internal TLSListenerForm( MainForm UseForm ) { InitializeComponent(); MForm = UseForm; DNSBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; DNSBackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; ClientsLast = 0; // It will resize this as it needs more. Clients = new TLSClient[8]; Listener = new TcpListener( IPAddress.Any, 443 ); Listener.ExclusiveAddressUse = true; ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); UniqueEntityTag = RightNow.GetIndex(); // Start it with something new. }
internal string GetRandomDomainName() { try { ECTime OldDate = new ECTime(); OldDate.SetToNow(); OldDate.AddMinutes( -(60 * 24 * 90)); // Go back 90 days. ulong OldDateIndex = OldDate.GetIndex(); // A limited while( true ) that won't go forever. for( int Count = 0; Count < 10000; Count++ ) { int Index = MForm.GetRandomNumber(); Index = Index % DomainX509RecArrayLast; DomainX509Record Rec = DomainX509RecArray[Index]; if( Rec.GetModifyTimeIndex() > OldDateIndex ) continue; // Don't get a recently used one. // if( anything else ) // continue; // return ""; // For testing with local loopback. // return ""; // Good for testing X.509. return ""; // return ""; // Bruce Schneier, the cryptographer. // return ""; // return Rec.DomainName; } return ""; // It shouldn't get here. } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in GetRandomDomainName():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); return ""; } }
internal void AddToBadWebPageCount( string Address, string SentText ) { try { IPStatusRec StatusRec; if( IPsDictionary.ContainsKey( Address )) StatusRec = IPsDictionary[Address]; else StatusRec = MakeNewStatusRec(); ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); StatusRec.TimeIndex = RightNow.GetIndex(); StatusRec.BadWebPageCount++; StatusRec.SentText = Utility.CleanAsciiString( SentText, 2048 ); IPsDictionary[Address] = StatusRec; } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in AddToBadWebPageCountCount():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); } }
internal void CloseTimedOut() { ECTime OldTime = new ECTime(); OldTime.SetToNow(); //////////////////////// OldTime.AddSeconds( -4 ); ECTime OldWebTime = new ECTime(); OldWebTime.SetToNow(); // Browsers that are cooperative don't open too many connections at once. // Denial of service people will. // This delay makes browsers that are cooperative hold off on sending more // requests until they've closed some sockets. // Apparently this is the operating system that is being cooperative. // And if this server is too busy it's not going to be calling this // function to close it until it can get around to it. // So cooperative web clients will wait. OldWebTime.AddSeconds( -0.1 ); // OldWebTime.AddSeconds( 10 ); // If I put it 10 seconds in the _future_ it works. // OldWebTime.AddSeconds( -10 ); // The socket is setting LastTransactTime when AsyncResult.IsCompleted. // So it's setting it when the socket thinks it's done sending it. ulong OldIndex = OldTime.GetIndex(); ulong OldWebIndex = OldWebTime.GetIndex(); for( int Count = 0; Count < ClientsLast; Count++ ) { if( Clients[Count] == null ) // This should never happen but... continue; if( Clients[Count].IsShutDown()) continue; /* // Close a web request only after it has started processing the request. if( Clients[Count].GetProcessingStarted()) { if( Clients[Count].GetIsAWebRequest()) { if( Clients[Count].GetLastTransactTimeIndex() < OldWebIndex ) { if( Clients[Count].IsProcessingInBackground()) { // ShowStatus( " " ); // ShowStatus( "Web request is still sending." ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Web Still Sending", "Nada", Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); } Clients[Count].FreeEverything(); } } } */ // If it's more recent than the old index then it's OK. if( Clients[Count].GetLastTransactTimeIndex() > OldIndex ) continue; /* // If this message has not already been processed. if( !Clients[Count].GetProcessingStarted()) { string InputS = Utility.GetCleanUnicodeString( Clients[Count].GetAllInputS(), 2000 ); InputS = InputS.Trim(); if( InputS.Length > 0 ) { // ShowStatus( "Timed out with: " + InputS ); } MForm.NetStats.AddToTimedOutCount( Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress(), InputS ); } */ if( Clients[Count].IsProcessingInBackground()) { ShowStatus( " " ); ShowStatus( "**************************************" ); ShowStatus( "Still sending after time out period." ); ShowStatus( "**************************************" ); ShowStatus( " " ); } // They normally time out. ShowStatus( "Closing timed out: " + Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress()); Clients[Count].FreeEverything(); } }
private void ProcessWebRequests() { if( MForm.GetIsClosing()) return; ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); for( int Count = 0; Count < ClientsLast; Count++ ) { if( Clients[Count] == null ) // This should never happen but... continue; // If this is something that has already been processed. if( Clients[Count].GetProcessingStarted()) continue; // IsShutDown is a little slower than the above checks. if( Clients[Count].IsShutDown()) continue; if( !Clients[Count].IsBrowserRequest()) continue; if( !Clients[Count].IsBrowserRequestReady()) continue; // ShowStatus( "Got a browser request 2." ); Clients[Count].SetProcessingStarted( true ); string InputS = Utility.GetCleanUnicodeString( Clients[Count].GetAllInputS(), 2000 ); // This FileName is already cleaned ASCII. string FileName = Clients[Count].GetHTTPFileRequested(); string OriginalFileName = FileName; FileName = FileName.ToLower(); FileName = FileName.Replace( "/", "" ); // ShowStatus( "FileName is: " + FileName ); if( FileName.StartsWith( "bad http:" )) { MForm.NetStats.AddToHackerCount( Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress(), InputS ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Bad HTTP", InputS, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); Clients[Count].FreeEverything(); ShowStatus( FileName ); continue; } if( FileName.StartsWith( "hacking:" )) { DailyHackCount++; MForm.NetStats.AddToHackerCount( Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress(), InputS ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Hacking", InputS, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); Clients[Count].FreeEverything(); RightNow.SetToNow(); ShowStatus( RightNow.ToLocalTimeString() + " on " + RightNow.ToLocalDateString() ); ShowStatus( FileName ); ShowStatus( " " ); continue; } RightNow.SetToNow(); string Referer = "None"; string UserAgent = "None"; if( FileName == "laplata.htm" ) { if( MForm.GetIsClosing()) return; // MForm.NetStats.AddTo... byte[] ToSendBuf = MForm.LaPlataData1.GetHTML( "smith" ); if( ToSendBuf != null ) Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( ToSendBuf, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "text/html" ); Referer = Clients[Count].GetReferer(); UserAgent = Clients[Count].GetUserAgent(); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog() ... continue; } if( !MForm.WebFData.ContainsFile( FileName )) { Clients[Count].FreeEverything(); // This is already clean ASCII. string LogText = FileName + ": " + InputS; // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "No Web File", LogText, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); MForm.NetStats.AddToBadWebPageCount( Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress(), InputS ); ShowStatus( " " ); RightNow.SetToNow(); ShowStatus( RightNow.ToLocalTimeString() + " on " + RightNow.ToLocalDateString() ); ShowStatus( "No Web File" ); ShowStatus( "Original: " + OriginalFileName ); ShowStatus( "Fixed: " + FileName ); ShowStatus( "From IP: " + Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } if( FileName.EndsWith( ".exe" ) || FileName.EndsWith( ".apk" )) { ShowStatus( " " ); RightNow.SetToNow(); ShowStatus( RightNow.ToLocalTimeString() + " on " + RightNow.ToLocalDateString() ); ShowStatus( "Request for: " + FileName ); ShowStatus( "From IP: " + Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); ShowStatus( " " ); } Referer = Clients[Count].GetReferer(); UserAgent = Clients[Count].GetUserAgent(); MForm.NetStats.AddToUserAgentAndReferer( Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress(), Referer, UserAgent ); // Increment UniqueEntityTag when it sends something. UniqueEntityTag++; // FileName is already clean ASCII, it's lower case, and trimmed. // This is a reference to the buffer, but the client copies from it. byte[] Buffer = MForm.WebFData.GetBuffer( FileName ); if( Buffer == null ) { ShowStatus( "The buffer was null for a good web request: " + FileName ); continue; } if( FileName.EndsWith( ".jpg" )) { Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "image/jpeg" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } if( FileName.EndsWith( ".gif" )) { Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "image/gif" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } if( FileName.EndsWith( ".htm" )) { Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "text/html" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } if( FileName.EndsWith( ".txt" )) { Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "text/plain" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } if( FileName.EndsWith( ".pdf" )) { Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "application/pdf" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } if( FileName == "favicon.ico" ) { Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "image/" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); continue; } // Default to sending text unless there's some other way to send it. Clients[Count].SendGenericWebResponse( Buffer, RightNow.GetIndex(), UniqueEntityTag, "text/plain" ); // MForm.ServerLog.AddToLog( "Finished Web Request", FileName, Clients[Count].GetRemoteAddress() ); } }
internal void AddToConfirmBillingCount( string Address ) { try { IPStatusRec StatusRec; if( IPsDictionary.ContainsKey( Address )) StatusRec = IPsDictionary[Address]; else StatusRec = MakeNewStatusRec(); ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); StatusRec.TimeIndex = RightNow.GetIndex(); StatusRec.ConfirmBillingCount++; StatusRec.TotalConfirmBillingCount++; IPsDictionary[Address] = StatusRec; } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in AddToConfirmBillingCount():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); } }
internal void UpdateHostNameCheckTime( string IP ) { try { IPStatusRec StatusRec; if( IPsDictionary.ContainsKey( IP )) StatusRec = IPsDictionary[IP]; else StatusRec = MakeNewStatusRec(); ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); StatusRec.TimeIndex = RightNow.GetIndex(); StatusRec.LastHostNameUpdate = RightNow.GetIndex(); IPsDictionary[IP] = StatusRec; } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in NetStatus.UpdateHostNameCheckTime():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); } }
internal bool ClearMidnightValues() { try { // The IP stuff is also kept in the server log. ECTime RecTime = new ECTime(); ECTime OldTime = new ECTime(); OldTime.SetToNow(); OldTime.AddMinutes( -(60 * 24 * 30)); // 30 days. ulong OldIndex = OldTime.GetIndex(); SortedDictionary<string, IPStatusRec> TempIPsDictionary = new SortedDictionary<string, IPStatusRec>(); foreach( KeyValuePair<string, IPStatusRec> Kvp in IPsDictionary ) { RecTime.SetFromIndex( Kvp.Value.TimeIndex ); if( RecTime.GetIndex() < OldIndex ) continue; // Keep totals on things like bad reg key count. IPStatusRec Rec = Kvp.Value; Rec.TimedOutCount = 0; Rec.GoodWebRequestCount = 0; // TotalGoodWebRequestCount // BadWebPageCount Rec.GetPublicKeyCount = 0; // Rec.TotalGetPublicKeyCount Rec.ConfirmBillingCount = 0; // Rec.TotalConfirmBillingCount TempIPsDictionary[Kvp.Key] = Rec; } IPsDictionary = TempIPsDictionary; return true; } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in ClearMidnightValues():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); return false; } }
internal void AddToUserAgentAndReferer( string Address, string Referer, string UserAgent ) { try { Referer = Utility.CleanAsciiString( Referer, 1000 ); UserAgent = Utility.CleanAsciiString( UserAgent, 1000 ); IPStatusRec StatusRec; if( IPsDictionary.ContainsKey( Address )) StatusRec = IPsDictionary[Address]; else StatusRec = MakeNewStatusRec(); ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); StatusRec.TimeIndex = RightNow.GetIndex(); StatusRec.Referer = Utility.CleanAsciiString( Referer, 2048 ); StatusRec.UserAgent = Utility.CleanAsciiString( UserAgent, 2048 ); if( RefererDictionary.ContainsKey( Referer )) RefererDictionary[Referer] = RefererDictionary[Referer] + 1; else RefererDictionary[Referer] = 1; if( UserAgentDictionary.ContainsKey( UserAgent )) UserAgentDictionary[UserAgent] = UserAgentDictionary[UserAgent] + 1; else UserAgentDictionary[UserAgent] = 1; IPsDictionary[Address] = StatusRec; } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in AddToUserAgentAndReferer():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); } }
internal void AddToPort80Count( string IP ) { if( IsBadIP( IP )) return; try { IPStatusRec StatusRec; if( IPsDictionary.ContainsKey( IP )) StatusRec = IPsDictionary[IP]; else StatusRec = MakeNewStatusRec(); ECTime RightNow = new ECTime(); RightNow.SetToNow(); StatusRec.TimeIndex = RightNow.GetIndex(); StatusRec.Port80Count++; IPsDictionary[IP] = StatusRec; } catch( Exception Except ) { MForm.ShowStatus( "Exception in AddToPort80Count():" ); MForm.ShowStatus( Except.Message ); } }