        // TODO: Move compilation stuff elsewhere.
        // TODO: Consider IronPython support: http://www.ironpython.info/index.php/Using_Compiled_Python_Classes_from_.NET/CSharp_IP_2.6
        internal List <ExportedAssembly> GetAssemblies(string pathResolveRoot, DnaLibrary dnaLibrary)
            List <ExportedAssembly> list = new List <ExportedAssembly>();
            // Dynamically compile this project to an in-memory assembly

            CodeDomProvider provider = GetProvider();

            if (provider == null)

            CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
            bool isFsharp         = false;

            // TODO: Debug build ?
            // cp.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
            cp.GenerateExecutable = false;
            //cp.OutputAssembly = Name; // TODO: Keep track of built assembly for the project
            cp.GenerateInMemory      = true;
            cp.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;

            // This is attempt to fix the bug reported on the group, where the add-in compilation fails if the add-in is put into c:\
            // It is caused by a quirk of the 'Path.GetDirectoryName' function when dealing with the path "c:\test.abc"
            // - it leaves the last DirectorySeparator in the path in this special case.
            // Thanks to Nemo for the great fix.
            //local variable to hold the quoted/unquoted version of the executing dirction
            string ProcessedExecutingDirectory = DnaLibrary.ExecutingDirectory;

            if (ProcessedExecutingDirectory.IndexOf(' ') != -1)
                ProcessedExecutingDirectory = "\"" + ProcessedExecutingDirectory + "\"";

            //set compiler command line vars as needed
            if (provider is Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider)
                cp.CompilerOptions = " /libPath:" + ProcessedExecutingDirectory;
                if (DefaultImports)
                    string importsList = "Microsoft.VisualBasic,System,System.Collections,System.Collections.Generic,System.Data,System.Diagnostics,ExcelDna.Integration";
                    if (Environment.Version.Major >= 4)
                        importsList += ",System.Linq,System.Xml.Linq";
                    cp.CompilerOptions += " /imports:" + importsList;
            else if (provider is Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider)
                cp.CompilerOptions = " /lib:" + ProcessedExecutingDirectory;
            else if (provider.GetType().FullName.ToLower().IndexOf(".jscript.") != -1)
                cp.CompilerOptions = " /lib:" + ProcessedExecutingDirectory;
            else if (provider.GetType().FullName == "Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.CodeDom.FSharpCodeProvider")
                isFsharp           = true;
                cp.CompilerOptions = " --nologo -I " + ProcessedExecutingDirectory; // In F# 2.0, the --nologo is redundant - I leave it because it does no harm.

                // FSharp 2.0 compiler will target .NET 4 unless we do something to ensure .NET 2.0.
                // It seems adding an explicit reference to the .NET 2.0 version of mscorlib.dll is good enough.
                if (Environment.Version.Major < 4)
                    // Explicitly add a reference to the mscorlib version from the currently running .NET version
                    string libPath = Path.Combine(RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory(), "mscorlib.dll");

            // TODO: Consider what to do if we can't resolve some of the Reference paths -- do we try to compile anyway, throw an exception, ...what?
            List <string> refPaths = GetReferencePaths(pathResolveRoot, provider);


            List <string> sources = GetSources(pathResolveRoot);

            CompilerResults cr;

                cr = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, sources.ToArray());
            catch (Win32Exception wex)
                if (isFsharp)
                    Logger.DnaCompilation.Error("There was an error in loading the add-in " + DnaLibrary.CurrentLibraryName + " (" + DnaLibrary.XllPath + "):");
                    string fsBinPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FSHARP_BIN");
                    string msg;
                    if (fsBinPath == null)
                        msg = "    Calling the F# compiler failed (\"" + wex.Message + "\").\r\n" +
                              "    Please check that the F# compiler is correctly installed.\r\n" +
                              "    This error can sometimes be fixed by creating an FSHARP_BIN environment variable.\r\n" +
                              "    Create an environment variable FSHARP_BIN with the full path to the directory containing \r\n" +
                              "    the F# compiler fsc.exe - for example \r\n" +
                              "        \"" + @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.0\Framework\v4.0\""";
                        msg = "    Calling the F# compiler failed (\"" + wex.Message + "\").\r\n" +
                              "    Please check that the F# compiler is correctly installed, and that the FSHARP_BIN environment variable is correct\r\n" +
                              "    (it currently points to " + fsBinPath + ").";

            foreach (string path in tempAssemblyPaths)

            if (cr.Errors.HasErrors)
                Logger.DnaCompilation.Error("There was an error in loading the add-in " + DnaLibrary.CurrentLibraryName + " (" + DnaLibrary.XllPath + "):");
                Logger.DnaCompilation.Error("There were errors when compiling project: " + Name);
                foreach (CompilerError err in cr.Errors)
                    Logger.DnaCompilation.Error("    " + err.ToString());

            // Success !!
            // Now add all the references
            // TODO: How to remove again??
            foreach (Reference r in References)

            // TODO: Create TypeLib for execution-time compiled assemblies.
            list.Add(new ExportedAssembly(cr.CompiledAssembly, ExplicitExports, ExplicitRegistration, ComServer, true, null, dnaLibrary));
        // TODO: Move compilation stuff elsewhere.
        public List <Assembly> GetAssemblies()
            List <Assembly> list = new List <Assembly>();
            // Dynamically compile this project to an in-memory assembly
            CodeDomProvider provider = GetProvider();

            if (provider == null)

            CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();

            // TODO: Debug build ?
            // cp.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
            cp.GenerateExecutable = false;
            //cp.OutputAssembly = Name; // TODO: Keep track of built assembly for the project
            cp.GenerateInMemory      = true;
            cp.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;

            if (provider is Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider)
                cp.CompilerOptions = " /libPath:\"" + DnaLibrary.ExecutingDirectory + "\" ";
                if (DefaultImports)
                    string importsList = "Microsoft.VisualBasic,System,System.Collections,System.Collections.Generic,System.Data,System.Diagnostics,ExcelDna.Integration";
                    cp.CompilerOptions += " /imports:" + importsList;
            else if (provider is Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider)
                cp.CompilerOptions = " /lib:\"" + DnaLibrary.ExecutingDirectory + "\" ";
            else if (provider.GetType().FullName == "Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.CodeDom.FSharpCodeProvider")
                cp.CompilerOptions = " --nologo -I " + DnaLibrary.ExecutingDirectory;

            List <string> references = GetReferences().ConvertAll <string>(delegate(Reference item) { return(item.AssemblyPath); });


            List <string>   sources = GetSourceItems().ConvertAll <string>(delegate(SourceItem item) { return(item.Code); });
            CompilerResults cr      = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, sources.ToArray());

            // TODO: URGENT: Revisit...
            if (tempIntegrationAssemblyPath != null)
                tempIntegrationAssemblyPath = null;

            if (cr.Errors.HasErrors)
                ExcelDna.Logging.LogDisplay.WriteLine("There were errors when compiling project: " + Name);
                foreach (CompilerError err in cr.Errors)

            // Success !!
            // Now add all the references
            // TODO: How to remove again??
            foreach (Reference r in References)
