlesFontStyleIns">The mini titles font style ins.</param> private static void WriteInfoOrder(ORDERS order, ref Phrase phOrd, Font miniTitlesFontStyleIns) { string paymentOrder = String.Empty; decimal paid = 0; switch (order.PAYMENT.Type) { case (int)PaymentType.CA : paymentOrder = "Cash"; paid = order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Amount.Value; break; case (int)PaymentType.PP: paymentOrder = "PayPal"; paid = order.PAYMENT.PAYPAL_PAYMENT.Amount.Value; break; case (int)PaymentType.EP: paymentOrder = "EasyPay"; paid = order.PAYMENT.EASYPAY_PAYMENT.Amount; break; } if (order != null) { string addSh = string.Format( @"Fatura nr: {0} Data faturës: {1} Tipi i pagimit: {2} Paguar: {3} Blerësi:{4} {5} Kodi: {6}", String.Format(FashionZone.BL.Configuration.OrderNrFormatting, order.ID), order.DateCreated.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm"), paymentOrder, paid.ToString("N2") + (order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.EP ? " Lek" : " €"), order.CustomerName, order.CUSTOMER.Email, order.VerificationNumber); phOrd = new Phrase(addSh, miniTitlesFontStyleIns); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the usr info tab. /// </summary> /// <param name="OrderDett">The order dett.</param> /// <param name="doc">The doc.</param> /// <param name="_miniTitlesFontStyle">The _mini titles font style.</param> /// <param name="_miniTitlesFontStyleIns">The _mini titles font style ins.</param> private static void CreateUsrInfoTab(ORDERS OrderDett, Document doc, Font _miniTitlesFontStyle, Font _miniTitlesFontStyleIns) { PdfPTable tblUsrInfo = new PdfPTable(3); #region HeaderTable PdfPCell cU1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TabH1PDF"], _miniTitlesFontStyle)); cU1.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cU1.FixedHeight = 20f; cU1.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cU1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cU1.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GRAY; //cU1.Border = Rectangle.RIGHT_BORDER; //cU1.BorderColor = GrayColor.WHITE; //cU1.BorderWidth = 3f; tblUsrInfo.AddCell(cU1); cU1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TabH2PDF"], _miniTitlesFontStyle)); cU1.Border = Rectangle.RIGHT_BORDER; cU1.BorderWidthRight = 3f; cU1.BorderColorRight = BaseColor.WHITE; cU1.Border = Rectangle.LEFT_BORDER; cU1.BorderWidthLeft = 3f; cU1.BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.WHITE; cU1.FixedHeight = 20f; cU1.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cU1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cU1.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GRAY; tblUsrInfo.AddCell(cU1); cU1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TabH3PDF"], _miniTitlesFontStyle)); cU1.Border = Rectangle.LEFT_BORDER; cU1.BorderWidthLeft = 3f; cU1.FixedHeight = 20f; cU1.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cU1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cU1.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GRAY; cU1.BorderColor = BaseColor.WHITE; tblUsrInfo.AddCell(cU1); doc.Add(tblUsrInfo); #endregion doc.Add(new Paragraph(3, " ")); #region BodyTable tblUsrInfo = new PdfPTable(3); PdfPCell cU2 = new PdfPCell(); var phOrd = new Phrase(); WriteInfoOrder(OrderDett, ref phOrd, _miniTitlesFontStyleIns); cU2.AddElement(phOrd); cU2.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cU2.FixedHeight = 110f; cU2.PaddingLeft = 10f; cU2.BorderWidthLeft = 6f; cU1.BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.GRAY; cU2.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cU2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; tblUsrInfo.AddCell(cU2); cU2 = new PdfPCell(); WriteAddress(OrderDett.ShippingAddress, ref phOrd, _miniTitlesFontStyleIns); cU2.AddElement(phOrd); cU2.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cU2.BorderWidthLeft = 3f; cU1.BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.GRAY; cU2.PaddingLeft = 10f; cU2.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cU2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; tblUsrInfo.AddCell(cU2); cU2 = new PdfPCell(); WriteAddress(OrderDett.BillingAddress, ref phOrd, _miniTitlesFontStyleIns); cU2.AddElement(phOrd); cU2.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cU2.PaddingLeft = 10f; cU2.BorderWidthLeft = 3f; cU1.BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.GRAY; cU2.BorderWidthRight = 6f; cU1.BorderColorRight = BaseColor.GRAY; cU2.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cU2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; tblUsrInfo.AddCell(cU2); doc.Add(tblUsrInfo); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Docs the PDF. /// </summary> /// <param name="order">The order.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MemoryStream DocPDF(ORDERS order) { #region Stili e Margini del documento PDF // bordi pagina (A4 = 595 x 842 pt.) int _topBorder = 40; int _leftBorder = 10; int _rightBorder = 10; int _bottomBorder = 10; // Stili caratteri //int _normalTextSize = 12; int _paragraphTitleSize = 14; int _paragraphTextSize = 9; float _myLeading = 30f; float totlaWidth; Font _titlesFontStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, _paragraphTitleSize, Font.BOLD); Font _textFontStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, _paragraphTextSize, Font.NORMAL); Font _miniTitlesFontStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, _paragraphTextSize, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.WHITE); Font _miniTitlesFontStyleIns = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, _paragraphTextSize, Font.NORMAL); Font _miniTextFontStyle = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.NORMAL); #endregion string pathFile = @"/PdfDoc/" + Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".pdf"; pathFile = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(pathFile)); using (var doc = new Document(PageSize.A4, _leftBorder, _rightBorder, _topBorder, _bottomBorder)) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(pathFile, FileMode.Create)); doc.Open(); totlaWidth = CreateHeader(_rightBorder, _leftBorder, _miniTextFontStyle, doc); Paragraph spacer = new Paragraph(_myLeading, " "); doc.Add(spacer); CreateUsrInfoTab(order, doc, _miniTitlesFontStyle, _miniTitlesFontStyleIns); doc.Add(spacer = new Paragraph(_myLeading, " ")); CreateBillingTab(order, doc, totlaWidth); //the end var endTab = new PdfPTable(1) { TotalWidth = totlaWidth }; var endCell = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, HorizontalAlignment = 2, VerticalAlignment = 2 }; var msgP = new Paragraph(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MsgServicePDF"], _miniTextFontStyle); endCell.AddElement(msgP); endTab.AddCell(endCell); endCell = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY, HorizontalAlignment = 2, VerticalAlignment = 2 }; Font ff = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.RED); var msgP2 = new Phrase(20f, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EndMesPDF"], ff); endCell.AddElement(msgP2); endCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; endCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; endCell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; endTab.AddCell(endCell); doc.Add(endTab); doc.Add(spacer); doc.Add(spacer); var endTab2 = new PdfPTable(2) { TotalWidth = totlaWidth }; var endCell2 = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, HorizontalAlignment = 2, VerticalAlignment = 2 }; var msgPost = new Paragraph("Data:", _textFontStyle); endCell2.AddElement(msgPost); endTab2.AddCell(endCell2); var endCell3 = new PdfPCell { Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, HorizontalAlignment = 2, VerticalAlignment = 2 }; var msgPost2 = new Paragraph("Firma klientit: ", _textFontStyle); endCell3.AddElement(msgPost2); endTab2.AddCell(endCell3); doc.Add(endTab2); if (order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.CA) { doc.Add(spacer); doc.Add(spacer); var cashTab = new PdfPTable(2) { TotalWidth = totlaWidth }; var cashCell = new PdfPCell { //Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER, HorizontalAlignment = 2, VerticalAlignment = 2 }; cashCell.Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER; var msgCash = new Paragraph(_myLeading, "Paguar: " + order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Receiver, _textFontStyle); cashCell.AddElement(msgCash); cashTab.AddCell(cashCell); var cashCell2 = new PdfPCell { HorizontalAlignment = 2, VerticalAlignment = 2 }; cashCell2.Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER; var msgCash2 = new Paragraph(_myLeading, string.Format("Firma:( {0} ): ", order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Receiver), _textFontStyle);//\n\r cashCell2.AddElement(msgCash2); cashTab.AddCell(cashCell2); doc.Add(cashTab); } } return RequestFileStream(pathFile); }
public List<ORDER_BONUS> GetOrderBonuses(ORDERS Order) { return _orderDAO.GetOrderBonuses(Order); }
public string Update(ORDERS Order, bool Attach = true) { string retString = String.Empty; CUSTOMER customer = _customerDAO.GetById(Order.CustomerID.Value); // first buy of this customer & invited by someone if ((!customer.FirstBuy.HasValue || !customer.FirstBuy.Value) && Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.CA && Order.Completed) { if (customer.InvitedFrom.HasValue) { insertCustomerBonus(customer); retString = "Bonus added to inviter " + customer.CUSTOMER2.Email; Util.Mailer.SendBonus(customer, customer.CUSTOMER2.Email, Configuration.BonusValue + " € bonus per ju ne FZone"); } customer.FirstBuy = true; _customerDAO.Update(customer, true, false); } _orderDAO.Update(Order, Attach); // payment if (Order.PAYMENT != null) { if (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.CA) { var entry = Context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(Order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Receiver"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("Comments"); entry.SetModifiedProperty("PaidOn"); } else if (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.PP) { //TODO } } Context.SaveChanges(); return retString; }
public void Insert(ORDERS newOrder) { Context.ORDERS.AddObject(newOrder); }
public string Insert(ORDERS Order, bool FrontEnd, bool SaveContext = true) { string retString = String.Empty; //if there is any used bonus, decrease the remainder if (Order.ORDER_BONUS.Count > 0) { BONUS bonus; foreach (ORDER_BONUS bon in Order.ORDER_BONUS) { bonus = _bonusDAO.GetById(bon.BonusID); // object must be detached from context, otherwise Version field for concurrency check will not be updated!!! Context.BONUS.Detach(bonus); // using the version that was initially retrieved from db // if another user modified this record an OptimisticConcurrencyException will be raised if (bon.Value > bonus.ValueRemainder) { //TODO think what to do with version //bonus.Version = bon.BONUS.Version; throw new System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException("Bonus not sufficient."); } bonus.ValueRemainder -= bon.Value; _bonusDAO.Update(bonus); bon.BONUS = null; } } CUSTOMER customer = _customerDAO.GetById(Order.CustomerID.Value); // for electronic payments insert directly if ((Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.PP && Order.PAYMENT.PAYPAL_PAYMENT.TransactionStatus == "Completed") || (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.EP && Order.PAYMENT.EASYPAY_PAYMENT.TransactionStatus == "Success") || (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.CA && !FrontEnd && Order.Completed)) { if (!customer.FirstBuy.HasValue || !customer.FirstBuy.Value) { // set first buy of user customer.FirstBuy = true; _customerDAO.Update(customer, true, false); // first buy of this customer & invited by someone if (customer.InvitedFrom.HasValue) { insertCustomerBonus(customer); retString = "Bonus added to inviter " + customer.CUSTOMER2.Email; Util.Mailer.SendBonus(customer, customer.CUSTOMER2.Email, Configuration.BonusValue + " € bonus per ju ne FZone"); } } } Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); UniqueIdGenerator unique = UniqueIdGenerator.GetInstance(); string vNum = unique.GetBase32UniqueId(g.ToByteArray(), 20).ToLower(); Order.VerificationNumber = vNum; _orderDAO.Insert(Order); // payment if (Order.PAYMENT != null) { Context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(Order.PAYMENT, EntityState.Added); if (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.CA) { Context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(Order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT, System.Data.EntityState.Added); } else if (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.PP) { Context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(Order.PAYMENT.PAYPAL_PAYMENT, System.Data.EntityState.Added); } else if (Order.PAYMENT.Type == (int)PaymentType.EP) { Context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(Order.PAYMENT.EASYPAY_PAYMENT, System.Data.EntityState.Added); } } if (SaveContext) { Context.SaveChanges(); } return retString; }
public void Delete(ORDERS delOrder) { Context.ORDERS.Attach(delOrder); Context.DeleteObject(delOrder); }
protected void savePayPalOrder(PDTData data, List<SHOPPING_CART> carts, string originalResponse) { CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US"); string cartID = data.Invoice; if (carts != null && carts.Count > 0) { decimal total = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartTotalAmount(cartID).Value; ORDERS order = new ORDERS(); int addrID = 0; // Bonus has been used if (total != data.GrossTotal) { string[] custom = data.Custom.Split('-'); if (custom.Length == 3) { decimal bonus = Convert.ToDecimal(custom[2], ci); int bonusID = Convert.ToInt32(custom[1]); addrID = Convert.ToInt32(custom[0]); if (bonus == total - data.GrossTotal) { setBonus(order, bonusID, bonus); } else { BasePage.Log(null, "IPN order save - bonus MANIPULATION. Original:" + (total - data.GrossTotal) + " new: " + bonus + " - txnID: " + data.TransactionId, "", "IPN Handler"); return; } } } else { addrID = Convert.ToInt32(data.Custom); } order.TotalAmount = total; order.AmountPaid = data.GrossTotal; order.Verified = false; order.Canceled = false; if (data.PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "COMPLETED") { order.Completed = true; } else { order.Completed = false; } order.Status = 1; try { order.CustomerID = carts.First().CustomerID; order.PAYMENT = new PAYMENT() { Type = 2 }; order.PAYMENT.PAYPAL_PAYMENT = new PAYPAL_PAYMENT() { Amount = data.GrossTotal, CartID = cartID, PaidOn = DateTime.Now, Currency = data.Currency, Fee = data.Fee, PayerEmail = data.PayerEmail, TransactionKey = data.TransactionId, PayerName = data.PayerFirstName + " " + data.PayerLastName, PaypalEmail = data.ReceiverEmail, Response = originalResponse, TransactionStatus = data.PaymentStatus, PayerStatus = data.PayerStatus }; // for now it is set to carrier without a fee order.ShippingID = 3; order.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; ADDRESS addr = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetAddressById(addrID); // addresses if (addr != null) { ADDRESSINFO shipping = new ADDRESSINFO(addr); order.ADDRESSINFO = shipping; } //inserting and not saving as the saving will be done in the details insertion ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.Insert(order, true, false); // inserting the products of this order ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.InsertDetailsFromCart(order, carts, false); List<ORDER_DETAIL> details = ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.GetDetails(order.ID); CUSTOMER customer = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetById(carts[0].CustomerID); Thread thread = new Thread(() => BasePage.sendOrderMailToAdmins(details, "PayPal", "PayPal Order", order.TotalAmount, customer.Name + " " + customer.Surname)); thread.Start(); Thread thread2 = new Thread(() => BasePage.sendOrderMailToCustomer(customer, details, "Porosia ne")); thread2.Start(); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception e) { //TODO log exception BasePage.Log(e, e.Message, e.StackTrace, "paypalSuccess.Save"); } } }
public void DeleteById(int id) { ORDERS obj = new ORDERS() { ID = id }; Delete(obj); }
private void saveOrder() { ORDERS order = new ORDERS(); order.TotalAmount = TotalAmount.Value + ShipCost; order.BonusUsed = 0; order.AmountPaid = TotalOrder; order.Verified = false; order.Canceled = false; order.Completed = false; order.Status = 1; string paymentType = String.Empty; int i; try { order.CustomerID = CurrentCustomer.Id; if (Int32.TryParse(selectedPayment.Value, out i)) { if (i == 3 || i == 4) { order.PAYMENT = new PAYMENT() { Type = (int) PaymentType.CA }; order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT = new CASH_PAYMENT() { Amount = TotalOrder }; if (i == 3) { order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Comments = txtCashComments.Text; order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Receiver = "Korrier"; //TODO paid date order.ShippingID = 3; paymentType = "Korrier"; } else { order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Receiver = "Zyra"; order.ShippingID = 1; paymentType = "Zyra"; } } } if ((ddlShippingAddress.SelectedValue == "0" || ddlShippingAddress.Items.Count == 0) && i == 3) { writeResult(Resources.Lang.SpecifyShippingAddress); radioBtnCarrier.Checked = true; divConfirmLink.Visible = true; return; } // setting used bonuses in the order object setBonus(order); order.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; if (i == 3) { // addresses ADDRESSINFO shipping = new ADDRESSINFO(address1.GetAddress()); //ADDRESSINFO billing = new ADDRESSINFO(address2.GetAddress()); order.ADDRESSINFO = shipping; //order.ADDRESSINFO1 = billing; } //inserting and not saving if there are any details, as the saving will be done in the details insertion ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.Insert(order, true, false); // inserting the products of this order List<SHOPPING_CART> carts = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartItems(CartSession.First().Id); ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.InsertDetailsFromCart(order, carts, false); List<ORDER_DETAIL> details = ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.GetDetails(order.ID); Thread thread = new Thread(() => sendOrderMailToAdmins(details, paymentType, txtCashComments.Text, TotalOrder, CurrentCustomer.FullName)); thread.Start(); CUSTOMER customer = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetByEmail(User.Identity.Name); Thread thread2 = new Thread(() => sendOrderMailToCustomer(customer, details, "Porosia ne")); thread2.Start(); CartSession = null; Response.Redirect("/personal/orderDet/" + FashionZone.BL.Util.Encryption.Encrypt(order.ID.ToString())); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception e) { //TODO log exception Log(e, e.Message, e.StackTrace, "Checkout.Save"); writeResult(Resources.Lang.ErrorVerifiedLabel); } }
public void InsertDetailsFromCart(ORDERS Order, List<SHOPPING_CART> Cart, bool Attach = true) { if (Cart != null && Cart.Count > 0) { ORDER_DETAIL detail; foreach (SHOPPING_CART item in Cart) { detail = new ORDER_DETAIL(); detail.OrderID = Order.ID; detail.CampaignID = item.CampaignID; detail.ProdAttrID = item.ProdAttrID; detail.Quantity = item.Quantity; // first insert order _orderDAO.InsertDetail(detail); item.CAMPAIGN = null; item.CUSTOMER = null; item.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE = null; //second remove the related cart item _cartDAO.Delete(item, Attach); } Context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void setBonus(ORDERS order, int bonusID, decimal BonusUsed) { BONUS bonus = new BONUS() { ID = bonusID }; ORDER_BONUS ordBonus = new ORDER_BONUS() { OrderID = order.ID, BonusID = bonusID, Value = BonusUsed, ORDERS = order, BONUS = bonus }; order.BonusUsed = BonusUsed; order.ORDER_BONUS.Add(ordBonus); }
public List<ORDERS> Search(ORDERS Order, int PageSize, int PageIndex, out int TotalRecords, string OrderExp, Util.SortDirection SortDirection) { return _orderDAO.Search(Order, PageSize, PageIndex, out TotalRecords, OrderExp, SortDirection); }
public void Update(ORDERS Order) { Update(Order, true); }
public void Delete(ORDERS Order) { _orderDAO.Delete(Order); //TODO handle related objects in transaction (product quantity) }
private void FixupORDERS(ORDERS previousValue) { if (previousValue != null && previousValue.ORDER_BONUS.Contains(this)) { previousValue.ORDER_BONUS.Remove(this); } if (ORDERS != null) { if (!ORDERS.ORDER_BONUS.Contains(this)) { ORDERS.ORDER_BONUS.Add(this); } if (OrderID != ORDERS.ID) { OrderID = ORDERS.ID; } } }