internal void Load(XElement xDocumentInfo) { if (xDocumentInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("xDocumentInfo"); } // Load document authors _documentAuthors.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xAuthors = xDocumentInfo.Elements(_fileNameSpace + AuthorType.AuthorElementName); if ( xAuthors != null ) { foreach ( XElement xAuthor in xAuthors) { AuthorItem author = new AuthorItem{ Namespace = _fileNameSpace }; try { author.Load(xAuthor); _documentAuthors.Add(author); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading document authors : {0}",ex.Message)); continue; } } } // load Program used to create ProgramUsed2Create = null; XElement xProgramUsed = xDocumentInfo.Element(_fileNameSpace + ProgramUsedElementName); if (xProgramUsed != null) { ProgramUsed2Create = new TextFieldType(); try { ProgramUsed2Create.Load(xProgramUsed); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading program used to create : {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load creation date DocumentDate = null; XElement xDate = xDocumentInfo.Element(_fileNameSpace + DateItem.Fb2DateElementName); if (xDate != null) { DocumentDate = new DateItem(); try { DocumentDate.Load(xDate); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading document date : {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load Source URLs _sourceUrLs.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xSrcURLs = xDocumentInfo.Elements(_fileNameSpace + SourceURLElementName); if ( xSrcURLs != null ) { foreach ( XElement xSrcURL in xSrcURLs ) { if ( (xSrcURL != null) && (xSrcURL.Value != null) ) { string srcURL = xSrcURL.Value; _sourceUrLs.Add(srcURL); } } } // Load SourceOCR SourceOCR = null; XElement xSrcOcr = xDocumentInfo.Element(_fileNameSpace + SourceOCRElementName); if (xSrcOcr != null) { SourceOCR = new TextFieldType(); try { SourceOCR.Load(xSrcOcr); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading source OCR : {0}", ex.Message)); } } // load document's ID ID = null; XElement xID = xDocumentInfo.Element(_fileNameSpace + IdElementName); if ( (xID != null) && (xID.Value != null) ) { ID = xID.Value; } // load document's version DocumentVersion = null; XElement xVersion = xDocumentInfo.Element(_fileNameSpace + VersionElementName); if ( (xVersion != null) && (xVersion.Value != null)) { string version = xVersion.Value; try { var cult = new CultureInfo(""); DocumentVersion = float.Parse(version, cult.NumberFormat); } catch(FormatException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading document version : {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load change history History = null; XElement xHistory = xDocumentInfo.Element(_fileNameSpace + HistoryElementName); if (xHistory != null) { History = new AnnotationType() { ElementName = HistoryElementName }; try { History.Load(xHistory); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading document history : {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load copyright owners _documentPublishers.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xPublishers = xDocumentInfo.Elements(_fileNameSpace + AuthorType.PublisherElementName); if ( xPublishers != null ) { foreach (XElement xPublisher in xPublishers ) { PublisherItem publisher = new PublisherItem { Namespace = _fileNameSpace }; try { publisher.Load(xPublisher); _documentPublishers.Add(publisher); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error reading document publishers : {0}", ex.Message)); continue; } } } }
public void Load(XElement xTitleInfo) { if ( xTitleInfo == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException("xTitleInfo"); } // Load genres _genres.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xGenres = xTitleInfo.Elements(FileNameSpace + GenreElementName); foreach ( XElement xGenre in xGenres ) { if ( (xGenre != null) ) { var genre = new TitleGenreType {Genre = xGenre.Value}; XAttribute xMatch = xGenre.Attribute("match"); if (xMatch != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xMatch.Value)) { int percentage; if (int.TryParse(xMatch.Value,out percentage)) { genre.Match = percentage; } } _genres.Add(genre); } } // Load authors _bookAuthors.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xAuthors = xTitleInfo.Elements(FileNameSpace + AuthorType.AuthorElementName); foreach (XElement xAuthor in xAuthors ) { var author = new AuthorItem { Namespace = FileNameSpace }; try { author.Load(xAuthor); _bookAuthors.Add(author); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading author: {0}",ex.Message)); continue; } } // Load Title BookTitle = null; XElement xBookTitle = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + BookTitleElementName); if (xBookTitle != null) { BookTitle = new TextFieldType(); try { BookTitle.Load(xBookTitle); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading book title: {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load Annotation Annotation = null; XElement xAnnotation = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + AnnotationElementName); if (xAnnotation != null) { Annotation = new AnnotationItem(); try { Annotation.Load(xAnnotation); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading annotation: {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load keywords Keywords = null; XElement xKeywords = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + KeywordsElementName); if (xKeywords != null) { Keywords = new TextFieldType(); try { Keywords.Load(xKeywords); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading keywords: {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load Book date BookDate = null; XElement xBookDate = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + DateItem.Fb2DateElementName); if (xBookDate != null) { BookDate = new DateItem(); try { BookDate.Load(xBookDate); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading book date: {0}", ex.Message)); } } Cover = null; // we should load coverpage images here but no use for them as for now XElement xCoverPage = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + CoverPageElementName); if ( xCoverPage != null) { Cover = new CoverPage{Namespace = FileNameSpace}; try { Cover.Load(xCoverPage); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading cover: {0}", ex.Message)); } } // Load Language Language = null; XElement xLanguage = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + LanguageElementName); if ( (xLanguage != null)) { Language = xLanguage.Value; } else { Debug.Write("Language not specified in title section"); } // Load source language SrcLanguage = null; XElement xSrcLanguage = xTitleInfo.Element(FileNameSpace + SourceLanguageElementName); if ( (xSrcLanguage != null) ) { SrcLanguage = xSrcLanguage.Value; } // Load translators _translators.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xTranslators = xTitleInfo.Elements(FileNameSpace + AuthorType.TranslatorElementName); foreach ( XElement xTranslator in xTranslators ) { var translator = new TranslatorItem { Namespace = FileNameSpace }; try { translator.Load(xTranslator); _translators.Add(translator); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading translator: {0}", ex.Message)); continue; } } // Load sequences ItemSequences.Clear(); IEnumerable<XElement> xSequences = xTitleInfo.Elements(FileNameSpace + SequenceType.SequenceElementName); foreach (var xSequence in xSequences) { var sec = new SequenceType{ Namespace = FileNameSpace }; try { sec.Load(xSequence); ItemSequences.Add(sec); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(string.Format("Error reading sequence data: {0}",ex.Message)); continue; } } }