        public static void Generate(string sourcePath, string outputPath, ConsoleLogger logger)
            if (!Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"The path `{sourcePath}` does not exist. Unable to generate Azure Functions extensions metadata file.");

            var extensionReferences = new List <ExtensionReference>();

            var targetAssemblies = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourcePath, "*.dll")
                                   .Where(f => !AssemblyShouldBeSkipped(Path.GetFileName(f)))

            logger.LogMessage($"Found {targetAssemblies.Length} assemblies to evaluate in '{sourcePath}':");

            foreach (var path in targetAssemblies)
                using (logger.Indent())

                    using (logger.Indent())
                            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);
                            var      currExtensionReferences = GenerateExtensionReferences(assembly);

                            foreach (var foundRef in currExtensionReferences)
                                logger.LogMessage($"Found extension: {foundRef.TypeName}");
                        catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FileNotFoundException || ex is BadImageFormatException)
                            // Don't log this as an error. This will almost always happen due to some publishing artifacts (i.e. Razor) existing in the
                            // functions bin folder without all of their dependencies present, or native package artifacts being copied to the bin folder
                            // These will almost never have Functions extensions, so we don't want to write out errors every time there is a build.
                            // This message can be seen with detailed logging enabled.
                            logger.LogMessage($"Could not evaluate '{Path.GetFileName(path)}' for extension metadata. If this assembly contains a Functions extension, ensure that all dependent assemblies exist in '{sourcePath}'. If this assembly does not contain any Functions extensions, this message can be ignored. Exception message: {ex.Message}");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.LogError($"Could not evaluate '{Path.GetFileName(path)}' for extension metadata. Exception message: {ex.Message}");

            string json = GenerateExtensionsJson(extensionReferences);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, json);
            logger.LogMessage($"'{outputPath}' successfully written.");
        public static void Generate(string sourcePath, string outputPath, ConsoleLogger logger)
            if (!Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"The path `{sourcePath}` does not exist. Unable to generate Azure Functions extensions metadata file.");

            var extensionReferences = new List <ExtensionReference>();

            var targetAssemblies = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourcePath, "*.dll")
                                   .Where(f => !AssemblyShouldBeSkipped(Path.GetFileName(f)))

            logger.LogMessage($"Found {targetAssemblies.Length} assemblies to evaluate in '{sourcePath}':");

            foreach (var path in targetAssemblies)
                using (logger.Indent())

                    using (logger.Indent())
                            var currExtensionReferences = GenerateExtensionReferences(path, logger);

                            foreach (var foundRef in currExtensionReferences)
                                logger.LogMessage($"Found extension: {foundRef.TypeName}");
                        catch (BadImageFormatException)
                            // No need to log here as we can ignore these as extensions.
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.LogError($"Could not evaluate '{Path.GetFileName(path)}' for extension metadata. Exception message: {ex}");

            string json = GenerateExtensionsJson(extensionReferences);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, json);
            logger.LogMessage($"'{outputPath}' successfully written.");