        private void UpdateWarnings()
            var numFramesPerPattern = 0;

            if (song.UsesFamiStudioTempo)
                var tempoIndex      = Array.IndexOf(tempoStrings, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(famistudioBpmPropIdx));
                var tempoInfo       = tempoList[tempoIndex];
                var notesPerBeat    = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(notesPerBeatPropIdx);
                var notesPerPattern = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(notesPerPatternPropIdx);

                if (tempoInfo.groove.Length == 1)
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famistudioBpmPropIdx, CommentType.Good, "Ideal tempo : notes will be perfectly evenly divided.");
                else if ((tempoInfo.groove.Length % notesPerBeat) == 0 ||
                         (notesPerBeat % tempoInfo.groove.Length) == 0)
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famistudioBpmPropIdx, CommentType.Warning, "Beat-aligned groove : notes will be slightly uneven, but well aligned with the beat.");
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famistudioBpmPropIdx, CommentType.Error, "Unaligned groove : notes will be slightly uneven and not aligned to the beat.");

                if (notesPerBeat != 4)
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(notesPerBeatPropIdx, CommentType.Error, "A value of 4 is strongly recommended as it gives the best range of available BPMs.");
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(notesPerBeatPropIdx, CommentType.Good, "4 is the recommended value.");

                var groovePadMode = GroovePaddingType.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(groovePadPropIdx));
                numFramesPerPattern = FamiStudioTempoUtils.ComputeNumberOfFrameForGroove(notesPerPattern * Utils.Min(tempoInfo.groove), tempoInfo.groove, groovePadMode);
            else if (famitrackerSpeedPropIdx >= 0)
                var speed = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(famitrackerSpeedPropIdx);
                var tempo = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(famitrackerTempoPropIdx);

                if (speed == 1)
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famitrackerSpeedPropIdx, CommentType.Warning, $"A speed of 1 will not produce the same BPM between platforms (PAL/NTSC).");
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famitrackerSpeedPropIdx, CommentType.Good, "");

                if (tempo != 150)
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famitrackerTempoPropIdx, CommentType.Warning, "A tempo of 150 is strongly recommended as it produces even notes on all platforms (NTSC/PAL).");
                    props.SetPropertyWarning(famitrackerTempoPropIdx, CommentType.Good, "150 is the recommended value.");

            if (patternIdx >= 0 && numFramesPerPattern > song.PatternLength)
                props.SetPropertyWarning(notesPerPatternPropIdx, CommentType.Warning, $"Pattern is longer than the song pattern length and FamiTracker does not support this. Ignore this if you are not planning to export to FamiTracker.");
            else if (numFramesPerPattern >= 256)
                props.SetPropertyWarning(notesPerPatternPropIdx, CommentType.Warning, $"Pattern is longer than what FamiTracker supports. Ignore this if you are not planning to export to FamiTracker.");
                props.SetPropertyWarning(notesPerPatternPropIdx, CommentType.Good, "");