private AVOIR_FINANCIER GetAvoirInfo(int num) { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { return((from a in model.AVOIR_FINANCIER where a.numAvoir == num select a).FirstOrDefault()); } }
private void DetailForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { listBoxFactures.DataSource = GetFactures(model, _numGroupe); listBoxFactures.ValueMember = "NUM_FACT"; listBoxFactures.DisplayMember = "NUM_FACT"; } }
static bool Authentif() { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { return((from u in model.AF_UTILISATEUR where u.Username == Environment.UserDomainName + @"\" + Environment.UserName select u).Any()); } } catch (Exception) { Messages.Error("La connexion à la base de données a échoué. vérifier votre connexion réseau ou contactez votre administrateur"); return(false); } }
List <AF_GET_LIGNES_FACTURE_Result> GetLignes(string ent, int numFact, DateTime date) { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { return((from l in model.AF_GET_LIGNES_FACTURE(ent, numFact, date) select l).ToList()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.Error("Erreur: " + ex.Message); ErrorLog.LogError("Erreur lignes factures", ex); return(null); } }
private bool InsertCheques(List <CHEQUE> cheques) { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { cheques.ForEach(c => model.CHEQUE.Add(c)); model.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error(@"Erreur insertion cheques: " + e.InnerException.Message); ErrorLog.LogError(@"Erreur insertion cheques: ", e); return(false); } }
private bool InsertCheques(List <CHEQUE> cheques) { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { //remove old entries // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure (from c in model.CHEQUE where c.numAvoir == _numAvoir select c).ForEach(c => model.CHEQUE.Remove(c)); //insert new entries cheques.ForEach(c => model.CHEQUE.Add(c)); model.SaveChanges(); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.Error("Erreur insertion chèques:" + ex.Message); ErrorLog.LogError("Erreur insertion chèques", ex); return(false); } }
public AvoirController() { _model = new ExpFinanceEntities(); }
private void LoadAvoir(AVOIR_FINANCIER avoir) { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { var detail = new DetailsDossier(); //Set références _numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir; textBoxRefAvoir.Text = _numAvoir.ToString("D"); _montant = avoir.montant; _cheque = avoir.montantCheque; _creance = avoir.montantCreance; _observation = avoir.Observation; textBoxDesc.Text = avoir.designation; textBoxObservation.Text = avoir.Observation; dateAvoir.Value = avoir.dateAvoir; //Get cheques _chequesList = (from c in model.CHEQUE where c.numAvoir == avoir.numAvoir select c).ToList(); RebindListBoxCheque(); TotalCheque(); //Set type switch (avoir.typeAvoir) { case 1: _isCheque = true; _isCreance = false; break; case 2: _isCreance = true; _isCheque = false; break; case 3: _isCheque = _isCreance = true; break; default: _isCheque = _isCreance = false; break; } //Get Groupe Factures related to the avoir _numGroupe = (from afg in model.AF_AVOIR_GROUPE where afg.numAvoir == _numAvoir select afg.IDG).ToList(); // ReSharper disable once ConstantNullCoalescingCondition if (_numGroupe.Count == 0) { throw new NullReferenceException("Les groupse factures liés à cette avoir n'existe plus !"); } // var factures = detail.GetFactures(_numGroupe); var factures = new List <FACTURE>(); //Get factures of each groupe then put them all in one list _numGroupe.ForEach(g => { var groupeFactures = detail.GetFactures(g); //add each groupe factures to the global list groupeFactures.ForEach(factures.Add); }); PopulateFacutresListView(factures); //disable facture item check listViewFactures.ItemCheck -= listViewFactures_ItemCheck; foreach (ListViewItem item in listViewFactures.Items) { item.Checked = true; } //set totals values decimal t, m; TotalFactures(out t, out m); //set reste _reste = _montant - (_creance + _cheque); textBoxMontantAv.Text = $"{_montant:#,##0.00}"; textBoxCreance.Text = $"{_creance:#,##0.00}"; //enable facture item check listViewFactures.ItemCheck += listViewFactures_ItemCheck; CheckType(); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error("Error Loading avoir :" + e.Message); ErrorLog.LogError("Error Loading avoir", e); Close(); } }
private bool InsertAvoir(AVOIR_FINANCIER avoir) { try { decimal mntAv; decimal.TryParse(textBoxMontantAv.Text, out mntAv); using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { var detail = new DetailsDossier(); //Set référence (if new avoir get the new num according to the year) if (_avoir == null) { _numAvoir = detail.GetLastAvoirId(dateAvoir.Value); } avoir.numAvoir = _numAvoir; avoir.montant = mntAv; avoir.dateAvoir = dateAvoir.Value.Date; avoir.designation = _designation; avoir.montantCheque = _cheque; avoir.montantCreance = _creance; avoir.Observation = _observation; avoir.typeAvoir = (byte)_typeAvoir; model.AVOIR_FINANCIER.AddOrUpdate(avoir); var op = new AF_OPS_LOG { instant = DateTime.Now, username = Environment.UserName, numavoir = _numAvoir, Operation = "Avoir inséré" }; model.AF_OPS_LOG.Add(op); //insert the related groups foreach (int g in _numGroupe) { var avoirGroupe = new AF_AVOIR_GROUPE { numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = g, Libre = 0 }; model.AF_AVOIR_GROUPE.Add(avoirGroupe); } //Insert in the etat table foreach (int g in _numGroupe) { var etat = new AF_ETAT_AVOIR { numDossier = detail.GetGroupeInfo(g).NDOSSIER, numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = g, Etat = 3, dateHeure = DateTime.Now }; model.AF_ETAT_AVOIR.Add(etat); } model.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.Error("Erreur insertion avoir:" + ex.Message); ErrorLog.LogError("Erreur insertion avoir", ex); return(false); } }
private bool InsertAvoir(AVOIR_FINANCIER avoir) { try { decimal mntAv; decimal.TryParse(textBoxMontantAv.Text, out mntAv); using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { var detail = new DetailsDossier(); //Set référence _numAvoir = detail.GetLastAvoirId(dateAvoir.Value); textBoxRefAvoir.Text = _numAvoir.ToString("D"); int codePromo; int.TryParse(comboBoxPromotions.SelectedValue?.ToString(), out codePromo); avoir.numAvoir = _numAvoir; avoir.montant = mntAv; avoir.dateAvoir = dateAvoir.Value.Date; avoir.designation = textBoxDesc.Text; avoir.montantCheque = _cheque; avoir.montantCreance = _creance; avoir.Observation = _observation; avoir.typeAvoir = (byte)_typeAvoir; avoir.numAvoirComptable = codePromo; var op = new AF_OPS_LOG { instant = DateTime.Now, username = Environment.UserName, numavoir = _numAvoir, Operation = "Avoir inséré" }; model.AF_OPS_LOG.Add(op); //int nac; //if (int.TryParse(textBoxNAC.Text, out nac)) //{ // avoir.numAvoirComptable = nac; //} var libre = _isFacture ? (byte)1 : (byte)2; //insert the related group var avoirGroupe = new AF_AVOIR_GROUPE { numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = _numGroupe, Libre = libre }; model.AF_AVOIR_GROUPE.Add(avoirGroupe); //Insert in the etat table var etat = new AF_ETAT_AVOIR { numDossier = _nDossier, numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = _numGroupe, Etat = 3, dateHeure = DateTime.Now }; model.AF_ETAT_AVOIR.Add(etat); model.AVOIR_FINANCIER.Add(avoir); model.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error(@"Erreur insertion avoir financier: "); ErrorLog.LogError(@"Erreur insertion avoir financier: ", e); return(false); } }
private bool InsertAnte() { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { var detail = new DetailsDossier(); var tempdata = (from temp in model.AF_TEMP_DATA_ANT where temp.entite == _entite select temp); foreach (var temp in tempdata) { //EXERCICE ANTERIEUR ErrorLog.LogMessage($"treating avoir{temp.numAvoir}"); var year = temp.Exercice; var factures = temp.factures.Split('-').ToList(); //Get the liste of facture var liste = detail.GetListeFacturesClientAllYears(factures, year.Value.Year); if (liste.Count == 0 || liste.All(f => f == null)) { ErrorLog.LogMessage($"No factures in avoir{temp.numAvoir}"); } //Creating Groupe Details //var entite = liste.Where(f=>f!=null).Select(f => f.entite).First(); //var codeClient = liste.Where(f => f != null).Select(f => f.code_clien).First(); decimal?mntHt = 0, mntRz = 0, mntTtc = 0, mntTva = 0, marge = 0; if (liste.Count != 0 || liste.All(f => f != null)) { //calculating totales in factures liste.ForEach(f => { mntHt += f?.total_HT; //this is HTR !! mntRz += f?.T_remise; mntTtc += f?.total_TTC; mntTva += f?.total_TVA; marge += f?.Marge; }); } var newGroupeCvn = new AF_TEMP_GROUPE_FACTURE { ID_GROUPE_FACT = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, DATE_CADEAU = year, DATE_DOSSIER = DateTime.Today, ENTITE = _entite, CODE_CLIENT = temp.codeClient, //MNT_HT = temp.CA, //this info is given by entite (we switch to avoid to insert les avoirs clients) MNT_HT = mntHt, MNT_RZ = mntRz, MNT_TVA = mntTva, MNT_TTC = mntTtc, MONTANT_CHEQUE = mntHt,//this by the db MARGE = marge, ETAT = 20, }; model.AF_TEMP_GROUPE_FACTURE.Add(newGroupeCvn); if (liste.Count != 0 || liste.All(f => f != null)) { liste.ForEach(facture => { if (facture != null) { var newFacture = new AF_TEMP_FACTURE { NUM_FACT = facture.num_trans, CODE_CLIENT = facture.code_clien, DATE_FACT = facture.date_trans ?? default(DateTime), ENTITE = facture.entite, MARGE = facture.Marge, MNT_HT_RZ = facture.total_HT - facture.T_remise, MNT_TTC = facture.total_TTC, MNT_RZ = facture.T_remise, MNT_TVA = facture.total_TVA, ID_GROUPE_FACT = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, }; model.AF_TEMP_FACTURE.Add(newFacture); } }); } //model.SaveChanges(); //_numGroupe = newGroupeCvn.ID_GROUPE_FACT; //Insert AVOIR _numAvoir = temp.numAvoir; var avoir = new AF_TEMP_AVOIR_FINANCIER { numAvoir = _numAvoir, montant = temp.Montant ?? 0, dateAvoir = temp.dateAvoir ?? DateTime.Now, designation = "REMISE FINANCIERE", montantCheque = temp.cheque ?? 0, montantCreance = temp.creance ?? 0, Observation = "", typeAvoir = byte.Parse(temp.typeAvoir), numAvoirComptable = 20, }; var libre = (byte)2; //insert the related group var avoirGroupe = new AF_TEMP_AVOIR_GROUPE { numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, Libre = libre }; model.AF_TEMP_AVOIR_GROUPE.Add(avoirGroupe); //Insert in the etat table var etat = new AF_TEMP_ETAT_AVOIR { numDossier = temp.refAvoir, numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, Etat = 3, dateHeure = DateTime.Today }; model.AF_TEMP_ETAT_AVOIR.Add(etat); model.AF_TEMP_AVOIR_FINANCIER.Add(avoir); //model.SaveChanges(); } model.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error(@"Erreur insertion factures: " + e.Message); ErrorLog.LogError(@"Erreur insertion factures: ", e); return(false); } }
private bool InsertFacturesEf(List <string> listeCode) { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { var detail = new DetailsDossier(); //Get the liste of facture var liste = detail.GetListeFacturesClientAll(listeCode); //Creating Groupe Details var entite = liste.Select(f => f.entite).FirstOrDefault(); var codeClient = liste.Select(f => f.code_clien).FirstOrDefault(); decimal?mntHt = 0, mntRz = 0, mntTtc = 0, mntTva = 0, marge = 0; //calculating totales in factures liste.ForEach(f => { mntHt += f.total_HT; //this is HTR !! mntRz += f.T_remise; mntTtc += f.total_TTC; mntTva += f.total_TVA; marge += f.Marge; }); //Escompte Financier without factures if (liste.Count == 0) { codeClient = comboBoxClient.SelectedValue.ToString(); entite = Settings.Default.entite; } var margeRest = marge - _montant; var etat = 5; var newGroupe = new AF_EF_GROUPE_FACTURE { ENTITE = entite, CODE_CLIENT = codeClient, MNT_HT = mntHt, MNT_RZ = mntRz, MNT_TVA = mntTva, MNT_TTC = mntTtc, MARGE = marge, MARGE_REST = margeRest, ETAT = etat, DATE_DOSSIER = DateTime.Today, ID_LIGNE = _codePromo, //we store promotion here NB_CADEAU = _codePalier //we store wich palier here }; model.AF_EF_GROUPE_FACTURE.Add(newGroupe); model.SaveChanges(); _numGroupe = newGroupe.ID_GROUPE_FACT; liste.ForEach(facture => { var newFacture = new AF_EF_FACTURE { NUM_FACT = facture.num_trans, CODE_CLIENT = facture.code_clien, DATE_FACT = facture.date_trans ?? default(DateTime), ENTITE = facture.entite, MARGE = facture.Marge, MNT_HT_RZ = facture.total_HT - facture.T_remise, MNT_TTC = facture.total_TTC, MNT_RZ = facture.T_remise, MNT_TVA = facture.total_TVA, ID_GROUPE_FACT = newGroupe.ID_GROUPE_FACT }; model.AF_EF_FACTURE.Add(newFacture); //Insert lines if there is if (_lignesList.Count > 0 && _lignesList.ContainsKey((int)newFacture.NUM_FACT)) { var lignes = _lignesList[(int)newFacture.NUM_FACT]; lignes.ForEach(ligne => { var newLigne = new AF_EF_LIGNE_FACTURE { NUM_FACT = newFacture.NUM_FACT, DATE_FACT = newFacture.DATE_FACT, ENTITE = newFacture.ENTITE, NUM_LIGNE = ligne }; model.AF_EF_LIGNE_FACTURE.Add(newLigne); }); } }); model.SaveChanges(); _numGroupe = newGroupe.ID_GROUPE_FACT; return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error($@"Erreur insertion factures: \n {e.Message} \n {e.InnerException?.Message} \n {e.InnerException?.InnerException?.Message}"); _numGroupe = 0; ErrorLog.LogError("Erreur insertion factures", e); return(false); } }
public BulkPrintingViewModel() { _model = new ExpFinanceEntities(); }
public static List <FACTURE> GetFactures(ExpFinanceEntities model, int id) { return((from f in model.FACTURE where f.ID_GROUPE_FACT == id select f).Distinct().ToList()); }
public DetailsDossier() { _model = new ExpFinanceEntities(); }
private bool InsertFactures(List <string> listeCode) { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { //EXERCICE ANTERIEUR if (!_isFacture) { var ent = Settings.Default.entite; var cli = comboBoxClient.SelectedValue.ToString(); //store the date just to keep the date var year = new DateTime((int)dateExercice.Value, 1, 1); var newGroupeCvn = new AF_GROUPE_FACTURE { ENTITE = ent, CODE_CLIENT = cli, MNT_HT = _total, DATE_CADEAU = year, DATE_DOSSIER = DateTime.Today, }; model.AF_GROUPE_FACTURE.Add(newGroupeCvn); model.SaveChanges(); _numGroupe = newGroupeCvn.ID_GROUPE_FACT; return(true); } var detail = new DetailsDossier(); //Get the liste of facture var liste = detail.GetListeFacturesClient(listeCode); //Creating Groupe Details var entite = liste.Select(f => f.entite).First(); var codeClient = liste.Select(f => f.code_clien).First(); decimal?mntHt = 0, mntRz = 0, mntTtc = 0, mntTva = 0, marge = 0; //calculating totales in factures liste.ForEach(f => { mntHt += f.total_HT; //this is HTR !! mntRz += f.T_remise; mntTtc += f.total_TTC; mntTva += f.total_TVA; marge += f.Marge; }); var margeRest = marge - _montant; var etat = 5; var newGroupe = new AF_GROUPE_FACTURE { ENTITE = entite, CODE_CLIENT = codeClient, MNT_HT = mntHt, MNT_RZ = mntRz, MNT_TVA = mntTva, MNT_TTC = mntTtc, MARGE = marge, MARGE_REST = margeRest, ETAT = etat, DATE_DOSSIER = DateTime.Today, }; model.AF_GROUPE_FACTURE.Add(newGroupe); model.SaveChanges(); _numGroupe = newGroupe.ID_GROUPE_FACT; liste.ForEach(facture => { var newFacture = new AF_FACTURE { NUM_FACT = facture.num_trans, CODE_CLIENT = facture.code_clien, DATE_FACT = facture.date_trans ?? default(DateTime), ENTITE = facture.entite, MARGE = facture.Marge, MNT_HT_RZ = facture.total_HT - facture.T_remise, MNT_TTC = facture.total_TTC, MNT_RZ = facture.T_remise, MNT_TVA = facture.total_TVA, ID_GROUPE_FACT = newGroupe.ID_GROUPE_FACT }; model.AF_FACTURE.Add(newFacture); //Insert lines if there is if (_lignesList.Count > 0 && _lignesList.ContainsKey((int)newFacture.NUM_FACT)) { var lignes = _lignesList[(int)newFacture.NUM_FACT]; lignes.ForEach(ligne => { var newLigne = new AF_LIGNE_FACTURE { NUM_FACT = newFacture.NUM_FACT, DATE_FACT = newFacture.DATE_FACT, ENTITE = newFacture.ENTITE, NUM_LIGNE = ligne }; model.AF_LIGNE_FACTURE.Add(newLigne); }); } }); model.SaveChanges(); _numGroupe = newGroupe.ID_GROUPE_FACT; return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error(@"Erreur insertion factures: " + e.Message); ErrorLog.LogError(@"Erreur insertion factures: ", e); _numGroupe = 0; return(false); } }
private bool SetEtat(IEnumerable <int> idg, byte state) { try { if (idg == null) { return(false); } idg = idg.ToList(); if (!idg.Any()) { return(false); } using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { //If reject treat only one entry if (state == 1) { var g = idg.LastOrDefault(); var oldState = (from e in model.AF_ETAT_AVOIR where e.IDG == g orderby e.dateHeure descending select e.Etat).FirstOrDefault(); //return if already rejected or if validated if (oldState == state || oldState == 3) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; return(false); } var obs = Prompt.ShowDialog("Motif de rejet", "Observation"); var etat = new AF_ETAT_AVOIR { IDG = g, Etat = state, dateHeure = DateTime.Now, observation = obs }; var op = new AF_OPS_LOG { instant = DateTime.Now, Operation = $"Etat mis à {state}", username = Environment.UserName, idg = g }; model.AF_OPS_LOG.Add(op); model.AF_ETAT_AVOIR.Add(etat); model.SaveChanges(); return(true); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; foreach (int g in idg) { //Check the last state var oldState = (from e in model.AF_ETAT_AVOIR where e.IDG == g orderby e.dateHeure descending select e.Etat).FirstOrDefault(); if (oldState == state) { continue; } //return if validated if (oldState == 3) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; return(false); } var etat = new AF_ETAT_AVOIR { IDG = g, Etat = state, dateHeure = DateTime.Now }; var op = new AF_OPS_LOG { instant = DateTime.Now, Operation = $"Etat mis à {state}", username = Environment.UserName, idg = g }; model.AF_OPS_LOG.Add(op); model.AF_ETAT_AVOIR.Add(etat); } model.SaveChanges(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error("Error edit etat: " + e.Message); return(false); } }
private bool InsertAvoir2016() { try { using (var model = new ExpFinanceEntities()) { var detail = new DetailsDossier(); var tempdata = (from temp in model.AF_TEMP_DATA where temp.entite == _entite select temp); foreach (var temp in tempdata) { //EXERCICE 2016 var factures = temp.factures.Split('-').ToList(); ErrorLog.LogMessage($"treating avoir{temp.numAvoir}"); //Get the liste of facture var liste = detail.GetListeFacturesClientAll(factures); if (liste.Count == 0 || liste.All(f => f == null)) { ErrorLog.LogMessage($"No factures in avoir{temp.numAvoir}"); } //Creating Groupe Details //var entite = liste.Where(f => f != null).Select(f => f.entite).First(); //var codeClient = liste.Where(f => f != null).Select(f => f.code_clien).First(); decimal?mntHt = 0, mntRz = 0, mntTtc = 0, mntTva = 0, marge = 0; //calculating totales in factures if (liste.Count != 0 || liste.All(f => f != null)) { //calculating totales in factures liste.ForEach(f => { mntHt += f?.total_HT; //this is HTR !! mntRz += f?.T_remise; mntTtc += f?.total_TTC; mntTva += f?.total_TVA; marge += f?.Marge; }); } var newGroupeCvn = new AF_TEMP_GROUPE_FACTURE { ID_GROUPE_FACT = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, DATE_DOSSIER = DateTime.Today, ENTITE = _entite, CODE_CLIENT = temp.codeClient, MNT_HT = mntHt, MNT_RZ = mntRz, MNT_TVA = mntTva, MNT_TTC = mntTtc, MARGE = marge, ETAT = 10, }; model.AF_TEMP_GROUPE_FACTURE.Add(newGroupeCvn); if (liste.Count != 0 || liste.All(f => f != null)) { liste.ForEach(facture => { if (facture != null) { var newFacture = new AF_TEMP_FACTURE { NUM_FACT = facture.num_trans, CODE_CLIENT = facture.code_clien, DATE_FACT = facture.date_trans ?? default(DateTime), ENTITE = facture.entite, MARGE = facture.Marge, MNT_HT_RZ = facture.total_HT - facture.T_remise, MNT_TTC = facture.total_TTC, MNT_RZ = facture.T_remise, MNT_TVA = facture.total_TVA, ID_GROUPE_FACT = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, }; model.AF_TEMP_FACTURE.Add(newFacture); } }); } //Insert AVOIR _numAvoir = temp.numAvoir; var avoir = new AF_TEMP_AVOIR_FINANCIER { numAvoir = _numAvoir, montant = temp.Montant ?? 0, dateAvoir = temp.dateAvoir, designation = "REMISE FINANCIERE", montantCheque = temp.cheque ?? 0, montantCreance = temp.creance ?? 0, Observation = "", typeAvoir = byte.Parse(temp.typeAvoir), numAvoirComptable = 10, }; var libre = (byte)1; //insert the related group var avoirGroupe = new AF_TEMP_AVOIR_GROUPE { numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, Libre = libre }; model.AF_TEMP_AVOIR_GROUPE.Add(avoirGroupe); //Insert in the etat table var etat = new AF_TEMP_ETAT_AVOIR { numDossier = temp.refAvoir, numAvoir = avoir.numAvoir, IDG = temp.idgroupe ?? 0, Etat = 3, dateHeure = DateTime.Today }; model.AF_TEMP_ETAT_AVOIR.Add(etat); model.AF_TEMP_AVOIR_FINANCIER.Add(avoir); } model.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Error(@"Erreur insertion factures: " + e.Message); ErrorLog.LogError(@"Erreur insertion factures: ", e); return(false); } //catch (DbEntityValidationException e) //{ // foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) // { // ErrorLog.LogError($"Entity of type \"{ eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name}\" in state \"{eve.Entry.State}\" has the following validation errors:"); // foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) // { // ErrorLog.LogError($"- Property: \"{ ve.PropertyName}\", Error: \"{ve.ErrorMessage}\""); // } // } // throw; //} }