public void DefinedFakeOptionsBuilderMakingStrict( Strict fake, Exception exception) { "Given a fake of a type that has an options builder defined that makes the fake strict" .x(() => fake = A.Fake <Strict>()); "When a method is called on the fake" .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.AMethod())); "Then an exception will be thrown" .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>()); }
public static void DefinedFakeOptionsBuilderMakingStrict( Strict fake, Exception exception) { "Given a type that has an implicit options builder defined" .See <Strict>(); "And the options builder updates the options to make it strict" .See <StrictOptionsBuilder>(_ => _.BuildOptions); "When I create a fake of the type" .x(() => fake = A.Fake <Strict>()); "And I call a method on the fake" .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => fake.AMethod())); "Then an exception is thrown" .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType <ExpectationException>()); }