public static PixbufOrientation GetOrientation(Exif.ExifData data)
        PixbufOrientation orientation = PixbufOrientation.TopLeft;

        Exif.ExifEntry e = data.GetContents(Exif.Ifd.Zero).Lookup(Exif.Tag.Orientation);

        if (e != null)
            ushort [] value = e.GetDataUShort();
            orientation = (PixbufOrientation)value [0];

    public static void SaveJpeg(Pixbuf pixbuf, string path, int quality, Exif.ExifData exif_data)
        Pixbuf temp = null;

        if (pixbuf.HasAlpha)
            temp   = Flatten(pixbuf);
            pixbuf = temp;

        // The DCF spec says thumbnails should be 160x120 always
        Pixbuf thumbnail = ScaleToAspect(pixbuf, 160, 120);

        byte [] thumb_data = Save(thumbnail, "jpeg", null, null);
        exif_data.Data = thumb_data;

        // Most of the things we will set will be in the 0th ifd
        Exif.ExifContent content = exif_data.GetContents(Exif.Ifd.Zero);

        // reset the orientation tag the default is top/left

        // set the write time in the datetime tag

        // set the software tag
        content.GetEntry(Exif.Tag.Software).SetData(FSpot.Defines.PACKAGE + " version " + FSpot.Defines.VERSION);

        byte [] data = exif_data.Save();
        FPixbufJpegMarker [] marker = new FPixbufJpegMarker [0];
        bool result = false;

        unsafe {
            if (data.Length > 0)
                fixed(byte *p = data)
                    marker            = new FPixbufJpegMarker [1];
                    marker [0].type   = 0xe1;                   // APP1 marker
                    marker [0].data   = p;
                    marker [0].length = data.Length;

                    result = f_pixbuf_save_jpeg(pixbuf.Handle, path, quality, marker, marker.Length);
                result = f_pixbuf_save_jpeg(pixbuf.Handle, path, quality, marker, marker.Length);

        if (temp != null)

        if (result == false)
            throw new System.Exception("Error Saving File");
    public ImageInfo(string imagePath, string infoFile)
        log.Info("ImageInfo(" + imagePath + ", " + infoFile + ")");

        try {

            if (Directory.Exists(infoFile.Substring(0,infoFile.LastIndexOf("/"))) == false)

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(infoFile) == false || new FileInfo(imagePath).LastWriteTime > new FileInfo(infoFile).LastWriteTime) {

                log.Debug("...Creating new info file");

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(infoFile)) {

                    try {
                        log.Debug("looking up exif data for: " + imagePath);
                        ExifData exif_info = new ExifData(imagePath);
                        //ExifContent content = exif_info.GetContents(Exif.Ifd.Zero);
                        ExifContent[] contents = exif_info.GetContents();

                        foreach (ExifContent content in contents) {
                            log.Debug("found " +  content.GetEntries().Length + " exif tags in this ExifContent!");
                            foreach (ExifEntry entry in content.GetEntries()) {
                                string tagName = entry.Name;
                                string tagTitle = entry.Title;
                                string tagValue = entry.Value;

                                //int termix = tagValue.IndexOf('\0');
                                //tagValue = tagValue.Substring(0, termix < 0 ? tagValue.Length : termix);

                                log.Debug("EXIF: " + tagTitle + " (" + tagName + ") = " + tagValue);
                                sw.WriteLine( tagName + ": " + tagValue);

                                // TODO: Change this to tagName (Update web.config)
                                if (exifTags[tagTitle] == null)
                                    exifTags.Add(tagTitle, tagValue);

                        if (exifTags["width"] == null || exifTags["height"] == null) {
                            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(imagePath);
                            if (exifTags["width"] == null) {
                                log.Debug("No width found in exif info ... pulling from image.");
                                //exifTags.Add("width", bmp.Width);
                                this.Width = bmp.Width;
                                sw.WriteLine( "width: " + bmp.Width);
                            if (exifTags["height"] == null) {
                                log.Debug("No height found in exif info ... pulling from image.");
                                //exifTags.Add("height", bmp.Height);
                                this.Height = bmp.Height;
                                sw.WriteLine( "height: " + bmp.Height);

                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        if (ex is DllNotFoundException)
                            log.Debug("EXIF not avaliable (libexif not installed)!", ex);
                            log.Debug("Error while reading exif data:\n " + ex.ToString());
                        Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(imagePath);
                        if (exifTags["width"] == null) {
                            log.Debug("exif not avaliable.. saving from image.");
                            this.Width = bmp.Width;
                            sw.WriteLine( "width: " + bmp.Height);

                        if (exifTags["height"] == null) {
                            log.Debug("exif not avaliable.. saving from image.");
                            this.Height = bmp.Height;
                            sw.WriteLine( "height: " + bmp.Height);

            } else {
                log.Debug("not creating new info file");

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(infoFile)) {

                string[] lines = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());

                for (int x=0; x < lines.Length; x++) {

                    string currentLine = lines[x];

                    if (currentLine.Length > 4 && currentLine.IndexOf(": ") > -1) {
                        string propertyName = currentLine.Substring(0, currentLine.IndexOf(":")).ToLower();
                        string propertyValue = currentLine.Substring(propertyName.Length + 2);

                         switch (propertyName.ToLower()) {
                            case "width":
                                this.Width = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue);
                            case "height":
                                this.Height = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue);
                                if (exifTags[propertyName] == null)
                                    exifTags.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
                if (Width == 0) {
                    log.Debug("Width not found in exif data!");
                if (Height == 0) {
                    log.Debug("Height not found in exif data!");
        } catch (Exception ex) {

            if (File.Exists (infoFile))
                File.Delete (infoFile);

            log.Error("Exception in ImageInfo constructor!", ex);
            throw ex;