        public bool FirstACEProcess(short PISYearNumber, short iCurrentYearNumber, ref string deprMethod, ref string flags)
            string DeprMethod;
            string Flags;
            bool   hr;

            if (m_pObjSchedule == null || m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Error in FirstACEProcess.");

            if (deprMethod == string.Empty)
                DeprMethod = m_pObjSchedule.DeprMethod;
                DeprMethod = deprMethod;

            if (flags == string.Empty)
                Flags = "";
                Flags = flags;

            if (m_bUseACEHandling)
                IBAFiscalYear fy;

                // Here we need to determine the year number of the ACE transition.  ACE begins
                // on the first year that starts on or after 1/1/1990.
                if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(new DateTime(1990, 1, 1), out fy)))
                    m_iAceTransitionYear = -1;

                m_dtACEStart         = fy.YRStartDate;
                m_iAceTransitionYear = fy.FYNum;

                // If the year start is on 1/1/1990, the transition year is one year earlier.
                if (m_dtACEStart == new DateTime(1900, 1, 1))

                // Now that we have the transition year number, get the actual ACE start date.
                if (m_iAceTransitionYear > 0)
                    fy = null;
                    if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYearByNum((short)(m_iAceTransitionYear + 1), out fy)))
                    m_dtACEStart = fy.YRStartDate;
                // Now we need to see if we are already in ACE.  If so we need to change the
                // depr method accordingly.
                if (m_PISDate < new DateTime(1981, 1, 1))
                    // No depr method changes allowed here.
                    m_bUseACEHandling = false;             // reset the flag because it is not needed.
                else if (PISYearNumber > m_iAceTransitionYear)
                    // No changes here, the input D&V should already have handled this.
                    m_bUseACEHandling = false;             // reset the flag because it is not needed.
                    if (string.Compare(DeprMethod, "AST") == 0 || string.Compare(DeprMethod, "ASF") == 0 ||
                        string.Compare(DeprMethod, "AT") == 0 || string.Compare(DeprMethod, "MT") == 0 ||
                        string.Compare(DeprMethod, "MF") == 0 || string.Compare(DeprMethod, "MAT") == 0 ||
                        string.Compare(DeprMethod, "MAF") == 0 || string.Compare(DeprMethod, "MST") == 0 ||
                        string.Compare(DeprMethod, "MSF") == 0)
                        decimal cyACEBasis;

                        // Now see if we should already be switched to RV.
                        if (iCurrentYearNumber > m_iAceTransitionYear + 1 ||
                            string.Compare(Flags, "v") != 0)
                            if (string.Compare(Flags, "v") == 0)
                                Flags += "v";
                            DeprMethod = "RV";                     // Force the depr method to RV.
                        cyACEBasis    = m_pObjSchedule.ACEBasis;
                        m_curACELife  = m_pObjSchedule.ACELife;
                        m_curACEBasis = CurrencyHelper.CurrencyToDouble(cyACEBasis);
                        // Not ACRS or MACRS, therefore ACE handling not needed.
                        m_bUseACEHandling = false;                 // reset the flag because it is not needed.
            deprMethod = DeprMethod;
            flags      = Flags;
        public bool ProcessACEForYear(short iFYNum, IBADeprMethod pObjDeprMethod, double dActualPriorAccum, CalcEngine calcEngine, IBAAvgConvention pObjAvgConvetion, double dYearElapsed, out IBADeprMethod outMethod)
            bool hr;

            outMethod = null;

            if (m_pObjSchedule == null || m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Error in ProcessACEForYear.");

            if (outMethod != null)
                outMethod = null;
            if (pObjDeprMethod == null || calcEngine == null || pObjAvgConvetion == null)
                throw new Exception("Error in ProcessACEForYear.");

            outMethod = pObjDeprMethod;

            if (m_bUseACEHandling && iFYNum == m_iAceTransitionYear + 1)
                double  ACEBasis;
                double  ACELife;
                double  basis;
                double  yearElapsed = 0;
                double  ADSLife;
                string  deprmethod;
                decimal curTmp;
                short   yearNum = 0;

                basis      = pObjDeprMethod.Basis;
                ACELife    = pObjDeprMethod.Life;
                deprmethod = m_pObjSchedule.DeprMethod;
                ADSLife    = m_pObjSchedule.ADSLife;

                ACEBasis = basis - dActualPriorAccum;
                if (String.Compare(deprmethod, "MT") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "MF") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "MAT") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "MAF") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "MST") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "MSF") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "AT") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "AST") == 0 ||
                    String.Compare(deprmethod, "ASF") == 0)
                    if (m_pObjACEInfo == null)
                        ACELife  = m_curACELife;
                        ACEBasis = m_curACEBasis;
                        if (m_PISDate >= m_dtACEStart)
                            ACEBasis = basis;
                            ACEBasis = basis - dActualPriorAccum;
                            ACELife  = ADSLife - yearElapsed;
                        CurrencyHelper.DoubleToCurrency(ACEBasis, out curTmp);
                        m_pObjACEInfo.ACELife  = ACELife;
                        m_pObjACEInfo.ACEBasis = curTmp;
                    // Now we need to create the RV method and initialize it.
                    outMethod    = null;
                    dYearElapsed = yearElapsed;
                    if (!(hr = calcEngine.CreateDeprMethod("RV", false, out outMethod)) ||
                        !(hr = calcEngine.InitializeDeprMethod(m_pObjSchedule, pObjAvgConvetion, outMethod)))
                    outMethod.Life             = ACELife + m_dACETransitionYearElapsed;
                    outMethod.SalvageDeduction = 0;
                    outMethod.YearElapsed      = dYearElapsed;
                    outMethod.YearNum          = yearNum;
                    outMethod.PriorAccum       = dActualPriorAccum;
