public bool ConfigSNAT(FWDeviceForm fw_dev, string EthName, string devIP, string EthIP, bool add_delete) { string flag = ""; string configEth_bridge = ""; string configInfo = ""; string configEth_IP = ""; string sql_rule = ""; string rule = "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s " + devIP + " -o br0 -j SNAT --to-source " + fw_dev.getDev_IP(); if (add_delete) { flag = "NAT1"; configEth_bridge = "brctl delif br0 " + EthName;//先将网口从网桥上删除 configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + EthIP + " netmask" + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_bridge + " && " + configEth_IP + " && " + rule; sql_rule = "INSERT INTO SNAT values " + "('" + fw_dev.getDev_IP() + "','" + devIP + "','" + EthName + "','" + EthIP + "','" + fw_dev.getDev_IP() + "')"; } else if (!add_delete) { flag = "NAT0"; configEth_bridge = "brctl addif br0 " + EthName; configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_IP + " && " + configEth_bridge + " && " + rule; sql_rule = "DELETE FROM SNAT where (fwIP='" + fw_dev.getDev_IP() + "' and origin_devIP='" + devIP + "'" + " and EthName='" + EthName + "' and EthIP='" + EthIP + "' and NATIP='" + fw_dev.getDev_IP() + "')"; } fw_dev.setDev_port(22222); NATdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(fw_dev); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(configInfo)); }
public bool ConfigSNAT(FWDeviceForm fw_dev, string EthName, string devIP, string EthIP, bool add_delete) { string flag = ""; string configEth_bridge = ""; string configInfo = ""; string configEth_IP = ""; string rule = "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s " + devIP + " -o br0 -j SNAT --to-source " + fw_dev.getDev_IP(); if (add_delete) { flag = "$"; configEth_bridge = "brctl delif br0 " + EthName;//先将网口从网桥上删除 configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + EthIP + " netmask" + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_bridge + " & " + configEth_IP + " & " + rule; } if (!add_delete) { flag = "#"; configEth_bridge = "brctl addif br0 " + EthName; configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_IP + " & " + configEth_bridge + " & " + rule; } fw_dev.setDev_port(22222); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(fw_dev); if (sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(configInfo)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
bool INoIPConfig.NoipConfig(FWDeviceForm fw_dev) { string cmd = "ifconfig br0 down && ifconfig br0 up"; fw_dev.setDev_port(22222); /* *本身就无IP的防火墙不能配置为无IP模式 */ if (fw_dev.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(fw_dev); if (sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(cmd)) { fw_dev.setDev_IP(""); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool ClearNATRules(FWDeviceForm fw_dev) { string rule = "iptables -t nat -F"; fw_dev.setDev_port(22222); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(fw_dev); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
/* 监听扫描返回数据包端口 */ public void listenCheckResult() { while (true) { byte[] content = listener.Receive(ref groupEP); confirm = Encoding.Default.GetString(content); if ((confirm.IndexOf("firedeviceConfirm")) != -1) { #if debug Console.WriteLine("捕获到返回信息!!!"); #endif string[] sArray_IP_MAC = confirm.Split('&'); string fw_IP = sArray_IP_MAC[0]; //防火墙IP string dev_mac = sArray_IP_MAC[1]; //受保护设备MAC string fw_mac = sArray_IP_MAC[2]; //防火墙MAC string dev_IP = sArray_IP_MAC[4]; //受保护设备IP if (fw_IP != "" && (fwMAC_list.Contains(fw_mac))) //如果已经存在 { foreach (FWDeviceForm fwdev in fw_list) { if (fwdev.getDev_MAC() == fw_mac) { if (!fwdev.getProtecDevIP_list().Contains(dev_IP)) { ProtecDeviceForm protecDev = new ProtecDeviceForm(dev_IP, dev_mac); fwdev.addProtecDev(protecDev); fwdev.addProtecDevIP(dev_IP); } } } } else { FWDeviceForm fw_dev = new FWDeviceForm(fw_IP, 22222, fw_mac); fw_dev.addProtecDev(new ProtecDeviceForm(dev_IP, dev_mac)); fw_dev.addProtecDevIP(dev_IP); fwMAC_list.Add(fw_mac); fw_list.Add(fw_dev); } #if debug Console.WriteLine("保存设备信息!!!"); #endif } else { Console.WriteLine("未扫描到设备"); } } }
public bool ConfigDNAT(FWDeviceForm fw_dev, string Original_DIP, string Original_dport, string Map_IP, string Map_port, bool add_delete) { string flag = ""; string pre_rule = "";//string post_rule = ""; string sql_rule = ""; if (Original_dport != "any" & Map_port != "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp --dport " + Original_dport + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP + ":" + Map_port; //post_rule = "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d"+" "+Map_IP+" "+"-p tcp --dport "+Map_port // +" -j SNAT --to "+Original_DIP+":"+Original_dport; } if (Original_dport != "any" & Map_port == "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp --dport " + Original_dport + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP; } if (Original_dport == "any" & Map_port != "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp " + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP + ":" + Map_port; } if (Original_dport == "any" & Map_port == "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp " + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP; } if (add_delete) { flag = "NAT1"; sql_rule = "INSERT INTO dnat values " + "('" + fw_dev.getDev_IP() + "','" + Original_DIP + "','" + Original_dport + "','" + Map_IP + "','" + Map_port + "')"; } else if (!add_delete) { flag = "NAT0"; sql_rule = "DELETE FROM DNAT where " + "(fwIP='" + fw_dev.getDev_IP() + "' and origin_dstIP='" + Original_DIP + "'" + " and origin_dport='" + Original_dport + "' and map_IP='" + Map_IP + "' and map_port='" + Map_port + "')"; } string configrule = flag + pre_rule; fw_dev.setDev_port(22222); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(fw_dev); NATdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(configrule)); }
public bool ConfigDNAT(FWDeviceForm fw_dev, string Original_DIP, string Original_dport, string Map_IP, string Map_port, bool add_delete) { string flag = ""; string pre_rule = "";//string post_rule = ""; if (Original_dport != "any" & Map_port != "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp --dport " + Original_dport + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP + ":" + Map_port; //post_rule = "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d"+" "+Map_IP+" "+"-p tcp --dport "+Map_port // +" -j SNAT --to "+Original_DIP+":"+Original_dport; } if (Original_dport != "any" & Map_port == "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp --dport " + Original_dport + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP; } if (Original_dport == "any" & Map_port != "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp " + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP + ":" + Map_port; } if (Original_dport == "any" & Map_port == "any") { pre_rule = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d" + " " + Original_DIP + " " + "-p tcp " + " -j DNAT --to-destination " + Map_IP; } if (add_delete) { flag = "NAT1"; string rfule = fw_dev.getDev_IP() + " " + Original_DIP + " " + Original_dport + " " + Map_IP + " " + Map_port; of.SaveRules(rfule, "dnat"); } else if (!add_delete) { flag = "NAT0"; string rfule = fw_dev.getDev_IP() + " " + Original_DIP + " " + Original_dport + " " + Map_IP + " " + Map_port; of.DeleteRules(rfule, "dnat"); } string configrule = flag + pre_rule; fw_dev.setDev_port(22222); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(fw_dev); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(configrule)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //IAPCRulesManage apc = new APCRulesManage(); //apc.ApplicationProtocolControl("", "http", true); //IARPProtect arp = new ARPProtect(); //arp.configARPRules("", "", "", false); //ICNCRulesManage cnc = new CNCRulesManage(); //cnc.DelCNCRules("", true, 52, "", "", "502", "205"); DeviceForm dev = new DeviceForm("", 502); FWDeviceForm fw = new FWDeviceForm("", 22222, "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"); //IConfigRules dpi = new ConfigDPIRules(dev); //ModbusTcpRulesForm modbus = new ModbusTcpRulesForm(); //OPCRulesForm opc = new OPCRulesForm(); //DNP3RulesForm dnp = new DNP3RulesForm(); ////dpi.ConfigModbusTcpRules(modbus,true,false); ////dpi.ConfigOPCRules(opc,true,false); //dpi.ConfigDNP3Rules(dnp,true,false); IConfigureNAT nat = new ConfigureNAT(); //nat.ConfigSNAT(fw,"eth0","","",false); //nat.ConfigDNAT(fw,"","55","","55",false); IConfigWhiteLists whl = new ConfigWhiteLists(); //whl.ChangeWhiteLists("", "", "","205","502",true,false); IPRTRulesManage prt = new PRTRulesManage(); //prt.DefaultRouteConfig("",false,"eth0",""); //prt.HostRouteConfig("",false,"","eth0",""); //prt.NetRouteConfig("", false, "", "","eth0", ""); ISTDRulesManage std = new STDRulesManage(); std.DelSTDRules("", true, "tcp", "", "", "22222", "33333"); // IDevicesCheck devConfirm = new DevicesCheck(); // List<FWDeviceForm> fws = devConfirm.CheckDevices("", ""); // Console.WriteLine("打印扫描结果 :"); // IReceiveLog log = new ReceiveLog(); // log.Save_DisplayLog(true); // foreach (FWDeviceForm fw in fws) // { // string fwip = fw.getDev_IP(); // string fwmac = fw.getDev_MAC(); // List<ProtecDeviceForm> protecDev_list = fw.getProtecDev_list(); // Console.WriteLine("防火墙设备IP : {0} 防火墙设备MAC : {1}", fwip, fwmac); // Console.WriteLine("关联的受保护设备 :"); // if (fwip != "") // { // foreach (var item in protecDev_list) // { // string dev_type = item.getDev_type(); // Console.WriteLine("IP {0} MAC {1} 设备制造商 {2}", item.getDev_IP(), item.getDev_MAC(), dev_type); // } // } // else Console.WriteLine("防火墙为无IP模式"); // } // //IARPProtect tes = new ARPProtect(); // //tes.configARPRules("", "", "08:57:00:e5:87:a7", true); #if debug Console.ReadLine(); #endif }