        private void DisplayAllBusArrivals(EzySystem ezySystem)
            // for each bus stop, check whether the bus queue has a bus which indicates that a bus has arrived
            for (int i = 0; i < ezySystem.GetBusStopList().GetCount(); i++)
                // if there is at least one bus, display all bus arrivals
                if (ezySystem.GetBusStopList().At(i).GetBusQueueCount() > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < ezySystem.GetBusStopList().At(i).GetBusQueueCount(); j++)
                        string busname = ezySystem.GetBusStopList().At(i).GetBusQueue().ElementAt(j), busstopname = ezySystem.GetBusStopList().At(i).GetName();

                        if (!ezySystem.BusNameIsInBusInterruptList1(busname, busstopname) && !ezySystem.BusStopIsInterrupted(busstopname))
                            DisplayBusArrival(ezySystem.GetBusStopList().At(i).GetName(), ezySystem.GetBusStopList().At(i).GetBusQueue().ElementAt(j));