public ActionResult Insert(int produceId, string[] codes) { var produce = _produceDa.GetById(produceId); //produce.ProduceProductPrepares.Clear(); foreach (var code in codes) { if (!_carProductDetailDa.CheckEsixt(code)) { return(Json(new JsonMessage() { Erros = true, Message = $"Mã {code} không tồn tại" })); } var item = new ProduceProductPrepare() { ProductId = produce.ProductId, Code = code, UserId = Userid.Value, DateCreate = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Now), ProduceId = produceId, Isdelete = false }; produce.ProduceProductPrepares.Add(item); } produce.Status = (int)ProduceStatus.GetProduct; _produceDa.Save(); return(Json(new JsonMessage())); }
public List <DNRequestWareHouseItem> GetListSimpleStaticByRequest(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, int area) { Request = new ParramRequest(httpRequest); var date = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Today); var query = from o in FDIDB.DN_RequestWare where (!o.IsDelete.HasValue || o.IsDelete == false) && (area == 0 || o.AreaID == area) && o.Today > date group o by new { o.Hour, o.CateID } into g orderby g.Key descending select new DNRequestWareHouseItem { GID = g.Select(c => c.GID).FirstOrDefault(), //Marketname = g.Select(c => c.Market.Name).FirstOrDefault(), Today = g.Select(c => c.Today).FirstOrDefault(), Hours = g.Select(c => c.Hour).FirstOrDefault(), QuantityActive = g.Sum(c => c.QuantityActive), ProductName = g.Select(c => c.Category.Name).FirstOrDefault(), }; var hours = httpRequest["hours"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hours)) { var h = int.Parse(hours); query = query.Where(c => c.Hours == h); } query = query.SelectByRequest(Request, ref TotalRecord); return(query.ToList()); }
public SWItem GetStorageByID(int agencyId, int id) { var date = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Now.AddHours(12)); var query = from o in FDIDB.StorageWarehousings where o.AgencyId == agencyId && (!o.IsDelete.HasValue || !o.IsDelete.Value) && o.ID == id select new SWItem { id = o.ID, n = o.Name, d = o.DateRecive ?? 0, LstItem = o.DN_RequestWare.Select(m => new DNRWHItem { //id = m.GID, h = m.Hour ?? 0, //d = m.Day ?? 0, q = m.Quantity ?? 0, s = date < (m.Today + m.Day * 86400 + m.Hour * 3600), }) }; var obj = query.FirstOrDefault() ?? new SWItem { d = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1)) }; obj.LstTimes = TypeTime.Hours(obj.d, date); return(obj); }
public List <StorageWarehousingItem> GetListSimpleByRequest(HttpRequestBase httpRequest) { Request = new ParramRequest(httpRequest); var from = httpRequest["fromDate"]; var to = httpRequest["toDate"]; var fromDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) ? ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(ConvertUtil.ToDateTime(from)) : 0; var toDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) ? ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(ConvertUtil.ToDateTime(to)) : ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); var query = from o in FDIDB.StorageWarehousings where o.DateCreated >= fromDate && o.DateCreated <= toDate && (!o.IsDelete.HasValue || o.IsDelete == false) orderby o.ID descending select new StorageWarehousingItem() { ID = o.ID, Code = o.Code, TotalPrice = o.TotalPrice ?? 0, //Payment = o.Payment ?? 0, DateCreated = o.DateCreated, //DateImport = o.DateImport, //UserID = o.UserID, //Note = o.Note, //HoursRecive = o.HoursRecive, IsDelete = o.IsDelete, //IsActive = o.IsActive, Status = o.Status, DateRecive = o.DateRecive, Users = o.StorageWarehousingUsers.Select(m => new UserItem() { UserId = m.UserId.Value, Name = m.DN_Users.LoweredUserName, UserName = m.DN_Users.UserName }), //CustomerName = o.Customer.UserName AgencyName = o.DN_Agency.Name //UsernameActive = o.DN_Users1.UserName, //DateActive = o.DateActive, //UsernameCreate = o.DN_Users.UserName, }; var status = httpRequest["IsDelete"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { var tus = int.Parse(status); query = query.Where(c => c.Status == tus); } var hours = httpRequest["hours"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hours)) { var h = int.Parse(hours); query = query.Where(c => c.HoursRecive == h); } //ParramRequest parramRequest = Request; //if (parramRequest.SearchInField.IsNullOrEmpty()) //{ // query = query.Where(m=>m.CustomerName) //} query = query.SelectByRequest(Request, ref TotalRecord); return(query.ToList()); }
// // GET: /Produce/ public ActionResult Index(decimal?todayCode) { if (todayCode == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { todayCode = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date) })); } return(View(todayCode.Value)); }
public IList <DNRequestWareHouseItem> GetRequestWareSummary(HttpRequestBase httpRequest) { Request = new ParramRequest(httpRequest); var toDay = httpRequest["ToDay"]; var fromDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toDay) ? ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(ConvertDate.StringToDate(toDay)) : 0; var queryRequest = from c in FDIDB.DN_RequestWare group c by new { c.Today, c.CateID, c.Category.Name } into g select new { ToDay = g.Key.Today, CateID = g.Key.CateID, ProductName = g.Key.Name, Quantity = g.Sum(m => m.Quantity) }; var queryBuy = from c in FDIDB.TotalProductToDays group c by new { c.ToDayCode, c.ProductId, c.Category.Name } into g select new { ToDayCode = g.Key.ToDayCode, ProductName = g.Key.Name, ProductId = g.Key.ProductId, Quantity = g.Sum(m => m.Quantity) }; var query = queryRequest.GroupJoin(queryBuy, x => new DNRequestWareHouseKey { ToDay = x.ToDay, ProductId = x.CateID }, y => new DNRequestWareHouseKey { ToDay = y.ToDayCode, ProductId = y.ProductId }, (a, b) => new { a, b }).SelectMany(x => x.b.DefaultIfEmpty(), (x, y) => new DNRequestWareHouseItem() { Today = x.a.ToDay, CateID = x.a.CateID, ProductName = x.a.ProductName, QuantityActive = y.Quantity, Quantity = x.a.Quantity }); query = query.OrderByDescending(m => m.Today).SelectByRequest(Request, ref TotalRecord); return(query.ToList()); }
public List <StorageWarehousingItem> GetListExcel(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, int agencyId) { Request = new ParramRequest(httpRequest); var from = httpRequest["fromDate"]; var to = httpRequest["toDate"]; var fromDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) ? ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(ConvertUtil.ToDateTime(from)) : 0; var toDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(from) ? ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(ConvertUtil.ToDateTime(to)) : ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); var query = from o in FDIDB.StorageWarehousings where (!o.IsDelete.HasValue || o.IsDelete == false) && o.DateCreated >= fromDate && o.DateCreated <= toDate && o.Status == 1 orderby o.DateCreated descending select new StorageWarehousingItem() { ID = o.ID, TotalPrice = o.TotalPrice ?? 0, DateCreated = o.DateCreated, IsDelete = o.IsDelete, DateRecive = o.DateRecive, Status = o.Status, LstImport = from v in o.DN_RequestWare select new DNRequestWareHouseItem() { GID = v.GID, Date = v.Date, ProductName = v.Category.Name, CateID = v.CateID, Quantity = v.Quantity, Price = v.Price, IsDelete = v.IsDelete, TotalPrice = v.TotalPrice, }, }; var status = httpRequest["IsDelete"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { var tus = int.Parse(status); query = query.Where(c => c.Status == tus); } var hours = httpRequest["hours"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hours)) { var h = int.Parse(hours); query = query.Where(c => c.HoursRecive == h); } return(query.ToList()); }
public List <SWItem> ListStorageByUser(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, int agencyId) { var date = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(DateTime.Now.AddHours(12)); var query = from o in FDIDB.StorageWarehousings where o.AgencyId == agencyId && (!o.IsDelete.HasValue || !o.IsDelete.Value) orderby o.ID descending select new SWItem { id = o.ID, n = o.Name, d = o.DateRecive ?? 0, s = o.DN_RequestWare.Any(m => m.DateEnd > date) }; return(query.SelectByRequest(Request, ref TotalRecord).ToList()); }
public List <DNRequestWareHouseItem> GetListSimpleAllByRequest(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, int area) { Request = new ParramRequest(httpRequest); var from = httpRequest["fromDate"]; var query = from o in FDIDB.DN_RequestWare where (!o.IsDelete.HasValue || o.IsDelete == false) && o.AreaID == area // && o.StorageProductID == 1 orderby o.Hour descending select new DNRequestWareHouseItem { GID = o.GID, ProductName = o.Category.Name, Today = o.Today, Hours = o.Hour, DateUpdate = o.DateUpdate, UserUpdate = o.UserUpdate, Quantity = o.Quantity, QuantityActive = o.QuantityActive, //Usercreate = o.StorageWarehousing.DN_Users.LoweredUserName, Date = o.Date, }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { var fromDate = ConvertDate.TotalSeconds(ConvertUtil.ToDateTime(from)); query = query.Where(c => c.Today == fromDate); } var hours = httpRequest["hours"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hours)) { var h = int.Parse(hours); query = query.Where(c => c.Hours == h); } query = query.SelectByRequest(Request, ref TotalRecord); return(query.ToList()); }