        public CameraForm(Sound sound, string name)
            : base(name)

            if (Sound != null)
                base.Sound = ThreadingEngine.GetThread<SoundEngine>().PlaySound(Sound);
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden OnLoad Event sets up the form and starts the engines needed for this form 
        /// as well as playing the theme music in a loop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Not used, passed down to the base class' OnLoad event handler</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            // Start the sound engine here to play the theme mustic.

            // Start the theme mustic for the start menu
            _startMenuThemeMusic = _soundEngine.PlaySound(
                global::FNAF.Properties.Resources.StartMenuThemeMusic,  // theme mustic for the menu
                true                                                    // play it in a loop
        public Sound PlaySound(Sound sound, SoundPriority priority)
            switch (priority)
                case SoundPriority.Immediate:
                    Sound[] unprioritizedSounds = new Sound[_sounds.Count + 1];

                    lock (_lock)

                case SoundPriority.Latent:
                case SoundPriority.Normal:
                    lock (_lock)

                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                        "This priority: {0} is not known to the PlaySound routine. Please implement.",


            return sound;
 public Sound PlaySound(Sound sound)
     return PlaySound(sound, SoundPriority.Normal);
        private void QueueSoundStop()
            Sound soundToStop = null;

            // Check if there are any sounds in the queue to stop
            if (_soundsToStop.Count <= 0)

            // Grab the first indexed song always as when the song is stopped the queue is updated
            // and the next song becomes the first.
            soundToStop = _soundsToStop[0];

            // It's possible to add a null sound to the list so if it is null then remove it and
            // continue;
            // It's also possible that the caller thinks they've added a sound to the queue but
            // there is no sound. if that is the case just remove the sound letting them think
            // they started and stopped it.
            if (soundToStop == null || _soundPlaying == null)

            // If there is a sound to stop, stop the player immediately, set the currently
            // playing sound to null and remove the sound from the list of sounds to stop.
            // Then continue the loop to check again.
            if (_soundPlaying.Guid == soundToStop.Guid)
                _soundPlaying = null;
                bool removeSound = false;

                // Check to see if the soundToStop is in the queue if it is remove it.
                foreach (Sound soundInQueue in _sounds)
                    // If the sound is in the queue flag it for removal and break the loop.
                    if (soundInQueue == soundToStop)
                        removeSound = true;

                // If the sound was found in the queue remove it now.
                if (removeSound)

                // The sound is not playing or queued to play any longer so remove it from
                // the list of songs to stop.

        private void QueueSoundPlayLoop(Sound sound)
            // The sound is supposed to loop so play it looping set the current sound
            // playing to this song and flag it as looping.
            _soundPlaying = sound;
            _soundPlaying.IsLooping = true;

        private void QueueSoundPlay()
            Sound sound = null;

            // Check if there are any sounds in the queue to play
            if (_sounds.Count <= 0)

            // Get the first indexed sound as after each play the sound is removed form the queue.
            sound = _sounds[0];

            // It's possible to add a null sound to the list so if it is null then remove it and
            // continue;
            if (sound == null)

            // A sound was added to the queue process currently playing sound and then play
            // the newly added sound.

            // If there is already a sound playing check to see if it is looping
            if (_soundPlaying != null)
                // If it is looping the sound needs to be stopped as it's been interrupted and
                // a new sound is needed to be played.
                if (_soundPlaying.Loop && _soundPlaying.IsLooping)
                    // Set the sound to resume after this new sound has completed.
                    _soundToResume = _soundPlaying;
                    _soundToResume.IsLooping = false;

                    // Reset the sound that is playing as it won't be playing anymore and
                    // stop it from playing.
                    _soundPlaying = null;
                } // _soundPlaying.Loop && _soundPlaying.IsLooping
            } // _soundPlaying != null)

            // Load the stream into the player regardless of whether it is a looping sound or
            // single play.
            _soundPlayer.Stream = sound.Stream;

            // If the sound to play is not a looping sound
            if (sound.Loop == false)
                if (sound.PlayToEnd)
                // The sound is just to play to completion so play it and wait

                // Check to see if there is a sound to resume playing since this sound played
                // to the end.
                if (_soundToResume != null)
                    // There was a sound in the queue to resume so load the sound set the
                    // _soundPlaying to this sound, flag it as looping, and remove the sound
                    // from needing to be resumed.
                    _soundPlayer.Stream = _soundToResume.Stream;
                    _soundPlaying = _soundToResume;
                    _soundPlaying.IsLooping = true;
                    _soundToResume = null;
                // Note if the sound is a loop and the user puts another sound in the queue that
                // is a loop the highest order sound will win and the old sound will be lost.

            // Finally remove the sound from the queue so that the next sound can be played or
            // the looping sound can continue;

        protected override void ThreadStart()
            lock (_lock)
                _sounds = new List<Sound>();
                _soundPlaying = null;
                _soundToResume = null;
                _soundsToStop = new List<Sound>();
                _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Threads infinite loop responding to sounds added and removed/started and stopped.
            while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                // Check if there are any sounds in the queue to stop
                if (_soundsToStop.Count > 0)
                    lock (_lock)
                        // Stop any sounds in the queue to stop. Always stop the sounds before the new
                        // sounds are played. This routine checks if there are sounds in the queue to
                        // stop and if not returns.

                // Check if there are any sounds in the queue to stop
                if (_sounds.Count > 0)
                    lock (_lock)
                        // play any sounds in the queue to play. This routine checks if there are
                        // sounds in the queue to play and if not returns.


            lock (_lock)
                // Stop all the sounds

                // Sound has been stopped reset the tracking variable
                _soundPlaying = null;

                // Clear the Sounds that were in the queue to play.

                // Clear the list of sounds that were in the queue to stop.

                // Reset the sound that was set to resume after the current playing sound
                // was complete
                _soundToResume = null;
 public void StopSound(Sound soundToStop)
     lock (_lock)
 public SoundEvent(Sound sound)
     this.Sound = sound;