private string GetDescription(EbReviewStage nextStage, string autoId) { string description = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextStage.NotificationContent?.Code?.Trim())) { if (this.globals == null) { this.globals = GlobalsGenerator.GetCSharpFormGlobals_NEW(this.webForm, this.webForm.FormData, this.webForm.FormDataBackup, this.DataDB, null, false); } object msg = this.webForm.ExecuteCSharpScriptNew(nextStage.NotificationContent.Code, this.globals); description = Convert.ToString(msg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { if (this.webForm.AutoId != null && this.isInsert && description.Contains(FG_Constants.AutoId_PlaceHolder)) { description = description.Replace(FG_Constants.AutoId_PlaceHolder, autoId); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { description = $"{this.webForm.DisplayName} {(autoId.IsEmpty() ? string.Empty : (CharConstants.SPACE + autoId))}in {nextStage.Name}"; } return(description); }
public string GetMyActionInsertUpdateQuery(ref int i) { string insUpQ = string.Empty, masterId = $"@{this.webForm.TableName}_id"; bool insMyActRequired = false, insInEdit = false, entryCriteriaRslt = true, entryCriteriaExecuted = false; EbReviewStage nextStage = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ebReview.EntryCriteria?.Code)) { this.globals = GlobalsGenerator.GetCSharpFormGlobals_NEW(this.webForm, this.webForm.FormData, this.webForm.FormDataBackup, this.DataDB, null, false); object retval = this.webForm.ExecuteCSharpScriptNew(this.ebReview.EntryCriteria.Code, this.globals); if (retval is bool) { bool.TryParse(Convert.ToString(retval), out entryCriteriaRslt); } else if (retval is FG_Review_Stage fg_stage) { nextStage = this.ebReview.FormStages.Find(e => e.Name ==; } entryCriteriaExecuted = true; } if (this.isInsert) { if (entryCriteriaRslt) { masterId = $"(SELECT eb_currval('{this.webForm.TableName}_id_seq'))"; if (entryCriteriaExecuted && this.IsAutoApproveRequired(ref i, ref insUpQ, masterId)) { return(insUpQ); } if (nextStage == null) { nextStage = this.ebReview.FormStages[0]; } } else { return(string.Empty); } } else { if (!entryCriteriaRslt) { insUpQ += this.DeleteIfExists(ref i); } else { if (this.Table.Count == 1) { nextStage = this.ExecuteOneStage(ref insUpQ, ref i, ref insMyActRequired, false); } else if (this.Table.Count == 0) { if (this.TableBkUp.Count == 0) { insInEdit = true; if (nextStage == null) { nextStage = this.ebReview.FormStages[0]; } } if (!insInEdit) { Console.WriteLine("No items reviewed in this form data save"); return(string.Empty); } } else { throw new FormException("Bad Request for review control", (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "eb_approval_lines contains more than one rows, only one review allowed at a time", "From GetMyActionInsertUpdateQuery"); } } } if (this.isInsert || insMyActRequired || insInEdit)// first save or insert myaction required in edit { string[] _col_val = this.GetApproverEntityValues(ref i, nextStage, out _); string autoId = this.GetAutoId(masterId); string description = this.GetDescription(nextStage, autoId); insUpQ += this.InsertMyActionAndApproval(nextStage, _col_val, masterId, description, insInEdit); } return(insUpQ); }
private EbReviewStage ExecuteOneStage(ref string insUpQ, ref int i, ref bool insMyActRequired, bool ApprovalFlow) { EbReviewStage nextStage = null; insUpQ += this.GetApprovalLinesInsertQry(ref i); insUpQ += this.UpdateMyAction(ref i); if (!(this.ebReview.FormStages.Find(e => e.EbSid == Convert.ToString(this.Table[0][FormConstants.stage_unique_id])) is EbReviewStage currentStage)) { throw new FormException("Bad Request", (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"eb_approval_lines contains an invalid stage_unique_id: {this.Table[0]["stage_unique_id"]} ", "From GetMyActionInsertUpdateQuery"); } if (!(currentStage.StageActions.Find(e => e.EbSid == Convert.ToString(this.Table[0][FormConstants.action_unique_id])) is EbReviewAction currentAction)) { throw new FormException("Bad Request", (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"eb_approval_lines contains an invalid action_unique_id: {this.Table[0]["action_unique_id"]} ", "From GetMyActionInsertUpdateQuery"); } if (currentAction.CommentsRequired && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Convert.ToString(this.Table[0]["comments"]))) { throw new FormException("Comments required to complete the review", (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"Comments required for stage: {currentStage.EbSid}, action: {currentAction.EbSid} ", "From GetMyActionInsertUpdateQuery"); } if (this.globals == null) { this.globals = GlobalsGenerator.GetCSharpFormGlobals_NEW(this.webForm, this.webForm.FormData, this.webForm.FormDataBackup, this.DataDB, null, false); } object stageObj = this.webForm.ExecuteCSharpScriptNew(currentStage.NextStage.Code, this.globals); string nxtStName = string.Empty; if (stageObj is FG_Review_Stage) { nxtStName = (stageObj as FG_Review_Stage).name; } GlobalsGenerator.PostProcessGlobals(this.webForm, this.globals, this.service); string _reviewStatus =; if (_reviewStatus == ReviewStatus.Completed || _reviewStatus == ReviewStatus.Abandoned) { if (ApprovalFlow) { this.webForm.AfterSaveRoutines = this.ebReview.OnApprovalRoutines; } else { this.webForm.AfterSaveRoutines.AddRange(this.ebReview.OnApprovalRoutines); } insMyActRequired = false; insUpQ += this.GetApprovalUpdateQry(_reviewStatus, false, false); } else { EbReviewStage nxtSt = currentStage; if (!nxtStName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { nxtSt = this.ebReview.FormStages.Find(e => e.Name == nxtStName); } if (nxtSt != null) { //backtrack to the same user - code here if needed nextStage = nxtSt; insMyActRequired = true; } else { throw new FormException("Unable to decide next stage", (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "NextStage C# script returned a value that is not recognized as a stage", "Return value : " + nxtStName); } } return(nextStage); }
public string GetMyActionInsertUpdateQueryxx(ref int i) { string insUpQ = string.Empty, masterId = $"@{this.webForm.TableName}_id";; bool insMyActRequired = false, entryCriteriaRslt = true; EbReviewStage nextStage = null; if (Convert.ToString(this.Table[0][FormConstants.stage_unique_id]) == FormConstants.__system_stage && Convert.ToString(this.Table[0][FormConstants.action_unique_id]) == FormConstants.__review_reset) { insUpQ += this.GetApprovalLinesInsertQry(ref i); bool hasRoleMatch = false; if (this.ebReview.ResetterRoles != null) { hasRoleMatch = this.webForm.UserObj.RoleIds.Select(x => x).Intersect(this.ebReview.ResetterRoles).Any() || this.webForm.UserObj.RoleIds.Contains((int)SystemRoles.SolutionOwner) || this.webForm.UserObj.RoleIds.Contains((int)SystemRoles.SolutionAdmin); } if (!hasRoleMatch) { throw new FormException("Access denied to reset review control", (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, $"User.RolesId does not contains any of permited roleIds[ResetterRoles]", "From GetMyActionInsertUpdateQuery"); } SingleRow RowBkUp = this.TableBkUp.Find(e => e.RowId <= 0); if (RowBkUp != null) { insUpQ += this.GetMyActionDeleteQry(ref i, Convert.ToInt32(RowBkUp[FormConstants.eb_my_actions_id])); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ebReview.EntryCriteria?.Code)) { this.globals = GlobalsGenerator.GetCSharpFormGlobals_NEW(this.webForm, this.webForm.FormData, this.webForm.FormDataBackup, this.DataDB, null, false); object retval = this.webForm.ExecuteCSharpScriptNew(this.ebReview.EntryCriteria.Code, this.globals);//status or stage if (retval is bool) { bool.TryParse(Convert.ToString(retval), out entryCriteriaRslt); } else if (retval is FG_Review_Stage fg_stage) { nextStage = this.ebReview.FormStages.Find(e => e.Name ==; } } if (entryCriteriaRslt) { if (nextStage == null) { nextStage = this.ebReview.FormStages[0]; } } else if (this.TableBkUp.Find(e => e.RowId > 0) != null) { insUpQ += this.GetApprovalUpdateQry(null, true, false); insUpQ += this.GetApprovalLinesDeleteQry(); } } else { nextStage = this.ExecuteOneStage(ref insUpQ, ref i, ref insMyActRequired, true); } if (nextStage != null) { string[] _col_val = this.GetApproverEntityValues(ref i, nextStage, out _); string autoId = this.GetAutoId(masterId); string description = this.GetDescription(nextStage, autoId); insUpQ += this.GetMyActionInsertQry(_col_val, nextStage, masterId, description); if (this.DataDB.Vendor == DatabaseVendors.MYSQL) { insUpQ += "SELECT eb_persist_currval('eb_my_actions_id_seq'); "; } this.webForm.MyActNotification.Title = "Review required"; Console.WriteLine("Will try to INSERT eb_my_actions"); insUpQ += this.GetApprovalUpdateQry(null, false, true); } return(insUpQ); }