        /// <summary>
        /// creating the PreviewLines for HSL Saturation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedColor">the selected Color</param>
        /// <author>Justine Smyzek</author>
        private void createHSLPreviewLines(HSL selectedColor)
            HSL hsl = new HSL();
            Yxy yxy;

            GL.Color3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            hsl.H = selectedColor.H;
            hsl.S = 0;
            hsl.L = selectedColor.L;
            yxy = hsl.asRGB().asXYZ().asYxy();
            Vector3 HSL_H0L = new Vector3(yxy.x, yxy.y, 0f);
            hsl.H = selectedColor.H;
            hsl.S = 1;
            hsl.L = selectedColor.L;
            yxy = hsl.asRGB().asXYZ().asYxy();
            Vector3 HSL_H1L = new Vector3(yxy.x, yxy.y, 0f);

            Vector3[] vertices = { HSL_H0L, HSL_H1L };

            int[] indices = new int[vertices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                indices[i] = i;
            hslPreviewLines = LoadVBO(vertices, indices);
        /// <summary>
        ///  OpenGLForm constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <author>Markus Strobel</author>
        public OpenGLForm()

            colorHelper = new ColorHelper();

            container = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            tooltip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(container);

            selectedRGBColor = new RGB();
            selectedHSLBaseSL = new HSL(1f, 1f, 0.5f);
            selectedHSLColor = new HSL(1f, 1f, 0.5f);

            // VBO inits
            ellipsesVBOs = new List<VBO>();

            customRGB.Checked = true;

            // WP, RR, GG, BB set to default (lables etc)
            labelWPXValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.WP_default.X, 3).ToString();
            labelWPYValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.WP_default.Y, 3).ToString();
            labelWPZValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.WP_default.Z, 3).ToString();
            labelRRXValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.RR_default.X, 3).ToString();
            labelRRYValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.RR_default.Y, 3).ToString();
            labelRRZValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.RR_default.Z, 3).ToString();
            labelGGXValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.GG_default.X, 3).ToString();
            labelGGYValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.GG_default.Y, 3).ToString();
            labelGGZValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.GG_default.Z, 3).ToString();
            labelBBXValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.BB_default.X, 3).ToString();
            labelBBYValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.BB_default.Y, 3).ToString();
            labelBBZValue.Text = Math.Round((double)ColorHelper.BB_default.Z, 3).ToString();

            // initializes internal color values

            //set RGB Slider lables to values (between 0 and 1)
            labelTabRGB_R.Text = "R: " + trackBarR.Value;
            labelTabRGB_G.Text = "G: " + trackBarG.Value;
            labelTabRGB_B.Text = "B: " + trackBarB.Value;

            //set HSL Slider lables to values
            labelTabHSL_H.Text = "H: " + (trackBarH.Value) + "°";
            labelTabHSL_S.Text = "S: " + trackBarS.Value + "%";
            labelTabHSL_L.Text = "L: " + trackBarL.Value + "%";
        /// <summary>
        /// create HDL Polygon for Hue circulation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedColor">the selected Color</param>
        /// <author>Justine Smyzek</author>
        private void createHSLPreviewCircle(HSL selectedColor)
            HSL hsl = new HSL();
            Yxy yxy;
            int j = 0;
            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[36];

            GL.Color3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 10)
                hsl.H = i;
                hsl.S = selectedColor.S;
                hsl.L = selectedColor.L;
                yxy = hsl.asRGB().asXYZ().asYxy();
                Vector3 hsli = new Vector3(yxy.x, yxy.y, 0f);
                vertices[j] = hsli;
                j += 1;


            int[] indices = new int[vertices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                indices[i] = i;
            hslPreviewCircle = LoadVBO(vertices, indices);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Slidebar Event for HSL - allows to change the current selected point 
        /// </summary>
        /// <author> Justine Smyzek</author>
        private void trackBarHSL_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TrackBar tb = sender as TrackBar;

            //calculate values
            HSL hsl_slide = new HSL(trackBarH.Value, trackBarS.Value / 100f, trackBarL.Value / 100f);
            RGB rgb_slide = hsl_slide.asRGB();

            // here is a small computation error (like in trackbarRGB), TODO - fix to get and show the correct color from trackbarHSL

            // gamma correction
            //rgb_slide.R = ColorHelper.Apply_Gamma_Correction(rgb_slide.R);
            //rgb_slide.G = ColorHelper.Apply_Gamma_Correction(rgb_slide.G);
            //rgb_slide.B = ColorHelper.Apply_Gamma_Correction(rgb_slide.B);

            if (radioButtonXYZView.Checked)
                //set new selected Color
                panelColorSelected.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(rgb_slide.R * 255), (int)(rgb_slide.G * 255), (int)(rgb_slide.B * 255));
                labelColorSelectedHex.Text = "#" + ((int)(rgb_slide.R * 255)).ToString("X") + ((int)(rgb_slide.G * 255)).ToString("X") + ((int)(rgb_slide.B * 255)).ToString("X");

                //calculate yxy room
                Yxy yxy = rgb_slide.asXYZ().asYxy();

                //control if Line prieview is wished - draw
                if (checkBoxHSL.Checked)
                    showColorCircle = false;
                    trackBarS.Enabled = false;
                    checkBoxRGB.Enabled = false;
                    trackBarS.Value = 100;
                    showColorCircle = true;
                    trackBarS.Enabled = true;
                    checkBoxRGB.Enabled = true;
                //change labels of color
                labelTabHSL_H.Text = "H: " + trackBarH.Value + "°";
                labelTabHSL_S.Text = "S: " + trackBarS.Value + "%";
                labelTabHSL_L.Text = "L: " + trackBarL.Value + "%";

                createSelectedColorCircleVBO(yxy.x, yxy.y, 0.01f, 36); // computes color circle position

            //change also RBG scroll
            trackBarR.Value = (int)(rgb_slide.R * 255);
            trackBarG.Value = (int)(rgb_slide.G * 255);
            trackBarB.Value = (int)(rgb_slide.B * 255);
            labelTabRGB_R.Text = "R: " + rgb_slide.R;
            labelTabRGB_G.Text = "G: " + rgb_slide.G;
            labelTabRGB_B.Text = "B: " + rgb_slide.B;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <author> Birthe Anne Wiegand</author>
        private void ResetColorValues()
            // set color values to 0
            RGBvalue = new RGB();
            customRGBvalue = new customRGB();
            sRGBvalue = new sRGB();
            HSLvalue = new HSL();
            HSVvalue = new HSV();
            XYZvalue = new XYZ();
            LUVvalue = new LUV();
            LABvalue = new LAB();

        /// <summary>
        /// this method is a quick n dirty modified HSLtoRGB for HSL Space computation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hsl">the given hsl color</param>
        /// <returns>the resulting rgb color</returns>
        /// <author>Markus Strobel</author>
        public RGB HSLtoRGB(HSL hsl)
            // quick n dirty modified version for -180° to 180°

            RGB rgb = new RGB();

            float hue = hsl.H;

            while (hue < 0)
                hue += 360;

            float C = (1f - Math.Abs(2f * hsl.L - 1f)) * hsl.S;
            float X = C * (1f - Math.Abs(((hue / 60f) % 2f) - 1f));
            float m = hsl.L - C / 2f;

            if (0f <= hsl.H && hsl.H < 60f)
                rgb.R = C;
                rgb.G = X;
                rgb.B = 0;
            else if (60f <= hsl.H && hsl.H < 120f)
                rgb.R = X;
                rgb.G = C;
                rgb.B = 0;
            else if (120f <= hsl.H && hsl.H <= 180f)
                rgb.R = 0;
                rgb.G = C;
                rgb.B = X;
            else if (-180f <= hsl.H && hsl.H < -120f)
                rgb.R = 0;
                rgb.G = X;
                rgb.B = C;
            else if (-120f <= hsl.H && hsl.H < -60f)
                rgb.R = X;
                rgb.G = 0;
                rgb.B = C;
            else if (-60f <= hsl.H && hsl.H < 0f)
                rgb.R = C;
                rgb.G = 0;
                rgb.B = X;
            rgb.R += m;
            rgb.G += m;
            rgb.B += m;

            return rgb;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <author> Birthe Anne Wiegand</author>
        private void KonvertierenButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RadioButton checkedButton = this.tabFarbRechner.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>().FirstOrDefault(radioButton => radioButton.Checked);

            switch (checkedButton.Name)
                case "customRGB":
                    // parse input to internal customRGBvalue
                    customRGBvalue.R = float.Parse(customRGB_R.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    customRGBvalue.G = float.Parse(customRGB_G.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    customRGBvalue.B = float.Parse(customRGB_B.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    XYZvalue = customRGBvalue.asXYZ();
                    RGBvalue = XYZvalue.asRGB();
                    sRGBvalue = RGBvalue.as_sRGB();
                    HSLvalue = RGBvalue.asHSL();
                    HSVvalue = RGBvalue.asHSV();
                    LUVvalue = XYZvalue.asLUV();
                    LABvalue = XYZvalue.asLAB();
                case "sRGB":
                    // parse input to internal customRGBvalue
                    sRGBvalue.R = float.Parse(sRGB_R.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    sRGBvalue.G = float.Parse(sRGB_G.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    sRGBvalue.B = float.Parse(sRGB_B.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    RGBvalue = sRGBvalue.asRGB();
                    XYZvalue = RGBvalue.asXYZ();
                    customRGBvalue = XYZvalue.as_customRGB();
                    HSLvalue = RGBvalue.asHSL();
                    HSVvalue = RGBvalue.asHSV();
                    LUVvalue = XYZvalue.asLUV();
                    LABvalue = XYZvalue.asLAB();
                case "HSL":
                    // parse input to internal HSLvalue
                    HSLvalue.H = float.Parse(HSL_H.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    HSLvalue.S = float.Parse(HSL_S.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    HSLvalue.L = float.Parse(HSL_L.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    RGBvalue = HSLvalue.asRGB();
                    XYZvalue = RGBvalue.asXYZ();
                    customRGBvalue = XYZvalue.as_customRGB();
                    sRGBvalue = RGBvalue.as_sRGB();
                    HSVvalue = RGBvalue.asHSV();
                    LUVvalue = XYZvalue.asLUV();
                    LABvalue = XYZvalue.asLAB();
                case "HSV":
                    // parse input to internal HSVvalue
                    HSVvalue.H = float.Parse(HSV_H.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    HSVvalue.S = float.Parse(HSV_S.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    HSVvalue.V = float.Parse(HSV_V.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    RGBvalue = HSVvalue.asRGB();
                    XYZvalue = RGBvalue.asXYZ();
                    customRGBvalue = XYZvalue.as_customRGB();
                    sRGBvalue = RGBvalue.as_sRGB();
                    HSLvalue = RGBvalue.asHSL();
                    LUVvalue = XYZvalue.asLUV();
                    LABvalue = XYZvalue.asLAB();
                case "XYZ":
                    // parse input to internal HSVvalue
                    XYZvalue.X = float.Parse(XYZ_X.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    XYZvalue.Y = float.Parse(XYZ_Y.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    XYZvalue.Z = float.Parse(XYZ_Z.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    RGBvalue = XYZvalue.asRGB();
                    customRGBvalue = XYZvalue.as_customRGB();
                    sRGBvalue = RGBvalue.as_sRGB();
                    HSLvalue = RGBvalue.asHSL();
                    HSVvalue = RGBvalue.asHSV();
                    LUVvalue = XYZvalue.asLUV(ColorHelper.WP_used);
                    LABvalue = XYZvalue.asLAB(ColorHelper.WP_used);
                case "LUV":
                    // parse input to internal LUVvalue
                    LUVvalue.L = float.Parse(LUV_L.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    LUVvalue.U = float.Parse(LUV_U.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    LUVvalue.V = float.Parse(LUV_V.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    XYZvalue = LUVvalue.asXYZ(ColorHelper.WP_used);
                    RGBvalue = XYZvalue.asRGB();
                    customRGBvalue = XYZvalue.as_customRGB();
                    sRGBvalue = RGBvalue.as_sRGB();
                    HSLvalue = RGBvalue.asHSL();
                    HSVvalue = RGBvalue.asHSV();
                    LABvalue = XYZvalue.asLAB(ColorHelper.WP_used);
                case "LAB":
                    // parse input to internal LABvalue
                    LABvalue.L = float.Parse(LAB_L.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    LABvalue.A = float.Parse(LAB_A.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    LABvalue.B = float.Parse(LAB_B.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // update other internal values
                    XYZvalue = LABvalue.asXYZ(ColorHelper.WP_used);
                    RGBvalue = XYZvalue.asRGB();
                    customRGBvalue = XYZvalue.as_customRGB();
                    sRGBvalue = RGBvalue.as_sRGB();
                    HSLvalue = RGBvalue.asHSL();
                    HSVvalue = RGBvalue.asHSV();
                    LUVvalue = XYZvalue.asLUV(ColorHelper.WP_used);
