public HITSound PlaySoundEvent(string evt) { if (DISABLE_SOUND) { return(null); } evt = evt.ToLowerInvariant(); if (evt.StartsWith("nc_")) { NightclubMode = true; } HITThread InterruptBlocker = null; //the thread we have to wait for to finish before we begin. if (ActiveEvents.ContainsKey(evt)) { var aevt = ActiveEvents[evt]; if (aevt.Dead) { ActiveEvents.Remove(evt); //if the last event is dead, remove and make a new one } else { if ((aevt as HITThread)?.InterruptBlocker != null) { //we can stop this thread - steal its waiter (aevt as HITThread).Dead = true; InterruptBlocker = (aevt as HITThread).InterruptBlocker; } else if ((aevt as HITThread)?.Interruptable == true) { InterruptBlocker = (aevt as HITThread); } else { return(aevt); //an event of this type is already alive - here, take it. } } } var content = FSO.Content.Content.Get(); var evts = content.Audio.Events; if (evts != null && evts.ContainsKey(evt)) { var evtent = evts[evt]; //objects call the wrong event for piano playing //there is literally no file or evidence that this is not hard code mapped to PlayPiano in TSO, so it's hardcoded here. //the track and HSM associated with the piano_play event, however, are correct. it's just the subroutine that is renamed. if (evt.Equals("piano_play", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { evt = "playpiano"; if (ActiveEvents.ContainsKey(evt)) { if (ActiveEvents[evt].Dead) { ActiveEvents.Remove(evt); //if the last event is dead, remove and make a new one } else { return(ActiveEvents[evt]); //an event of this type is already alive - here, take it. } } } uint TrackID = 0; uint SubroutinePointer = 0; if (content.TS1) { TrackID = evtent.TrackID; var track = content.Audio.GetTrack(TrackID, 0, evtent.ResGroup); if (track != null && track.SubroutineID != 0) { SubroutinePointer = track.SubroutineID; } } else { if (evtent.ResGroup.hsm != null) { var c = evtent.ResGroup.hsm.Constants; if (c.ContainsKey(evt)) { SubroutinePointer = (uint)c[evt]; } var trackIdName = "guid_tkd_" + evt; if (c.ContainsKey(trackIdName)) { TrackID = (uint)c[trackIdName]; } else { TrackID = evtent.TrackID; } } else { //no hsm, fallback to eent and event track ids (tsov2) var entPoints = evtent.ResGroup.hit.EntryPointByTrackID; TrackID = evtent.TrackID; if (entPoints != null && entPoints.ContainsKey(evtent.TrackID)) { SubroutinePointer = entPoints[evtent.TrackID]; } } } if (evtent.EventType == HITEvents.kTurnOnTV) { var thread = new HITTVOn(evtent.TrackID, this); thread.VolGroup = HITVolumeGroup.FX; Sounds.Add(thread); ActiveEvents.Add(evt, thread); return(thread); } else if (evtent.EventType == HITEvents.kSetMusicMode) { if (evtent.TrackID == 0) { if (evtent.Name == "bkground_buy1") { evtent.TrackID = 1; } else if (evtent.Name == "bkground_build") { evtent.TrackID = 2; } } var thread = new HITTVOn(evtent.TrackID, this, true); thread.VolGroup = HITVolumeGroup.MUSIC; ActiveEvents.Add(evt, thread); if (NextMusic != null) { NextMusic.Kill(); } if (MusicEvent != null) { MusicEvent.Fade(); } NextMusic = thread; return(thread); } else if (SubroutinePointer != 0) { var thread = new HITThread(evtent.ResGroup, this); thread.PC = SubroutinePointer; thread.LoopPointer = (int)thread.PC; if (TrackID != 0) { thread.SetTrack(TrackID, evtent.TrackID); } Sounds.Add(thread); ActiveEvents[evt] = thread; if (InterruptBlocker != null) { InterruptBlocker.Interrupt(thread); if (!InterruptBlocker.Name.StartsWith("nc_")) { InterruptBlocker.KillVocals(); } } thread.Name = evt; return(thread); } else if (TrackID != 0 && content.Audio.GetTrack(TrackID, 0, evtent.ResGroup) != null) { var thread = new HITThread(TrackID, this, evtent.ResGroup); Sounds.Add(thread); ActiveEvents[evt] = thread; if (InterruptBlocker != null) { InterruptBlocker.Interrupt(thread); if (!InterruptBlocker.Name.StartsWith("nc_")) { InterruptBlocker.KillVocals(); } } thread.Name = evt; return(thread); } } return(null); }