public ViewEditYouthForm(Youth youth) { InitializeComponent(); selectedYouth = youth; }
public static bool UpdateYouth(Youth youth) { try { using(SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(Globals.ConnectionString)) { int isActive = 1; if(youth.IsActive == false) { isActive = 0; } string UpdateYouthCommandString = string.Format("UPDATE Youth SET FirstName = '{0}', LastName = '{1}', FullName = '{2}', IsActive = {3} WHERE YouthID = {4}", youth.FirstName, youth.LastName, youth.FullName, isActive, youth.YouthID); using(SQLiteCommand UpdateYouthCommand = new SQLiteCommand(UpdateYouthCommandString, conn)) { conn.Open(); UpdateYouthCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); return true; } } } catch(Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to update youth in the database. \nError message: ", ex.Message)); return false; } }