emit() public method

Translate fcode to IL.
public emit ( ) : void
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit wrapper.
        /// </summary>
        private void emitWrapper(PERWAPI.MethodDef main, int paramLen)
            // use explicit param count, and clear code
              this.paramLen = paramLen;
              this.code     = null;
              int numArgs   = isStatic && !self ? paramLen : paramLen+1;

              // TODO - this code probably isn't quite right, since it looks
              // like we generate local variables even when they might not be
              // used.  Doesn't hurt anything, but is probably more efficient
              // if we could determine that from the fcode.

              // define our locals
              int numLocals = method.m_paramCount - paramLen;
              string[] localNames = new string[numLocals];
              string[] localTypes = new string[numLocals];
              for (int i=paramLen; i<method.m_paramCount; i++)
            localNames[i-paramLen] = method.m_vars[i].name;
            localTypes[i-paramLen] = emit.nname(method.m_vars[i].type);

              // emit code
              PERWAPI.CILInstructions code = doEmit(localNames, localTypes);

              // push arguments passed thru
              pushArgs(code, !(isStatic && !self), paramLen);

              // emit default arguments
              FCodeEmit.Reg[] regs = FCodeEmit.initRegs(emit.pod, isStatic, method.m_vars);
              int maxLocals = method.maxLocals();
              int maxStack  = 16; // TODO - add additional default expr stack height
              for (int i=paramLen; i<method.m_paramCount; i++)
            FCodeEmit ce = new FCodeEmit(emit, method.m_vars[i].def, code, regs, emit.pod.typeRef(method.m_ret));
            ce.paramCount = numArgs;
            ce.vars = method.m_vars;
            ce.isStatic = isStatic;
            // TODO - is this correct?
            ce.emit(false);  // don't emit debug s cope for wrappers
            maxStack = System.Math.Max(maxStack, 2+i+8);
              // TODO
              //code.maxLocals = maxLocals;
              //code.maxStack  = maxStack;

              // call master implementation
              if (isStatic)
            code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.call, main);
            code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.callvirt, main);

              // return
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit wrapper.
        /// </summary>
        private void emitWrapper(PERWAPI.MethodDef main, int paramLen)
            // use explicit param count, and clear code
            this.paramLen = paramLen;
            this.code     = null;
            int numArgs = isStatic && !self ? paramLen : paramLen + 1;

            // TODO - this code probably isn't quite right, since it looks
            // like we generate local variables even when they might not be
            // used.  Doesn't hurt anything, but is probably more efficient
            // if we could determine that from the fcode.

            // define our locals
            int numLocals = method.m_paramCount - paramLen;

            string[] localNames = new string[numLocals];
            string[] localTypes = new string[numLocals];
            for (int i = paramLen; i < method.m_paramCount; i++)
                localNames[i - paramLen] = method.m_vars[i].name;
                localTypes[i - paramLen] = emit.nname(method.m_vars[i].type);

            // emit code
            PERWAPI.CILInstructions code = doEmit(localNames, localTypes);

            // push arguments passed thru
            pushArgs(code, !(isStatic && !self), paramLen);

            // emit default arguments
            FCodeEmit.Reg[] regs      = FCodeEmit.initRegs(emit.pod, isStatic, method.m_vars);
            int             maxLocals = method.maxLocals();
            int             maxStack  = 16; // TODO - add additional default expr stack height

            for (int i = paramLen; i < method.m_paramCount; i++)
                FCodeEmit ce = new FCodeEmit(emit, method.m_vars[i].def, code, regs, emit.pod.typeRef(method.m_ret));
                ce.paramCount = numArgs;
                ce.vars       = method.m_vars;
                ce.isStatic   = isStatic;
// TODO - is this correct?
                ce.emit(false); // don't emit debug s cope for wrappers
                maxStack = System.Math.Max(maxStack, 2 + i + 8);
            // TODO
            //code.maxLocals = maxLocals;
            //code.maxStack  = maxStack;

            // call master implementation
            if (isStatic)
                code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.call, main);
                code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.callvirt, main);

            // return