        public ComplexData Clone()
            var clone = (ComplexData)MemberwiseClone();

            clone.ListOfInts   = ListOfInts?.ToList();
            clone.nestedSimple = nestedSimple?.Clone();
        public SimpleData SomeClassB;         // Classes are automatically implemented in the UI.
        // See ??? for an example of a class with a CustomUI.

        // Proper cloning of reference types is required because behind the scenes many instances of ModConfig classes co-exist.
        public override ModConfig Clone()
            // Since ListOfInts is a reference type, we need to clone it manually so our config works properly.
            var clone = (ModConfigShowcaseDataTypes)base.Clone();

            // We use ?. and ?: here because many of these fields can be null.
            // clone.SomeList = SomeList != null ? new List<int>(SomeList) : null;
            clone.SomeArray      = (int[])SomeArray.Clone();
            clone.SomeList       = SomeList?.ToList();
            clone.SomeDictionary = SomeDictionary?.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);
            clone.SomeSet        = SomeSet != null ? new HashSet <string>(SomeSet) : null;

            clone.SomeClassA = SomeClassA == null ? null : new ItemDefinition(SomeClassA.mod, SomeClassA.name);
            clone.SomeClassB = SomeClassB?.Clone();

        public override ModConfig Clone()
            // Since ListOfInts is a reference type, we need to clone it manually so our config works properly.
            var clone = (ModConfigShowcaseMisc)base.Clone();

            // We use ?. and ?: here because many of these fields can be null.
            // clone.ListOfInts = ListOfInts != null ? new List<int>(ListOfInts) : null;
            clone.gradient                = gradient == null ? null : gradient.Clone();
            clone.StringPairDictionary    = StringPairDictionary.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value?.Clone());
            clone.JsonItemFloatDictionary = JsonItemFloatDictionary.ToDictionary(i => new ItemDefinition(i.Key.mod, i.Key.name), i => i.Value);
            clone.itemSet            = new HashSet <ItemDefinition>(itemSet);
            clone.ListOfPair2        = ListOfPair2?.ConvertAll(pair => pair.Clone());
            clone.pairExample2       = pairExample2 == null ? null : pairExample2.Clone();
            clone.simpleDataExample  = simpleDataExample == null ? null : simpleDataExample.Clone();
            clone.simpleDataExample2 = simpleDataExample2 == null ? null : simpleDataExample2.Clone();
            clone.complexData        = complexData == null ? null : complexData.Clone();