static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Bloomberg API Emulator Examples"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("By: Robinson664"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("To send a historical data request, push 1"); Console.WriteLine("To send a intraday bar data request, push 2"); Console.WriteLine("To send a intraday tick data request, push 3"); Console.WriteLine("To send a market data request, push 4"); Console.WriteLine("To send a reference data request, push 5"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); bool informationReturned = true; switch (input) { case "1": HistoricalDataRequest.RunExample(); break; case "2": IntradayBarDataRequest.RunExample(); break; case "3": IntradayTickDataRequest.RunExample(); break; case "4": MarketDataRequest.RunExample(); break; case "5": ReferenceDataRequest.RunExample(); break; default: informationReturned = false; break; } if (informationReturned) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please note that the data in this request is completely random: it is not real data."); Console.WriteLine("Do not make any trading or investment decisions using the data shown here."); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Push enter to quit the application."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void RunExample() { SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions(); sessionOptions.ServerHost = ""; sessionOptions.ServerPort = 8194; Session session = new Session(sessionOptions); if (session.Start() && session.OpenService("//blp/refdata")) { Service service = session.GetService("//blp/refdata"); if (service == null) { Console.WriteLine("Service is null"); } else { Request request = service.CreateRequest("HistoricalDataRequest"); //request information for the following securities request.Append(HistoricalDataRequest._nSecurities, "MSFT US EQUITY"); request.Append("securities", "C A COMDTY"); request.Append("securities", "AAPL 150117C00600000 EQUITY"); //this is a stock option: TICKER yyMMdd[C/P]\d{8} EQUITY //uncomment the following line to see what a request for a nonexistent security looks like //request.Append("securities", "ZIBM US EQUITY"); // My code treats all securities that start with a 'Z' as a nonexistent security //include the following simple fields in the result request.Append("fields", "BID"); //Note that the API will not allow you to use the HistoricalDataRequest._nBid name as a value here. It expects a string. request.Append("fields", "ASK"); //ditto //uncomment the following line to see what a request for an invalid field looks like //request.Append("fields", "ZBID"); // My code treats all fields that start with a 'Z' as an invalid field //Historical requests allow a few overrides. See the developer's guide A.2.4 for more information. request.Set("startDate", DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); //Request that the information start three months ago from today. This override is required. request.Set("endDate", DateTime.Today.AddDays(10).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); //Request that the information end three days before today. This is an optional override. The default is today. //Determine the frequency and calendar type of the output. To be used in conjunction with Period Selection. request.Set("periodicityAdjustment", "CALENDAR"); //Optional string. Valid values are ACTUAL (default), CALENDAR, and FISCAL. //Determine the frequency of the output. To be used in conjunction with Period Adjustment. request.Set("periodicitySelection", "DAILY"); //Optional string. Valid values are DAILY (default), WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI_ANNUALLY, and YEARLY //Sets quote to Price or Yield for a debt instrument whose default value is quoted in yield (depending on pricing source). request.Set("pricingOption", "PRICING_OPTION_PRICE"); //Optional string. Valid values are PRICING_OPTION_PRICE (default) and PRICING_OPTION_YIELD //Adjust for "change on day" request.Set("adjustmentNormal", true); //Optional bool. Valid values are true and false (default = false) //Adjusts for Anormal Cash Dividends request.Set("adjustmentAbnormal", false); //Optional bool. Valid values are true and false (default = false) //Capital Changes Defaults request.Set("adjustmentSplit", true); //Optional bool. Valid values are true and false (default = false) //The maximum number of data points to return, starting from the startDate //request.Set("maxDataPoints", 5); //Optional integer. Valid values are positive integers. The default is unspecified in which case the response will have all data points between startDate and endDate //Indicates whether to use the average or the closing price in quote calculation. request.Set("overrideOption", "OVERRIDE_OPTION_CLOSE"); //Optional string. Valid values are OVERRIDE_OPTION_GPA for an average and OVERRIDE_OPTION_CLOSE (default) for the closing price CorrelationID requestID = new CorrelationID(1); session.SendRequest(request, requestID); bool continueToLoop = true; while (continueToLoop) { Event eventObj = session.NextEvent(); switch (eventObj.Type) { case Event.EventType.RESPONSE: // final event continueToLoop = false; HistoricalDataRequest.handleResponseEvent(eventObj); break; case Event.EventType.PARTIAL_RESPONSE: HistoricalDataRequest.handleResponseEvent(eventObj); break; default: HistoricalDataRequest.handleOtherEvent(eventObj); break; } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Cannot connect to server. Check that the server host is \"localhost\" or \"\" and that the server port is 8194."); } }