public void Install() { SVEN = EmployeeFixture.SVEN; DICK = EmployeeFixture.DICK; var date1 = new DateTime(2007, 7, 15); SVEN_CLAIM_4 = CreateNewClaim(SVEN, DICK, "July 07 - 2 visits to Dublin", ProjectCodeFixture.CODE2, date1); AddPrivateCarJourney(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Own car to airport", "Henley on Thames", "Heathrow", true, 50); AddGeneralExpense(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Car Parking at Heathrow", Convert.ToDecimal(42.9)); AddAirfare(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, null, 165M, "Aer Lingus", "LHR", "DUB", true); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Taxis to & from Hotel", 30M, "Dublin Airport", "Alexander Hotel", true); AddHotel(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Alexander Hotel", 0M, "", 1, 89M, Convert.ToDecimal(15.45), Convert.ToDecimal(3.5)); AddMeal(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Dinner", 28M); date1 = new DateTime(2007, 7, 23); AddPrivateCarJourney(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Own car to airport", "Henley on Thames", "Heathrow", true, 50); AddGeneralExpense(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Car Parking at Heathrow", Convert.ToDecimal(42.9)); AddAirfare(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, null, 129M, "Aer Lingus", "LHR", "DUB", true); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Taxis to & from Hotel", 32M, "Dublin Airport", "Alexander Hotel", true); AddHotel(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Alexander Hotel", 0M, "", 1, 89M, Convert.ToDecimal(15.45), Convert.ToDecimal(4.8)); AddMeal(SVEN_CLAIM_4, date1, "Dinner", 31M); SVEN_CLAIM_4.Submit(DICK, false); SVEN_CLAIM_4.ApproveItems(false); }
protected internal virtual Claim CreateNewClaim(Employee employee, Employee approver, string description, ProjectCode projectCode, DateTime dateCreated) { Claim claim = ClaimRepository.CreateNewClaim(employee, description); claim.ModifyApprover(approver); claim.ModifyProjectCode(projectCode); claim.DateCreated = dateCreated; return claim; }
public virtual bool DescriptionIsUniqueForClaimant(Employee employee, string initialDescription) { IQueryable<Claim> query = from claim in Instances<Claim>() where claim.Claimant.Equals(employee) && claim.Description == initialDescription select claim; return query.Count() == 0; }
public virtual bool DescriptionIsUniqueForClaimant(Employee employee, string initialDescription) { IQueryable<Claim> query = from claim in Instances<Claim>() where claim.Claimant.Id == employee.Id && claim.Description == initialDescription select claim; return !query.Any(); }
public void Install() { SVEN = EmployeeFixture.SVEN; DICK = EmployeeFixture.DICK; SVEN_CLAIM_5 = CreateNewClaim(SVEN, null, "14th Mar - Sales call, London", ProjectCodeFixture.CODE1, new DateTime(2007, 4, 3)); var mar14th = new DateTime(2007, 3, 14); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_5, mar14th, null, 18M, "Euston", "City", true); AddMeal(SVEN_CLAIM_5, mar14th, "Lunch with client", 50M); }
private void createEmployees() { SVEN = CreateEmployee("Sven Bloggs", "sven", "*****@*****.**", CurrencyFixture.GBP); DICK = CreateEmployee("Dick Barton", "dick", "*****@*****.**", CurrencyFixture.GBP); BOB = CreateEmployee("Robert Bruce", "bob", "*****@*****.**", CurrencyFixture.USD); JOE = CreateEmployee("Joe Sixpack", "joe", "*****@*****.**", CurrencyFixture.USD); CreateEmployee("Intrepid Explorer", "exploration", "*****@*****.**", CurrencyFixture.USD); SVEN.NormalApprover = DICK; DICK.NormalApprover = BOB; }
public void Install() { SVEN = EmployeeFixture.SVEN; DICK = EmployeeFixture.DICK; SVEN_CLAIM_1 = CreateNewClaim(SVEN, DICK, "28th Mar - Sales call, London", ProjectCodeFixture.CODE1, new DateTime(2007, 4, 3)); var mar28th = new DateTime(2007, 3, 28); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_1, mar28th, null, Convert.ToDecimal(8.5), "Euston", "Mayfair", false); AddMeal(SVEN_CLAIM_1, mar28th, "Lunch with client", Convert.ToDecimal(31.9)); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_1, mar28th, null, 11M, "Mayfair", "City", false); }
public void Install() { SVEN = EmployeeFixture.SVEN; DICK = EmployeeFixture.DICK; SVEN_CLAIM_3 = CreateNewClaim(SVEN, DICK, "23rd Feb - Sales trip, London", ProjectCodeFixture.CODE1, new DateTime(2007, 4, 3)); var feb23rd = new DateTime(2007, 2, 23); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_3, feb23rd, null, 18M, "Euston", "City", false); AddTaxi(SVEN_CLAIM_3, feb23rd, null, 10M, "City", "West End", false); GeneralExpense meal = AddMeal(SVEN_CLAIM_3, feb23rd, "Lunch with client", 50M); SVEN_CLAIM_3.Submit(DICK, false); meal.Reject("Too expensive"); SVEN_CLAIM_3.ApproveItems(true); SVEN_CLAIM_3.ReturnToClaimant("Please discuss Meal item with me", false); }
private string CreateUniqueDescription(Employee employee, string initialDescription) { int increment = 2; string description = initialDescription; while (! (DescriptionIsUniqueForClaimant(employee, description))) { description = initialDescription + CLAIM_DIFFERENTIATOR + increment; increment += 1; } return description; }
public virtual string DefaultUniqueClaimDescription(Employee employee) { return CreateUniqueDescription(employee, CreateDefaultClaimDescription(null)); }
public virtual Claim CreateNewClaim(Employee employee, string description) { var newClaim = NewTransientInstance<Claim>(); newClaim.Claimant = employee; newClaim.Approver = employee.NormalApprover; newClaim.InitialiseTotal(); newClaim.Description = CreateUniqueDescription(employee, description); Persist(ref newClaim); newClaim.ChangeStatusToNew(); return newClaim; }
public IList<AbstractExpenseItem> findExpenseItemsOfType(Employee employee, ExpenseType type) { IQueryable<AbstractExpenseItem> query = from item in Instances<AbstractExpenseItem>() where item.ExpenseType.Equals(type) && item.Claim.Claimant.Equals(employee) select item; return query.ToList(); }
public virtual string ValidateApprover(Employee approverToValidate) { return Convert.ToString(((((approverToValidate.Equals(Claimant))) ? Employee.CANT_BE_APPROVER_FOR_OWN_CLAIMS : null))); }
public virtual void ModifyApprover(Employee newApprover) { Approver = newApprover; }
private IList<Claim> FindClaims(Employee employee, ClaimStatus status, string description) { IQueryable<Claim> query = from claim in Instances<Claim>() where (employee == null || claim.Claimant.Equals(employee)) && (status == null || claim.Status.Equals(status)) && (description == null || claim.Description.LastIndexOf(description) >= 0) select claim; return query.ToList(); }
private Claim CreateClaim(Employee employee) { var rDate = new DateTime(random.Next(7) + 2000, random.Next(12) + 1, random.Next(28) + 1); Claim claim = ClaimRepository.CreateNewClaim(employee, rDate.ToString()); claim.DateCreated = rDate; return claim; }
private void CreateClaims(Employee employee) { for (int i = claimCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AddRandomExpenseItems(CreateClaim(employee)); } }
private IList<Claim> FindClaims(Employee employee, ClaimStatus status, string description) { IQueryable<Claim> query = Instances<Claim>(); if (employee != null) { query = query.Where(c => c.Claimant.Id == employee.Id); } if (status != null) { query = query.Where(c => c.Status.Id == status.Id); } if (description != null) { query = query.Where(c => c.Description.Contains(description)); } return query.ToList(); }
public IList<Claim> findClaimsAwaitingApprovalBy(Employee approver) { IQueryable<Claim> query = from claim in Instances<Claim>() where approver.Equals(claim.Approver) && claim.Status.TitleString.Equals(ClaimStatus.SUBMITTED) select claim; return query.ToList(); }
public virtual void ModifyNormalApprover(Employee newNormalApprover) { m_recordActionService.RecordFieldChange(this, "Normal Approver", NormalApprover, m_normalApprover); NormalApprover = newNormalApprover; }
public virtual void ClearApprover() { Approver = null; }
public virtual void ClearNormalApprover() { m_recordActionService.RecordFieldChange(this, "Normal Approver", NormalApprover, "EMPTY"); NormalApprover = null; }
public virtual void Submit(Employee approver, [Named("Advise approver by email")] bool sendEmail) { ChangeStatusToSubmitted(); for (int i = 0; i < ExpenseItems.Count; i++) { AbstractExpenseItem item = (ExpenseItems[i]); item.IsLocked = (true); } string message = Claimant.Name + CLAIM_AWAITING_YOUR_APPROVAL; SendEmailIfPossible(sendEmail, approver.EmailAddress, message); m_recordActionService.RecordMenuAction(this, "Submit", "to " + approver.Title()); }
public virtual string ValidateNormalApprover(Employee newApprover) { return Convert.ToString(((Equals(newApprover)) ? CANT_BE_APPROVER_FOR_OWN_CLAIMS : null)); }